// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. package org.openstreetmap.josm.io; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.Proxy; import java.net.Proxy.Type; import java.net.ProxySelector; import java.net.SocketAddress; import java.net.URI; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.openstreetmap.josm.spi.preferences.Config; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Logging; /** * This is the default proxy selector used in JOSM. * @since 2641 */ public class DefaultProxySelector extends ProxySelector { /** Property key for proxy policy */ public static final String PROXY_POLICY = "proxy.policy"; /** Property key for HTTP proxy host */ public static final String PROXY_HTTP_HOST = "proxy.http.host"; /** Property key for HTTP proxy port */ public static final String PROXY_HTTP_PORT = "proxy.http.port"; /** Property key for SOCKS proxy host */ public static final String PROXY_SOCKS_HOST = "proxy.socks.host"; /** Property key for SOCKS proxy port */ public static final String PROXY_SOCKS_PORT = "proxy.socks.port"; /** Property key for proxy username */ public static final String PROXY_USER = "proxy.user"; /** Property key for proxy password */ public static final String PROXY_PASS = "proxy.pass"; /** Property key for proxy exceptions list */ public static final String PROXY_EXCEPTIONS = "proxy.exceptions"; private static final List NO_PROXY_LIST = Collections.singletonList(Proxy.NO_PROXY); private static final String IPV4_LOOPBACK = ""; private static final String IPV6_LOOPBACK = "::1"; /** * The {@link ProxySelector} provided by the JDK will retrieve proxy information * from the system settings, if the system property java.net.useSystemProxies * is defined at startup. It has no effect if the property is set * later by the application. * * We therefore read the property at class loading time and remember it's value. */ private static boolean jvmWillUseSystemProxies; static { String v = System.getProperty("java.net.useSystemProxies"); if (v != null && v.equals(Boolean.TRUE.toString())) { jvmWillUseSystemProxies = true; } } /** * The {@link ProxySelector} provided by the JDK will retrieve proxy information * from the system settings, if the system property java.net.useSystemProxies * is defined at startup. If the property is set later by the application, * this has no effect. * * @return true, if java.net.useSystemProxies was set to true at class initialization time * */ public static boolean willJvmRetrieveSystemProxies() { return jvmWillUseSystemProxies; } private ProxyPolicy proxyPolicy; private InetSocketAddress httpProxySocketAddress; private InetSocketAddress socksProxySocketAddress; private final ProxySelector delegate; private final Set errorResources = new HashSet<>(); private final Set errorMessages = new HashSet<>(); private Set proxyExceptions; /** * A typical example is: *
     *    PropertySelector delegate = PropertySelector.getDefault();
     *    PropertySelector.setDefault(new DefaultPropertySelector(delegate));
* * @param delegate the proxy selector to delegate to if system settings are used. Usually * this is the proxy selector found by ProxySelector.getDefault() before this proxy * selector is installed */ public DefaultProxySelector(ProxySelector delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; initFromPreferences(); } protected int parseProxyPortValue(String property, String value) { if (value == null) return 0; int port = 0; try { port = Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Logging.error(tr("Unexpected format for port number in preference ''{0}''. Got ''{1}''.", property, value)); Logging.error(tr("The proxy will not be used.")); return 0; } if (port <= 0 || port > 65_535) { Logging.error(tr("Illegal port number in preference ''{0}''. Got {1}.", property, port)); Logging.error(tr("The proxy will not be used.")); return 0; } return port; } /** * Initializes the proxy selector from the setting in the preferences. * */ public final void initFromPreferences() { String value = Config.getPref().get(PROXY_POLICY); if (value.isEmpty()) { proxyPolicy = ProxyPolicy.NO_PROXY; } else { proxyPolicy = ProxyPolicy.fromName(value); if (proxyPolicy == null) { Logging.warn(tr("Unexpected value for preference ''{0}'' found. Got ''{1}''. Will use no proxy.", PROXY_POLICY, value)); proxyPolicy = ProxyPolicy.NO_PROXY; } } String host = Config.getPref().get(PROXY_HTTP_HOST, null); int port = parseProxyPortValue(PROXY_HTTP_PORT, Config.getPref().get(PROXY_HTTP_PORT, null)); httpProxySocketAddress = null; if (proxyPolicy.equals(ProxyPolicy.USE_HTTP_PROXY)) { if (host != null && !host.trim().isEmpty() && port > 0) { httpProxySocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(host, port); } else { Logging.warn(tr("Unexpected parameters for HTTP proxy. Got host ''{0}'' and port ''{1}''.", host, port)); Logging.warn(tr("The proxy will not be used.")); } } host = Config.getPref().get(PROXY_SOCKS_HOST, null); port = parseProxyPortValue(PROXY_SOCKS_PORT, Config.getPref().get(PROXY_SOCKS_PORT, null)); socksProxySocketAddress = null; if (proxyPolicy.equals(ProxyPolicy.USE_SOCKS_PROXY)) { if (host != null && !host.trim().isEmpty() && port > 0) { socksProxySocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(host, port); } else { Logging.warn(tr("Unexpected parameters for SOCKS proxy. Got host ''{0}'' and port ''{1}''.", host, port)); Logging.warn(tr("The proxy will not be used.")); } } proxyExceptions = new HashSet<>( Config.getPref().getList(PROXY_EXCEPTIONS, Arrays.asList("localhost", IPV4_LOOPBACK, IPV6_LOOPBACK)) ); } @Override public void connectFailed(URI uri, SocketAddress sa, IOException ioe) { // Just log something. The network stack will also throw an exception which will be caught somewhere else Logging.error(tr("Connection to proxy ''{0}'' for URI ''{1}'' failed. Exception was: {2}", sa.toString(), uri.toString(), ioe.toString())); // Remember errors to give a friendly user message asking to review proxy configuration errorResources.add(uri.toString()); errorMessages.add(ioe.toString()); } /** * Returns the set of current proxy resources that failed to be retrieved. * @return the set of current proxy resources that failed to be retrieved * @since 6523 */ public final Set getErrorResources() { return new TreeSet<>(errorResources); } /** * Returns the set of current proxy error messages. * @return the set of current proxy error messages * @since 6523 */ public final Set getErrorMessages() { return new TreeSet<>(errorMessages); } /** * Clear the sets of failed resources and error messages. * @since 6523 */ public final void clearErrors() { errorResources.clear(); errorMessages.clear(); } /** * Determines if proxy errors have occured. * @return {@code true} if errors have occured, {@code false} otherwise. * @since 6523 */ public final boolean hasErrors() { return !errorResources.isEmpty(); } @Override public List select(URI uri) { if (uri != null && proxyExceptions.contains(uri.getHost())) { return NO_PROXY_LIST; } switch(proxyPolicy) { case USE_SYSTEM_SETTINGS: if (!jvmWillUseSystemProxies) { Logging.warn(tr("The JVM is not configured to lookup proxies from the system settings. "+ "The property ''java.net.useSystemProxies'' was missing at startup time. Will not use a proxy.")); return NO_PROXY_LIST; } // delegate to the former proxy selector return delegate.select(uri); case NO_PROXY: return NO_PROXY_LIST; case USE_HTTP_PROXY: if (httpProxySocketAddress == null) return NO_PROXY_LIST; return Collections.singletonList(new Proxy(Type.HTTP, httpProxySocketAddress)); case USE_SOCKS_PROXY: if (socksProxySocketAddress == null) return NO_PROXY_LIST; return Collections.singletonList(new Proxy(Type.SOCKS, socksProxySocketAddress)); } // should not happen return null; } }