// License: GPL. See LICENSE file for details. package org.openstreetmap.josm.gui; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr; import java.awt.AWTEvent; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.EventQueue; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.SystemColor; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.AWTEventListener; import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.Popup; import javax.swing.PopupFactory; import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.JumpToAction; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.CoordinateFormat; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.DataSet; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitiveType; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.help.Helpful; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.GBC; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.ImageProvider; /** * A component that manages some status information display about the map. * It keeps a status line below the map up to date and displays some tooltip * information if the user hold the mouse long enough at some point. * * All this is done in background to not disturb other processes. * * The background thread does not alter any data of the map (read only thread). * Also it is rather fail safe. In case of some error in the data, it just does * nothing instead of whining and complaining. * * @author imi */ public class MapStatus extends JPanel implements Helpful { /** * The MapView this status belongs to. */ final MapView mv; /** * A small user interface component that consists of an image label and * a fixed text content to the right of the image. */ static class ImageLabel extends JPanel { private JLabel tf; private int chars; public ImageLabel(String img, String tooltip, int chars) { super(); setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); setBackground(Color.decode("#b8cfe5")); add(new JLabel(ImageProvider.get("statusline/"+img+".png")), GBC.std().anchor(GBC.WEST).insets(0,1,1,0)); add(tf = new JLabel(), GBC.std().fill(GBC.BOTH).anchor(GBC.WEST).insets(2,1,1,0)); setToolTipText(tooltip); this.chars = chars; } public void setText(String t) { tf.setText(t); } @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(25 + chars*tf.getFontMetrics(tf.getFont()).charWidth('0'), super.getPreferredSize().height); } @Override public Dimension getMinimumSize() { return new Dimension(25 + chars*tf.getFontMetrics(tf.getFont()).charWidth('0'), super.getMinimumSize().height); } } ImageLabel lonText = new ImageLabel("lon", tr("The geographic longitude at the mouse pointer."), 11); ImageLabel nameText = new ImageLabel("name", tr("The name of the object at the mouse pointer."), 20); JTextField helpText = new JTextField(); ImageLabel latText = new ImageLabel("lat", tr("The geographic latitude at the mouse pointer."), 10); ImageLabel angleText = new ImageLabel("angle", tr("The angle between the previous and the current way segment."), 6); ImageLabel headingText = new ImageLabel("heading", tr("The (compass) heading of the line segment being drawn."), 6); ImageLabel distText = new ImageLabel("dist", tr("The length of the new way segment being drawn."), 8); /** * This is the thread that runs in the background and collects the information displayed. * It gets destroyed by MapFrame.java/destroy() when the MapFrame itself is destroyed. */ public Thread thread; /** * The collector class that waits for notification and then update * the display objects. * * @author imi */ private final class Collector implements Runnable { /** * the mouse position of the previous iteration. This is used to show * the popup until the cursor is moved. */ private Point oldMousePos; /** * Contains the labels that are currently shown in the information * popup */ private List popupLabels = null; /** * The popup displayed to show additional information */ private Popup popup; private MapFrame parent; public Collector(MapFrame parent) { this.parent = parent; } /** * Execution function for the Collector. */ public void run() { for (;;) { MouseState ms = new MouseState(); synchronized (this) { try {wait();} catch (InterruptedException e) {} ms.modifiers = mouseState.modifiers; ms.mousePos = mouseState.mousePos; } if (parent != Main.map) return; // exit, if new parent. // Do nothing, if required data is missing if(ms.mousePos == null || mv.center == null) { continue; } // Freeze display when holding down CTRL if ((ms.modifiers & MouseEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK) != 0) { // update the information popup's labels though, because // the selection might have changed from the outside popupUpdateLabels(); continue; } // This try/catch is a hack to stop the flooding bug reports about this. // The exception needed to handle with in the first place, means that this // access to the data need to be restarted, if the main thread modifies // the data. try { // Set the text label in the bottom status bar statusBarElementUpdate(ms); // The popup != null check is required because a left-click // produces several events as well, which would make this // variable true. Of course we only want the popup to show // if the middle mouse button has been pressed in the first // place boolean isAtOldPosition = (oldMousePos != null && oldMousePos.equals(ms.mousePos) && popup != null); boolean middleMouseDown = (ms.modifiers & MouseEvent.BUTTON2_DOWN_MASK) != 0; // Popup Information // display them if the middle mouse button is pressed and // keep them until the mouse is moved if (middleMouseDown || isAtOldPosition) { Collection osms = mv.getAllNearest(ms.mousePos); if (osms == null) { continue; } final JPanel c = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); final JLabel lbl = new JLabel( ""+tr("Middle click again to cycle through.
