1 | <project name="potlatch2styles_mod" basedir=".">
2 | <!--
3 |
4 | The potlatch 2 styles need to be patched in order to work with the JOSM MapCSS implementation.
5 | When updating from the potlatch2 repository, the workflow can be like this:
6 | * copy files from 'patched' to 'source'
7 | * cd source && svn up
8 | * solve possible conflicts
9 | * modify the new sections, such that they work with josm
10 | * create potlatch2.mapcss (ant assemble)
11 | * copy files from 'source' to 'patched'
12 | * update externals definition to the current revision (ant update-externals)
13 | * commit everything (style, patches and externals definition)
14 |
15 | -->
16 |
17 | <!-- concatinate the files to one mapcss style file -->
18 | <target name="assemble">
19 | <concat destfile="../../styles/standard/potlatch2.mapcss">
20 | <filelist dir="." files="prelude.css"/>
21 | <filelist dir="patched" files="core_ways.css,core_pois.css,core_landuse.css,potlatch.css"/>
22 | </concat>
23 | </target>
24 |
25 |
26 | <target name="copy-patched-to-source">
27 | <copy todir="source" overwrite="true">
28 | <fileset dir="patched"/>
29 | </copy>
30 | </target>
31 |
32 | <target name="copy-source-to-patched">
33 | <copy todir="patched" overwrite="true">
34 | <filelist dir="source" files="core_ways.css,core_pois.css,core_landuse.css,potlatch.css"/>
35 | </copy>
36 | </target>
37 |
38 | <!-- Update the explicit revision number in the externals definition to the current revision. -->
39 | <target name="update-externals" depends="source-revision">
40 | <exec executable="svn">
41 | <arg value="propset"/>
42 | <arg value="svn:externals"/>
43 | <arg value="source -r ${version.entry.commit.revision} http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/editors/potlatch2/resources/stylesheets"/>
44 | <arg value="."/>
45 | </exec>
46 | </target>
47 |
48 | <!-- Determine revision and save in ${version.entry.commit.revision}-->
49 | <target name="source-revision">
50 | <exec append="false" output="REVISION.XML" executable="svn" dir="source" failifexecutionfails="true">
51 | <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
52 | <arg value="info"/>
53 | <arg value="--xml"/>
54 | <arg value="."/>
55 | </exec>
56 | <xmlproperty file="REVISION.XML" prefix="version" keepRoot="false" collapseAttributes="true"/>
57 | <delete file="REVISION.XML" />
58 | </target>
59 |
60 | </project>
61 |