WMS OGC:WMS OGC:WMS application/vnd.ogc.wms_xml image/tiff image/png image/png24 image/png32 image/bmp image/jpeg image/svg application/vnd.ogc.sld+xml application/vnd.ogc.se_xml application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage application/vnd.ogc.se_blank 0 South_Carolina South Carolina NAIP Imagery 2017 Resolution: 100CM

Abstract: The NAIP National Metadata Map contains USGS Quarter Quad and NAIP Seamline boundaries for every year NAIP imagery has been collected. Clicking on the map also makes available a number of metadata fields which describe the day, time, camera, aircraft, and location of NAIP collection. There is also a link which will open an FGDC compliant metadata text file for each NAIP USGS Quarter Quad collected.
Purpose: To make additional information and metadata about NAIP available to the public.
Language: eng; USA
Browse Graphic: http://www.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/d7eb04e3a14343b39cdc3503f5037003/info/thumbnail/NAIPnationalmetadata.jpg Browse Graphic Type: JPEG Browse Graphic Caption: ArcGIS Online REST endpoint content

Organization Name: USDA-FSA-APFO Aerial Photography Field Office
Role: Point Of Contact
Voice: 801-844-2900
Delivery Point: 2222 West 2300 South
City: Salt Lake City
Administrative Area: Utah
Postal Code: 84119-2020
Web: https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/naip-national-metadata
Country: USA
E-Mail Address: apfo.sales@slc.usda.gov
EPSG:4326 EPSG:0 2017Z/2017Z/P1Y