// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. package org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.OsmMercator; import org.openstreetmap.josm.CLIModule; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n; import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Bounds; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Preferences; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.ProjectionBounds; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.EastNorth; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.conversion.LatLonParser; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.DataSet; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.Projection; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.Projections; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.RenderingHelper.StyleData; import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.IllegalDataException; import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.OsmReader; import org.openstreetmap.josm.spi.preferences.Config; import org.openstreetmap.josm.spi.preferences.MemoryPreferences; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Logging; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.RightAndLefthandTraffic; import gnu.getopt.Getopt; import gnu.getopt.LongOpt; /** * Command line interface for rendering osm data to an image file. * * @since 12906 */ public class RenderingCLI implements CLIModule { /** * The singleton instance of this class. */ public static final RenderingCLI INSTANCE = new RenderingCLI(); private static final double PIXEL_PER_METER = 96 / 2.54 * 100; // standard value of 96 dpi display resolution private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE = 20000; private boolean argDebug; private boolean argTrace; private String argInput; private String argOutput; private List argStyles; private Integer argZoom; private Double argScale; private Bounds argBounds; private LatLon argAnchor; private Double argWidthM; private Double argHeightM; private Integer argWidthPx; private Integer argHeightPx; private String argProjection; private Integer argMaxImageSize; private enum Option { HELP(false, 'h'), DEBUG(false, '*'), TRACE(false, '*'), INPUT(true, 'i'), STYLE(true, 's'), SETTING(true, '*'), OUTPUT(true, 'o'), ZOOM(true, 'z'), SCALE(true, '*'), BOUNDS(true, 'b'), ANCHOR(true, '*'), WIDTH_M(true, '*'), HEIGHT_M(true, '*'), WIDTH_PX(true, '*'), HEIGHT_PX(true, '*'), PROJECTION(true, '*'), MAX_IMAGE_SIZE(true, '*'); private final String name; private final boolean requiresArg; private final char shortOption; Option(boolean requiresArgument, char shortOption) { this.name = name().toLowerCase(Locale.US).replace('_', '-'); this.requiresArg = requiresArgument; this.shortOption = shortOption; } /** * Replies the option name * @return The option name, in lowercase */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Determines if this option requires an argument. * @return {@code true} if this option requires an argument, {@code false} otherwise */ public boolean requiresArgument() { return requiresArg; } /** * Replies the short option (single letter) associated with this option. * @return the short option or '*' if there is no short option */ public char getShortOption() { return shortOption; } LongOpt toLongOpt() { return new LongOpt(getName(), requiresArgument() ? LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT : LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, getShortOption()); } } /** * Data class to hold return values for {@link #determineRenderingArea(DataSet)}. * * Package private access for unit tests. */ static class RenderingArea { public Bounds bounds; public double scale; // in east-north units per pixel (unlike the --scale option, which is in meter per meter) } RenderingCLI() { // hide constructor (package private access for unit tests) } @Override public String getActionKeyword() { return "render"; } @Override public void processArguments(String[] argArray) { try { parseArguments(argArray); initialize(); DataSet ds = loadDataset(); RenderingArea area = determineRenderingArea(ds); RenderingHelper rh = new RenderingHelper(ds, area.bounds, area.scale, argStyles); rh.setOutputFile(argOutput); checkPreconditions(rh); rh.render(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { if (Logging.isDebugEnabled()) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.err.println(tr("Error - file not found: ''{0}''", e.getMessage())); System.exit(1); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalDataException | IOException e) { if (Logging.isDebugEnabled()) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (e.getMessage() != null) { System.err.println(tr("Error: {0}", e.getMessage())); } System.exit(1); } System.exit(0); } /** * Parse command line arguments and do some low-level error checking. * @param