// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. package org.openstreetmap.josm.gui; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.HeadlessException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JRadioButton; import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.JMultilineLabel; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.GBC; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Utils; /** * ConditionalOptionPaneUtil provides static utility methods for displaying modal message dialogs * which can be enabled/disabled by the user. * * They wrap the methods provided by {@link JOptionPane}. Within JOSM you should use these * methods rather than the bare methods from {@link JOptionPane} because the methods provided * by ConditionalOptionPaneUtil ensure that a dialog window is always on top and isn't hidden by one of the * JOSM windows for detached dialogs, relation editors, history browser and the like. * */ public final class ConditionalOptionPaneUtil { public static final int DIALOG_DISABLED_OPTION = Integer.MIN_VALUE; /** (preference key => return value) mappings valid for the current operation (no, those two maps cannot be combined) */ private static final Map sessionChoices = new HashMap<>(); /** (preference key => return value) mappings valid for the current session */ private static final Map immediateChoices = new HashMap<>(); /** a set indication that (preference key) is or may be stored for the currently active bulk operation */ private static final Set immediateActive = new HashSet<>(); /** * this is a static utility class only */ private ConditionalOptionPaneUtil() {} /** * Returns the preference value for the preference key "message." + prefKey + ".value". * The default value if the preference key is missing is -1. * * @param prefKey the preference key * @return the preference value for the preference key "message." + prefKey + ".value" */ public static int getDialogReturnValue(String prefKey) { return Utils.firstNonNull( immediateChoices.get(prefKey), sessionChoices.get(prefKey), !Main.pref.getBoolean("message." + prefKey, true) ? Main.pref.getInteger("message." + prefKey + ".value", -1) : -1 ); } /** * Marks the beginning of a bulk operation in order to provide a "Do not show again (this operation)" option. * @param prefKey the preference key */ public static void startBulkOperation(final String prefKey) { immediateActive.add(prefKey); } /** * Determines whether the key has been marked to be part of a bulk operation * (in order to provide a "Do not show again (this operation)" option). * @param prefKey the preference key */ public static boolean isInBulkOperation(final String prefKey) { return immediateActive.contains(prefKey); } /** * Marks the ending of a bulk operation. Removes the "Do not show again (this operation)" result value. * @param prefKey the preference key */ public static void endBulkOperation(final String prefKey) { immediateActive.remove(prefKey); immediateChoices.remove(prefKey); } /** * Displays an confirmation dialog with some option buttons given by optionType. * It is always on top even if there are other open windows like detached dialogs, * relation editors, history browsers and the like. * * Set optionType to {@link JOptionPane#YES_NO_OPTION} for a dialog with a YES and * a NO button. * Set optionType to {@link JOptionPane#YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION} for a dialog with a YES, * a NO and a CANCEL button * * Returns one of the constants JOptionPane.YES_OPTION, JOptionPane.NO_OPTION, * JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION or JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION depending on the action chosen by * the user. * * @param preferenceKey the preference key * @param parent the parent component * @param message the message * @param title the title * @param optionType the option type * @param messageType the message type * @param options a list of options * @param defaultOption the default option; only meaningful if options is used; can be null * * @return the option selected by user. {@link JOptionPane#CLOSED_OPTION} if the dialog was closed. */ public static int showOptionDialog(String preferenceKey, Component parent, Object message, String title, int optionType, int messageType, Object[] options, Object defaultOption) throws HeadlessException { int ret = getDialogReturnValue(preferenceKey); if (isYesOrNo(ret)) return ret; MessagePanel pnl = new MessagePanel(message, isInBulkOperation(preferenceKey)); ret = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(parent, pnl, title, optionType, messageType, null, options, defaultOption); if (isYesOrNo(ret)) { pnl.getNotShowAgain().store(preferenceKey, ret); } return ret; } /** * Displays a confirmation dialog with some option buttons given by optionType. * It is always on top even if there are other open windows like detached dialogs, * relation editors, history browsers and the like. * * Set optionType to {@link JOptionPane#YES_NO_OPTION} for a dialog with a YES and * a NO button. * Set optionType to {@link JOptionPane#YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION} for a dialog with a YES, * a NO and a CANCEL button * * Replies true, if the selected option is equal to trueOption, otherwise false. * Replies true, if the dialog is not