Custom Query (31 matches)


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Status: closed (30 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#15177 Query changesets: Make JMultilineLabel clickable team enhancement minor latest fixed
#15335 Add most basic examples for Add Node team enhancement trivial latest fixed
#15368 Button that selects the relation from relation editor team enhancement normal fixed
#15369 [PATCH] download area display in SlippyMapBBoxChooser team enhancement normal latest fixed
#15414 [PATCH] Redesign of SlippyMapBBoxChooser's SourceButton team enhancement normal fixed
#15436 Store cache data of plugins in cache location team enhancement normal fixed
#15464 [PATCH] Allow plugins to modify the changeset tags before upload team enhancement normal fixed
#15474 [PATCH] Include WhoDidIt in changeset history team enhancement normal fixed
#15481 Silence FileNotFoundException team enhancement minor fixed
#14492 Merging already deleted node team defect normal fixed
#14602 Confusion between digit group separators and decimal marks team defect minor fixed
#14961 IAE: Last unit does not have enough valid bits team defect normal fixed
#15126 NPE at SelectionManager.getSelectedObjects team defect normal fixed
#15378 title of the "create relation" window with preset team defect minor fixed
#15406 Illegal reflective access in geotools naoliv defect normal fixed
#15410 Color preferences overhaul team defect normal fixed
#15413 String "Expected integer number => 0" looks wrong team defect normal latest fixed
#15420 NPE at ParallelWays.copyNode webfil defect normal fixed
#15427 NPE at ExifReader.readAxis anonymous defect normal fixed
#15429 NoSuchElementException at AlignInLineAction.alignMultiWay Don-vip defect normal fixed
#15435 do not cache incorrect login credentials team defect normal latest fixed
#15443 Can't open JOSM if RightAndLefthandTraffic database has to be rebuilt Don-vip defect major fixed
#15444 NPE at VersionInfoPanel.lambda$build$0 team defect normal fixed
#15449 JOSM version checker is broken team defect normal fixed
#15455 Overpass queries are not saved to preferences team defect major tested fixed
#15458 IOOBE at ImproveWayAccuracyAction.paint team defect normal latest fixed
#15462 UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jpeg in java.library.path team defect normal fixed
#15466 Data filtering is not working properly for nodes team defect normal latest fixed
#15484 ClassCastException when create empty data layer team defect normal fixed
#15494 NPE at ConditionFactory$PseudoClasses.selected (searching for :selected pseudo class) team defect normal fixed

Status: reopened (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#15374 problem deleting multilevel relations team defect normal latest
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.