1 | // License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
2 | options {
3 | STATIC = false;
4 | }
5 |
7 | package org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.mapcss.parser;
8 |
9 | import java.awt.Color;
10 | import java.util.ArrayList;
11 | import java.util.List;
12 |
13 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.mapcss.Condition;
14 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.mapcss.Expression;
15 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.mapcss.Instruction;
16 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.mapcss.MapCSSRule;
17 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.mapcss.MapCSSStyleSource;
18 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.mapcss.Selector;
19 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.mapcss.Expression.FunctionExpression;
20 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.mapcss.Expression.LiteralExpression;
21 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.mapcss.Selector.DescendentSelector;
22 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.mapcss.Selector.GeneralSelector;
23 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Pair;
24 |
25 | public class MapCSSParser {
26 | MapCSSStyleSource sheet;
27 | }
28 | PARSER_END(MapCSSParser)
29 |
30 | /*************
31 | * Token definitions
32 | */
33 |
34 | <DEFAULT>
35 | TOKEN:
36 | {
37 | < IDENT: ["a"-"z","A"-"Z","_"] ( ["a"-"z","A"-"Z","_","-","0"-"9"] )* >
38 | | < UINT: ["1"-"9"] ( ["0"-"9"] )* >
39 | | < UFLOAT: ( ["0"-"9"] )+ ( "." ( ["0"-"9"] )+ )? >
40 | | < STRING: "\"" ( [" ","!","#"-"[","]"-"~","\u0080"-"\uFFFF"] | "\\\"" | "\\\\" )* "\"" >
41 | | < #REGEX_CHAR_WITHOUT_STAR: [" "-")","+"-".","0"-"[","]"-"~","\u0080"-"\uFFFF"] | "\\/" | "\\\\" >
43 | | < #H: ["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"] >
44 | | < HEXCOLOR: "#" ( <H><H><H><H><H><H> | <H><H><H> ) >
45 | | < S: ( " " | "\t" | "\n" | "\r" | "\f" )+ >
46 | | < STAR: "*" >
47 | | < SLASH: "/" >
48 | | < LBRACE: "{" >
49 | | < RBRACE: "}" >
50 | | < LSQUARE: "[" >
51 | | < RSQUARE: "]" >
52 | | < LPAR: "(" >
53 | | < RPAR: ")" >
54 | | < GREATER_EQUAL: ">=" >
55 | | < LESS_EQUAL: "<=" >
56 | | < GREATER: ">" >
57 | | < LESS: "<" >
58 | | < EQUAL: "=" >
59 | | < EXCLAMATION: "!" >
60 | | < TILDE: "~" >
61 | | < COLON: ":" >
62 | | < DCOLON: "::" >
63 | | < SEMICOLON: ";" >
64 | | < COMMA: "," >
65 | | < PIPE: "|" >
66 | | < PIPE_Z: "|z" >
67 | | < PLUS: "+" >
68 | | < MINUS: "-" >
69 | | < AMPERSAND: "&" >
70 | | < QUESTION: "?" >
71 | | < DOLLAR: "$" >
72 | | < CARET: "^" >
73 | | < COMMENT_START: "/*" > : COMMENT
74 | | < UNEXPECTED_CHAR : ~[] > // avoid TokenMgrErrors because they are hard to recover from
75 | }
76 |
77 | <COMMENT>
78 | TOKEN:
79 | {
80 | < COMMENT_END: "*/" > : DEFAULT
81 | }
82 |
83 | <COMMENT>
84 | SKIP:
85 | {
86 | < ~[] >
87 | }
88 |
89 | /*************
90 | * Parser definitions
91 | *
92 | * rule
93 | * _______________________|______________________________
94 | * | |
95 | * selector declaration
96 | * _________|___________________ _________|____________
97 | * | | | |
98 | *
99 | * way|z11-12[highway=residential] { color: red; width: 3 }
100 | *
101 | * |_____||___________________| |_________|
102 | * | | |
103 | * zoom condition instruction
104 | *
105 | * more general:
106 | *
107 | * way|z13-[a=b][c=d]::subpart, way|z-3[u=v]:closed::subpart2 { p1 : val; p2 : val; }
108 | *
109 | * 'val' can be a literal, or an expression like "prop(width, default) + 0.8".
