#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; print "# Reference data created by proj.4\n"; print "#\n"; print "# code,lat,lon,east,north\n"; for my $in (<>) { # input data looks like this: "EPSG:4326 Bounds[-90.0,-180.0,90.0,180.0]" # (created by ProjectionRefTest.java) next unless $in =~ /EPSG:([0-9]+) Bounds\[(.*),(.*),(.*),(.*)\]/; my ($epsg, $minlat, $minlon, $maxlat, $maxlon) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5); next if $epsg =~ /325.../; # strange codes, don't seem to exist next if $epsg eq '4326'; # trivial, but annoying, because output isn't in meters next if $epsg =~ /^2756[1-4]$/; # proj.4 seems to give wrong results for Lambert 4 zones (missing grid shift file?) if ($epsg eq '3059') { # proj.4 cannot handle the wider bounds that are built into josm ($minlat, $minlon, $maxlat, $maxlon) = (55.64,20.98,58.12,28.23); } #print "$epsg: ($minlat, $minlon, $maxlat, $maxlon)\n"; for (1 .. 3) { my $lat = rand() * ($maxlat - $minlat) + $minlat; my $lon = rand() * ($maxlon - $minlon) + $minlon; open PROJ4, "echo \"$lon $lat\" | cs2cs +init=epsg:4326 +to +init=epsg:$epsg -f %.9f |" or die; my $res = ; die unless $res =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s/; print "EPSG:$epsg,$lat,$lon,$1,$2\n"; close PROJ4 or die "error: $! $?"; } }