// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. package org.openstreetmap.josm.io; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.trn; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.CompletionService; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorCompletionService; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.DataSet; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.DataSetMerger; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Node; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitiveType; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.PrimitiveId; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Relation; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.RelationMember; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.SimplePrimitiveId; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Way; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.preferences.server.OverpassServerPreference; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.progress.NullProgressMonitor; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.progress.ProgressMonitor; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Logging; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Utils; /** * Retrieves a set of {@link OsmPrimitive}s from an OSM server using the so called * Multi Fetch API. * * Usage: *
 *    MultiFetchServerObjectReader reader = MultiFetchServerObjectReader()
 *         .append(2345,2334,4444)
 *         .append(new Node(72343));
 *    reader.parseOsm();
 *    if (!reader.getMissingPrimitives().isEmpty()) {
 *        Logging.info("There are missing primitives: " + reader.getMissingPrimitives());
 *    }
 *    if (!reader.getSkippedWays().isEmpty()) {
 *       Logging.info("There are skipped ways: " + reader.getMissingPrimitives());
 *    }
*/ public class MultiFetchServerObjectReader extends OsmServerReader { /** * the max. number of primitives retrieved in one step. Assuming IDs with 7 digits, * this leads to a max. request URL of ~ 1600 Bytes ((7 digits + 1 Separator) * 200), * which should be safe according to the * WWW FAQ. */ private static final int MAX_IDS_PER_REQUEST = 200; private final Set nodes; private final Set ways; private final Set relations; private Set missingPrimitives; private final DataSet outputDataSet; /** * Constructs a {@code MultiFetchServerObjectReader}. */ protected MultiFetchServerObjectReader() { nodes = new LinkedHashSet<>(); ways = new LinkedHashSet<>(); relations = new LinkedHashSet<>(); this.outputDataSet = new DataSet(); this.missingPrimitives = new LinkedHashSet<>(); } /** * Creates a new instance of {@link MultiFetchServerObjectReader} or {@link MultiFetchOverpassObjectReader} * depending on the {@link OverpassServerPreference#useForMultiFetch preference}. * * @return a new instance * @since 9241 */ public static MultiFetchServerObjectReader create() { return create(OverpassServerPreference.useForMultiFetch()); } /** * Creates a new instance of {@link MultiFetchServerObjectReader} or {@link MultiFetchOverpassObjectReader} * depending on the {@code fromMirror} parameter. * * @param fromMirror {@code false} for {@link MultiFetchServerObjectReader}, {@code true} for {@link MultiFetchOverpassObjectReader} * @return a new instance * @since 9241 */ static MultiFetchServerObjectReader create(final boolean fromMirror) { if (fromMirror) { return new MultiFetchOverpassObjectReader(); } else { return new MultiFetchServerObjectReader(); } } /** * Remembers an {@link OsmPrimitive}'s id. The id will * later be fetched as part of a Multi Get request. * * Ignore the id if it represents a new primitives. * * @param id the id */ protected void remember(PrimitiveId id) { if (id.isNew()) return; switch(id.getType()) { case NODE: nodes.add(id.getUniqueId()); break; case WAY: ways.add(id.getUniqueId()); break; case RELATION: relations.add(id.getUniqueId()); break; default: throw new AssertionError(); } } /** * appends a {@link OsmPrimitive} id to the list of ids which will be fetched from the server. * * @param ds the {@link DataSet} to which the primitive belongs * @param id the primitive id * @param type The primitive type. Must be one of {@link OsmPrimitiveType#NODE NODE}, {@link OsmPrimitiveType#WAY WAY}, * {@link OsmPrimitiveType#RELATION RELATION} * @return this */ public MultiFetchServerObjectReader append(DataSet ds, long id, OsmPrimitiveType type) { OsmPrimitive p = ds.getPrimitiveById(id, type); switch(type) { case NODE: return appendNode((Node) p); case WAY: return appendWay((Way) p); case RELATION: return appendRelation((Relation) p); default: return this; } } /** * appends a {@link Node} id to the list of ids which will be fetched from the server. * * @param node the node (ignored, if null) * @return this */ public MultiFetchServerObjectReader appendNode(Node node) { if (node == null) return this; remember(node.getPrimitiveId()); return this; } /** * appends a {@link Way} id and the list of ids of nodes the way refers to the list of ids which will be fetched from the server. * * @param way