displayed because the respective preference option * preferenceKey is set to false and the user has previously chosen * trueOption. * * @param preferenceKey the preference key * @param parent the parent component * @param message the message * @param title the title * @param optionType the option type * @param messageType the message type * @param trueOption if this option is selected the method replies true * * * @return true, if the selected option is equal to trueOption, otherwise false. * * @see JOptionPane#INFORMATION_MESSAGE * @see JOptionPane#WARNING_MESSAGE * @see JOptionPane#ERROR_MESSAGE */ public static boolean showConfirmationDialog(String preferenceKey, Component parent, Object message, String title, int optionType, int messageType, int trueOption) throws HeadlessException { int ret = getDialogReturnValue(preferenceKey); if (isYesOrNo(ret)) return ret == trueOption; MessagePanel pnl = new MessagePanel(message, isInBulkOperation(preferenceKey)); ret = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(parent, pnl, title, optionType, messageType); if (isYesOrNo(ret)) { pnl.getNotShowAgain().store(preferenceKey, ret); } return ret == trueOption; } private static boolean isYesOrNo(int returnCode) { return (returnCode == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) || (returnCode == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION); } /** * Displays an message in modal dialog with an OK button. Makes sure the dialog * is always on top even if there are other open windows like detached dialogs, * relation editors, history browsers and the like. * * If there is a preference with key preferenceKey and value false * the dialog is not show. * * @param preferenceKey the preference key * @param parent the parent component * @param message the message * @param title the title * @param messageType the message type * * @see JOptionPane#INFORMATION_MESSAGE * @see JOptionPane#WARNING_MESSAGE * @see JOptionPane#ERROR_MESSAGE */ public static void showMessageDialog(String preferenceKey, Component parent, Object message, String title, int messageType) { if (getDialogReturnValue(preferenceKey) == Integer.MAX_VALUE) return; MessagePanel pnl = new MessagePanel(message, isInBulkOperation(preferenceKey)); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(parent, pnl, title, messageType); pnl.getNotShowAgain().store(preferenceKey, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } /** * An enum designating how long to not show this message again, i.e., for how long to store */ static enum NotShowAgain { NO, OPERATION, SESSION, PERMANENT; /** * Stores the dialog result {@code value} at the corresponding place. * @param prefKey the preference key * @param value the dialog result */ void store(String prefKey, Integer value) { switch (this) { case NO: break; case OPERATION: immediateChoices.put(prefKey, value); break; case SESSION: sessionChoices.put(prefKey, value); break; case PERMANENT: Main.pref.put("message." + prefKey, false); Main.pref.putInteger("message." + prefKey + ".value", value); break; } } String getLabel() { switch (this) { case NO: return tr("Show this dialog again the next time"); case OPERATION: return tr("Do not show again (this operation)"); case SESSION: return tr("Do not show again (this session)"); case PERMANENT: return tr("Do not show again (remembers choice)"); } throw new IllegalStateException(); } } /** * This is a message panel used in dialogs which can be enabled/disabled with a preference setting. * In addition to the normal message any {@link JOptionPane} would display it includes * a checkbox for enabling/disabling this particular dialog. * */ static class MessagePanel extends JPanel { private final JRadioButton cbShowPermanentDialog = new JRadioButton(NotShowAgain.PERMANENT.getLabel()); private final JRadioButton cbShowSessionDialog = new JRadioButton(NotShowAgain.SESSION.getLabel()); private final JRadioButton cbShowImmediateDialog = new JRadioButton(NotShowAgain.OPERATION.getLabel()); private final JRadioButton cbStandard = new JRadioButton(NotShowAgain.NO.getLabel()); /** * Constructs a new panel. * @param message the the message (null to add no message, Component instances are added directly, * otherwise a JLabel with the string representation is added) * @param displayImmediateOption whether to provide "Do not show again (this session)" */ public MessagePanel(Object message, boolean displayImmediateOption) { cbStandard.setSelected(true); ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); group.add(cbShowPermanentDialog); group.add(cbShowSessionDialog); group.add(cbShowImmediateDialog); group.add(cbStandard); setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); if (message instanceof Component) { add((Component) message, GBC.eop()); } else if (message != null) { add(new JMultilineLabel(message.toString()), GBC.eop()); } add(cbShowPermanentDialog, GBC.eol()); add(cbShowSessionDialog, GBC.eol()); if (displayImmediateOption) { add(cbShowImmediateDialog, GBC.eol()); } add(cbStandard, GBC.eol()); } NotShowAgain getNotShowAgain() { return cbStandard.isSelected() ? NotShowAgain.NO : cbShowImmediateDialog.isSelected() ? NotShowAgain.OPERATION : cbShowSessionDialog.isSelected() ? NotShowAgain.SESSION : cbShowPermanentDialog.isSelected() ? NotShowAgain.PERMANENT : null; } } }