Custom Query (1219 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 1219)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#6141 extend confict message on upload and provide a button to update. (WAS: warn before upload old/outdated data) new team enhancement critical
#6151 If upload ends with internal server error, no warning is shown new team defect critical
#7103 relation conflict dialog may lead to empty relations new team defect critical
#17677 Large upload with multiple changesets fails silently. Failed to automatically close a full changeset. new team defect critical
#571 node placement tools new team enhancement major
#724 Josm Extrude for multiple elements new team enhancement major
#2318 snap to ways / nodes while in select/move mode new team enhancement major
#2319 snap to markers new team enhancement major
#2710 [WIP Patch] The preferences should have multiple server profiles new team enhancement major
#2891 (unfinished PATCH) new mapmode for circles new Landwirt enhancement major
#4509 In addition to "conflicts", detect and resolve "potential map anomalies" new team enhancement major
#4798 relation editor: highlight "doubled" members with different roles differently than "doubled" members with the same role new team enhancement major
#4925 Dialog are placed wrong on dual-head X11 new team defect major
#5038 Proposal for editing object attributes in spreadsheet mode new team enhancement major
#5190 Rectify fails in WGS84 new team defect major
#5215 Automatically detect and fix situations, where server accepted upload and JOSM assumes upload failure new team defect major
#5325 Auto-Save when uploading, after each successful block of data. new team enhancement major
#6002 "Upload selection" should not check for parents new team defect major
#6518 select and edit actions performed in inactive layer. new team defect major
#6764 Selecting anything in the vicinity of selected nodes is nearly impossible new team defect major
#6997 zoom controls for the slippy map new team enhancement major
#7282 OsmTransferCanceledException while opening changeset or uploading changes new team defect major
#7293 conflict when replacing a way in an inclomplete loaded relation with a new way new team defect major
#7297 Conflict management - Synchronize datasets efficiently new team defect major
#7807 State based drawing new team enhancement major
#8019 Sort relations by directional roles new team defect major
#8085 conflict management and deleted nodes and ways new team enhancement major
#8830 Keep autosave files in case of a crash new team defect major
#8835 Button to send download to background new team enhancement major
#8968 Combining ways: Roles not adjusted when changing direction new team defect major
#9353 Sync JOSM between multiple computers new team enhancement major
#11641 Hang when I close application and after popup send before exit new team defect major
#12630 IllegalStateException: Tag collection does not include the selected value new team defect major
#12726 Include command stack actions in saved sessions new team enhancement major
#12872 Allow hierarchical layers new team enhancement major
#13160 Some kind of deadlock which prevents typing in textboxes new team defect major
#14196 Conflict manager allows to create inconsistent ways with zero or only one node new team defect major
#14210 JOSM does not give a message to the user when running out of memory new team enhancement major
#14404 Support similar/alternative words when searching for a preset new team enhancement major
#14426 "what changed but not yet saved" view reopened team enhancement major
#15229 modular structure for JOSM core new team enhancement major Longterm
#16169 DataIntegrityProblemException: "Relation member must be part of the same dataset as relation" during road cut when editing a relation new team defect major
#16258 GDPR related API changes new team enhancement major
#16860 Resolve all dependencies and tools using Apache Ivy reopened team enhancement major Longterm
#16932 IAE: Node is already deleted (DeleteAction) new team defect major
#17842 Integration with OSM wiki data items new team enhancement major Longterm
#17858 OpenWebStart/Java 17 migration assigned Don-vip enhancement major Longterm
#18992 Tagging Preset: No information exchange between linked presets new team defect major
#19101 [security] provide checksum url for downloads new team enhancement major
#20006 Merge layer: specific order of layers needed to find conflicts new team defect major
#20643 Relation editor: Disable full sort and sort everything below for relations with incomplete members. new team enhancement major
#20919 Review/apply/reject all pending patches new team task major Longterm
#21221 Relation editor: Preset link: DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset while editing a relation new team defect major
#22383 autosave restores older file than the local file new team defect major
#23319 GUI Problem new team defect major
#23577 Problems with combining transactions "Replace geometry Ctrl+Shift-G" and "Join areas Shift-J" since update to actual version 19017 new team defect major
#21 Bookmarks new team enhancement normal
#1708 JOSM should not make me wait for up/downloading data but do it in background new team enhancement normal
#1981 rotate map view new team enhancement normal
#2212 can't edit over 180th meridian new team defect normal
#2372 Add GeoTIFF support assigned Don-vip enhancement normal Longterm
#2694 add snapping Distance in GUI-Preferences new team enhancement normal
#3034 open relation editor by click on turn-restriction symbol new team enhancement normal
#3118 Indicate what background processes JOSM is running new team enhancement normal
#3417 GPX parsing error messages shown in the console aren't shown in the UI new team enhancement normal
#3464 varying behaviour using Enter and Escape new team defect normal
#3560 Tool bar buttons: add small arrow indicating submenu new team enhancement normal
#3607 working with download bounding boxes new team enhancement normal
#3743 wish: sign for snap crossing new team enhancement normal
#3746 Allow reverting objects to previous state in history dialog new team enhancement normal
#4112 Relation editor: Allow selecting objects in the relation editor selection list to apply operations to new team enhancement normal
#4145 [PATCH][RFC] Show upload progress when uploading osmChange new team enhancement normal
#4215 Changeset object counter new team enhancement normal
#4299 Group related objects when in chunked mode new team enhancement normal
#4368 conflict-list sorting new team enhancement normal
#4399 tree-view for relation-list new team enhancement normal
#4507 conflict manager: option to switch freeze after all members on/off. new team enhancement normal
#4518 Update data: option to treat objects potentially deleted on the server as conflicts new team enhancement normal
#4596 Relations are not always easily distinguishable new team enhancement normal
#4615 conflict manager: tags: provide buttons use all my/their tags new team enhancement normal
#4654 warning when deleting an object with remaining conflict new team enhancement normal
#4689 conflict management: Remember width of columns in member window new team enhancement normal
#4738 no_left_turn turn restrictions are displayed in 2 different ways. new team enhancement normal
#4746 conflict manager: please highlight deleted members and conflict in roles separately new team enhancement normal
#4748 conflict manager: member dialog: possibility to apply role to all selected members new team enhancement normal
#4819 Increase "out of memory threshold" new team enhancement normal
#5033 Add preferences dialog to reset "Do not show me again" messages new team enhancement normal
#5034 When automatic request answer are used, warn user new team enhancement normal
#5060 Add nodes by heading/distance. new team enhancement normal
#5079 Orthoganalize nodes that are not connected by ways new team enhancement normal
#5097 [α Patch] possibility to repeat the last action (macro recording) new team enhancement normal
#5205 Support Undo in relation editor new team enhancement normal
#5214 duplicate nodes after failed upload new team defect normal
#5233 Reload file from disk new team enhancement normal
#5315 Also show note=* for nodes/ways, not only for relations; DEFAULT_NAMING_TAGS_FOR_RELATIONS for nodes/ways new team enhancement normal
#5355 Infinite loop in download window on OutOfMemory new team defect normal
#5381 mouse cursor not always what it should be reopened dieterdreist defect normal
#5404 OSM-API-close and HTTP-Request-Pipelining don't work over some proxies - JOSM must be restarted for further edits reopened Fabi2 defect normal
#5421 Please make SimplifyArea plugin to be part of the JOSM core new team enhancement normal
#5439 Implement ability to hide selected object new team enhancement normal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.