the way (ignored, if null) * @return this */ public MultiFetchServerObjectReader appendWay(Way way) { if (way == null) return this; if (way.isNew()) return this; for (Node node: !recursesDown() ? way.getNodes() : Collections.emptyList()) { if (!node.isNew()) { remember(node.getPrimitiveId()); } } remember(way.getPrimitiveId()); return this; } /** * appends a {@link Relation} id to the list of ids which will be fetched from the server. * * @param relation the relation (ignored, if null) * @return this */ protected MultiFetchServerObjectReader appendRelation(Relation relation) { if (relation == null) return this; if (relation.isNew()) return this; remember(relation.getPrimitiveId()); for (RelationMember member : !recursesDown() ? relation.getMembers() : Collections.emptyList()) { // avoid infinite recursion in case of cyclic dependencies in relations if (OsmPrimitiveType.from(member.getMember()).equals(OsmPrimitiveType.RELATION) && relations.contains(member.getMember().getId())) { continue; } if (!member.getMember().isIncomplete()) { append(member.getMember()); } } return this; } /** * appends an {@link OsmPrimitive} to the list of ids which will be fetched from the server. * @param primitive the primitive * @return this */ public MultiFetchServerObjectReader append(OsmPrimitive primitive) { if (primitive instanceof Node) { return appendNode((Node) primitive); } else if (primitive instanceof Way) { return appendWay((Way) primitive); } else if (primitive instanceof Relation) { return appendRelation((Relation) primitive); } return this; } /** * appends a list of {@link OsmPrimitive} to the list of ids which will be fetched from the server. * * @param primitives the list of primitives (ignored, if null) * @return this * * @see #append(OsmPrimitive) */ public MultiFetchServerObjectReader append(Collection primitives) { if (primitives == null) return this; for (OsmPrimitive primitive : primitives) { append(primitive); } return this; } /** * extracts a subset of max {@link #MAX_IDS_PER_REQUEST} ids from ids and * replies the subset. The extracted subset is removed from ids. * * @param ids a set of ids * @return the subset of ids */ protected Set extractIdPackage(Set ids) { Set pkg = new HashSet<>(); if (ids.isEmpty()) return pkg; if (ids.size() > MAX_IDS_PER_REQUEST) { Iterator it = ids.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_IDS_PER_REQUEST; i++) { pkg.add(it.next()); } ids.removeAll(pkg); } else { pkg.addAll(ids); ids.clear(); } return pkg; } /** * builds the Multi Get request string for a set of ids and a given {@link OsmPrimitiveType}. * * @param type The primitive type. Must be one of {@link OsmPrimitiveType#NODE NODE}, {@link OsmPrimitiveType#WAY WAY}, * {@link OsmPrimitiveType#RELATION RELATION} * @param idPackage the package of ids * @return the request string */ protected String buildRequestString(final OsmPrimitiveType type, Set idPackage) { return type.getAPIName() + "s?" + type.getAPIName() + "s=" + Utils.join(",", idPackage); } protected void rememberNodesOfIncompleteWaysToLoad(DataSet from) { for (Way w: from.getWays()) { if (w.hasIncompleteNodes()) { for (Node n: w.getNodes()) { if (n.isIncomplete()) { nodes.add(n.getId()); } } } } } /** * merges the dataset from to {@link #outputDataSet}. * * @param from the other dataset */ protected void merge(DataSet from) { final DataSetMerger visitor = new DataSetMerger(outputDataSet, from); visitor.merge(); } /** * fetches a set of ids of a given {@link OsmPrimitiveType} from the server * * @param ids the set of ids * @param type The primitive type. Must be one of {@link OsmPrimitiveType#NODE NODE}, {@link OsmPrimitiveType#WAY WAY}, * {@link OsmPrimitiveType#RELATION RELATION} * @param progressMonitor progress monitor * @throws OsmTransferException if an error occurs while communicating with the API server */ protected void fetchPrimitives(Set ids, OsmPrimitiveType type, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws OsmTransferException { String msg; final String baseUrl = getBaseUrl(); switch (type) { // CHECKSTYLE.OFF: SingleSpaceSeparator case NODE: msg = tr("Fetching a package of nodes from ''{0}''", baseUrl); break; case WAY: msg = tr("Fetching a package of ways from ''{0}''", baseUrl); break; case RELATION: msg = tr("Fetching a package of relations from ''{0}''", baseUrl); break; // CHECKSTYLE.ON: SingleSpaceSeparator default: throw new AssertionError(); } progressMonitor.setTicksCount(ids.size()); progressMonitor.setTicks(0); // The complete set containing all primitives to fetch Set toFetch = new HashSet<>(ids); // Build a list of fetchers that will download smaller sets containing only MAX_IDS_PER_REQUEST (200) primitives each. // we will run up to MAX_DOWNLOAD_THREADS concurrent fetchers. int threadsNumber = Main.pref.getInteger("osm.download.threads", OsmApi.MAX_DOWNLOAD_THREADS); threadsNumber = Utils.clamp(threadsNumber, 1, OsmApi.MAX_DOWNLOAD_THREADS); final ExecutorService exec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool( threadsNumber, Utils.newThreadFactory(getClass() + "-%d", Thread.NORM_PRIORITY)); CompletionService