package public_transport; import static; import static; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.Format; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; import; import javax.swing.DefaultListModel; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener; import javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent; import javax.swing.event.TableModelListener; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.JosmAction; import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.Command; import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.ChangeCommand; import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.DeleteCommand; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; public class StopImporterAction extends JosmAction { private class TracksLSL implements ListSelectionListener { StopImporterAction root = null; public TracksLSL(StopImporterAction sia) { root = sia; } public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { root.tracksSelectionChanged(); } }; private class TrackReference implements Comparable< TrackReference >, TableModelListener { public GpxTrack track; public StoplistTableModel stoplistTM; public String stopwatchStart; public String gpsStartTime; public String gpsSyncTime; public double timeWindow; public double threshold; public TrackReference(GpxTrack track) { this.track = track; this.stoplistTM = new StoplistTableModel(this); this.stopwatchStart = "00:00:00"; this.gpsStartTime = null; this.gpsSyncTime = null; if (track != null) { Iterator< GpxTrackSegment > siter = track.getSegments().iterator(); while ((siter.hasNext()) && (this.gpsSyncTime == null)) { Iterator< WayPoint > witer =; if (witer.hasNext()) { this.gpsStartTime ="time"); if (this.gpsStartTime != null) this.gpsSyncTime = this.gpsStartTime.substring(11, 19); } } if (this.gpsSyncTime == null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "The GPX file doesn't contain valid trackpoints. " + "Please use a GPX file that has trackpoints.", "GPX File Trouble", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); this.gpsStartTime = "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"; this.gpsSyncTime = this.stopwatchStart; } } else this.gpsSyncTime = this.stopwatchStart; this.timeWindow = 20; this.threshold = 20; } public int compareTo(TrackReference tr) { String name = (String)track.getAttributes().get("name"); String tr_name = (String)tr.track.getAttributes().get("name"); if (name != null) { if (tr_name == null) return -1; return name.compareTo(tr_name); } return 1; } public String toString() { String buf = (String)track.getAttributes().get("name"); if (buf == null) return "unnamed"; return buf; } public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) { if (e.getType() == TableModelEvent.UPDATE) { double time = parseTime ((String)stoplistTM.getValueAt(e.getFirstRow(), 0)); if (time < 0) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Can't parse a time from this string.", "Invalid value", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } LatLon latLon = computeCoor(time); if (stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(e.getFirstRow()) == null) { Node node = createNode (latLon, (String)stoplistTM.getValueAt(e.getFirstRow(), 1)); stoplistTM.nodes.set(e.getFirstRow(), node); } else { Node node = new Node(stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(e.getFirstRow())); node.setCoor(latLon); node.put("name", (String)stoplistTM.getValueAt(e.getFirstRow(), 1)); Command cmd = new ChangeCommand(stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(e.getFirstRow()), node); if (cmd != null) { Main.main.undoRedo.add(cmd); } } } } public LatLon computeCoor(double time) { double gpsSyncTime = parseTime(this.gpsSyncTime); double dGpsStartTime = parseTime(gpsStartTime); if (gpsSyncTime < dGpsStartTime - 12*60*60) gpsSyncTime += 24*60*60; double timeDelta = gpsSyncTime - parseTime(stopwatchStart); time += timeDelta; WayPoint wayPoint = null; WayPoint lastWayPoint = null; double wayPointTime = 0; double lastWayPointTime = 0; Iterator< GpxTrackSegment > siter = track.getSegments().iterator(); while (siter.hasNext()) { Iterator< WayPoint > witer =; while (witer.hasNext()) { wayPoint =; String startTime = wayPoint.getString("time"); wayPointTime = parseTime(startTime.substring(11, 19)); if (startTime.substring(11, 19).compareTo(gpsStartTime.substring(11, 19)) == -1) wayPointTime += 24*60*60; if (wayPointTime >= time) break; lastWayPoint = wayPoint; lastWayPointTime = wayPointTime; } if (wayPointTime >= time) break; } double lat = 0; if ((wayPointTime == lastWayPointTime) || (lastWayPoint == null)) lat = wayPoint.getCoor().lat(); else lat = wayPoint.getCoor().lat() *(time - lastWayPointTime)/(wayPointTime - lastWayPointTime) + lastWayPoint.getCoor().lat() *(wayPointTime - time)/(wayPointTime - lastWayPointTime); double lon = 0; if ((wayPointTime == lastWayPointTime) || (lastWayPoint == null)) lon = wayPoint.getCoor().lon(); else lon = wayPoint.getCoor().lon() *(time - lastWayPointTime)/(wayPointTime - lastWayPointTime) + lastWayPoint.getCoor().lon() *(wayPointTime - time)/(wayPointTime - lastWayPointTime); return new LatLon(lat, lon); } public void relocateNodes() { for (int