"+ "Hold CTRL to select directly from this list with the mouse.
")+"", null, JLabel.HORIZONTAL ); lbl.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.LEFT); c.add(lbl, GBC.eol().insets(2, 0, 2, 0)); // Only cycle if the mouse has not been moved and the // middle mouse button has been pressed at least twice // (the reason for this is the popup != null check for // isAtOldPosition, see above. This is a nice side // effect though, because it does not change selection // of the first middle click) if(isAtOldPosition && middleMouseDown) { // Hand down mouse modifiers so the SHIFT mod can be // handled correctly (see funcion) popupCycleSelection(osms, ms.modifiers); } // These labels may need to be updated from the outside // so collect them List lbls = new ArrayList(); for (final OsmPrimitive osm : osms) { JLabel l = popupBuildPrimitiveLabels(osm); lbls.add(l); c.add(l, GBC.eol().fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL).insets(2, 0, 2, 2)); } popupShowPopup(popupCreatePopup(c, ms), lbls); } else { popupHidePopup(); } oldMousePos = ms.mousePos; } catch (ConcurrentModificationException x) { //x.printStackTrace(); } catch (NullPointerException x) { //x.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Creates a popup for the given content next to the cursor. Tries to * keep the popup on screen and shows a vertical scrollbar, if the * screen is too small. * @param content * @param ms * @return popup */ private final Popup popupCreatePopup(Component content, MouseState ms) { Point p = mv.getLocationOnScreen(); Dimension scrn = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); // Create a JScrollPane around the content, in case there's not // enough space JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(content); sp.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER); sp.setBorder(BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder()); // Implement max-size content-independent Dimension prefsize = sp.getPreferredSize(); int w = Math.min(prefsize.width, Math.min(800, (scrn.width/2) - 16)); int h = Math.min(prefsize.height, scrn.height - 10); sp.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(w, h)); int xPos = p.x + ms.mousePos.x + 16; // Display the popup to the left of the cursor if it would be cut // off on its right, but only if more space is available if(xPos + w > scrn.width && xPos > scrn.width/2) { xPos = p.x + ms.mousePos.x - 4 - w; } int yPos = p.y + ms.mousePos.y + 16; // Move the popup up if it would be cut off at its bottom but do not // move it off screen on the top if(yPos + h > scrn.height - 5) { yPos = Math.max(5, scrn.height - h - 5); } PopupFactory pf = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance(); return pf.getPopup(mv, sp, xPos, yPos); } /** * Calls this to update the element that is shown in the statusbar * @param ms */ private final void statusBarElementUpdate(MouseState ms) { final OsmPrimitive osmNearest = mv.getNearest(ms.mousePos); if (osmNearest != null) { nameText.setText(osmNearest.getDisplayName(DefaultNameFormatter.getInstance())); } else { nameText.setText(tr("(no object)")); } } /** * Call this with a set of primitives to cycle through them. Method * will automatically select the next item and update the map * @param osms * @param mouse modifiers */ private final void popupCycleSelection(Collection osms, int mods) { DataSet ds = Main.main.getCurrentDataSet(); // Find some items that are required for cycling through OsmPrimitive firstItem = null; OsmPrimitive firstSelected = null; OsmPrimitive nextSelected = null; for (final OsmPrimitive osm : osms) { if(firstItem == null) { firstItem = osm; } if(firstSelected != null && nextSelected == null) { nextSelected = osm; } if(firstSelected == null && ds.isSelected(osm)) { firstSelected = osm; } } // Clear previous selection if SHIFT (add to selection) is not // pressed. Cannot use "setSelected()" because it will cause a // fireSelectionChanged event which is unnecessary at this point. if((mods & MouseEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK) == 