// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. package org.openstreetmap.josm.io.auth; import java.awt.Component; import java.net.Authenticator.RequestorType; import java.net.PasswordAuthentication; import java.util.Objects; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.oauth.OAuthToken; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.JosmUserIdentityManager; import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.OsmApi; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.CheckParameterUtil; /** * CredentialManager is a factory for the single credential agent used. * * Currently, it defaults to replying an instance of {@link JosmPreferencesCredentialAgent}. * @since 2641 */ public class CredentialsManager implements CredentialsAgent { private static CredentialsManager instance; /** * Replies the single credential agent used in JOSM * * @return the single credential agent used in JOSM */ public static CredentialsManager getInstance() { if (instance == null) { CredentialsAgent delegate; if (agentFactory == null) { delegate = new JosmPreferencesCredentialAgent(); } else { delegate = agentFactory.getCredentialsAgent(); } instance = new CredentialsManager(delegate); } return instance; } private static CredentialsAgentFactory agentFactory; public interface CredentialsAgentFactory { CredentialsAgent getCredentialsAgent(); } /** * Plugins can register a CredentialsAgentFactory, thereby overriding * JOSM's default credentials agent. * @param agentFactory The Factory that provides the custom CredentialsAgent. * Can be null to clear the factory and switch back to default behavior. */ public static void registerCredentialsAgentFactory(CredentialsAgentFactory agentFactory) { CredentialsManager.agentFactory = agentFactory; CredentialsManager.instance = null; } /* non-static fields and methods */ /** * The credentials agent doing the real stuff */ private CredentialsAgent delegate; /** * Constructs a new {@code CredentialsManager}. * @param delegate The credentials agent backing this credential manager. Must not be {@code null} */ public CredentialsManager(CredentialsAgent delegate) { CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(delegate, "delegate"); this.delegate = delegate; } /** * Returns type of credentials agent backing this credentials manager. * @return The type of credentials agent */ public final Class getCredentialsAgentClass () { return delegate.getClass(); } /** * Returns the username for OSM API * @return the username for OSM API */ public String getUsername() { return getUsername(OsmApi.getOsmApi().getHost()); } /** * Returns the username for a given host * @param host The host for which username is wanted * @return The username for {@code host} */ public String getUsername(String host) { String username = null; try { PasswordAuthentication auth = lookup(RequestorType.SERVER, host); if (auth != null) { username = auth.getUserName(); } } catch (CredentialsAgentException ex) { return null; } if (username == null) return null; username = username.trim(); return username.isEmpty() ? null : username; } @Override public PasswordAuthentication lookup(RequestorType requestorType, String host) throws CredentialsAgentException { return delegate.lookup(requestorType, host); } @Override public void store(RequestorType requestorType, String host, PasswordAuthentication credentials) throws CredentialsAgentException { if (requestorType == RequestorType.SERVER && Objects.equals(OsmApi.getOsmApi().getHost(), host)) { String username = credentials.getUserName(); if(username != null && !username.trim().isEmpty()) { JosmUserIdentityManager.getInstance().setPartiallyIdentified(username); } } delegate.store(requestorType, host, credentials); } @Override public CredentialsAgentResponse getCredentials(RequestorType requestorType, String host, boolean noSuccessWithLastResponse) throws CredentialsAgentException { return delegate.getCredentials(requestorType, host, noSuccessWithLastResponse); } @Override public OAuthToken lookupOAuthAccessToken() throws CredentialsAgentException { return delegate.lookupOAuthAccessToken(); } @Override public void storeOAuthAccessToken(OAuthToken accessToken) throws CredentialsAgentException { delegate.storeOAuthAccessToken(accessToken); } @Override public Component getPreferencesDecorationPanel() { return delegate.getPreferencesDecorationPanel(); } }