110 | *
111 | */
112 |
113 | int uint() :
114 | {
115 | Token i;
116 | }
117 | {
118 | i=<UINT> { return Integer.parseInt(i.image); }
119 | }
120 |
121 | float ufloat() :
122 | {
123 | Token f;
124 | }
125 | {
126 | ( f=<UFLOAT> | f=<UINT> )
127 | { return Float.parseFloat(f.image); }
128 | }
129 |
130 | float float_() :
131 | {
132 | float f;
133 | }
134 | {
135 | <MINUS> f=ufloat() { return -f; } | f=ufloat() { return f; }
136 | }
137 |
138 | String string() :
139 | {
140 | Token t;
141 | }
142 | {
143 | t=<STRING>
144 | { return t.image.substring(1, t.image.length() - 1).replace("\\\"", "\"").replace("\\\\", "\\"); }
145 | }
146 |
147 | String string_or_ident() :
148 | {
149 | Token t;
150 | String s;
151 | }
152 | {
153 | t=<IDENT> { return t.image; } | s=string() { return s; }
154 | }
155 |
156 | String regex() :
157 | {
158 | Token t;
159 | }
160 | {
161 | t=<REGEX>
162 | { return t.image.substring(1, t.image.length() - 1); }
163 | }
164 |
165 | /**
166 | * white-space
167 | */
168 | void s() :
169 | {
170 | }
171 | {
172 | ( <S> )?
173 | }
174 |
175 | /**
176 | * mix of white-space and comments
177 | */
178 | void w() :
179 | {
180 | }
181 | {
182 | ( <S> | <COMMENT_START> <COMMENT_END> )*
183 | }
184 |
185 | /**
186 | * comma delimited list of floats (at least 2, all >= 0)
187 | */
188 | List<Float> float_array() :
189 | {
190 | float f;
191 | List<Float> fs = new ArrayList<Float>();
192 | }
193 | {
194 | f=ufloat() { fs.add(f); }
195 | (
196 | <COMMA> s()
197 | f=ufloat() { fs.add(f); }
198 | )+
199 | {
200 | return fs;
201 | }
202 | }
203 |
204 | /**
205 | * root
206 | */
207 | void sheet(MapCSSStyleSource sheet):
208 | {
209 | MapCSSRule r;
210 | Token com = null;
211 | }
212 | {
213 | { this.sheet = sheet; }
214 | w()
215 | (
216 | try {
217 | r=rule() { if (r != null) { sheet.rules.add(r); } } w()
218 | } catch (ParseException ex) {
219 | error_skipto(RBRACE);
220 | w();
221 | }
222 | )*
223 | <EOF>
224 | }
225 |
226 | MapCSSRule rule():
227 | {
228 | List<Selector> selectors = new ArrayList<Selector>();
229 | Selector sel;
230 | List<Instruction> decl;
231 | }
232 | {
233 | sel=child_selector() { selectors.add(sel); }
234 | (
235 | <COMMA> w()
236 | sel=child_selector() { selectors.add(sel); }
237 | )*
238 | decl=declaration()
239 | { return new MapCSSRule(selectors, decl); }
240 | }
241 |
242 | Selector child_selector() :
243 | {
244 | boolean child = false;
245 | Selector sel1, sel2 = null;
246 | }
247 | {
248 | sel1=selector() w()
249 | (
250 | ( <GREATER> { child = true; } | <LESS> { child = false; } ) w()
251 | sel2=selector() w()
252 | )?
253 | { return sel2 != null ? new DescendentSelector(sel1, sel2, child) : sel1; }
254 | }
255 |
256 | Selector selector() :
257 | {
258 | Token base;
259 | Condition c;
260 | Pair<Integer, Integer> r = null;
261 | List<Condition> conditions = new ArrayList<Condition>();
262 | String sub = null;
263 | }
264 | {
265 | ( base=<IDENT> | base=<STAR> )
266 | ( r=zoom() )?
267 | ( ( c=condition() | c=pseudoclass() ) { conditions.add(c); } )*
268 | ( sub=subpart() )?
269 | { return new GeneralSelector(base.image, r, conditions, sub); }
270 | }
271 |
272 | Pair<Integer, Integer> zoom() :
273 | {
274 | Integer min = 0;
275 | Integer max = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
276 | }
277 | {
278 | <PIPE_Z>
279 | (
280 | <MINUS> max=uint()
281 | |
282 | min=uint() ( <MINUS> ( max=uint() )? )?
283 | )
284 | { return new Pair<Integer, Integer>(min, max); }
285 | }
286 |
287 | Condition condition() :
288 | {
289 | Condition c;
290 | Expression e;
291 | }
292 | {
293 | <LSQUARE>
294 | (
295 | LOOKAHEAD( simple_key_condition() <RSQUARE> )
296 | c=simple_key_condition() <RSQUARE> { return c; }
297 | |
298 | LOOKAHEAD( simple_key_value_condition() <RSQUARE> )
299 | c=simple_key_value_condition() <RSQUARE> { return c; }
300 | |
301 | e=expression() <RSQUARE> { return new Condition.ExpressionCondition(e); }
302 | )
303 | }
304 |
305 | String tag_key() :
306 | {
307 | String s;
308 | Token t;
309 | }
310 | {
311 | s=string() { return s; }
312 | |
313 | t=<IDENT> { s = t.image; } ( <COLON> t=<IDENT> { s += ':' + t.image; } )* { return s; }
314 | }
315 |
316 | Condition simple_key_condition() :
317 | {
318 | boolean not = false;
319 | boolean yes = false;
320 | String key;
321 | }
322 | {
323 | ( <EXCLAMATION> { not = true; } )?