argArray the arguments array */ void parseArguments(String[] argArray) { Getopt.setI18nHandler(I18n::tr); Logging.setLogLevel(Level.INFO); LongOpt[] opts = new LongOpt[Option.values().length]; StringBuilder optString = new StringBuilder(); for (Option o : Option.values()) { opts[o.ordinal()] = o.toLongOpt(); if (o.getShortOption() != '*') { optString.append(o.getShortOption()); if (o.requiresArgument()) { optString.append(':'); } } } Getopt getopt = new Getopt("JOSM rendering", argArray, optString.toString(), opts); StyleData currentStyle = new StyleData(); argStyles = new ArrayList<>(); int c; while ((c = getopt.getopt()) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'h': showHelp(); System.exit(0); case 'i': argInput = getopt.getOptarg(); break; case 's': if (currentStyle.styleUrl != null) { argStyles.add(currentStyle); currentStyle = new StyleData(); } currentStyle.styleUrl = getopt.getOptarg(); break; case 'o': argOutput = getopt.getOptarg(); break; case 'z': try { argZoom = Integer.parseInt(getopt.getOptarg()); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( tr("Expected integer number for option {0}, but got ''{1}''", "--zoom", getopt.getOptarg())); } if (argZoom < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException( tr("Expected integer number >= 0 for option {0}, but got ''{1}''", "--zoom", getopt.getOptarg())); break; case 'b': if (!getopt.getOptarg().equals("auto")) { try { argBounds = new Bounds(getopt.getOptarg(), ",", Bounds.ParseMethod.LEFT_BOTTOM_RIGHT_TOP, false); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { // NOPMD throw new IllegalArgumentException(tr("Unable to parse {0} parameter: {1}", "--bounds", iae.getMessage())); } } break; case '*': switch (Option.values()[getopt.getLongind()]) { case DEBUG: argDebug = true; break; case TRACE: argTrace = true; break; case SETTING: String keyval = getopt.getOptarg(); String[] comp = keyval.split(":"); if (comp.length != 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException( tr("Expected key and value, separated by '':'' character for option {0}, but got ''{1}''", "--setting", getopt.getOptarg())); currentStyle.settings.put(comp[0].trim(), comp[1].trim()); break; case SCALE: try { argScale = Double.parseDouble(getopt.getOptarg()); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( tr("Expected floating point number for option {0}, but got ''{1}''", "--scale", getopt.getOptarg())); } break; case ANCHOR: String[] parts = getopt.getOptarg().split(","); if (parts.length != 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException( tr("Expected two coordinates, separated by comma, for option {0}, but got ''{1}''", "--anchor", getopt.getOptarg())); try { double lon = LatLonParser.parseCoordinate(parts[0]); double lat = LatLonParser.parseCoordinate(parts[1]); argAnchor = new LatLon(lat, lon); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { // NOPMD throw new IllegalArgumentException(tr("In option {0}: {1}", "--anchor", iae.getMessage())); } break; case WIDTH_M: try { argWidthM = Double.parseDouble(getopt.getOptarg()); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( tr("Expected floating point number for option {0}, but got ''{1}''", "--width-m", getopt.getOptarg())); } if (argWidthM <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException( tr("Expected floating point number > 0 for option {0}, but got ''{1}''", "--width-m", getopt.getOptarg())); break; case HEIGHT_M: try { argHeightM = Double.parseDouble(getopt.getOptarg()); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( tr("Expected floating point number for option {0}, but got ''{1}''", "--height-m", getopt.getOptarg())); } if (argHeightM <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException( tr("Expected floating point number > 0 for option {0}, but got ''{1}''", "--width-m", getopt.getOptarg())); break; case WIDTH_PX: try { argWidthPx = Integer.parseInt(getopt.getOptarg()); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( tr("Expected integer number for option {0}, but got ''{1}''", "--width-px", getopt.getOptarg())); } if (argWidthPx <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException( tr("Expected integer number > 0 for option {0}, but got ''{1}''", "--width-px", getopt.getOptarg())); break; case HEIGHT_PX: try { argHeightPx = Integer.parseInt(getopt.getOptarg()); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( tr("Expected integer number for option {0}, but got ''{1}''", "--height-px", getopt.getOptarg())); } if (argHeightPx <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException( tr("Expected integer number > 0 for option {0}, but got ''{1}''", "--height-px", getopt.getOptarg())); break; case PROJECTION: argProjection = getopt.getOptarg(); break; case MAX_IMAGE_SIZE: try { argMaxImageSize = Integer.parseInt(getopt.getOptarg()); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( tr("Expected integer number for option {0}, but got ''{1}''", "--max-image-size", getopt.getOptarg())); } if (argMaxImageSize < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException( tr("Expected integer number >= 0 for option {0}, but got ''{1}''", "--max-image-size", getopt.getOptarg())); break; default: throw new AssertionError("Unexpected option index: " + getopt.getLongind()); } break; case '?': throw new IllegalArgumentException(); // getopt error default: throw new AssertionError("Unrecognized option: " + c); } } if (currentStyle.styleUrl != null) { argStyles.add(currentStyle); } } /** * Displays help on the console */ public static void showHelp() { System.out.println(getHelp()); } private static String getHelp() { return tr("JOSM rendering command line interface")+"\n\n"+ tr("Usage")+":\n"+ "\tjava -jar josm.jar render \n\n"+ tr("Description")+":\n"+ tr("Renders data and saves the result to an image file.")+"\n\n"+ tr("Options")+":\n"+ "\t--help|-h "+tr("Show this help")+"\n"+ "\t--input|-i "+tr("Input data file name (.osm)")+"\n"+ "\t--output|-o "+tr("Output image file name (.png); defaults to ''{0}''", "out.png")+"\n"+ "\t--style|-s "+tr("Style file to use for rendering (.mapcss or .zip)")+"\n"+ "\t "+tr("This option can be repeated to load multiple styles.")+"\n"+ "\t--setting : "+tr("Style setting (in JOSM accessible in the style list dialog right click menu)")+"\n"+ "\t "+tr("Applies to the last style loaded with the {0} option.", "--style")+"\n"+ "\t--zoom|-z "+tr("Select zoom level to render. (integer value, 0=entire earth, 18=street level)")+"\n"+ "\t--scale "+tr("Select the map scale")+"\n"+ "\t "+tr("A value of 10000 denotes a scale of 1:10000 (1 cm on the map equals 100 m on the ground; " + "display resolution: 96 dpi)")+"\n"+ "\t "+tr("Options {0} and {1} are mutually exclusive.", "--zoom", "--scale")+"\n"+ "\t--bounds|-b auto|,,,\n"+ "\t "+tr("Area to render, default value is ''{0}''", "auto")+"\n"+ "\t "+tr("With keyword ''{0}'', the downloaded area in the .osm input file will be used (if recorded).", "auto")+"\n"+ "\t--anchor , "+tr("Specify bottom left corner of the rendering area")+"\n"+ "\t "+tr("Used in combination with width and height options to determine the area to render.")+"\n"+ "\t--width-m "+tr("Width of the rendered area, in meter")+"\n"+ "\t--height-m "+tr("Height of the rendered area, in meter")+"\n"+ "\t--width-px "+tr("Width of the target image, in pixel")+"\n"+ "\t--height-px "+tr("Height of the target image, in pixel")+"\n"+ "\t--projection "+tr("Projection to use, default value ''{0}'' (web-Mercator)", "epsg:3857")+"\n"+ "\t--max-image-size "+tr("Maximum image width/height in pixel (''{0}'' means no limit), default value: {1}", 0, Integer.toString(DEFAULT_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE))+"\n"+ "\n"+ tr("To specify the rendered area and scale, the options can be combined in various ways")+":\n"+ " * --bounds (--zoom|--scale|--width-px|--height-px)\n"+ " * --anchor (--width-m|--width-px) (--height-m|--height-px) (--zoom|--scale)\n"+ " * --anchor --width-m --height-m (--width-px|--height-px)\n"+ " * --anchor --width-px --height-px (--width-m|--height-m)\n"+ tr("If neither ''{0}'' nor ''{1}'' is given, the default value {2} takes effect " + "and the bounds of the download area in the .osm input file are used.", "bounds", "anchor", "--bounds=auto")+"\n\n"+ tr("Examples")+":\n"+ " java -jar josm.jar render -i data.osm -s style.mapcss -z 16\n"+ " josm render -i data.osm -s style.mapcss --scale 5000\n"+ " josm render -i data.osm -s style.mapcss -z 16 -o image.png\n"+ " josm render -i data.osm -s elemstyles.mapcss --setting hide_icons:false -z 16\n"+ " josm render -i data.osm -s style.mapcss -s another_style.mapcss -z 16 -o image.png\n"+ " josm render -i data.osm -s style.mapcss --bounds 21.151,51.401,21.152,51.402 -z 16\n"+ " josm render -i data.osm -s style.mapcss --anchor 21.151,51.401 --width-m 500 --height-m 300 -z 16\n"+ " josm render -i data.osm -s style.mapcss --anchor 21.151,51.401 --width-m 500 --height-m 300 --width-px 1800\n"+ " josm render -i data.osm -s style.mapcss --scale 5000 --projection epsg:4326\n"; } /** * Initialization. * * Requires arguments to be parsed already ({@link #parseArguments(java.lang.String[])}). */ void initialize() { Logging.setLogLevel(getLogLevel()); Config.setBaseDirectoriesProvider(new Preferences()); // for right-left-hand traffic cache file Config.setPreferencesInstance(new MemoryPreferences()); Config.getPref().putBoolean("mappaint.auto_reload_local_styles", false); // unnecessary to listen for external changes String projCode = Optional.ofNullable(argProjection).orElse("epsg:3857"); Main.setProjection(Projections.getProjectionByCode(projCode.toUpperCase(Locale.US))); RightAndLefthandTraffic.initialize(); } private