// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. package org.openstreetmap.josm.tools; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler; import java.util.logging.Handler; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.LogRecord; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.bugreport.BugReport; /** * This class contains utility methods to log errors and warnings. *

* There are multiple log levels supported. * @author Michael Zangl * @since 10899 */ public final class Logging { /** * The josm internal log level indicating a severe error in the application that usually leads to a crash. */ public static final Level LEVEL_ERROR = Level.SEVERE; /** * The josm internal log level to use when something that may lead to a crash or wrong behaviour has happened. */ public static final Level LEVEL_WARN = Level.WARNING; /** * The josm internal log level to use for important events that will be useful when debugging problems */ public static final Level LEVEL_INFO = Level.INFO; /** * The josm internal log level to print debug output */ public static final Level LEVEL_DEBUG = Level.FINE; /** * The finest log level josm supports. This lets josm print a lot of debug output. */ public static final Level LEVEL_TRACE = Level.FINEST; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getAnonymousLogger(); private static final RememberWarningHandler WARNINGS = new RememberWarningHandler(); static { LOGGER.setLevel(Level.ALL); LOGGER.setUseParentHandlers(false); // for a more concise logging output via java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter Utils.updateSystemProperty("java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format", "%1$tF %1$tT.%1$tL %4$s: %5$s%6$s%n"); ConsoleHandler stderr = new ConsoleHandler(); LOGGER.addHandler(stderr); stderr.setLevel(LEVEL_WARN); ConsoleHandler stdout = new ConsoleHandler() { @Override protected synchronized void setOutputStream(OutputStream out) { // overwrite output stream. super.setOutputStream(System.out); } @Override public void publish(LogRecord record) { if (!stderr.isLoggable(record)) { super.publish(record); } } }; LOGGER.addHandler(stdout); stdout.setLevel(Level.ALL); LOGGER.addHandler(WARNINGS); } private Logging() { // hide } /** * Set the global log level. * @param level The log level to use */ public static void setLogLevel(Level level) { LOGGER.setLevel(level); } /** * Prints an error message if logging is on. * @param message The message to print. */ public static void error(String message) { logPrivate(LEVEL_ERROR, message); } /** * Prints a formatted error message if logging is on. Calls {@link MessageFormat#format} * function to format text. * @param pattern The formatted message to print. * @param args The objects to insert into format string. */ public static void error(String pattern, Object... args) { logPrivate(LEVEL_ERROR, pattern, args); } /** * Prints a warning message if logging is on. * @param message The message to print. */ public static void warn(String message) { logPrivate(LEVEL_WARN, message); } /** * Prints a formatted warning message if logging is on. Calls {@link MessageFormat#format} * function to format text. * @param pattern The formatted message to print. * @param args The objects to insert into format string. */ public static void warn(String pattern, Object... args) { logPrivate(LEVEL_WARN, pattern, args); } /** * Prints a info message if logging is on. * @param message The message to print. */ public static void info(String message) { logPrivate(LEVEL_INFO, message); } /** * Prints a formatted info message if logging is on. Calls {@link MessageFormat#format} * function to format text. * @param pattern The formatted message to print. * @param args The objects to insert into format string. */ public static void info(String pattern, Object... args) { logPrivate(LEVEL_INFO, pattern, args); } /** * Prints a debug message if logging is on. * @param message The message to print. */ public static void debug(String message) { logPrivate(LEVEL_DEBUG, message); } /** * Prints a formatted debug message if logging is on. Calls {@link MessageFormat#format} * function to format text. * @param pattern The formatted message to print. * @param args The objects to insert into format string. */ public static void debug(String pattern, Object... args) { logPrivate(LEVEL_DEBUG, pattern, args); } /** * Prints a trace message if logging is on. * @param message The message to print. */ public static void trace(String message) { logPrivate(LEVEL_TRACE, message); } /** * Prints a formatted trace message if logging is on. Calls {@link MessageFormat#format} * function to format text. * @param pattern The formatted message to print. * @param args The objects to insert into format string. */ public static void trace(String pattern, Object... args) { logPrivate(LEVEL_TRACE, pattern, args); } /** * Logs a throwable that