i = 0; i < stoplistTM.nodes.size(); ++i) { Node node = stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(i); if (node == null) continue; double time = parseTime ((String)stoplistTM.getValueAt(i, 0)); LatLon latLon = computeCoor(time); Node newNode = new Node(node); newNode.setCoor(latLon); Command cmd = new ChangeCommand(node, newNode); if (cmd != null) { Main.main.undoRedo.add(cmd); } } } public void suggestStops() { Vector< WayPoint > wayPoints = new Vector< WayPoint >(); Iterator< GpxTrackSegment > siter = track.getSegments().iterator(); while (siter.hasNext()) { Iterator< WayPoint > witer =; while (witer.hasNext()) wayPoints.add(; } Vector< Double > wayPointsDist = new Vector< Double >(wayPoints.size()); int i = 0; double time = -48*60*60; double dGpsStartTime = parseTime(gpsStartTime); while ((i < wayPoints.size()) && (time < dGpsStartTime + timeWindow/2)) { if (wayPoints.elementAt(i).getString("time") != null) time = parseTime(wayPoints.elementAt(i).getString("time").substring(11,19)); if (time < dGpsStartTime) time += 24*60*60; wayPointsDist.add(Double.valueOf(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); ++i; } while (i < wayPoints.size()) { int j = i; double time2 = time; while ((j > 0) && (time - timeWindow/2 < time2)) { --j; if (wayPoints.elementAt(j).getString("time") != null) time2 = parseTime(wayPoints.elementAt(j).getString("time").substring(11,19)); if (time2 < dGpsStartTime) time2 += 24*60*60; } int k = i + 1; time2 = time; while ((k < wayPoints.size()) && (time + timeWindow/2 > time2)) { if (wayPoints.elementAt(k).getString("time") != null) time2 = parseTime(wayPoints.elementAt(k).getString("time").substring(11,19)); if (time2 < dGpsStartTime) time2 += 24*60*60; ++k; } if (j < k) { double dist = 0; LatLon latLonI = wayPoints.elementAt(i).getCoor(); for (int l = j; l < k; ++l) { double distL = latLonI.greatCircleDistance(wayPoints.elementAt(l).getCoor()); if (distL > dist) dist = distL; } wayPointsDist.add(Double.valueOf(dist)); } else wayPointsDist.add(Double.valueOf(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); if (wayPoints.elementAt(i).getString("time") != null) time = parseTime(wayPoints.elementAt(i).getString("time").substring(11,19)); if (time < dGpsStartTime) time += 24*60*60; ++i; } Vector< Node > toDelete = new Vector< Node >(); for (i = 0; i < stoplistTM.getRowCount(); ++i) { if ((Node)stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(i) != null) toDelete.add((Node)stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(i)); } if (!toDelete.isEmpty()) { Command cmd = DeleteCommand.delete (Main.main.getEditLayer(), toDelete); if (cmd == null) return; Main.main.undoRedo.add(cmd); } stoplistTM.clear(); LatLon lastStopCoor = null; for (i = 1; i < wayPoints.size()-1; ++i) { if (wayPointsDist.elementAt(i).doubleValue() >= threshold) continue; if ((wayPointsDist.elementAt(i).compareTo(wayPointsDist.elementAt(i-1)) != -1) || (wayPointsDist.elementAt(i).compareTo(wayPointsDist.elementAt(i+1)) != -1)) continue; LatLon latLon = wayPoints.elementAt(i).getCoor(); if ((lastStopCoor != null) && (lastStopCoor.greatCircleDistance(latLon) < threshold)) continue; if (wayPoints.elementAt(i).getString("time") != null) { time = parseTime(wayPoints.elementAt(i).getString("time").substring(11,19)); double gpsSyncTime = parseTime(this.gpsSyncTime); if (gpsSyncTime < dGpsStartTime - 12*60*60) gpsSyncTime += 24*60*60; double timeDelta = gpsSyncTime - parseTime(stopwatchStart); time -= timeDelta; stoplistTM.insertRow(-1, timeOf(time)); Node node = createNode(latLon, ""); stoplistTM.nodes.set(stoplistTM.getRowCount()-1, node); } lastStopCoor = latLon; } } }; private class NodeSortEntry implements Comparable< NodeSortEntry > { public Node node = null; public String time = null; public String name = null; public double startTime = 0; public NodeSortEntry(Node node, String time, String name, double startTime) { this.node = node; this.time = time; = name; } public int compareTo(NodeSortEntry nse) { double time = parseTime(this.time); if (time - startTime > 12*60*60) time -= 24*60*60; double nseTime = parseTime(nse.time); if (nseTime - startTime > 12*60*60) nseTime -= 24*60*60; if (time < nseTime) return -1; else if (time > nseTime) return 1; else return 0; } }; private class StoplistTableModel extends DefaultTableModel { public Vector< Node > nodes = new Vector< Node >(); public StoplistTableModel(TrackReference tr) { addColumn("Time"); addColumn("Name"); addTableModelListener(tr); } public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) { return true; } public void addRow(Object[] obj) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void insertRow(int insPos, Object[] obj) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void addRow(String time) { insertRow(-1, time); } public void insertRow(int insPos, String time) { insertRow(insPos, null, time, ""); } public void insertRow(int insPos, Node node, String time, String name) { String[] buf = { "", "" }; buf[0] = time; buf[1] = name; if (insPos == -1) { nodes.addElement(node); super.addRow(buf); } else { nodes.insertElementAt(node, insPos); super.insertRow(insPos, buf); } } public void clear() { nodes.clear(); super.setRowCount(0); } }; private