// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. package org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.Stream; import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Utils; /** * TagCollection is a collection of tags which can be used to manipulate * tags managed by {@link org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive}s. * * A TagCollection can be created: * * * It provides methods to query the collection, like {@link #size()}, {@link #hasTagsFor(String)}, etc. * * Basic set operations allow to create the union, the intersection and the difference * of tag collections, see {@link #union(org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.TagCollection)}, * {@link #intersect(org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.TagCollection)}, and {@link #minus(org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.TagCollection)}. * * @since 2008 */ public class TagCollection implements Iterable, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; /** * Creates a tag collection from the tags managed by a specific * {@link org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive}. If primitive is null, replies * an empty tag collection. * * @param primitive the primitive * @return a tag collection with the tags managed by a specific * {@link org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive} */ public static TagCollection from(Tagged primitive) { TagCollection tags = new TagCollection(); if (primitive != null) { for (String key: primitive.keySet()) { tags.add(new Tag(key, primitive.get(key))); } } return tags; } /** * Creates a tag collection from a map of key/value-pairs. Replies * an empty tag collection if {@code tags} is null. * * @param tags the key/value-pairs * @return the tag collection */ public static TagCollection from(Map tags) { TagCollection ret = new TagCollection(); if (tags == null) return ret; for (Entry entry: tags.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey() == null ? "" : entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue() == null ? "" : entry.getValue(); ret.add(new Tag(key, value)); } return ret; } /** * Creates a tag collection from the union of the tags managed by * a collection of primitives. Replies an empty tag collection, * if primitives is null. * * @param primitives the primitives * @return a tag collection with the union of the tags managed by * a collection of primitives */ public static TagCollection unionOfAllPrimitives(Collection primitives) { TagCollection tags = new TagCollection(); if (primitives == null) return tags; for (Tagged primitive: primitives) { if (primitive == null) { continue; } tags.add(TagCollection.from(primitive)); } return tags; } /** * Replies a tag collection with the tags which are common to all primitives in in * primitives. Replies an empty tag collection of primitives * is null. * * @param primitives the primitives * @return a tag collection with the tags which are common to all primitives */ public static TagCollection commonToAllPrimitives(Collection primitives) { TagCollection tags = new TagCollection(); if (primitives == null || primitives.isEmpty()) return tags; // initialize with the first // tags.add(TagCollection.from(primitives.iterator().next())); // intersect with the others // for (Tagged primitive: primitives) { if (primitive == null) { continue; } tags.add(tags.intersect(TagCollection.from(primitive))); } return tags; } /** * Replies a tag collection with the union of the tags which are common to all primitives in * the dataset ds. Returns an empty tag collection of ds is null. * * @param ds the dataset * @return a tag collection with the union of the tags which are common to all primitives in * the dataset ds */ public static TagCollection unionOfAllPrimitives(DataSet ds) { TagCollection tags = new TagCollection(); if (ds == null) return tags; tags.add(TagCollection.unionOfAllPrimitives(ds.allPrimitives())); return tags; } private final Map tags = new HashMap<>(); /** * Creates an empty tag collection. */ public TagCollection() { // contents can be set later with add() } /** * Creates a clone of the tag collection other. Creats an empty * tag collection if other is null. * * @param other the other collection */ public TagCollection(TagCollection other) { if (other != null) { tags.putAll(other.tags); } } /** * Creates a tag collection from tags. * @param tags the collection of tags * @since 5724 */ public TagCollection(Collection tags) { add(tags); } /** * Replies the number of tags in this tag collection * * @return the number of tags in this tag collection */ public int size() { return tags.size(); } /** * Replies true if this tag collection is empty * * @return true if this tag collection is empty; false, otherwise */ public boolean isEmpty() { return size() == 0; } /** * Adds a tag to the tag collection. If tag is null, nothing is added. * * @param tag the tag to add */ public final void add(Tag tag) { if (tag != null) { tags.merge(tag, 1, (i, j) -> i + j); } } /** * Gets the number of this this tag was added to the collection. * @param tag The tag * @return The number of thimes this tag is used in this collection. * @since 10736 */ public int getTagOccurence(Tag tag) { return tags.getOrDefault(tag, 0); } /** * Adds a collection of tags to the tag collection. If tags is null, nothing * is added. null values in the collection are ignored. * * @param tags the collection of tags */ public final void add(Collection tags) { if (tags == null) return; for (Tag tag: tags) { add(tag); } } /** * Adds the tags of another tag collection to this collection. Adds nothing, if * tags is null. * * @param tags the other tag collection */ public final void add(TagCollection tags) { if (tags != null) { for (Entry entry : tags.tags.entrySet()) { this.tags.merge(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), (i, j) -> i + j); } } } /** * Removes a specific tag from the