// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. package org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.draw; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.Stroke; import java.awt.geom.Path2D; import java.awt.geom.PathIterator; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.EastNorth; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.ILatLon; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.visitor.paint.OffsetIterator; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapViewState; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapViewState.MapViewPoint; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapViewState.MapViewRectangle; /** * This is a version of a java Path2D that allows you to add points to it by simply giving their east/north, lat/lon or node coordinates. *

* It is possible to clip the part of the path that is outside the view. This is useful when drawing dashed lines. Those lines use up a lot of * performance if the zoom level is high and the part outside the view is long. See {@link #computeClippedLine(Stroke)}. * @author Michael Zangl * @since 10875 */ public class MapViewPath extends MapPath2D { private final MapViewState state; /** * Create a new path * @param mv The map view to use for coordinate conversion. */ public MapViewPath(MapView mv) { this(mv.getState()); } /** * Create a new path * @param state The state to use for coordinate conversion. */ public MapViewPath(MapViewState state) { this.state = state; } /** * Gets the map view state this path is used for. * @return The state. * @since 11748 */ public MapViewState getMapViewState() { return state; } /** * Move the cursor to the given node. * @param n The node * @return this for easy chaining. */ public MapViewPath moveTo(ILatLon n) { moveTo(n.getEastNorth(state.getProjecting())); return this; } /** * Move the cursor to the given position. * @param eastNorth The position * @return this for easy chaining. */ public MapViewPath moveTo(EastNorth eastNorth) { moveTo(state.getPointFor(eastNorth)); return this; } @Override public MapViewPath moveTo(MapViewPoint p) { super.moveTo(p); return this; } /** * Draw a line to the node. *

* line clamping to view is done automatically. * @param n The node * @return this for easy chaining. */ public MapViewPath lineTo(ILatLon n) { lineTo(n.getEastNorth(state.getProjecting())); return this; } /** * Draw a line to the position. *

* line clamping to view is done automatically. * @param eastNorth The position * @return this for easy chaining. */ public MapViewPath lineTo(EastNorth eastNorth) { lineTo(state.getPointFor(eastNorth)); return this; } @Override public MapViewPath lineTo(MapViewPoint p) { super.lineTo(p); return this; } /** * Add the given shape centered around the current node. * @param p1 The point to draw around * @param symbol The symbol type * @param size The size of the symbol in pixel * @return this for easy chaining. */ public MapViewPath shapeAround(ILatLon p1, SymbolShape symbol, double size) { shapeAround(p1.getEastNorth(state.getProjecting()), symbol, size); return this; } /** * Add the given shape centered around the current position. * @param eastNorth The point to draw around * @param symbol The symbol type * @param size The size of the symbol in pixel * @return this for easy chaining. */ public MapViewPath shapeAround(EastNorth eastNorth, SymbolShape symbol, double size) { shapeAround(state.getPointFor(eastNorth), symbol, size); return this; } @Override public MapViewPath shapeAround(MapViewPoint p, SymbolShape symbol, double size) { super.shapeAround(p, symbol, size); return this; } /** * Append a list of nodes * @param nodes The nodes to append * @param connect true if we should use a lineTo as first command. * @return this for easy chaining. */ public MapViewPath append(Iterable nodes, boolean connect) { appendWay(nodes, connect, false); return this; } /** * Append a list of nodes as closed way. * @param nodes The nodes to append * @param connect true if we should use a lineTo as first command. * @return this for easy chaining. */ public MapViewPath appendClosed(Iterable nodes, boolean connect) { appendWay(nodes, connect, true); return this; } private void appendWay(Iterable