class WaypointTableModel extends DefaultTableModel implements TableModelListener { public Vector< Node > nodes = new Vector< Node >(); public Vector< LatLon > coors = new Vector< LatLon >(); public WaypointTableModel() { addColumn("Time"); addColumn("Stopname"); addTableModelListener(this); } public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) { if (column == 1) return true; return false; } public void addRow(Object[] obj) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void insertRow(int insPos, Object[] obj) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void addRow(WayPoint wp) { insertRow(-1, wp); } public void insertRow(int insPos, WayPoint wp) { String[] buf = { "", "" }; buf[0] = wp.getString("time"); if (buf[0] == null) buf[0] = ""; buf[1] = wp.getString("name"); if (buf[1] == null) buf[1] = ""; Node node = createNode(wp.getCoor(), buf[1]); if (insPos == -1) { nodes.addElement(node); coors.addElement(wp.getCoor()); super.addRow(buf); } else { nodes.insertElementAt(node, insPos); coors.insertElementAt(wp.getCoor(), insPos); super.insertRow(insPos, buf); } } public void clear() { nodes.clear(); super.setRowCount(0); } public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) { if (e.getType() == TableModelEvent.UPDATE) { if (nodes.elementAt(e.getFirstRow()) != null) { Node node = nodes.elementAt(e.getFirstRow()); node.put("name", (String)getValueAt(e.getFirstRow(), 1)); } } } }; private static JDialog jDialog = null; private static JTabbedPane tabbedPane = null; private static DefaultListModel tracksListModel = null; private static JComboBox cbStoptype = null; private static JList tracksList = null; private static JTextField tfGPSTimeStart = null; private static JTextField tfStopwatchStart = null; private static JTextField tfTimeWindow = null; private static JTextField tfThreshold = null; private static JTable stoplistTable = null; private static JTable waypointTable = null; private static GpxData data = null; private static TrackReference currentTrack = null; private static WaypointTableModel waypointTM = null; public StopImporterAction() { super(tr("Create Stops from GPX ..."), null, tr("Create Stops from a GPX file"), null, true); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { Frame frame = JOptionPane.getFrameForComponent(Main.parent); DataSet mainDataSet = Main.main.getCurrentDataSet(); if (jDialog == null) { jDialog = new JDialog(frame, "Create Stops from GPX", false); tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); JPanel tabTracks = new JPanel(); tabbedPane.addTab(marktr("Tracks"), tabTracks); JPanel tabSettings = new JPanel(); tabbedPane.addTab(marktr("Settings"), tabSettings); JPanel tabStops = new JPanel(); tabbedPane.addTab(marktr("Stops"), tabStops); JPanel tabWaypoints = new JPanel(); tabbedPane.addTab(marktr("Waypoints"), tabWaypoints); tabbedPane.setEnabledAt(0, true); tabbedPane.setEnabledAt(1, false); tabbedPane.setEnabledAt(2, false); tabbedPane.setEnabledAt(3, true); jDialog.add(tabbedPane); //Tracks Tab Container contentPane = tabTracks; GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints layoutCons = new GridBagConstraints(); contentPane.setLayout(gridbag); JLabel label = new JLabel("Tracks in this GPX file:"); layoutCons.gridx = 0; layoutCons.gridy = 0; layoutCons.gridwidth = 3; layoutCons.weightx = 0.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(label, layoutCons); contentPane.add(label); tracksListModel = new DefaultListModel(); tracksList = new JList(tracksListModel); JScrollPane rpListSP = new JScrollPane(tracksList); String[] data = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"}; tracksListModel.copyInto(data); tracksList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); tracksList.addListSelectionListener(new TracksLSL(this)); layoutCons.gridx = 0; layoutCons.gridy = 1; layoutCons.gridwidth = 3; layoutCons.weightx = 1.0; layoutCons.weighty = 1.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(rpListSP, layoutCons); contentPane.add(rpListSP); //Settings Tab /*Container*/ contentPane = tabSettings; /*GridBagLayout*/ gridbag = new GridBagLayout(); /*GridBagConstraints*/ layoutCons = new GridBagConstraints(); contentPane.setLayout(gridbag); /*JLabel*/ label = new JLabel("Type of stops to add"); layoutCons.gridx = 0; layoutCons.gridy = 0; layoutCons.gridwidth = 2; layoutCons.weightx = 0.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(label, layoutCons); contentPane.add(label); cbStoptype = new JComboBox(); cbStoptype.setEditable(false); cbStoptype.addItem("bus"); cbStoptype.addItem("tram"); cbStoptype.addItem("light_rail"); cbStoptype.addItem("subway"); cbStoptype.addItem("rail"); cbStoptype.setActionCommand("stopImporter.settingsStoptype"); cbStoptype.addActionListener(this); layoutCons.gridx = 0; layoutCons.gridy = 1; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 0.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(cbStoptype, layoutCons); contentPane.add(cbStoptype); /*JLabel*/ label = new JLabel("Time on your GPS device"); layoutCons.gridx = 0; layoutCons.gridy = 2; layoutCons.gridwidth = 2; layoutCons.weightx = 0.