// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. package org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.styleelement.placement; import java.awt.font.GlyphVector; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.stream.IntStream; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapViewState.MapViewPoint; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.draw.MapViewPath; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.draw.MapViewPath.PathSegmentConsumer; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.draw.MapViewPositionAndRotation; /** * Places the label onto the line. * * @author Michael Zangl * @since 11722 * @since 11748 moved to own file */ public class OnLineStrategy implements PositionForAreaStrategy { /** * An instance of this class. */ public static final OnLineStrategy INSTANCE = new OnLineStrategy(0); private final double yOffset; /** * Create a new strategy that places the text on the line. * @param yOffset The offset sidewards to the line. */ public OnLineStrategy(double yOffset) { this.yOffset = yOffset; } @Override public MapViewPositionAndRotation findLabelPlacement(MapViewPath path, Rectangle2D nb) { return findOptimalWayPosition(nb, path).map(best -> { MapViewPoint center = best.start.interpolate(best.end, .5); return new MapViewPositionAndRotation(center, upsideTheta(best)); }).orElse(null); } private static double upsideTheta(HalfSegment best) { double theta = theta(best.start, best.end); if (theta < -Math.PI / 2) { return theta + Math.PI; } else if (theta > Math.PI / 2) { return theta - Math.PI; } else { return theta; } } @Override public boolean supportsGlyphVector() { return true; } @Override public List generateGlyphVectors(MapViewPath path, Rectangle2D nb, List gvs, boolean isDoubleTranslationBug) { // Find the position on the way the font should be placed. // If none is found, use the middle of the way. double middleOffset = findOptimalWayPosition(nb, path).map(segment -> segment.offset) .orElse(path.getLength() / 2); // Check that segment of the way. Compute in which direction the text should be rendered. // It is rendered in a way that ensures that at least 50% of the text are rotated with the right side up. UpsideComputingVisitor upside = new UpsideComputingVisitor(middleOffset - nb.getWidth() / 2, middleOffset + nb.getWidth() / 2); path.visitLine(upside); boolean doRotateText = upside.shouldRotateText(); // Compute the list of glyphs to draw, along with their offset on the current line. List offsetGlyphs = computeOffsetGlyphs(gvs, middleOffset + (doRotateText ? 1 : -1) * nb.getWidth() / 2, doRotateText); // Order the glyphs along the line to ensure that they are drawn corretly. Collections.sort(offsetGlyphs, Comparator.comparing(OffsetGlyph::getOffset)); // Now translate all glyphs. This will modify the glyphs stored in gvs. path.visitLine(new GlyphRotatingVisitor(offsetGlyphs, isDoubleTranslationBug)); return gvs; } /** * Create a list of glyphs with an offset along the way * @param gvs The list of glyphs * @param startOffset The offset in the line * @param rotateText Rotate the text by 180° * @return The list of glyphs. */ private static List computeOffsetGlyphs(List gvs, double startOffset, boolean rotateText) { double offset = startOffset; ArrayList offsetGlyphs = new ArrayList<>(); for (GlyphVector gv : gvs) { double gvOffset = offset; IntStream.range(0, gv.getNumGlyphs()) .mapToObj(i -> new OffsetGlyph(gvOffset, rotateText, gv, i)) .forEach(offsetGlyphs::add); offset += (rotateText ? -1 : 1) + gv.getLogicalBounds().getBounds2D().getWidth(); } return offsetGlyphs; } private static Optional findOptimalWayPosition(Rectangle2D rect, MapViewPath path) { // find half segments that are long enough to draw text on (don't draw text over the cross hair in the center of each segment) List longHalfSegment = new ArrayList<>(); double minSegmentLength = 2 * (rect.getWidth() + 4); double length = path.visitLine((inLineOffset, start, end, startIsOldEnd) -> { double segmentLength = start.distanceToInView(end); if (segmentLength > minSegmentLength) { MapViewPoint center = start.interpolate(end, .5); double q = computeQuality(start, center); // prefer the first one for quality equality. longHalfSegment.add(new HalfSegment(start, center, q + .1, inLineOffset + .25 * segmentLength)); q = computeQuality(center, end); longHalfSegment.add(new HalfSegment(center, end, q, inLineOffset + .75 * segmentLength)); } }); // find the segment with the best quality. If there are several with best quality, the one close to the center is prefered. return longHalfSegment.stream().max( Comparator.comparingDouble(segment -> segment.quality - 1e-5 * Math.abs(segment.offset - length / 2))); } private static double computeQuality(MapViewPoint p1, MapViewPoint p2) { double q = 0; if (p1.isInView()) { q += 1; } if (p2.isInView()) { q += 1; } return q; } /** * A