happened. * @param level The level. * @param t The throwable that should be logged. */ public static void log(Level level, Throwable t) { logPrivate(level, () -> getErrorLog(null, t)); } /** * Logs a throwable that happened. * @param level The level. * @param message An additional error message * @param t The throwable that caused the message */ public static void log(Level level, String message, Throwable t) { logPrivate(level, () -> getErrorLog(message, t)); } /** * Logs a throwable that happened. Adds the stack trace to the log. * @param level The level. * @param t The throwable that should be logged. */ public static void logWithStackTrace(Level level, Throwable t) { logPrivate(level, () -> getErrorLogWithStack(null, t)); } /** * Logs a throwable that happened. Adds the stack trace to the log. * @param level The level. * @param message An additional error message * @param t The throwable that should be logged. */ public static void logWithStackTrace(Level level, String message, Throwable t) { logPrivate(level, () -> getErrorLogWithStack(message, t)); } private static void logPrivate(Level level, String pattern, Object... args) { logPrivate(level, () -> MessageFormat.format(pattern, args)); } private static void logPrivate(Level level, String message) { logPrivate(level, () -> message); } private static void logPrivate(Level level, Supplier supplier) { // all log methods immeadiately call one of the logPrivate methods. if (LOGGER.isLoggable(level)) { StackTraceElement callingMethod = BugReport.getCallingMethod(1, Logging.class.getName(), name -> !"logPrivate".equals(name)); LOGGER.logp(level, callingMethod.getClassName(), callingMethod.getMethodName(), supplier); } } /** * Tests if a given log level is enabled. This can be used to avoid constructing debug data if required. * * For formatting text, you should use the {@link #debug(String, Object...)} message * @param level A lvele constant. You can e.g. use {@link Logging#LEVEL_ERROR} * @return true if debug is enabled. */ public static boolean isLoggingEnabled(Level level) { return LOGGER.isLoggable(level); } private static String getErrorLog(String message, Throwable t) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (message != null) { sb.append(message).append(": "); } sb.append(getErrorMessage(t)); return sb.toString(); } private static String getErrorLogWithStack(String message, Throwable t) { StringWriter sb = new StringWriter(); sb.append(getErrorLog(message, t)); sb.append('\n'); t.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sb)); return sb.toString(); } /** * Returns a human-readable message of error, also usable for developers. * @param t The error * @return The human-readable error message */ public static String getErrorMessage(Throwable t) { if (t == null) { return "(no error)"; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(t.getClass().getName()); String msg = t.getMessage(); if (msg != null) { sb.append(": ").append(msg.trim()); } Throwable cause = t.getCause(); if (cause != null && !cause.equals(t)) { // this may cause infinite loops in the unlikely case that there is a loop in the causes. sb.append(". ").append(tr("Cause: ")).append(getErrorMessage(cause)); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Clear the list of last warnings */ public static void clearLastErrorAndWarnings() { WARNINGS.clear(); } /** * Get the last error and warning messages in the order in which they were received. * @return The last errors and warnings. */ public static List getLastErrorAndWarnings() { return WARNINGS.getMessages(); } /** * Provides direct access to the logger used. Use of methods like {@link #warn(String)} is prefered. * @return The logger */ public static Logger getLogger() { return LOGGER; } private static class RememberWarningHandler extends Handler { private final String[] log = new String[10]; private int messagesLogged; RememberWarningHandler() { setLevel(LEVEL_WARN); } synchronized void clear() { messagesLogged = 0; Arrays.fill(log, null); } @Override public synchronized void publish(LogRecord record) { if (!isLoggable(record)) { return; } String msg = getPrefix(record) + record.getMessage(); // Only remember first line of message int idx = msg.indexOf('\n'); if (idx > 0) { msg = msg.substring(0, idx); } log[messagesLogged % log.length] = msg; messagesLogged++; } private static String getPrefix(LogRecord record) { if (record.getLevel().equals(LEVEL_WARN)) { return "W: "; } else { // worse than warn return "E: "; } } synchronized List getMessages() { List logged = Arrays.asList(log); ArrayList res = new ArrayList<>(); int logOffset = messagesLogged % log.length; if (messagesLogged > logOffset) { res.addAll(logged.subList(logOffset, log.length)); } res.addAll(logged.subList(0, logOffset)); return res; } @Override public synchronized void flush() { // nothing to do } @Override public void close() { // nothing to do } } }