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(label, layoutCons); contentPane.add(label); tfGPSTimeStart = new JTextField("00:00:00", 15); tfGPSTimeStart.setActionCommand("stopImporter.settingsGPSTimeStart"); tfGPSTimeStart.addActionListener(this); layoutCons.gridx = 0; layoutCons.gridy = 3; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 0.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(tfGPSTimeStart, layoutCons); contentPane.add(tfGPSTimeStart); /*JLabel*/ label = new JLabel("HH:MM:SS.sss"); layoutCons.gridx = 1; layoutCons.gridy = 3; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 0.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(label, layoutCons); contentPane.add(label); /*JLabel*/ label = new JLabel("Time on your stopwatch"); layoutCons.gridx = 0; layoutCons.gridy = 4; layoutCons.gridwidth = 2; layoutCons.weightx = 0.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(label, layoutCons); contentPane.add(label); tfStopwatchStart = new JTextField("00:00:00", 15); tfStopwatchStart.setActionCommand("stopImporter.settingsStopwatchStart"); tfStopwatchStart.addActionListener(this); layoutCons.gridx = 0; layoutCons.gridy = 5; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 0.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(tfStopwatchStart, layoutCons); contentPane.add(tfStopwatchStart); /*JLabel*/ label = new JLabel("HH:MM:SS.sss"); layoutCons.gridx = 1; layoutCons.gridy = 5; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 0.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(label, layoutCons); contentPane.add(label); /*JLabel*/ label = new JLabel("Time window"); layoutCons.gridx = 0; layoutCons.gridy = 6; layoutCons.gridwidth = 2; layoutCons.weightx = 0.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(label, layoutCons); contentPane.add(label); tfTimeWindow = new JTextField("15", 4); tfTimeWindow.setActionCommand("stopImporter.settingsTimeWindow"); tfTimeWindow.addActionListener(this); layoutCons.gridx = 0; layoutCons.gridy = 7; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 0.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(tfTimeWindow, layoutCons); contentPane.add(tfTimeWindow); /*JLabel*/ label = new JLabel("seconds"); layoutCons.gridx = 1; layoutCons.gridy = 7; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 0.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(label, layoutCons); contentPane.add(label); /*JLabel*/ label = new JLabel("Move Threshold"); layoutCons.gridx = 0; layoutCons.gridy = 8; layoutCons.gridwidth = 2; layoutCons.weightx = 0.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(label, layoutCons); contentPane.add(label); tfThreshold = new JTextField("20", 4); tfThreshold.setActionCommand("stopImporter.settingsThreshold"); tfThreshold.addActionListener(this); layoutCons.gridx = 0; layoutCons.gridy = 9; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 0.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(tfThreshold, layoutCons); contentPane.add(tfThreshold); /*JLabel*/ label = new JLabel("meters"); layoutCons.gridx = 1; layoutCons.gridy = 9; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 0.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(label, layoutCons); contentPane.add(label); JButton bSuggestStops = new JButton("Suggest Stops"); bSuggestStops.setActionCommand("stopImporter.settingsSuggestStops"); bSuggestStops.addActionListener(this); layoutCons.gridx = 0; layoutCons.gridy = 10; layoutCons.gridwidth = 3; layoutCons.weightx = 1.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(bSuggestStops, layoutCons); contentPane.add(bSuggestStops); //Stops Tab contentPane = tabStops; gridbag = new GridBagLayout(); layoutCons = new GridBagConstraints(); contentPane.setLayout(gridbag); stoplistTable = new JTable(); JScrollPane tableSP = new JScrollPane(stoplistTable); layoutCons.gridx = 0; layoutCons.gridy = 0; layoutCons.gridwidth = 4; layoutCons.weightx = 1.0; layoutCons.weighty = 1.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(tableSP, layoutCons); contentPane.add(tableSP); JButton bFind = new JButton("Find"); bFind.setActionCommand("stopImporter.stoplistFind"); bFind.addActionListener(this); layoutCons.gridx = 0; layoutCons.gridy = 1; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 1.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(bFind, layoutCons); contentPane.add(bFind); JButton bShow = new JButton("Show"); bShow.setActionCommand("stopImporter.stoplistShow"); bShow.addActionListener(this); layoutCons.gridx = 0; layoutCons.gridy = 2; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 1.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(bShow, layoutCons); contentPane.add(bShow); JButton bMark = new JButton("Mark"); bMark.setActionCommand("stopImporter.stoplistMark"); bMark.addActionListener(this); layoutCons.gridx = 1; layoutCons.gridy = 1; layoutCons.gridheight = 1; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 1.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(bMark, layoutCons); contentPane.add(bMark); JButton bDetach = new JButton("Detach"); bDetach.setActionCommand("stopImporter.stoplistDetach"); bDetach.addActionListener(this); layoutCons.gridx = 1; layoutCons.gridy = 2; layoutCons.gridheight = 1; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 1.