ecs = new ExecutorCompletionService<>(exec); List> jobs = new ArrayList<>(); while (!toFetch.isEmpty()) { jobs.add(ecs.submit(new Fetcher(type, extractIdPackage(toFetch), progressMonitor))); } // Run the fetchers for (int i = 0; i < jobs.size() && !isCanceled(); i++) { progressMonitor.subTask(msg + "... " + progressMonitor.getTicks() + '/' + progressMonitor.getTicksCount()); try { FetchResult result = ecs.take().get(); if (result.missingPrimitives != null) { missingPrimitives.addAll(result.missingPrimitives); } if (result.dataSet != null && !isCanceled()) { rememberNodesOfIncompleteWaysToLoad(result.dataSet); merge(result.dataSet); } } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { Logging.error(e); } } exec.shutdown(); // Cancel requests if the user chose to if (isCanceled()) { for (Future job : jobs) { job.cancel(true); } } } /** * invokes one or more Multi Gets to fetch the {@link OsmPrimitive}s and replies * the dataset of retrieved primitives. Note that the dataset includes non visible primitives too! * In contrast to a simple Get for a node, a way, or a relation, a Multi Get always replies * the latest version of the primitive (if any), even if the primitive is not visible (i.e. if * visible==false). * * Invoke {@link #getMissingPrimitives()} to get a list of primitives which have not been * found on the server (the server response code was 404) * * @return the parsed data * @throws OsmTransferException if an error occurs while communicating with the API server * @see #getMissingPrimitives() * */ @Override public DataSet parseOsm(ProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws OsmTransferException { int n = nodes.size() + ways.size() + relations.size(); progressMonitor.beginTask(trn("Downloading {0} object from ''{1}''", "Downloading {0} objects from ''{1}''", n, n, OsmApi.getOsmApi().getBaseUrl())); try { missingPrimitives = new HashSet<>(); if (isCanceled()) return null; fetchPrimitives(ways, OsmPrimitiveType.WAY, progressMonitor); if (isCanceled()) return null; fetchPrimitives(nodes, OsmPrimitiveType.NODE, progressMonitor); if (isCanceled()) return null; fetchPrimitives(relations, OsmPrimitiveType.RELATION, progressMonitor); if (outputDataSet != null) { outputDataSet.deleteInvisible(); } return outputDataSet; } finally { progressMonitor.finishTask(); } } /** * replies the set of ids of all primitives for which a fetch request to the * server was submitted but which are not available from the server (the server * replied a return code of 404) * * @return the set of ids of missing primitives */ public Set getMissingPrimitives() { return missingPrimitives; } /** * Whether this reader fetches nodes when loading ways, or members when loading relations. * * @return {@code true} if the reader recurses down */ protected boolean recursesDown() { return false; } /** * The class holding the results given by {@link Fetcher}. * It is only a wrapper of the resulting {@link DataSet} and the collection of {@link PrimitiveId} that could not have been loaded. */ protected static class FetchResult { /** * The resulting data set */ public final DataSet dataSet; /** * The collection of primitive ids that could not have been loaded */ public final Set missingPrimitives; /** * Constructs a {@code FetchResult} * @param dataSet The resulting data set * @param missingPrimitives The collection of primitive ids that could not have been loaded */ public FetchResult(DataSet dataSet, Set missingPrimitives) { this.dataSet = dataSet; this.missingPrimitives = missingPrimitives; } } /** * The class that actually download data from OSM API. * Several instances of this class are used by {@link MultiFetchServerObjectReader} (one per set of primitives to fetch). * The inheritance of {@link OsmServerReader} is only explained by the need to have a distinct OSM connection by {@code Fetcher} instance. * @see FetchResult */ protected class Fetcher extends OsmServerReader implements Callable { private final Set pkg; private final OsmPrimitiveType type; private final ProgressMonitor progressMonitor; /** * Constructs a {@code Fetcher} * @param type The primitive type. Must be one of {@link OsmPrimitiveType#NODE NODE}, {@link OsmPrimitiveType#WAY WAY}, * {@link OsmPrimitiveType#RELATION RELATION} * @param idsPackage The set of primitives ids to fetch * @param progressMonitor The progress monitor */ public Fetcher(OsmPrimitiveType type, Set idsPackage, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor) { this.pkg = idsPackage; this.type = type; this.progressMonitor = progressMonitor; } @Override public DataSet parseOsm(ProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws OsmTransferException { // This method is implemented because of the OsmServerReader inheritance, but not used, // as the main target of this class is the call() method. return fetch(progressMonitor).dataSet; } @Override public FetchResult call() throws Exception { return fetch(progressMonitor); } /** * fetches the requested primitives and updates the specified progress monitor. * @param progressMonitor the progress monitor * @return the {@link FetchResult} of this operation * @throws OsmTransferException if an error occurs while communicating with the API server */ protected FetchResult fetch(ProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws OsmTransferException { try { return multiGetIdPackage(type, pkg, progressMonitor); } catch (OsmApiException e) { if (e.