nodes, boolean connect, boolean close) { boolean useMoveTo = !connect; ILatLon first = null; for (ILatLon n : nodes) { if (useMoveTo) { moveTo(n); } else { lineTo(n); } if (close && first == null) { first = n; } useMoveTo = false; } if (first != null) { lineTo(first); } } /** * Converts a path in east/north coordinates to view space. * @param path The path * @since 11748 */ public void appendFromEastNorth(Path2D.Double path) { new PathVisitor() { @Override public void visitMoveTo(double x, double y) { moveTo(new EastNorth(x, y)); } @Override public void visitLineTo(double x, double y) { lineTo(new EastNorth(x, y)); } @Override public void visitClose() { closePath(); } }.visit(path); } /** * Visits all segments of this path. * @param consumer The consumer to send path segments to * @return the total line length * @since 11748 */ public double visitLine(PathSegmentConsumer consumer) { LineVisitor visitor = new LineVisitor(consumer); visitor.visit(this); return visitor.inLineOffset; } /** * Compute a line that is similar to the current path expect for that parts outside the screen are skipped using moveTo commands. * * The line is computed in a way that dashes stay in their place when moving the view. * * The resulting line is not intended to fill areas. * @param stroke The stroke to compute the line for. * @return The new line shape. * @since 11147 */ public Shape computeClippedLine(Stroke stroke) { MapPath2D clamped = new MapPath2D(); if (visitClippedLine(stroke, (inLineOffset, start, end, startIsOldEnd) -> { if (!startIsOldEnd) { clamped.moveTo(start); } clamped.lineTo(end); })) { return clamped; } else { // could not clip the path. return this; } } /** * Visits all straight segments of this path. The segments are clamped to the view. * If they are clamped, the start points are aligned with the pattern. * @param stroke The stroke to take the dash information from. * @param consumer The consumer to call for each segment * @return false if visiting the path failed because there e.g. were non-straight segments. * @since 11147 */ public boolean visitClippedLine(Stroke stroke, PathSegmentConsumer consumer) { if (stroke instanceof BasicStroke && ((BasicStroke) stroke).getDashArray() != null) { float length = 0; for (float f : ((BasicStroke) stroke).getDashArray()) { length += f; } return visitClippedLine(length, consumer); } else { return visitClippedLine(0, consumer); } } /** * Visits all straight segments of this path. The segments are clamped to the view. * If they are clamped, the start points are aligned with the pattern. * @param strokeLength The dash pattern length. 0 to use no pattern. Only segments of this length will be removed from the line. * @param consumer The consumer to call for each segment * @return false if visiting the path failed because there e.g. were non-straight segments. * @since 11147 */ public boolean visitClippedLine(double strokeLength, PathSegmentConsumer consumer) { return new ClampingPathVisitor(state.getViewClipRectangle(), strokeLength, consumer) .visit(this); } /** * Gets the length of the way in visual space. * @return The length. * @since 11748 */ public double getLength() { return visitLine((inLineOffset, start, end, startIsOldEnd) -> { }); } /** * Create a new {@link MapViewPath} that is the same as the current one except that it is offset in the view. * @param viewOffset The offset in view pixels * @return The new path * @since 12505 */ public MapViewPath offset(double viewOffset) { OffsetPathVisitor visitor = new OffsetPathVisitor(state, viewOffset); visitor.visit(this); return visitor.getPath(); } /** * This class is used to visit the segments of this path. * @author Michael Zangl * @since 11147 */ @FunctionalInterface public interface PathSegmentConsumer { /** * Add a line segment between two points * @param inLineOffset The offset of start in the line * @param start The start point * @param end The end point * @param startIsOldEnd If the start point equals the last end point. */ void addLineBetween(double inLineOffset, MapViewPoint start, MapViewPoint end, boolean startIsOldEnd); } private interface PathVisitor { /** * Append a path to this one. The path is clipped to the current view. * @param path The iterator * @return true if adding the path was successful. */ default boolean visit(Path2D.Double path) { double[] coords = new double[8]; PathIterator it = path.getPathIterator(null); while (!it.isDone()) { int type = it.currentSegment(coords); switch (type) { case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: visitClose(); break; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: visitLineTo(coords[0], coords[1]); break; case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: visitMoveTo(coords[0], coords[1]); break; default: // cannot handle this shape - this should be very rare and not happening in OSM draw code. return false; } it.next(); } return true; } void visitClose(); void visitMoveTo(double x, double y); void visitLineTo(double x, double y); } private abstract class AbstractMapPathVisitor implements PathVisitor { private MapViewPoint lastMoveTo; @Override public void visitMoveTo(double x, double y) { MapViewPoint move = state.getForView(x, y); lastMoveTo = move; visitMoveTo(move); } abstract void visitMoveTo(MapViewPoint p); @Override public void visitLineTo(double x, double y) { visitLineTo(state.getForView(x, y)); } abstract void visitLineTo(MapViewPoint p); @Override public void visitClose() { visitLineTo(lastMoveTo); } } private final class LineVisitor extends AbstractMapPathVisitor { private final PathSegmentConsumer consumer; private MapViewPoint last; private double inLineOffset; private boolean startIsOldEnd; LineVisitor(PathSegmentConsumer consumer) { this.consumer = consumer; } @Override void visitMoveTo(MapViewPoint p) { last = p; startIsOldEnd = false; } @Override void visitLineTo(MapViewPoint p) { consumer.addLineBetween(inLineOffset, last, p, startIsOldEnd); inLineOffset += last.distanceToInView(p); last = p; startIsOldEnd = true; } } private class ClampingPathVisitor extends AbstractMapPathVisitor { private final MapViewRectangle clip; private final PathSegmentConsumer consumer; protected double strokeProgress; private final double strokeLength; private MapViewPoint cursor; private boolean cursorIsActive; /** * Create a new {@link ClampingPathVisitor} * @param clip View clip rectangle * @param strokeLength Total length of a stroke sequence * @param consumer The consumer to notify of the path segments. */ ClampingPathVisitor(MapViewRectangle clip, double strokeLength, PathSegmentConsumer consumer) { this.clip = clip; this.strokeLength = strokeLength; this.consumer = consumer; } @Override void visitMoveTo(MapViewPoint point) { cursor = point; cursorIsActive = false; } @Override void visitLineTo(MapViewPoint next) { MapViewPoint entry = clip.getLineEntry(cursor, next); if (entry != null) { MapViewPoint exit = clip.getLineEntry(next, cursor); if (!cursorIsActive || !entry.equals(cursor)) { entry = alignStrokeOffset(entry, cursor); } consumer.addLineBetween(strokeProgress + cursor.distanceToInView(entry), entry, exit, cursorIsActive); cursorIsActive = exit.equals(next); } strokeProgress += cursor.distanceToInView(next); cursor = next; } private MapViewPoint alignStrokeOffset(MapViewPoint entry, MapViewPoint originalStart) { double distanceSq = entry.distanceToInViewSq(originalStart); if (distanceSq < 0.01 || strokeLength <= 0.001) { // don't move if there is nothing to move. return entry; } double distance = Math.sqrt(distanceSq); double offset = (strokeProgress + distance) % strokeLength; if (offset < 0.01) { return entry; } return entry.interpolate(originalStart, offset / distance); } } private class OffsetPathVisitor extends AbstractMapPathVisitor { private final MapViewPath collector; private final ArrayList points = new ArrayList<>(); private final double offset; OffsetPathVisitor(MapViewState state, double offset) { this.collector = new MapViewPath(state); this.offset = offset; } @Override void visitMoveTo(MapViewPoint p) { finishLineSegment(); points.add(p); } @Override void visitLineTo(MapViewPoint p) { points.add(p); } MapViewPath getPath() { finishLineSegment(); return collector; } private void finishLineSegment() { if (points.size() > 2) { OffsetIterator iterator = new OffsetIterator(points, offset); collector.moveTo(iterator.next()); while (iterator.hasNext()) { collector.lineTo(iterator.next()); } points.clear(); } } } }