// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. package org.openstreetmap.josm.data.validation; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.function.Supplier; import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.Command; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Node; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Relation; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Way; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.WaySegment; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.validation.util.MultipleNameVisitor; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.AlphanumComparator; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.CheckParameterUtil; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n; /** * Validation error * @since 3669 */ public class TestError implements Comparable { /** is this error on the ignore list */ private boolean ignored; /** Severity */ private final Severity severity; /** The error message */ private final String message; /** Deeper error description */ private final String description; private final String descriptionEn; /** The affected primitives */ private final Collection primitives; /** The primitives or way segments to be highlighted */ private final Collection highlighted; /** The tester that raised this error */ private final Test tester; /** Internal code used by testers to classify errors */ private final int code; /** If this error is selected */ private boolean selected; /** Supplying a command to fix the error */ private final Supplier fixingCommand; /** * A builder for a {@code TestError}. * @since 11129 */ public static final class Builder { private final Test tester; private final Severity severity; private final int code; private String message; private String description; private String descriptionEn; private Collection primitives; private Collection highlighted; private Supplier fixingCommand; Builder(Test tester, Severity severity, int code) { this.tester = tester; this.severity = severity; this.code = code; } /** * Sets the error message. * * @param message The error message * @return {@code this} */ public Builder message(String message) { this.message = message; return this; } /** * Sets the error message. * * @param message The the message of this error group * @param description The translated description of this error * @param descriptionEn The English description (for ignoring errors) * @return {@code this} */ public Builder messageWithManuallyTranslatedDescription(String message, String description, String descriptionEn) { this.message = message; this.description = description; this.descriptionEn = descriptionEn; return this; } /** * Sets the error message. * * @param message The the message of this error group * @param marktrDescription The {@linkplain I18n#marktr prepared for i18n} description of this error * @param args The description arguments to be applied in {@link I18n#tr(String, Object...)} * @return {@code this} */ public Builder message(String message, String marktrDescription, Object... args) { this.message = message; this.description = I18n.tr(marktrDescription, args); this.descriptionEn = new MessageFormat(marktrDescription, Locale.ENGLISH).format(args); return this; } /** * Sets the primitives affected by this error. * * @param primitives the primitives affected by this error * @return {@code this} */ public Builder primitives(OsmPrimitive... primitives) { return primitives(Arrays.asList(primitives)); } /** * Sets the primitives affected by this error. * * @param primitives the primitives affected by this error * @return {@code this} */ public Builder primitives(Collection primitives) { CheckParameterUtil.ensureThat(this.primitives == null, "primitives already set"); CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(primitives, "primitives"); this.primitives = primitives; if (this.highlighted == null) { this.highlighted = primitives; } return this; } /** * Sets the primitives to highlight when selecting this error. * * @param highlighted the primitives to highlight * @return {@code this} * @see ValidatorVisitor#visit(OsmPrimitive) */ public Builder highlight(OsmPrimitive... highlighted) { return highlight(Arrays.asList(highlighted)); } /** * Sets the primitives to highlight when selecting this error. * * @param highlighted the primitives to highlight * @return {@code this} * @see ValidatorVisitor#visit(OsmPrimitive) */ public Builder highlight(Collection highlighted) { CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(highlighted, "highlighted"); this.highlighted = highlighted; return this; } /** * Sets the way segments to highlight when selecting this error. * * @param highlighted the way segments to highlight * @return {@code this} * @see ValidatorVisitor#visit(WaySegment) */ public Builder highlightWaySegments(Collection highlighted) { CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(highlighted, "highlighted"); this.highlighted = highlighted; return this; } /** * Sets the node pairs to highlight when selecting this error. * * @param highlighted the node pairs to highlight * @return {@code this} * @see ValidatorVisitor#visit(List) */ public Builder highlightNodePairs(Collection> highlighted) { CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(highlighted, "highlighted"); this.highlighted = highlighted; return this; } /** * Sets a supplier to obtain a command to fix the error. * * @param fixingCommand the fix supplier * @return {@code this} */ public Builder fix(Supplier fixingCommand) { CheckParameterUtil.ensureThat(this.fixingCommand == null, "fixingCommand already set"); this.fixingCommand = fixingCommand; return this; } /** * Returns a new test error with the specified values * * @return a new test error with the specified values * @throws IllegalArgumentException when {@link #message} or {@link #primitives} is null/empty. */ public TestError build() { CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(message, "message not set"); CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(primitives, "primitives not set"); CheckParameterUtil.ensureThat(!primitives.isEmpty(), "primitives is empty"); if (this.highlighted == null) { this.highlighted = Collections.emptySet(); } return new TestError(this); } } /** * Starts building a new {@code TestError} * @param tester The tester * @param severity The severity of this error * @param code The test error reference code * @return a new test builder * @since 11129 */ public static Builder builder(Test tester, Severity severity, int code) { return new Builder(tester, severity, code); } TestError(Builder builder) { this.tester = builder.tester; this.severity = builder.severity; this.message = builder.message; this.description = builder.description; this.descriptionEn = builder.descriptionEn; this.primitives = builder.primitives; this.highlighted = builder.highlighted; this.code = builder.code; this.fixingCommand = builder.fixingCommand; } /** * Gets the error message * @return the error message */ public String getMessage() { return message; } /** * Gets the error message * @return the error description */ public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * Gets the list of primitives affected by this error * @return the list of primitives affected by this error */ public Collection getPrimitives() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(primitives); } /** * Gets the severity of this error * @return the severity of this error */ public Severity getSeverity() { return severity; } /** * Returns the ignore state for this error. * @return the ignore state for this error */ public String getIgnoreState() { Collection strings = new TreeSet<>(); StringBuilder ignorestring = new StringBuilder(getIgnoreSubGroup()); for (OsmPrimitive o : primitives) { // ignore data not yet uploaded if (o.isNew()) return null; String type = "u"; if (o instanceof Way) { type = "w"; } else if (o instanceof Relation) { type = "r"; } else if (o instanceof Node) { type = "n"; } strings.add(type + '_' + o.getId()); } for (String o : strings) { ignorestring.append(':').append(o); } return ignorestring.toString(); } /** * Gets the ignores subgroup that is more specialized than {@link #getIgnoreGroup()} * @return The ignore sub group */ public String getIgnoreSubGroup() { String ignorestring = getIgnoreGroup(); if (descriptionEn != null) { ignorestring += '_' + descriptionEn; } return ignorestring; } /** * Gets the ignore group ID that is used to allow the user to ignore all same errors * @return The group id * @see TestError#getIgnoreSubGroup() */ public String getIgnoreGroup() { return Integer.toString(code); } /** * Flags this error as ignored * @param state The ignore flag */ public void setIgnored(boolean state) { ignored = state; } /** * Checks if this error is ignored * @return true if it is ignored */ public boolean isIgnored() { return ignored; } /** * Gets the tester that raised this error * @return the tester that raised this error */ public Test getTester() { return tester; } /** * Gets the code * @return the code */ public int getCode() { return code; } /** * Returns true if the error can be fixed automatically * * @return true if the error can be fixed */ public boolean isFixable() { return fixingCommand != null || ((tester != null) && tester.isFixable(this)); } /** * Fixes the error with the appropriate command * * @return The command to fix the error */ public Command getFix() { // obtain fix from the error final Command fix = fixingCommand != null ? fixingCommand.get() : null; if (fix != null) { return fix; } // obtain fix from the tester if (tester == null || !tester.isFixable(this) || primitives.isEmpty()) return null; return tester.fixError(this); } /** * Sets the selection flag of this error * @param selected if this error is selected */ public void setSelected(boolean selected) { this.selected = selected; } /** * Visits all highlighted validation elements * @param v The visitor that should receive a visit-notification on all highlighted elements */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void visitHighlighted(ValidatorVisitor v) { for (Object o : highlighted) { if (o instanceof OsmPrimitive) { v.visit((OsmPrimitive) o); } else if (o instanceof WaySegment) { v.visit((WaySegment) o); } else if (o instanceof List) { v.visit((List) o); } } } /** * Returns the selection flag of this error * @return true if this error is selected * @since 5671 */ public boolean isSelected() { return selected; } /** * Returns The primitives or way segments to be highlighted * @return The primitives or way segments to be highlighted * @since 5671 */ public Collection getHighlighted() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(highlighted); } @Override public int compareTo(TestError o) { if (equals(o)) return 0; MultipleNameVisitor v1 = new MultipleNameVisitor(); MultipleNameVisitor v2 = new MultipleNameVisitor(); v1.visit(getPrimitives()); v2.visit(o.getPrimitives()); return AlphanumComparator.getInstance().compare(v1.toString(), v2.toString()); } @Override public String toString() { return "TestError [tester=" + tester + ", code=" + code + ", message=" + message + ']'; } }