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(bDetach, layoutCons); contentPane.add(bDetach); JButton bAdd = new JButton("Add"); bAdd.setActionCommand("stopImporter.stoplistAdd"); bAdd.addActionListener(this); layoutCons.gridx = 2; layoutCons.gridy = 1; layoutCons.gridheight = 1; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 1.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(bAdd, layoutCons); contentPane.add(bAdd); JButton bDelete = new JButton("Delete"); bDelete.setActionCommand("stopImporter.stoplistDelete"); bDelete.addActionListener(this); layoutCons.gridx = 2; layoutCons.gridy = 2; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 1.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(bDelete, layoutCons); contentPane.add(bDelete); JButton bSort = new JButton("Sort"); bSort.setActionCommand("stopImporter.stoplistSort"); bSort.addActionListener(this); layoutCons.gridx = 3; layoutCons.gridy = 1; layoutCons.gridheight = 2; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 1.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(bSort, layoutCons); contentPane.add(bSort); //Waypoints Tab contentPane = tabWaypoints; gridbag = new GridBagLayout(); layoutCons = new GridBagConstraints(); contentPane.setLayout(gridbag); waypointTable = new JTable(); /*JScrollPane*/ tableSP = new JScrollPane(waypointTable); layoutCons.gridx = 0; layoutCons.gridy = 0; layoutCons.gridwidth = 3; layoutCons.weightx = 1.0; layoutCons.weighty = 1.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(tableSP, layoutCons); contentPane.add(tableSP); /*JButton*/ bFind = new JButton("Find"); bFind.setActionCommand("stopImporter.waypointsFind"); bFind.addActionListener(this); layoutCons.gridx = 0; layoutCons.gridy = 1; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 1.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(bFind, layoutCons); contentPane.add(bFind); /*JButton*/ bShow = new JButton("Show"); bShow.setActionCommand("stopImporter.waypointsShow"); bShow.addActionListener(this); layoutCons.gridx = 0; layoutCons.gridy = 2; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 1.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(bShow, layoutCons); contentPane.add(bShow); /*JButton*/ bMark = new JButton("Mark"); bMark.setActionCommand("stopImporter.waypointsMark"); bMark.addActionListener(this); layoutCons.gridx = 1; layoutCons.gridy = 1; layoutCons.gridheight = 1; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 1.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(bMark, layoutCons); contentPane.add(bMark); /*JButton*/ bDetach = new JButton("Detach"); bDetach.setActionCommand("stopImporter.waypointsDetach"); bDetach.addActionListener(this); layoutCons.gridx = 1; layoutCons.gridy = 2; layoutCons.gridheight = 1; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 1.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(bDetach, layoutCons); contentPane.add(bDetach); /*JButton*/ bAdd = new JButton("Enable"); bAdd.setActionCommand("stopImporter.waypointsAdd"); bAdd.addActionListener(this); layoutCons.gridx = 2; layoutCons.gridy = 1; layoutCons.gridheight = 1; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 1.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(bAdd, layoutCons); contentPane.add(bAdd); /*JButton*/ bDelete = new JButton("Disable"); bDelete.setActionCommand("stopImporter.waypointsDelete"); bDelete.addActionListener(this); layoutCons.gridx = 2; layoutCons.gridy = 2; layoutCons.gridwidth = 1; layoutCons.weightx = 1.0; layoutCons.weighty = 0.0; layoutCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gridbag.setConstraints(bDelete, layoutCons); contentPane.add(bDelete); jDialog.pack(); jDialog.setLocationRelativeTo(frame); } jDialog.setVisible(true); if (tr("Create Stops from GPX ...").equals(event.getActionCommand())) { String curDir = Main.pref.get("lastDirectory"); if (curDir.equals("")) { curDir = "."; } JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(new File(curDir)); fc.setDialogTitle("Select GPX file"); fc.setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); int answer = fc.showOpenDialog(Main.parent); if (answer != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) return; if (!fc.getCurrentDirectory().getAbsolutePath().equals(curDir)) Main.pref.put("lastDirectory", fc.getCurrentDirectory().getAbsolutePath()); importData(fc.getSelectedFile()); refreshData(); /* Iterator< GpxTrack > iter = data.tracks.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { GpxTrack track =; System.out.println(""); System.out.println(track.getAttributes().get("name")); Iterator< GpxTrackSegment > siter = track.getSegments().iterator(); while (siter.hasNext()) { Iterator< WayPoint > witer =; while (witer.