update i18n
I18n - drop broken vi.lang files
fix #24121, fix null access
disable inactive social media
fix CID 1591123, add missing break
increase JMapViewer to 2.24, fix #24116
Fix most new PMD issues
It would be better to use the newer switch syntax introduced in Java 14 (JEP 361), but we currently target Java 11+. When we move to Java 17, this should be reverted and the newer switch syntax should be used.
i18n update
add Taylor
update pmd
Revert errorprone to 2.31 since that was the last version to officially work on Java 11
fix PMD
fix another valid PMD complain
i18n updates
Fix compile errors
remove most of the new PMD messages (forgot to save one file befor submit :-)
remove most of the new PMD messages
Fix test broken by dependency updates
EqualsVerifier did not like having two fields with the same name for an object.