Custom Query (22 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (22 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#12073 "sort values" results in exception team defect critical latest 9 years
#12016 History dialog in rare cases shows a way was reversed when it wasn't. team defect major latest 9 years
#12082 Sorting relation with stop_exit_only role simon04 defect major tested 9 years
#12115 Update code signing certificate Don-vip enhancement major 9 years
#9463 [Patch] add filtering of tags simon04 enhancement normal 11 years
#9491 [Patch] ask before allowing to move node that is attached to ways fully hidden by filters simon04 enhancement normal 11 years
#11859 [Patch] Presets cut off on small screens team enhancement normal 9 years
#12028 Hide/disable way splitting dialog team defect normal 9 years
#12036 Add Norwegian Bokmal language team enhancement normal 9 years
#12038 Using purge command one one specific administrative boundary causes an error team defect normal 9 years
#12041 Wrong message in relation member deletion confirmation team defect normal 9 years
#12047 Closing CombinePrimitiveResolverDialog does not abort the merge/combine action simon04 defect normal 9 years
#12052 Splitting a self intersecting way does not highlight the right segments before the split team defect normal tested 9 years
#12059 convert gpx-layer to data-layer not working if in session.joz team defect normal 9 years
#12060 delete of large numbers of selections (like all highways, all landuse ) fails team defect normal 9 years
#12084 Option to hide the horizontal toolbar team enhancement normal 9 years
#12088 Unable to save session with WMTS layers simon04 defect normal latest 9 years
#12110 wrong translation of relation "description" in Selection and Relation toggle dialog team defect normal 9 years
#12112 [Patch] Use java.util.Properties to read REVISION file in the Version-class floscher enhancement normal latest 9 years
#12118 error without any reason anonymous defect normal 9 years
#12128 Improve error message of preset defects at startup team enhancement normal tested 9 years
#12100 Source string improvement TileSelectionBBoxChooser team defect trivial 9 years
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.