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } } }*/ } else if ("stopImporter.settingsGPSTimeStart" .equals(event.getActionCommand())) { if (parseTime(tfGPSTimeStart.getText()) >= 0) { if (currentTrack != null) { currentTrack.gpsSyncTime = tfGPSTimeStart.getText(); currentTrack.relocateNodes(); } } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Can't parse a time from this string.", "Invalid value", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } else if ("stopImporter.settingsStopwatchStart" .equals(event.getActionCommand())) { if (parseTime(tfStopwatchStart.getText()) >= 0) { if (currentTrack != null) { currentTrack.stopwatchStart = tfStopwatchStart.getText(); currentTrack.relocateNodes(); } } else { } } else if ("stopImporter.settingsTimeWindow" .equals(event.getActionCommand())) { if (currentTrack != null) currentTrack.timeWindow = Double.parseDouble(tfTimeWindow.getText()); } else if ("stopImporter.settingsThreshold".equals(event.getActionCommand())) { if (currentTrack != null) currentTrack.threshold = Double.parseDouble(tfThreshold.getText()); } else if ("stopImporter.settingsSuggestStops".equals(event.getActionCommand())) { currentTrack.suggestStops(); } else if ("stopImporter.stoplistFind".equals(event.getActionCommand())) { if (Main.main.getCurrentDataSet() == null) return; stoplistTable.clearSelection(); for (int i = 0; i < currentTrack.stoplistTM.getRowCount(); ++i) { if ((currentTrack.stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(i) != null) && (Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().isSelected(currentTrack.stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(i)))) stoplistTable.addRowSelectionInterval(i, i); } } else if ("stopImporter.stoplistShow".equals(event.getActionCommand())) { BoundingXYVisitor box = new BoundingXYVisitor(); if (stoplistTable.getSelectedRowCount() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < currentTrack.stoplistTM.getRowCount(); ++i) { if ((stoplistTable.isRowSelected(i)) && (currentTrack.stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(i) != null)) { currentTrack.stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(i).visit(box); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < currentTrack.stoplistTM.getRowCount(); ++i) { if (currentTrack.stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(i) != null) currentTrack.stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(i).visit(box); } } if (box.getBounds() == null) return; box.enlargeBoundingBox();; } else if ("stopImporter.stoplistMark".equals(event.getActionCommand())) { OsmPrimitive[] osmp = { null }; Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().setSelected(osmp); if (stoplistTable.getSelectedRowCount() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < currentTrack.stoplistTM.getRowCount(); ++i) { if ((stoplistTable.isRowSelected(i)) && (currentTrack.stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(i) != null)) { Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().addSelected(currentTrack.stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(i)); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < currentTrack.stoplistTM.getRowCount(); ++i) { if (currentTrack.stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(i) != null) Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().addSelected(currentTrack.stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(i)); } } } else if ("stopImporter.stoplistDetach".equals(event.getActionCommand())) { if (stoplistTable.getSelectedRowCount() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < currentTrack.stoplistTM.getRowCount(); ++i) { if ((stoplistTable.isRowSelected(i)) && (currentTrack.stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(i) != null)) { currentTrack.stoplistTM.nodes.set(i, null); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < currentTrack.stoplistTM.getRowCount(); ++i) { if (currentTrack.stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(i) != null) currentTrack.stoplistTM.nodes.set(i, null); } } stoplistTable.clearSelection(); } else if ("stopImporter.stoplistAdd".equals(event.getActionCommand())) { int insPos = stoplistTable.getSelectedRow(); if (currentTrack != null) currentTrack.stoplistTM.insertRow(insPos, "00:00:00"); } else if ("stopImporter.stoplistDelete".equals(event.getActionCommand())) { Vector< Node > toDelete = new Vector< Node >(); if (currentTrack == null) return; for (int i = currentTrack.stoplistTM.getRowCount()-1; i >=0; --i) { if (stoplistTable.isRowSelected(i)) { if ((Node)currentTrack.stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(i) != null) toDelete.add((Node)currentTrack.stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(i)); currentTrack.stoplistTM.nodes.removeElementAt(i); currentTrack.stoplistTM.removeRow(i); } } Command cmd = DeleteCommand.delete (Main.main.getEditLayer(), toDelete); if (cmd != null) { // cmd can be null if the user cancels dialogs DialogCommand displays Main.main.undoRedo.add(cmd); } } else if ("stopImporter.stoplistSort".equals(event.getActionCommand())) { int insPos = stoplistTable.getSelectedRow(); Vector< NodeSortEntry > nodesToSort = new Vector< NodeSortEntry >(); if (currentTrack == null) return; if (stoplistTable.getSelectedRowCount() > 0) { for (int i = currentTrack.stoplistTM.getRowCount()-1; i >=0; --i) { if (stoplistTable.isRowSelected(i)) { nodesToSort.add(new NodeSortEntry (currentTrack.stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(i), (String)currentTrack.stoplistTM.getValueAt(i, 0), (String)currentTrack.stoplistTM.getValueAt(i, 1), parseTime(currentTrack.stopwatchStart))); currentTrack.stoplistTM.nodes.removeElementAt(i); currentTrack.stoplistTM.removeRow(i); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < currentTrack.stoplistTM.getRowCount(); ++i) { nodesToSort.add(new NodeSortEntry (currentTrack.stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(i), (String)currentTrack.stoplistTM.getValueAt(i, 0), (String)currentTrack.stoplistTM.getValueAt(i, 1), parseTime(currentTrack.stopwatchStart))); } currentTrack.stoplistTM.clear(); } Collections.sort(nodesToSort); Iterator< NodeSortEntry > iter = nodesToSort.