Custom Query (51 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#4509 In addition to "conflicts", detect and resolve "potential map anomalies" new skyper team enhancement major
#20919 Review/apply/reject all pending patches new stoecker, Don-vip, GerdP, Klumbumbus, skyper, taylor.smock team task major
#3118 Indicate what background processes JOSM is running new nikolaymetchev@…, skyper team enhancement normal
#3746 Allow reverting objects to previous state in history dialog new skyper, naoliv team enhancement normal
#4507 conflict manager: option to switch freeze after all members on/off. new skyper team enhancement normal
#4615 conflict manager: tags: provide buttons use all my/their tags new skyper team enhancement normal
#4626 parallelize validator checks new Don-vip, GerdP, skyper team enhancement normal
#4654 warning when deleting an object with remaining conflict new skyper, bastiK team enhancement normal
#5205 Support Undo in relation editor new skyper team enhancement normal
#5846 AssertionError when undoing PurgeCommand new skyper team defect normal
#5900 Presets: combo box styled element to setting the key to a fixed predefined value new skyper ce enhancement normal
#6302 general function for splitting areas into multiple rows and columns new skyper team enhancement normal
#6648 Form need fields for time restrictions new stoecker, bastiK, skyper team enhancement normal
#6870 Increase Readability of Available Presets new skyper team enhancement normal
#6973 New function: Break apart intersecting areas new skyper enhancement normal
#7397 UX improvements for click handling on validator bugs new naoliv, skyper team enhancement normal
#7479 Debug layer to show node movement new skyper team enhancement normal
#7537 Load history-data in background new skyper team enhancement normal
#8460 Validator checks for Public Traffic Proposal relations new skyper, simon04, darya team enhancement normal
#8612 Next version of remote control API new Don-vip, stoecker, bastiK, skyper, simon04 team enhancement normal
#8864 Include some functions from Utilsplugin2 new stoecker, Don-vip, bastiK, simon04, skyper, joshdoe, Zverikk, akks team enhancement normal
#9270 Show icons on map also for areas and lines, not only for nodes reopened skyper, Klumbumbus team enhancement normal
#9528 Align nodes to rectangle - don't change when calling twice new skyper team enhancement normal
#10435 Improvements to user-settings for mapcss mappaint styles new skyper, imagic, richlv team enhancement normal
#10736 JOSM ignores keyboard shortcuts after opening another window new skyper team defect normal
#11367 Download notes when using remote control on with note layer enabled new Klumbumbus, skyper team enhancement normal
#11368 Merge locally modified note comments when downloading notes new skyper ToeBee enhancement normal
#11373 Sorting within stop/platform members of type=route relations new Weide, skyper team enhancement normal
#13604 IAE: Cannot paint layer, it is not registered (OsmDataLayer) reopened michael2402, baditaflorin, skyper, hs-rook, anderfo, dh0dz@… team defect normal
#17533 Check waterway flow direction reopened Klumbumbus, gaben, taylor.smock, skyper team enhancement normal
#17927 Rollback Introduction page to ver 65 new Klumbumbus, Don-vip, Skyper, DiGro, leni team enhancement normal
#18133 [Patch draft] Undo edit to selected object(s) new skyper team enhancement normal
#18748 WikiStart Start Page - How much details for download options? new Hb---, Skyper, DiGro, Klumbumbus, simon04 team defect normal
#18893 [Patch] OpeningHourTest highlight erroneous part in string assigned skyper, SimonPoole simon04 enhancement normal
#18938 Launch JOSM help always in web browser new skyper team enhancement normal
#19077 Presets: label suffix/unit at end of text input box reopened skyper team enhancement normal
#19470 History browser: retain selection after (re)loading of history new skyper team defect normal
#20024 No warning when multipolygon preset is applied to multipolygon new Klumbumbus, skyper team defect normal
#20057 Improve handling of preference `validator.UnconnectedWays.way_way_distance` assigned Klumbumbus, skyper, francois.lacombe GerdP enhancement normal
#20159 Split way: Change "Which way segment should reuse the history" to modal? new simon04, Skyper team defect normal
#20663 [patch] Area style on outer way not flagged when different river area taggings are combined assigned skyper, Klumbumbus GerdP defect normal
#20770 Merge two context menus in History browser (coordinates) new simon04, skyper team enhancement normal
#21308 defaultpresets.xml revamp assigned skyper reichg task normal
#21341 Access restriction node without object new skyper team enhancement normal
#22001 display_value's in presets ignored when sorting value list new skyper, marcello@… team defect normal
#22049 multiselect field emptied after new dialog opened new skyper, marcello@… team defect normal
#23873 Check power related presets and add validation assigned francois.lacombe, skyper, team gaben task normal
#24070 Allow tracktype=grade2 together with surface=ground new mkoniecz, skyper team defect normal
#3384 Prevent modified status even if no real modification has been done new bilbo, skyper team enhancement minor
#4494 conflict manager: do not block josm totally new skyper team enhancement minor
#24035 Extend ignoretags with documented cuisine values new skyper team enhancement minor
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.