Custom Query (43 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (43 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#12236 OAuth broken team defect blocker Core
#12153 Changing sorting order in Tags/Memberships window and clicking in one tag, edits the wrong tag team defect critical Core tested
#12262 NPE when trying to open specific turn restriction in relation editor Don-vip defect critical Core latest
#12091 Merging of nodes show conflict in case that one node is part of a relation team defect major Core tested
#12245 JOSM stalls when loading child relations team defect major Core tested
#10185 automatic reload mappaint style after changing a JOSM_pref() setting team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#11918 Make obtain sources from current layers add only visible imagery sources team enhancement normal Core
#12013 New icon for landuse=landfill preset team enhancement normal Internal preset tested
#12034 [patch] Error message when using the ALKIS WMS layer wiktorn defect normal Core imagery
#12104 mapcss: partial fill team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#12133 warn about name=fixme and its variations team enhancement normal Core validator
#12135 Popular tags not in internal presets (2/2) team enhancement normal Internal preset
#12136 Add specific icons for office=* items team enhancement normal Internal preset
#12140 WMTS loop for team defect normal Core imagery latest
#12149 [PATCH] Add cannonical list of car and motorcycle brands team enhancement normal Internal preset
#12151 No scrollbar in WMTS service list wiktorn enhancement normal Core imagery
#12152 Provide hostname with SNI when using https Don-vip enhancement normal Core
#12155 North-Pole-Node seems to destroy the Map in JOSM team defect normal Core latest
#12156 The word Ford can mean two things team defect normal Internal preset latest
#12168 Exception when using WMTS of team defect normal Core imagery latest
#12181 [PATCH] Add Netherlands RD projection team enhancement normal Core
#12185 [PATCH] support latitude of natural origin for Transverse Mercator projection team enhancement normal Core
#12188 ProjectionRegressionTest failure after [9106] team defect normal Core
#12189 Automatic preference update for wiki urls not working team defect normal Core
#12191 Color-code the object history viewer team enhancement normal Core
#12201 [patch] New presets icons in svg Don-vip enhancement normal Internal preset latest
#12217 [patch] conflict resolver does not update apply button after (all) relation decisions (keep/remove) have been resolved team defect normal Core latest
#12229 Unit test for audio playback on Linux team enhancement normal Core audio
#12231 Uniform access to HTTP resources simon04 enhancement normal Core
#12238 Restore saved view location after loading session simon04 defect normal Core latest
#12239 Hidden objects can be selected using double and middle click team defect normal Core latest
#12242 Wrong icon for shop=hifi team enhancement normal Internal preset
#12244 Menu rework breaks shortcut preferences team defect normal Core
#12250 Error when loading session containing layer converted from .gpx Math1985 defect normal Core
#12252 Ways not allowed to combine, if belongs to different relations Plutoz defect normal Core latest
#12253 exception when cancelling note download team defect normal Core notes tested
#12256 Unreadable text with light-on-dark system theme Don-vip defect normal Core imagery
#12257 Caret in edit fields is dark when using a dark system theme team defect normal Core
#12259 Colors in relation editor (using dark system theme) team defect normal Core
#12260 Table views with dark system theme team defect normal Core
#12183 Registered toolbar action bug when deleting a layer team defect minor Core latest
#12205 Add deprecated tags to validator team enhancement minor Core validator
#12182 Plus sign (add node on way) renders different depending on place=* presence team defect trivial Core latest
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.