324 | key=tag_key()
325 | ( <QUESTION> { yes = true; } )?
326 | { return new Condition.KeyCondition(key, not, yes); }
327 | }
328 |
329 | Condition simple_key_value_condition() :
330 | {
331 | String key;
332 | String val;
333 | float f;
334 | Condition.Op op;
335 | }
336 | {
337 | key=tag_key()
338 | (
339 | (
340 | <EXCLAMATION> <EQUAL> { op=Condition.Op.NEQ; } val=string_or_ident()
341 | |
342 | <EQUAL> { op=Condition.Op.EQ; }
343 | (
344 | <TILDE> { op=Condition.Op.REGEX; }
345 | val=regex()
346 | |
347 | val=string_or_ident()
348 | )
349 | |
350 | <TILDE> <EQUAL> { op=Condition.Op.ONE_OF; } val=string_or_ident()
351 | |
352 | <CARET> <EQUAL> { op=Condition.Op.BEGINS_WITH; } val=string_or_ident()
353 | |
354 | <DOLLAR> <EQUAL> { op=Condition.Op.ENDS_WITH; } val=string_or_ident()
355 | |
356 | <STAR> <EQUAL> { op=Condition.Op.CONTAINS; } val=string_or_ident()
357 | )
358 | { return new Condition.KeyValueCondition(key, val, op); }
359 | |
360 | (
361 | <GREATER_EQUAL> { op=Condition.Op.GREATER_OR_EQUAL; }
362 | |
363 | <GREATER> { op=Condition.Op.GREATER; }
364 | |
365 | <LESS_EQUAL> { op=Condition.Op.LESS_OR_EQUAL; }
366 | |
367 | <LESS> { op=Condition.Op.LESS; }
368 | )
369 | f=float_()
370 | { return new Condition.KeyValueCondition(key, Float.toString(f), op); }
371 | )
372 | }
373 |
374 | Condition pseudoclass() :
375 | {
376 | Token t;
377 | boolean not = false;
378 | }
379 | {
380 | ( <EXCLAMATION> { not = true; } )?
381 | <COLON>
382 | t=<IDENT>
383 | { return new Condition.PseudoClassCondition(t.image, not); }
384 | }
385 |
386 | String subpart() :
387 | {
388 | Token t;
389 | }
390 | {
391 | <DCOLON>
392 | ( t=<IDENT> | t=<STAR> )
393 | { return t.image; }
394 | }
395 |
396 | List<Instruction> declaration() :
397 | {
398 | List<Instruction> ins = new ArrayList<Instruction>();
399 | Instruction i;
400 | Token key;
401 | Object val;
402 | }
403 | {
404 | <LBRACE> w()
405 | (
406 | key=<IDENT> w() <COLON> w()
407 | (
408 | LOOKAHEAD( float_array() w() ( <SEMICOLON> | <RBRACE> ) )
409 | val=float_array()
410 | { ins.add(new Instruction.AssignmentInstruction(key.image, val)); }
411 | w()
412 | ( <RBRACE> { return ins; } | <SEMICOLON> w() )
413 | |
414 | LOOKAHEAD( expression() ( <SEMICOLON> | <RBRACE> ) )
415 | val=expression()
416 | { ins.add(new Instruction.AssignmentInstruction(key.image, val)); }
417 | ( <RBRACE> { return ins; } | <SEMICOLON> w() )
418 | |
419 | val=readRaw() w() { ins.add(new Instruction.AssignmentInstruction(key.image, val)); }
420 | )
421 | )*
422 | <RBRACE>
423 | { return ins; }
424 | }
425 |
426 | Expression expression():
427 | {
428 | List<Expression> args = new ArrayList<Expression>();
429 | Expression e;
430 | String op = null;
431 | }
432 | {
433 | (
434 | <EXCLAMATION> { op = "not"; } w() e=primary() { args.add(e); } w()
435 | |
436 | <MINUS> { op = "minus"; } w() e=primary() { args.add(e); } w()
437 | |
438 |
439 | (
440 | e=primary() { args.add(e); } w()
441 | (
442 | ( <PLUS> { op = "plus"; } w() e=primary() { args.add(e); } w() )+
443 | |
444 | ( <STAR> { op = "times"; } w() e=primary() { args.add(e); } w() )+
445 | |
446 | ( <MINUS> { op = "minus"; } w() e=primary() { args.add(e); } w() )+
447 | |
448 | ( <SLASH> { op = "divided_by"; } w() e=primary() { args.add(e); } w() )+
449 | |
450 | <GREATER_EQUAL> { op = "greater_equal"; } w() e=primary() { args.add(e); } w()
451 | |
452 | <LESS_EQUAL> { op = "less_equal"; } w() e=primary() { args.add(e); } w()
453 | |
454 | <GREATER> { op = "greater"; } w() e=primary() { args.add(e); } w()
455 | |
456 | <EQUAL> ( <EQUAL> )? { op = "equal"; } w() e=primary() { args.add(e); } w()
457 | |
458 | <LESS> { op = "less"; } w() e=primary() { args.add(e); } w()
459 | |
460 | <AMPERSAND> <AMPERSAND> { op = "and"; } w() e=primary() { args.add(e); } w()
461 | |
462 | <PIPE> <PIPE> { op = "or"; } w() e=primary() { args.add(e); } w()
463 | |
464 | <QUESTION> { op = "cond"; } w() e=primary() { args.add(e); } w() <COLON> w() e=primary() { args.add(e); } w()
465 | )?