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { NodeSortEntry nse =; currentTrack.stoplistTM.insertRow (insPos, nse.node, nse.time,; if (insPos >= 0) ++insPos; } } else if ("stopImporter.waypointsFind".equals(event.getActionCommand())) { if (Main.main.getCurrentDataSet() == null) return; waypointTable.clearSelection(); for (int i = 0; i < waypointTM.getRowCount(); ++i) { if ((waypointTM.nodes.elementAt(i) != null) && (Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().isSelected(waypointTM.nodes.elementAt(i)))) waypointTable.addRowSelectionInterval(i, i); } } else if ("stopImporter.waypointsShow".equals(event.getActionCommand())) { BoundingXYVisitor box = new BoundingXYVisitor(); if (waypointTable.getSelectedRowCount() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < waypointTM.getRowCount(); ++i) { if ((waypointTable.isRowSelected(i)) && (waypointTM.nodes.elementAt(i) != null)) { waypointTM.nodes.elementAt(i).visit(box); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < waypointTM.getRowCount(); ++i) { if (waypointTM.nodes.elementAt(i) != null) waypointTM.nodes.elementAt(i).visit(box); } } if (box.getBounds() == null) return; box.enlargeBoundingBox();; } else if ("stopImporter.waypointsMark".equals(event.getActionCommand())) { OsmPrimitive[] osmp = { null }; Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().setSelected(osmp); if (waypointTable.getSelectedRowCount() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < waypointTM.getRowCount(); ++i) { if ((waypointTable.isRowSelected(i)) && (waypointTM.nodes.elementAt(i) != null)) { Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().addSelected(waypointTM.nodes.elementAt(i)); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < waypointTM.getRowCount(); ++i) { if (waypointTM.nodes.elementAt(i) != null) Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().addSelected(waypointTM.nodes.elementAt(i)); } } } else if ("stopImporter.waypointsDetach".equals(event.getActionCommand())) { if (waypointTable.getSelectedRowCount() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < waypointTM.getRowCount(); ++i) { if ((waypointTable.isRowSelected(i)) && (waypointTM.nodes.elementAt(i) != null)) { waypointTM.nodes.set(i, null); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < waypointTM.getRowCount(); ++i) { if (waypointTM.nodes.elementAt(i) != null) waypointTM.nodes.set(i, null); } } waypointTable.clearSelection(); } else if ("stopImporter.waypointsAdd".equals(event.getActionCommand())) { if (waypointTable.getSelectedRowCount() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < waypointTM.getRowCount(); ++i) { if ((waypointTable.isRowSelected(i)) && (waypointTM.nodes.elementAt(i) == null)) { Node node = createNode(waypointTM.coors.elementAt(i), (String)waypointTM.getValueAt(i, 1)); waypointTM.nodes.set(i, node); Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().addSelected(waypointTM.nodes.elementAt(i)); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < waypointTM.getRowCount(); ++i) { if (waypointTM.nodes.elementAt(i) == null) Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().addSelected(waypointTM.nodes.elementAt(i)); } } } else if ("stopImporter.waypointsDelete".equals(event.getActionCommand())) { Vector< Node > toDelete = new Vector< Node >(); for (int i = waypointTM.getRowCount()-1; i >=0; --i) { if (waypointTable.isRowSelected(i)) { if ((Node)waypointTM.nodes.elementAt(i) != null) toDelete.add((Node)waypointTM.nodes.elementAt(i)); waypointTM.nodes.set(i, null); } } Command cmd = DeleteCommand.delete (Main.main.getEditLayer(), toDelete); if (cmd != null) { // cmd can be null if the user cancels dialogs DialogCommand displays Main.main.undoRedo.add(cmd); } } else if ("stopImporter.settingsStoptype".equals(event.getActionCommand())) { for (int i = 0; i < waypointTM.getRowCount(); ++i) { if ((Node)waypointTM.nodes.elementAt(i) != null) { Node node = (Node)waypointTM.nodes.elementAt(i); node.remove("highway"); node.remove("railway"); if ("bus".equals((String)cbStoptype.getSelectedItem())) node.put("highway", "bus_stop"); else if ("tram".equals((String)cbStoptype.getSelectedItem())) node.put("railway", "tram_stop"); else if ("light_rail".equals((String)cbStoptype.getSelectedItem())) node.put("railway", "station"); else if ("subway".equals((String)cbStoptype.getSelectedItem())) node.put("railway", "station"); else if ("rail".equals((String)cbStoptype.getSelectedItem())) node.put("railway", "station"); } } for (int j = 0; j < tracksListModel.size(); ++j) { TrackReference track = (TrackReference)tracksListModel.elementAt(j); for (int i = 0; i < track.stoplistTM.getRowCount(); ++i) { if ((Node)track.stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(i) != null) { Node node = (Node)track.stoplistTM.nodes.elementAt(i); node.remove("highway"); node.remove("railway"); if ("bus".equals((String)cbStoptype.getSelectedItem())) node.put("highway", "bus_stop"); else if ("tram".equals((String)cbStoptype.getSelectedItem())) node.put("railway", "tram_stop"); else if ("light_rail".equals((String)cbStoptype.getSelectedItem())) node.put("railway", "station"); else if ("subway".equals((String)cbStoptype.getSelectedItem())) node.put("railway", "station"); else if ("rail".equals((String)cbStoptype.getSelectedItem())) node.put("railway", "station"); } } } } } private void importData(final File file) { try { InputStream is; if (file.getName().endsWith(".gpx.gz")) is = new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); else is = new FileInputStream(file); // Workaround for SAX BOM bug // if (!(( == 0xef) && ( == 0xbb) && ( == 0xbf))) { is.close(); if (file.getName().endsWith(".gpx.gz")) is = new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); else is = new FileInputStream(file); } final GpxReader r = new GpxReader(is); final boolean parsedProperly = r.parse(true); data =; if (!parsedProperly) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, tr("Error occured while parsing gpx file {0}. Only part of the file will be available", file.getName())); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, tr("File \"{0}\" does not exist", file.getName())); } catch (SAXException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, tr("Parsing file \"{0}\" failed", file.getName())); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, tr("IOException \"{0}\" occurred", e.toString())); } } private void refreshData() { tracksListModel.clear(); if (data != null) { Vector< TrackReference > trackRefs = new Vector< TrackReference >(); Iterator< GpxTrack > trackIter = data.tracks.iterator(); while (trackIter.hasNext()) { GpxTrack track =; trackRefs.add(new TrackReference(track)); } Collections.sort(trackRefs); Iterator< TrackReference > iter = trackRefs.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) tracksListModel.addElement(; waypointTM = new WaypointTableModel(); Iterator< WayPoint > waypointIter = data.waypoints.iterator(); while (waypointIter.hasNext()) { WayPoint waypoint =; waypointTM.addRow(waypoint); } waypointTable.setModel(waypointTM); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "The GPX file contained no tracks or waypoints.", "No data found", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); System.out.println("Public Transport: StopImporter: No data found"); } } private void tracksSelectionChanged() { int selectedPos = tracksList.getAnchorSelectionIndex(); if (tracksList.isSelectedIndex(selectedPos)) { currentTrack = ((TrackReference)tracksListModel.elementAt(selectedPos)); tabbedPane.setEnabledAt(1, true); tabbedPane.setEnabledAt(2, true); //Prepare Settings tfGPSTimeStart.setText(currentTrack.gpsSyncTime); tfStopwatchStart.setText(currentTrack.stopwatchStart); tfTimeWindow.setText(Double.toString(currentTrack.timeWindow)); tfThreshold.setText(Double.toString(currentTrack.threshold)); //Prepare Stoplist stoplistTable.setModel (((TrackReference)tracksListModel.elementAt(selectedPos)).stoplistTM); } else { currentTrack = null; tabbedPane.setEnabledAt(1, false); tabbedPane.setEnabledAt(2, false); } } private Node createNode(LatLon latLon, String name) { Node node = new Node(latLon); if ("bus".equals((String)cbStoptype.getSelectedItem())) node.put("highway", "bus_stop"); else if ("tram".equals((String)cbStoptype.getSelectedItem())) node.put("railway", "tram_stop"); else if ("light_rail".equals((String)cbStoptype.getSelectedItem())) node.put("railway", "station"); else if ("subway".equals((String)cbStoptype.getSelectedItem())) node.put("railway", "station"); else if ("rail".equals((String)cbStoptype.getSelectedItem())) node.put("railway", "station"); node.put("name", name); if (Main.main.getCurrentDataSet() == null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "There exists no dataset." + " Try to download data from the server or open an OSM file.", "No data found", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); System.out.println("Public Transport: StopInserter: No data found"); return null; } Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().addPrimitive(node); return node; } private static double parseTime(String s) { double result = 0; if ((s.charAt(2) != ':') || (s.charAt(2) != ':') || (s.length() < 8)) return -1; int hour = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(0, 2)); int minute = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(3, 5)); double second = Double.parseDouble(s.substring(6, s.length())); if ((hour < 0) || (hour > 23) || (minute < 0) || (minute > 59) || (second < 0) || (second >= 60.0)) return -1; return (second + minute*60 + hour*60*60); } private static String timeOf(double t) { t -= Math.floor(t/24/60/60)*24*60*60; int hour = (int)Math.floor(t/60/60); t -= Math.floor(t/60/60)*60*60; int minute = (int)Math.floor(t/60); t -= Math.floor(t/60)*60; double second = t; Format format = new DecimalFormat("00"); Format formatS = new DecimalFormat("00.###"); return (format.format(hour) + ":" + format.format(minute) + ":" + formatS.format(second)); } }