tag collection. Does nothing if tag is * null. * * @param tag the tag to be removed */ public void remove(Tag tag) { if (tag == null) return; tags.remove(tag); } /** * Removes a collection of tags from the tag collection. Does nothing if tags is * null. * * @param tags the tags to be removed */ public void remove(Collection tags) { if (tags != null) { tags.stream().forEach(this::remove); } } /** * Removes all tags in the tag collection tags from the current tag collection. * Does nothing if tags is null. * * @param tags the tag collection to be removed. */ public void remove(TagCollection tags) { if (tags != null) { tags.tags.keySet().stream().forEach(this::remove); } } /** * Removes all tags whose keys are equal to key. Does nothing if key * is null. * * @param key the key to be removed */ public void removeByKey(String key) { if (key != null) { tags.keySet().removeIf(tag -> tag.matchesKey(key)); } } /** * Removes all tags whose key is in the collection keys. Does nothing if * keys is null. * * @param keys the collection of keys to be removed */ public void removeByKey(Collection keys) { if (keys == null) return; for (String key: keys) { removeByKey(key); } } /** * Replies true if the this tag collection contains tag. * * @param tag the tag to look up * @return true if the this tag collection contains tag; false, otherwise */ public boolean contains(Tag tag) { return tags.containsKey(tag); } /** * Replies true if this tag collection contains all tags in tags. Replies * false, if tags is null. * * @param tags the tags to look up * @return true if this tag collection contains all tags in tags. Replies * false, if tags is null. */ public boolean containsAll(Collection tags) { if (tags == null) { return false; } else { return this.tags.keySet().containsAll(tags); } } /** * Replies true if this tag collection at least one tag for every key in keys. * Replies false, if keys is null. null values in keys are ignored. * * @param keys the keys to lookup * @return true if this tag collection at least one tag for every key in keys. */ public boolean containsAllKeys(Collection keys) { if (keys == null) { return false; } else { return keys.stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).allMatch(this::hasTagsFor); } } /** * Replies the number of tags with key key * * @param key the key to look up * @return the number of tags with key key, including the empty "" value. 0, if key is null. */ public int getNumTagsFor(String key) { return (int) generateStreamForKey(key).count(); } /** * Replies true if there is at least one tag for the given key. * * @param key the key to look up * @return true if there is at least one tag for the given key. false, if key is null. */ public boolean hasTagsFor(String key) { return getNumTagsFor(key) > 0; } /** * Replies true it there is at least one tag with a non empty value for key. * Replies false if key is null. * * @param key the key * @return true it there is at least one tag with a non empty value for key. */ public boolean hasValuesFor(String key) { return generateStreamForKey(key).filter(t -> !t.getValue().isEmpty()).findAny().isPresent(); } /** * Replies true if there is exactly one tag for key and * if the value of this tag is not empty. Replies false if key is * null. * * @param key the key * @return true if there is exactly one tag for key and * if the value of this tag is not empty */ public boolean hasUniqueNonEmptyValue(String key) { return generateStreamForKey(key).filter(t -> !t.getValue().isEmpty()).count() == 1; } /** * Replies true if there is a tag with an empty value for key. * Replies false, if key is null. * * @param key the key * @return true if there is a tag with an empty value for key */ public boolean hasEmptyValue(String key) { return generateStreamForKey(key).anyMatch(t -> t.getValue().isEmpty()); } /** * Replies true if there is exactly one tag for key and if * the value for this tag is empty. Replies false if key is null. * * @param key the key * @return true if there is exactly one tag for key and if * the value for this tag is empty */ public boolean hasUniqueEmptyValue(String key) { Set values = getValues(key); return values.size() == 1 && values.contains(""); } /** * Replies a tag collection with the tags for a given key. Replies an empty collection * if key is null. * * @param key the key to look up * @return a tag collection with the tags for a given key. Replies an empty collection * if key is null. */ public TagCollection getTagsFor(String key) { TagCollection ret = new TagCollection(); generateStreamForKey(key).forEach(ret::add); return ret; } /** * Replies a tag collection with all tags whose key is equal to one of the keys in * keys. Replies an empty collection if keys is null. * * @param keys the keys to look up * @return a tag collection with all tags whose key is equal to one of the keys in * keys */ public TagCollection getTagsFor(Collection keys) { TagCollection ret = new TagCollection(); if (keys == null) return ret; for (String key : keys) { if (key != null) { ret.add(getTagsFor(key)); } } return ret; } /** * Replies the tags of this tag collection as set * * @return the tags of this tag collection as set */ public Set asSet() { return new HashSet<>(tags.keySet()); } /** * Replies the tags of this tag collection as list. * Note that the order of the list is not preserved between method invocations. * * @return the tags of this tag collection as list. There are no dupplicate values. */ public List asList() { return new ArrayList<>(tags.keySet()); } /** * Replies an iterator to iterate over the tags in this collection * * @return the iterator */ @Override public Iterator iterator() { return tags.keySet().iterator(); } /** * Replies the set of keys of this tag collection. * * @return the set of keys of this tag collection */ public Set getKeys() { return generateKeyStream().collect(Collectors.toCollection(HashSet::new)); } /** * Replies the set of