// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. package org.openstreetmap.josm.tools; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.Window; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; /** * This is a helper class for persisting the geometry of a JOSM window to the preference store * and for restoring it from the preference store. * */ public class WindowGeometry { /** * Replies a window geometry object for a window with a specific size which is * centered on screen * * @param extent the size * @return the geometry object */ static public WindowGeometry centerOnScreen(Dimension extent) { Point topLeft = new Point( Math.max(0, (Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width - extent.width) /2), Math.max(0, (Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().height - extent.height) /2) ); return new WindowGeometry(topLeft, extent); } /** * Replies a window geometry object for a window with a specific size which is centered * relative to the parent window of a reference component. * * @param reference the reference component. * @param extent the size * @return the geometry object */ static public WindowGeometry centerInWindow(Component reference, Dimension extent) { Window parentWindow = null; while(reference != null && ! (reference instanceof Window) ) { reference = reference.getParent(); } if (reference == null) return new WindowGeometry(new Point(0,0), extent); parentWindow = (Window)reference; Point topLeft = new Point( Math.max(0, (parentWindow.getSize().width - extent.width) /2), Math.max(0, (parentWindow.getSize().height - extent.height) /2) ); topLeft.x += parentWindow.getLocation().x; topLeft.y += parentWindow.getLocation().y; return new WindowGeometry(topLeft, extent); } /** * Exception thrown by the WindowGeometry class if something goes wrong * */ static public class WindowGeometryException extends Exception { public WindowGeometryException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } public WindowGeometryException(String message) { super(message); } } /** the top left point */ private Point topLeft; /** the size */ private Dimension extent; /** * * @param topLeft the top left point * @param extent the extent */ public WindowGeometry(Point topLeft, Dimension extent) { this.topLeft = topLeft; this.extent = extent; } /** * Creates a window geometry from the position and the size of a window. * * @param window the window */ public WindowGeometry(Window window) { this(window.getLocationOnScreen(), window.getSize()); } protected int parseField(String preferenceKey, String preferenceValue, String field) throws WindowGeometryException { String v = ""; try { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(field + "=(\\d+)",Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher m = p.matcher(preferenceValue); if (!m.find()) throw new WindowGeometryException(tr("Preference with key ''{0}'' does not include ''{1}''. Cannot restore window geometry from preferences.", preferenceKey, field)); v = m.group(1); return Integer.parseInt(v); } catch(WindowGeometryException e) { throw e; } catch(NumberFormatException e) { throw new WindowGeometryException(tr("Preference with key ''{0}'' does not provide an int value for ''{1}''. Got {2}. Cannot restore window geometry from preferences.", preferenceKey, field, v)); } catch(Exception e) { throw new WindowGeometryException(tr("Failed to parse field ''{1}'' in preference with key ''{0}''. Exception was: {2}. Cannot restore window geometry from preferences.", preferenceKey, field, e.toString()), e); } } protected void initFromPreferences(String preferenceKey) throws WindowGeometryException { String value = Main.pref.get(preferenceKey); if (value == null || value.equals("")) throw new WindowGeometryException(tr("Preference with key ''{0}'' does not exist. Cannot restore window geometry from preferences.", preferenceKey)); topLeft = new Point(); extent = new Dimension(); topLeft.x = parseField(preferenceKey, value, "x"); topLeft.y = parseField(preferenceKey, value, "y"); extent.width = parseField(preferenceKey, value, "width"); extent.height = parseField(preferenceKey, value, "height"); } protected void initFromWindowGeometry(WindowGeometry other) { this.topLeft = other.topLeft; this.extent = other.extent; } /** * Creates a window geometry from the values kept in the preference store under the * key preferenceKey * * @param preferenceKey the preference key * @throws WindowGeometryException thrown if no such key exist or if the preference value has * an illegal format */ public WindowGeometry(String preferenceKey) throws WindowGeometryException { initFromPreferences(preferenceKey); } /** * Creates a window geometry from the values kept in the preference store under the * key preferenceKey. Falls back to the defaultGeometry if * something goes wrong. * * @param preferenceKey the preference key * @param defaultGeometry the default geometry * */ public WindowGeometry(String preferenceKey, WindowGeometry defaultGeometry) { try { initFromPreferences(preferenceKey); } catch(WindowGeometryException e) { // System.out.println(tr("Warning: Failed to restore window geometry from key ''{0}''. Falling back to default geometry. Details: {1}", preferenceKey, e.getMessage())); initFromWindowGeometry(defaultGeometry); } } /** * Remembers a window geometry under a specific preference key * * @param preferenceKey the preference key */ public void remember(String preferenceKey) { StringBuffer value = new StringBuffer(); value.append("x=").append(topLeft.x).append(",") .append("y=").append(topLeft.y).append(",") .append("width=").append(extent.width).append(",") .append("height=").append(extent.height); Main.pref.put(preferenceKey, value.toString()); } /** * Replies the top left point for the geometry * * @return the top left point for the geometry */ public Point getTopLeft() { return topLeft; } /** * Replies the size spezified by the geometry * * @return the size spezified by the geometry */ public Dimension getSize() { return extent; } /** * Applies this geometry to a window * * @param window the window */ public void apply(Window window) { window.setLocation(topLeft); window.setSize(extent); } /** * Applies this geometry to a window. Makes sure that the window is not placed outside * of the coordinate range of the current screen. * * @param window the window */ public void applySafe(Window window) { Point p = new Point(topLeft); if (p.x > Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width - 10) { p.x = 0; } if (p.y > Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().height - 10) { p.y = 0; } window.setLocation(p); window.setSize(extent); } }