1 | // License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
2 | package org.openstreetmap.josm.data.validation.tests
3 |
4 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.JOSMFixture
5 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.tagging.TaggingPresets
6 |
7 | class ConditionalKeysTest extends GroovyTestCase {
8 |
9 | ConditionalKeys test = new ConditionalKeys()
10 |
11 | @Override
12 | void setUp() {
13 | JOSMFixture.createUnitTestFixture().init();
14 | TaggingPresets.readFromPreferences()
15 | test.initialize()
16 | }
17 |
18 | void testKeyValid() {
19 | assert test.isKeyValid("maxspeed:conditional")
20 | assert test.isKeyValid("motor_vehicle:conditional")
21 | assert test.isKeyValid("bicycle:conditional")
22 | assert test.isKeyValid("overtaking:hgv:conditional")
23 | assert test.isKeyValid("maxspeed:hgv:backward:conditional")
24 | assert test.isKeyValid("oneway:backward:conditional")
25 | assert test.isKeyValid("fee:conditional")
26 | assert !test.isKeyValid("maxspeed:hgv:conditional:backward")
27 | }
28 |
29 | void testValueValid() {
30 | assert test.isValueValid("maxspeed:conditional", "120 @ (06:00-19:00)")
31 | assert !test.isValueValid("maxspeed:conditional", " @ (06:00-19:00)")
32 | assert !test.isValueValid("maxspeed:conditional", "120 (06:00-19:00)")
33 | assert !test.isValueValid("maxspeed:conditional", "120 @ ()")
34 | assert !test.isValueValid("maxspeed:conditional", "120 @ ")
35 | assert !test.isValueValid("maxspeed:conditional", "120 @ (06:00/19:00)")
36 | assert test.isValueValid("maxspeed:conditional", "120 @ (06:00-20:00); 100 @ (22:00-06:00)")
37 | assert test.isValueValid("motor_vehicle:conditional", "delivery @ (Mo-Fr 06:00-11:00,17:00-19:00;Sa 03:30-19:00)")
38 | assert test.isValueValid("motor_vehicle:conditional", "no @ (10:00-18:00 AND length>5)")
39 | assert !test.isValueValid("motor_vehicle:conditional", "foo @ (10:00-18:00 AND length>5)")
40 | assert !test.isValueValid("motor_vehicle:conditional", "no @ (10:00until18:00 AND length>5)")
41 | assert test.isValueValid("maxspeed:hgv:conditional", "60 @ (weight>7.5)")
42 | }
43 | }