0) { ds.clearSelection(); } // This will cycle through the available items. if(firstSelected == null) { ds.addSelected(firstItem); } else { ds.clearSelection(firstSelected); if(nextSelected != null) { ds.addSelected(nextSelected); } } } /** * Tries to hide the given popup * @param popup */ private final void popupHidePopup() { popupLabels = null; if(popup == null) return; final Popup staticPopup = popup; popup = null; EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable(){ public void run() { staticPopup.hide(); }}); } /** * Tries to show the given popup, can be hidden using popupHideOldPopup * If an old popup exists, it will be automatically hidden * @param popup */ private final void popupShowPopup(Popup newPopup, List lbls) { final Popup staticPopup = newPopup; if(this.popup != null) { // If an old popup exists, remove it when the new popup has been // drawn to keep flickering to a minimum final Popup staticOldPopup = this.popup; EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable(){ public void run() { staticPopup.show(); staticOldPopup.hide(); } }); } else { // There is no old popup EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable(){ public void run() { staticPopup.show(); }}); } this.popupLabels = lbls; this.popup = newPopup; } /** * This method should be called if the selection may have changed from * outside of this class. This is the case when CTRL is pressed and the * user clicks on the map instead of the popup. */ private final void popupUpdateLabels() { if(this.popup == null || this.popupLabels == null) return; for(JLabel l : this.popupLabels) { l.validate(); } } /** * Sets the colors for the given label depending on the selected status of * the given OsmPrimitive * * @param lbl The label to color * @param osm The primitive to derive the colors from */ private final void popupSetLabelColors(JLabel lbl, OsmPrimitive osm) { DataSet ds = Main.main.getCurrentDataSet(); if(ds.isSelected(osm)) { lbl.setBackground(SystemColor.textHighlight); lbl.setForeground(SystemColor.textHighlightText); } else { lbl.setBackground(SystemColor.control); lbl.setForeground(SystemColor.controlText); } } /** * Builds the labels with all necessary listeners for the info popup for the * given OsmPrimitive * @param osm The primitive to create the label for * @return */ private final JLabel popupBuildPrimitiveLabels(final OsmPrimitive osm) { final StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); String name = osm.getDisplayName(DefaultNameFormatter.getInstance()); if (osm.isNew() || osm.isModified()) { name = ""+ name + "*"; } text.append(name); if (!osm.isNew()) { text.append(" [id="+osm.getId()+"]"); } if(osm.getUser() != null) { text.append(" [" + tr("User:") + " " + osm.getUser().getName() + "]"); } for (Entry e1 : osm.entrySet()) { text.append("
" + e1.getKey() + "=" + e1.getValue()); } final JLabel l = new JLabel( "" +text.toString() + "", ImageProvider.get(OsmPrimitiveType.from(osm)), JLabel.HORIZONTAL ) { // This is necessary so the label updates its colors when the // selection is changed from the outside @Override public void validate() { super.validate(); popupSetLabelColors(this, osm); } }; l.setOpaque(true); popupSetLabelColors(l, osm); l.setFont(l.getFont().deriveFont(Font.PLAIN)); l.setVerticalTextPosition(JLabel.TOP); l.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.LEFT); l.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); l.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){ @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { l.setBackground(SystemColor.info); l.setForeground(SystemColor.infoText); } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { popupSetLabelColors(l, osm); } @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { DataSet ds = Main.main.getCurrentDataSet(); // Let the user toggle the selection ds.toggleSelected(osm); l.validate(); } }); // Sometimes the mouseEntered event is not catched, thus the label // will not be highlighted, making it confusing. The MotionListener // can correct this defect. l.