Custom Query (106 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 106)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#9857 Address Preset doesn't keep the entry from before new team defect normal
#9981 add S3DB preset new team enhancement normal
#10310 remove shop=yes and shop=no from presets new team enhancement normal
#11122 add shop=motorcycle_repair new team enhancement normal
#11182 update preset Sports/sport/skiing new team enhancement normal
#12361 "social_facility:for=" problem new team enhancement normal
#12592 add memorial=stolpersteine new team enhancement normal
#13900 Presets: Add a combobox for name new team enhancement normal
#15309 Add Key healthcare with Subtags new team enhancement normal
#15530 Designated direction for railway tracks new team enhancement normal
#15751 [PATCH] oneway=reversible|alternating for highways new team enhancement normal
#16315 add indoor=* to internal preset new team enhancement normal
#16409 Not rendering some office=* types new team enhancement normal
#16654 add shop=religion & shop=general new team enhancement normal
#16658 Add highway=corridor, attraction=animal, man_made=water_tap new team enhancement normal
#16862 Add swimming_area new team enhancement normal
#17014 "produce" key new naoliv enhancement normal
#17078 [PATCH] update clothes in preset new team enhancement normal
#17103 Add unsigned_ref to presets new team enhancement normal
#17562 Changing/creating the preset for embassies, consulate and liaison new team enhancement normal
#17959 add shop=agrarian and shop=trade new team enhancement normal
#18135 Add emergency=access_point preset and map style new team enhancement normal
#18942 add railway=stop new team enhancement normal
#19434 include socket:type2_cable in default preset reopened team enhancement normal
#19615 add mofa/moped=use_sidepath to access preset new team enhancement normal
#19642 Update building and building:part values and add more categorical building presets new team enhancement normal
#19978 New preset: dancing_school new team enhancement normal
#19982 tram_crossing and tram_level_crossing new team enhancement normal
#20023 Add childcare (rendering) new team enhancement normal
#20102 [WIP Patch] Add area:highway new team enhancement normal
#20197 Highway=… related presets: add maxspeed:type to presets new team enhancement normal
#20208 Missing sport in club=sport preset new team enhancement normal
#20362 information=board --> ask board:title instead of name new team enhancement normal
#20421 Power preset additions for transfomer and power plant new team enhancement normal
#20426 Request preset for emergency_bay new team enhancement normal
#20446 Add preset item "Municipality" for Presets\Geography\Places\ new team enhancement normal
#20494 [WIP patch] Add priority=forward / priority=backward in presets new team enhancement normal
#20791 Add `highway=busway` preset new team enhancement normal
#20833 [WIP Patch] Restrictions `no_exit` and `no_entry` missing new team defect normal
#21081 Own presets for enforcement relations per type of enforcement new team enhancement normal
#21173 [WIP patch] Improve historic=ruins preset new team enhancement normal
#21263 Railway signals: Common non-country-specific presets new team enhancement normal
#21311 Preset amenity=vehicle_inspection is missing new team enhancement normal
#21358 Update substance values new team enhancement normal
#21468 Add red;white preset colour value to power towers new team enhancement normal
#21482 Tidy, polish or completely update style and preset icons new team enhancement normal Longterm
#21602 Role verification problem with route_marker as member of recreation route new team enhancement normal
#21742 Proposal add presets new team enhancement normal
#21743 Add preset for music school new team enhancement normal
#21789 Add snowshoeing and running checkboxes to guidepost preset new team enhancement normal
#21814 Please add a preset for post_office=* and modify the "Post Office" preset new team enhancement normal
#21907 [WIP-Patch] Update leisure values in sport presets and add one for ice_rink (Was: Remove horse_riding (facility) from preset for sport=horse_racing) new team enhancement normal
#21911 Add support for boundary=forest and boundary=forest_compartment new team enhancement normal
#21927 [Patch] Add optional direction tag to cycleway=asl preset new team enhancement normal
#21963 Spelling of "center" and other words with differences in AE vs. BE new Klumbumbus enhancement normal
#21964 Include leisure=sports_hall assigned skyper enhancement normal
#22083 Add tunnel=* and bridge=* to highway preset [RFC patch] new team enhancement normal
#22220 golf=bunker preset should offer surface as a sub tag rather than natural new team enhancement normal
#22245 Add more presets for wind turbines new team enhancement normal
#22353 Add internal presets for charging station output new team enhancement normal
#22431 Add tag "capacity:charging" in preset "presets/vehicle/parking" new team enhancement normal
#22441 Reconsider fee=<interval> syntax in internal presets new team task normal
#22472 add denotation to tree_row preset new team enhancement normal
#22553 Support new amenity=loading_dock new team enhancement normal
#22583 Wrong tag in Kart Racing Template new team defect normal
#22617 Include shop=agrarian new team enhancement normal
#22677 [PATCH][RFC] Give hints as to what tags are being matched (was remove man_made=communications_tower) needinfo SherbetS enhancement normal
#22735 Add type=site to preset Wind Power Plant new team enhancement normal
#22748 Extend utility=* to buildings, street cabinets and industrial landuses new team enhancement normal
#22841 [patch] Trunk and some highway links not possible to set on closed way when using presets new team defect normal
#22849 Support traffic_signals:vibration new team enhancement normal
#22896 add self_service=yes and vending_machine=fuel to amenity=fuel presets new team enhancement normal
#22910 Add massage= to shop=massage preset new team enhancement normal
#22926 Add support for man_made=charge_point new team enhancement normal
#22999 Kann man disued:shop als feste Regel einführen? - Can you use disused:shop as a fixed rule? Often there are wrong entries like "disued:shop" new team enhancement normal
#23005 [WIP patch] Add preset railway=derail new team enhancement normal
#23056 Add on_kerb and half_on_kerb values to parking preset new team enhancement normal
#23211 Validator gives error message when there are high lane counts at motorway tollgates new team defect normal
#23274 add preset funeral hall new team enhancement normal
#23311 [patch] Add natural=hill preset new team enhancement normal
#23434 Sync presets for street_lamp lamp_type between JOSM and Wiki-page new team enhancement normal
#23438 Missing Moped access for cycleway new team enhancement normal
#23441 Missing preset bicycle=dismount new team enhancement normal
#23445 Support traffic_signals=* new team enhancement normal
#23616 Nodes without roles generate unnecessary warnings in walking relations, specifically Node2Node routes in Node Networks. new team defect normal
#23694 [Patch] Add armrest tag to the default preset for amenity=bench new team enhancement normal
#23873 Check power related presets and add validation assigned gaben task normal
#23949 [PATCH] sidewalk=* missing new team defect normal
#23977 [PATCH] Add railway=train_station_entrance to standard preset and mapstyle new team enhancement normal
#23997 [Patch] Add "strolling" value to sac_scale new team enhancement normal
#24041 Add preset amenity=research_institute new team enhancement normal
#24057 Make the charging station preset also apply to areas new team enhancement normal
#24058 Create tagging preset for man_made=charge_point new team enhancement normal
#11417 [PATCH] update dump station preset: add freshwater fill tag new team enhancement minor
#16137 Candidates for internal preset new team enhancement minor Longterm
#18574 Distinguish icons of boundaries new team enhancement minor
#20731 Relation checker doesn't accept role "main" and demands "<empty>" for route=hiking new team defect minor
#21284 city_limit tag for city limit sign preset new team enhancement minor
#21681 Icon with more contrast/colors needed for man_made=tower in default preset and style new team enhancement minor
#21793 Add new preset for avalanche transceiver training zone and checkpoint new team enhancement minor
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