Custom Query (15 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#13920 IllegalArgumentException: does not contain '=' team defect normal 8 years
#14131 Bridge relation: False positive "Role member type way does not match" for incomplete outline team defect normal latest 8 years
#14132 layer=* needs to be taken into account for overlapping areas. team defect normal latest 8 years
#14163 OSX - NPE in validator while merging duplicate nodes in separate relations team defect normal 8 years
#14645 Validator: ignoring "Crossing ways" group will actually ignore all"crossing XXX" validators team defect normal latest 8 years
#14665 Validator incorrectly folds first-level categories when ignoring elements team defect normal latest 8 years
#14766 Self-intersection check not working for multipolygons team defect normal tested 7 years
#15032 MapCSS classes are not set if defined in information-level rules Klumbumbus defect normal 7 years
#15135 [PATCH] Support conditional syntax for turn restrictions team defect normal 7 years
#15409 Do not autochange power=cable_distribution_cabinet to street_cabinet=power team defect normal 7 years
#15439 Suspected Validator bugs & cleanup team enhancement normal 7 years
#15453 validator warning "bridge:structure without bridge" for man_made=bridge objects team defect normal 7 years
#15463 layer=0,5 gives "layer should be between -5 and 5" team enhancement normal 7 years
#15480 Prüfungsergebnis für pole=air_to_ground ist veraltet (JOSM 12921) team defect normal 7 years
#15479 [PATCH] Include meters as a valid unit for distance team enhancement minor 7 years
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.