Custom Query (33 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (33 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#15395 Failed to create missing cache directory team defect blocker 7 years
#15294 Java 9: CCE: QuadStateCheckBox$QuadStateDecorator cannot be cast to JToggleButton$ToggleButtonModel team defect major 7 years
#9995 [PATCH] Icons and fonts too small with HIDPI displays team defect normal tested 10 years
#10777 [patch] Use a multiplier instead of a fixed "createcircle.nodecount" team enhancement normal latest 10 years
#14578 [Patch] Use osmhv as external history viewer team enhancement normal 7 years
#15025 plugin ClassLoader #14901 does not allow access to required classes team defect normal 7 years
#15104 tick box sensitivity in Preset windows extends across the window team defect normal tested 7 years
#15198 JOSM freezes after showing popup for unsuccesfull search team defect normal 7 years
#15224 CCE: TagTransferData cannot be cast to PrimitiveTagTransferData team defect normal 7 years
#15226 [PATCH] support for compiling without JavaFX Don-vip enhancement normal latest 7 years
#15228 Support missing Overpass Turbo extended shortcuts team enhancement normal 7 years
#15232 Allow user to request feedback when saving team enhancement normal 7 years
#15249 AIOOBE at MapStatus.setHelpText team defect normal 7 years
#15252 IllegalArgumentException: Parameter 'data' must not be null Don-vip defect normal 7 years
#15254 NoSuchElementException with turnlanes-tagging Don-vip defect normal 7 years
#15262 IndexOutOfBoundsException at using shortcut for paste Don-vip defect normal 7 years
#15267 Small problems with "Download from Overpass API" dialog GerdP defect normal 7 years
#15268 Crush when panning Don-vip defect normal latest 7 years
#15273 extend command line interface: commands team enhancement normal 7 years
#15274 [Patch] Support URLs with other protocol than `http` or `https` for plugin sites team enhancement normal 7 years
#15275 Download dialog does not remember settings team defect normal latest 7 years
#15282 JOSM reloads multiple times a local style/validation file team defect normal 7 years
#15293 A lot of NoSuchFileExceptions team defect normal 7 years
#15297 There is no openjdk-9-jre on openSUSE team defect normal 7 years
#15298 Use rpm return value instead of localized message team enhancement normal 7 years
#15315 NPE in eastNorth team defect normal 7 years
#15327 [PATCH] small cleanup and "fix" for CreateCircleAction team enhancement normal 7 years
#15333 Plugin scripting - error when run script Don-vip defect normal tested 7 years
#15348 [PATCH] Include OSMCha in history viewer team enhancement normal 7 years
#15372 AssertionError at startup : verifying plugins required conditions ocivelo@… defect normal 7 years
#15375 JOSM freezes after showing popup for unsuccesfull search team defect normal 7 years
#15380 translation issue team defect normal 7 years
#15387 IAE occurs when pasting tags into relation editor using "Paste tags from buffer" Don-vip defect normal 7 years
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.