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionListener() { public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { l.setBackground(SystemColor.info); l.setForeground(SystemColor.infoText); } public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { l.setBackground(SystemColor.info); l.setForeground(SystemColor.infoText); } }); return l; } } /** * Everything, the collector is interested of. Access must be synchronized. * @author imi */ static class MouseState { Point mousePos; int modifiers; } /** * The last sent mouse movement event. */ MouseState mouseState = new MouseState(); /** * Construct a new MapStatus and attach it to the map view. * @param mapFrame The MapFrame the status line is part of. */ public MapStatus(final MapFrame mapFrame) { this.mv = mapFrame.mapView; JumpToAction JumpToAct = new JumpToAction(); lonText.addMouseListener(JumpToAct); latText.addMouseListener(JumpToAct); // Listen for mouse movements and set the position text field mv.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionListener(){ public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { mouseMoved(e); } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { if (mv.center == null) return; // Do not update the view if ctrl is pressed. if ((e.getModifiersEx() & MouseEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK) == 0) { CoordinateFormat mCord = CoordinateFormat.getDefaultFormat(); LatLon p = mv.getLatLon(e.getX(),e.getY()); latText.setText(p.latToString(mCord)); lonText.setText(p.lonToString(mCord)); } } }); setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5,5,5,5)); add(latText, GBC.std()); add(lonText, GBC.std().insets(3,0,0,0)); add(headingText, GBC.std().insets(3,0,0,0)); add(angleText, GBC.std().insets(3,0,0,0)); add(distText, GBC.std().insets(3,0,0,0)); helpText.setEditable(false); add(nameText, GBC.std().insets(3,0,0,0)); add(helpText, GBC.eol().insets(3,0,0,0).fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL)); // The background thread final Collector collector = new Collector(mapFrame); thread = new Thread(collector, "Map Status Collector"); thread.setDaemon(true); thread.start(); // Listen to keyboard/mouse events for pressing/releasing alt key and // inform the collector. try { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener(new AWTEventListener(){ public void eventDispatched(AWTEvent event) { if (event instanceof ComponentEvent && ((ComponentEvent)event).getComponent() == mapFrame.mapView) { synchronized (collector) { mouseState.modifiers = ((InputEvent)event).getModifiersEx(); if (event instanceof MouseEvent) { mouseState.mousePos = ((MouseEvent)event).getPoint(); } collector.notify(); } } } }, AWTEvent.KEY_EVENT_MASK | AWTEvent.MOUSE_EVENT_MASK | AWTEvent.MOUSE_MOTION_EVENT_MASK); } catch (SecurityException ex) { mapFrame.mapView.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionListener() { public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { synchronized (collector) { mouseState.modifiers = e.getModifiersEx(); mouseState.mousePos = e.getPoint(); collector.notify(); } } public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { mouseMoved(e); } }); mapFrame.mapView.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { synchronized (collector) { mouseState.modifiers = e.getModifiersEx(); collector.notify(); } } @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { keyPressed(e); } }); } } public String helpTopic() { return "Statusline"; } @Override public void addMouseListener(MouseListener ml) { //super.addMouseListener(ml); lonText.addMouseListener(ml); latText.addMouseListener(ml); } public void setHelpText(String t) { helpText.setText(t); helpText.setToolTipText(t); } public void setAngle(double a) { angleText.setText(a < 0 ? "--" : Math.round(a*10)/10.0 + " °"); } public void setHeading(double h) { headingText.setText(h < 0 ? "--" : Math.round(h*10)/10.0 + " °"); } public void setDist(double dist) { String text = dist > 1000 ? (Math.round(dist/100)/10.0)+" km" : Math.round(dist*10)/10.0 +" m"; distText.setText(dist < 0 ? "--" : text); } }