Custom Query (22 matches)


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Status: closed (22 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#3123 JOSM should have a .desktop file for KDE/Gnome/etc team enhancement minor fixed
#10055 Display preset dialog on preset link even without dataset team defect normal fixed
#10069 create an AppData file for JOSM team enhancement normal fixed
#10165 Wrong waypoint order in exported GPX team defect normal fixed
#10175 JOSM may check in "You have encountered an error in JOSM." whatever user is using latest JOSM team enhancement minor fixed
#10320 Show active change count in "Command stack" window (like it is done for filters) team enhancement normal fixed
#10332 Create or update your PPA for install in Mint team defect normal fixed
#10348 Exception when using F1 (Go to OSM wiki) on a relation without "type" key team defect normal fixed
#10371 Use https for the link given to update team enhancement normal fixed
#10388 Incomplete download of relation members team defect normal fixed
#10389 rename "Copy Key/Value" to "Copy selected Keys/Values" team enhancement normal fixed
#10433 JOSM does not list opened .osm files to "Open Recent ->" menu item. team defect normal fixed
#10434 [patch] Initial classes to hold Notes data team enhancement normal fixed
#10441 No changesets causes API validation error team defect normal fixed
#10445 [patch] Allow NoteReader to automatically determine XML style being parsed team enhancement normal fixed
#8885 disable network at start (provide an offline function) team enhancement normal latest fixed
#10410 session: imagery layer settings not stored team defect normal latest fixed
#10442 German Translation for "unselect nodes" team enhancement minor latest fixed
#10328 AssertionError when adding tag (is_right_hand_traffic) bastiK defect normal tested fixed
#10362 Alignment of Advanced tab in upload screen is off team defect normal tested fixed
#10392 the menus are incomplete on small displays (netbooks) anonymous defect major tested fixed
#10444 ConcurrentModificationException on key press team defect normal tested fixed
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.