466 | )
467 | )
468 | {
469 | if (op == null)
470 | return args.get(0);
471 | return new FunctionExpression(op, args);
472 | }
473 | }
474 |
475 | Expression primary() :
476 | {
477 | Expression nested;
478 | FunctionExpression fn;
479 | Object lit;
480 | }
481 | {
482 | LOOKAHEAD(2) // both function and identifier start with an identifier
483 | fn=function() { return fn; }
484 | |
485 | lit=literal() { return new LiteralExpression(lit); }
486 | |
487 | <LPAR> w() nested=expression() <RPAR> { return nested; }
488 | }
489 |
490 | FunctionExpression function() :
491 | {
492 | Token tmp;
493 | Expression arg;
494 | String name;
495 | List<Expression> args = new ArrayList<Expression>();
496 | }
497 | {
498 | tmp=<IDENT> { name = tmp.image; } w()
499 | <LPAR> w()
500 | (
501 | arg=expression() { args.add(arg); }
502 | ( <COMMA> w() arg=expression() { args.add(arg); } )*
503 | )?
504 | <RPAR>
505 | { return new FunctionExpression(name, args); }
506 | }
507 |
508 | Object literal() :
509 | {
510 | Object val;
511 | Token t;
512 | float f;
513 | }
514 | {
515 | val=string_or_ident() { return val; }
516 | |
517 | <PLUS> f=ufloat() { return new Instruction.RelativeFloat(f); }
518 | |
519 | f=ufloat() { return f; }
520 | |
521 | t=<HEXCOLOR>
522 | {
523 | String clr = t.image.substring(1);
524 | if (clr.length() == 3) {
525 | clr = new String(new char[] {clr.charAt(0),clr.charAt(0),clr.charAt(1),clr.charAt(1),clr.charAt(2),clr.charAt(2)});
526 | }
527 | if (clr.length() != 6)
528 | throw new AssertionError();
529 | return new Color(Integer.parseInt(clr, 16));
530 | }
531 | }
532 |
534 | void error_skipto(int kind) {
535 | if (token.kind == EOF)
536 | throw new ParseException("Reached end of file while parsing");
537 | ParseException e = generateParseException();
538 | System.err.println("Skipping to the next rule, because of an error:");
539 | System.err.println(e);
540 | if (sheet != null) {
541 | sheet.logError(new ParseException(e.getMessage()));
542 | }
543 | Token t;
544 | do {
545 | t = getNextToken();
546 | } while (t.kind != kind && t.kind != EOF);
547 | if (t.kind == EOF)
548 | throw new ParseException("Reached end of file while parsing");
549 | }
550 |
552 | /**
553 | * read everything to the next semicolon
554 | */
555 | String readRaw() {
556 | Token t;
557 | StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
558 | while (true) {
559 | t = getNextToken();
560 | if ((t.kind == S || t.kind == STRING || t.kind == UNEXPECTED_CHAR) &&
561 | t.image.contains("\n")) {
562 | ParseException e = new ParseException(String.format("Warning: end of line while reading an unquoted string at line %s column %s.", t.beginLine, t.beginColumn));
563 | System.err.println(e);
564 | if (sheet != null) {
565 | sheet.logError(e);
566 | }
567 | }
568 | if (t.kind == SEMICOLON || t.kind == EOF)
569 | break;
570 | s.append(t.image);
571 | }
572 | if (t.kind == EOF)
573 | throw new ParseException("Reached end of file while parsing");
574 | return s.toString();
575 | }
576 |