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) { Logging.info(tr("Server replied with response code 404, retrying with an individual request for each object.")); return singleGetIdPackage(type, pkg, progressMonitor); } else { throw e; } } } @Override protected String getBaseUrl() { return MultiFetchServerObjectReader.this.getBaseUrl(); } /** * invokes a Multi Get for a set of ids and a given {@link OsmPrimitiveType}. * The retrieved primitives are merged to {@link #outputDataSet}. * * @param type The primitive type. Must be one of {@link OsmPrimitiveType#NODE NODE}, {@link OsmPrimitiveType#WAY WAY}, * {@link OsmPrimitiveType#RELATION RELATION} * @param pkg the package of ids * @param progressMonitor progress monitor * @return the {@link FetchResult} of this operation * @throws OsmTransferException if an error occurs while communicating with the API server */ protected FetchResult multiGetIdPackage(OsmPrimitiveType type, Set pkg, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws OsmTransferException { String request = buildRequestString(type, pkg); FetchResult result = null; try (InputStream in = getInputStream(request, NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE)) { if (in == null) return null; progressMonitor.subTask(tr("Downloading OSM data...")); try { result = new FetchResult(OsmReader.parseDataSet(in, progressMonitor.createSubTaskMonitor(pkg.size(), false)), null); } catch (IllegalDataException e) { throw new OsmTransferException(e); } } catch (IOException ex) { Logging.warn(ex); } return result; } /** * invokes a Multi Get for a single id and a given {@link OsmPrimitiveType}. * The retrieved primitive is merged to {@link #outputDataSet}. * * @param type The primitive type. Must be one of {@link OsmPrimitiveType#NODE NODE}, {@link OsmPrimitiveType#WAY WAY}, * {@link OsmPrimitiveType#RELATION RELATION} * @param id the id * @param progressMonitor progress monitor * @return the {@link DataSet} resulting of this operation * @throws OsmTransferException if an error occurs while communicating with the API server */ protected DataSet singleGetId(OsmPrimitiveType type, long id, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws OsmTransferException { String request = buildRequestString(type, Collections.singleton(id)); DataSet result = null; try (InputStream in = getInputStream(request, NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE)) { if (in == null) return null; progressMonitor.subTask(tr("Downloading OSM data...")); try { result = OsmReader.parseDataSet(in, progressMonitor.createSubTaskMonitor(1, false)); } catch (IllegalDataException e) { throw new OsmTransferException(e); } } catch (IOException ex) { Logging.warn(ex); } return result; } /** * invokes a sequence of Multi Gets for individual ids in a set of ids and a given {@link OsmPrimitiveType}. * The retrieved primitives are merged to {@link #outputDataSet}. * * This method is used if one of the ids in pkg doesn't exist (the server replies with return code 404). * If the set is fetched with this method it is possible to find out which of the ids doesn't exist. * Unfortunately, the server does not provide an error header or an error body for a 404 reply. * * @param type The primitive type. Must be one of {@link OsmPrimitiveType#NODE NODE}, {@link OsmPrimitiveType#WAY WAY}, * {@link OsmPrimitiveType#RELATION RELATION} * @param pkg the set of ids * @param progressMonitor progress monitor * @return the {@link FetchResult} of this operation * @throws OsmTransferException if an error occurs while communicating with the API server */ protected FetchResult singleGetIdPackage(OsmPrimitiveType type, Set pkg, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws OsmTransferException { FetchResult result = new FetchResult(new DataSet(), new HashSet()); String baseUrl = OsmApi.getOsmApi().getBaseUrl(); for (long id : pkg) { try { String msg; switch (type) { // CHECKSTYLE.OFF: SingleSpaceSeparator case NODE: msg = tr("Fetching node with id {0} from ''{1}''", id, baseUrl); break; case WAY: msg = tr("Fetching way with id {0} from ''{1}''", id, baseUrl); break; case RELATION: msg = tr("Fetching relation with id {0} from ''{1}''", id, baseUrl); break; // CHECKSTYLE.ON: SingleSpaceSeparator default: throw new AssertionError(); } progressMonitor.setCustomText(msg); result.dataSet.mergeFrom(singleGetId(type, id, progressMonitor)); } catch (OsmApiException e) { if (e.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) { Logging.info(tr("Server replied with response code 404 for id {0}. Skipping.", Long.toString(id))); result.missingPrimitives.add(new SimplePrimitiveId(id, type)); } else { throw e; } } } return result; } } }