half segment that can be used to place text on it. Used in the drawTextOnPath algorithm. * @author Michael Zangl */ private static class HalfSegment { /** * start point of half segment */ private final MapViewPoint start; /** * end point of half segment */ private final MapViewPoint end; /** * quality factor (off screen / partly on screen / fully on screen) */ private final double quality; /** * The offset in the path. */ private final double offset; /** * Create a new half segment * @param start The start along the way * @param end The end of the segment * @param quality A quality factor. * @param offset The offset in the path. */ HalfSegment(MapViewPoint start, MapViewPoint end, double quality, double offset) { super(); this.start = start; this.end = end; this.quality = quality; this.offset = offset; } @Override public String toString() { return "HalfSegment [start=" + start + ", end=" + end + ", quality=" + quality + ']'; } } /** * A visitor that computes the side of the way that is the upper one for each segment and computes the dominant upper side of the way. * This is used to always place at least 50% of the text correctly. */ private static class UpsideComputingVisitor implements PathSegmentConsumer { private final double startOffset; private final double endOffset; private double upsideUpLines; private double upsideDownLines; UpsideComputingVisitor(double startOffset, double endOffset) { super(); this.startOffset = startOffset; this.endOffset = endOffset; } @Override public void addLineBetween(double inLineOffset, MapViewPoint start, MapViewPoint end, boolean startIsOldEnd) { if (inLineOffset > endOffset) { return; } double length = start.distanceToInView(end); if (inLineOffset + length < startOffset) { return; } double segmentStart = Math.max(inLineOffset, startOffset); double segmentEnd = Math.min(inLineOffset + length, endOffset); double segmentLength = segmentEnd - segmentStart; if (start.getInViewX() < end.getInViewX()) { upsideUpLines += segmentLength; } else { upsideDownLines += segmentLength; } } /** * Check if the text should be rotated by 180° * @return if the text should be rotated. */ boolean shouldRotateText() { return upsideUpLines < upsideDownLines; } } /** * Rotate the glyphs along a path. */ private class GlyphRotatingVisitor implements PathSegmentConsumer { private final Iterator gvs; private final boolean isDoubleTranslationBug; private OffsetGlyph next; /** * Create a new {@link GlyphRotatingVisitor} * @param gvs The glyphs to draw. Sorted along the line * @param isDoubleTranslationBug true to fix a double translation bug. */ GlyphRotatingVisitor(List gvs, boolean isDoubleTranslationBug) { this.isDoubleTranslationBug = isDoubleTranslationBug; this.gvs = gvs.iterator(); takeNext(); while (next != null && next.offset < 0) { // skip them takeNext(); } } private void takeNext() { if (gvs.hasNext()) { next = gvs.next(); } else { next = null; } } @Override public void addLineBetween(double inLineOffset, MapViewPoint start, MapViewPoint end, boolean startIsOldEnd) { double segLength = start.distanceToInView(end); double segEnd = inLineOffset + segLength; double theta = theta(start, end); while (next != null && next.offset < segEnd) { Rectangle2D rect = next.getBounds(); double centerY = 0; MapViewPoint p = start.interpolate(end, (next.offset - inLineOffset) / segLength); AffineTransform trfm = new AffineTransform(); trfm.translate(-rect.getCenterX(), -centerY); trfm.translate(p.getInViewX(), p.getInViewY()); trfm.rotate(theta + next.preRotate, rect.getWidth() / 2, centerY); trfm.translate(0, next.glyph.getFont().getSize2D() * .25); trfm.translate(0, yOffset); if (isDoubleTranslationBug) { // scale the translation components by one half AffineTransform tmp = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(-0.5 * trfm.getTranslateX(), -0.5 * trfm.getTranslateY()); tmp.concatenate(trfm); trfm = tmp; } next.glyph.setGlyphTransform(next.glyphIndex, trfm); takeNext(); } } } private static class OffsetGlyph { private final double offset; private final double preRotate; private final GlyphVector glyph; private final int glyphIndex; OffsetGlyph(double offset, boolean rotateText, GlyphVector glyph, int glyphIndex) { super(); this.preRotate = rotateText ? Math.PI : 0; this.glyph = glyph; this.glyphIndex = glyphIndex; Rectangle2D rect = getBounds(); this.offset = offset + (rotateText ? -1 : 1) * (rect.getX() + rect.getWidth() / 2); } Rectangle2D getBounds() { return glyph.getGlyphLogicalBounds(glyphIndex).getBounds2D(); } double getOffset() { return offset; } @Override public String toString() { return "OffsetGlyph [offset=" + offset + ", preRotate=" + preRotate + ", glyphIndex=" + glyphIndex + ']'; } } private static double theta(MapViewPoint start, MapViewPoint end) { return Math.atan2(end.getInViewY() - start.getInViewY(), end.getInViewX() - start.getInViewX()); } }