Level getLogLevel() { if (argTrace) { return Logging.LEVEL_TRACE; } else if (argDebug) { return Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG; } else { return Logging.LEVEL_INFO; } } /** * Find the area to render and the scale, given certain command line options and the dataset. * @param ds the dataset * @return area to render and the scale */ RenderingArea determineRenderingArea(DataSet ds) { Projection proj = Main.getProjection(); Double scale = null; // scale in east-north units per pixel if (argZoom != null) { scale = OsmMercator.EARTH_RADIUS * Math.PI * 2 / Math.pow(2, argZoom) / OsmMercator.DEFAUL_TILE_SIZE / proj.getMetersPerUnit(); } Bounds bounds = argBounds; ProjectionBounds pb = null; if (bounds == null) { if (argAnchor != null) { EastNorth projAnchor = proj.latlon2eastNorth(argAnchor); Double enPerMeter = null; Supplier getEnPerMeter = () -> { double shiftMeter = 10; EastNorth projAnchorShifted = projAnchor.add( shiftMeter / proj.getMetersPerUnit(), shiftMeter / proj.getMetersPerUnit()); LatLon anchorShifted = proj.eastNorth2latlon(projAnchorShifted); return projAnchor.distance(projAnchorShifted) / argAnchor.greatCircleDistance(anchorShifted); }; if (scale == null) { if (argScale != null) { enPerMeter = getEnPerMeter.get(); scale = argScale * enPerMeter / PIXEL_PER_METER; } else if (argWidthM != null && argWidthPx != null) { enPerMeter = getEnPerMeter.get(); scale = argWidthM / argWidthPx * enPerMeter; } else if (argHeightM != null && argHeightPx != null) { enPerMeter = getEnPerMeter.get(); scale = argHeightM / argHeightPx * enPerMeter; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( tr("Argument {0} given, but scale cannot be determined from remaining arguments", "--anchor")); } } double widthEn; if (argWidthM != null) { enPerMeter = Optional.ofNullable(enPerMeter).orElseGet(getEnPerMeter); widthEn = argWidthM * enPerMeter; } else if (argWidthPx != null) { widthEn = argWidthPx * scale; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( tr("Argument {0} given, expected {1} or {2}", "--anchor", "--width-m", "--width-px")); } double heightEn; if (argHeightM != null) { enPerMeter = Optional.ofNullable(enPerMeter).orElseGet(getEnPerMeter); heightEn = argHeightM * enPerMeter; } else if (argHeightPx != null) { heightEn = argHeightPx * scale; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( tr("Argument {0} given, expected {1} or {2}", "--anchor", "--height-m", "--height-px")); } pb = new ProjectionBounds(projAnchor); pb.extend(new EastNorth(projAnchor.east() + widthEn, projAnchor.north() + heightEn)); bounds = new Bounds(proj.eastNorth2latlon(pb.getMin()), false); bounds.extend(proj.eastNorth2latlon(pb.getMax())); } else { if (ds.getDataSourceBounds().isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(tr("{0} mode, but no bounds found in osm data input file", "--bounds=auto")); } bounds = ds.getDataSourceBounds().get(0); } } if (pb == null) { pb = new ProjectionBounds(); pb.extend(proj.latlon2eastNorth(bounds.getMin())); pb.extend(proj.latlon2eastNorth(bounds.getMax())); } if (scale == null) { if (argScale != null) { double enPerMeter = pb.getMin().distance(pb.getMax()) / bounds.getMin().greatCircleDistance(bounds.getMax()); scale = argScale * enPerMeter / PIXEL_PER_METER; } else if (argWidthPx != null) { scale = (pb.maxEast - pb.minEast) / argWidthPx; } else if (argHeightPx != null) { scale = (pb.maxNorth - pb.minNorth) / argHeightPx; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( tr("Unable to determine scale, one of the options {0}, {1}, {2} or {3} expected", "--zoom", "--scale", "--width-px", "--height-px")); } } RenderingArea ra = new RenderingArea(); ra.bounds = bounds; ra.scale = scale; return ra; } private DataSet loadDataset() throws FileNotFoundException, IllegalDataException { if (argInput == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(tr("Missing argument - input data file ({0})", "--input|-i")); } try { return OsmReader.parseDataSet(new FileInputStream(argInput), null); } catch (IllegalDataException e) { throw new IllegalDataException(tr("In .osm data file ''{0}'' - ", argInput) + e.getMessage()); } } private void checkPreconditions(RenderingHelper rh) { if (argStyles.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(tr("Missing argument - at least one style expected ({0})", "--style")); Dimension imgSize = rh.getImageSize(); Logging.debug("image size (px): {0}x{1}", imgSize.width, imgSize.height); int maxSize = Optional.ofNullable(argMaxImageSize).orElse(DEFAULT_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE); if (maxSize != 0 && (imgSize.width > maxSize || imgSize.height > maxSize)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( tr("Image dimensions ({0}x{1}) exceeds maximum image size {2} (use option {3} to change limit)", imgSize.width, imgSize.height, maxSize, "--max-image-size")); } } }