keys which have at least 2 matching tags. * * @return the set of keys which have at least 2 matching tags. */ public Set getKeysWithMultipleValues() { HashSet singleKeys = new HashSet<>(); return generateKeyStream().filter(key -> !singleKeys.add(key)).collect(Collectors.toSet()); } /** * Sets a unique tag for the key of this tag. All other tags with the same key are * removed from the collection. Does nothing if tag is null. * * @param tag the tag to set */ public void setUniqueForKey(Tag tag) { if (tag == null) return; removeByKey(tag.getKey()); add(tag); } /** * Sets a unique tag for the key of this tag. All other tags with the same key are * removed from the collection. Assume the empty string for key and value if either * key or value is null. * * @param key the key * @param value the value */ public void setUniqueForKey(String key, String value) { Tag tag = new Tag(key, value); setUniqueForKey(tag); } /** * Replies the set of values in this tag collection * * @return the set of values */ public Set getValues() { return tags.keySet().stream().map(Tag::getValue).collect(Collectors.toSet()); } /** * Replies the set of values for a given key. Replies an empty collection if there * are no values for the given key. * * @param key the key to look up * @return the set of values for a given key. Replies an empty collection if there * are no values for the given key */ public Set getValues(String key) { // null-safe return generateStreamForKey(key).map(Tag::getValue).collect(Collectors.toSet()); } /** * Replies true if for every key there is one tag only, i.e. exactly one value. * * @return {@code true} if for every key there is one tag only */ public boolean isApplicableToPrimitive() { return getKeysWithMultipleValues().isEmpty(); } /** * Applies this tag collection to an {@link org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive}. Does nothing if * primitive is null * * @param primitive the primitive * @throws IllegalStateException if this tag collection can't be applied * because there are keys with multiple values */ public void applyTo(Tagged primitive) { if (primitive == null) return; ensureApplicableToPrimitive(); for (Tag tag: tags.keySet()) { if (tag.getValue() == null || tag.getValue().isEmpty()) { primitive.remove(tag.getKey()); } else { primitive.put(tag.getKey(), tag.getValue()); } } } /** * Applies this tag collection to a collection of {@link org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive}s. Does nothing if * primitives is null * * @param primitives the collection of primitives * @throws IllegalStateException if this tag collection can't be applied * because there are keys with multiple values */ public void applyTo(Collection primitives) { if (primitives == null) return; ensureApplicableToPrimitive(); for (Tagged primitive: primitives) { applyTo(primitive); } } /** * Replaces the tags of an {@link org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive} by the tags in this collection . Does nothing if * primitive is null * * @param primitive the primitive * @throws IllegalStateException if this tag collection can't be applied * because there are keys with multiple values */ public void replaceTagsOf(Tagged primitive) { if (primitive == null) return; ensureApplicableToPrimitive(); primitive.removeAll(); for (Tag tag: tags.keySet()) { primitive.put(tag.getKey(), tag.getValue()); } } /** * Replaces the tags of a collection of{@link org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive}s by the tags in this collection. * Does nothing if primitives is null * * @param primitives the collection of primitives * @throws IllegalStateException if this tag collection can't be applied * because there are keys with multiple values */ public void replaceTagsOf(Collection primitives) { if (primitives == null) return; ensureApplicableToPrimitive(); for (Tagged primitive: primitives) { replaceTagsOf(primitive); } } private void ensureApplicableToPrimitive() { if (!isApplicableToPrimitive()) throw new IllegalStateException(tr("Tag collection cannot be applied to a primitive because there are keys with multiple values.")); } /** * Builds the intersection of this tag collection and another tag collection * * @param other the other tag collection. If null, replies an empty tag collection. * @return the intersection of this tag collection and another tag collection. All counts are set to 1. */ public TagCollection intersect(TagCollection other) { TagCollection ret = new TagCollection(); if (other != null) { tags.keySet().stream().filter(other::contains).forEach(ret::add); } return ret; } /** * Replies the difference of this tag collection and another tag collection * * @param other the other tag collection. May be null. * @return the difference of this tag collection and another tag collection */ public TagCollection minus(TagCollection other) { TagCollection ret = new TagCollection(this); if (other != null) { ret.remove(other); } return ret; } /** * Replies the union of this tag collection and another tag collection * * @param other the other tag collection. May be null. * @return the union of this tag collection and another tag collection. The tag count is summed. */ public TagCollection union(TagCollection other) { TagCollection ret = new TagCollection(this); if (other != null) { ret.add(other); } return ret; } public TagCollection emptyTagsForKeysMissingIn(TagCollection other) { TagCollection ret = new TagCollection(); for (String key: this.minus(other).getKeys()) { ret.add(new Tag(key)); } return ret; } private static final Pattern SPLIT_VALUES_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(";\\s*"); /** * Replies the concatenation of all tag values (concatenated by a semicolon) * @param key the key to look up * * @return the concatenation of all tag values */ public String getJoinedValues(String key) { // See #7201 combining ways screws up the order of ref tags Set originalValues = getValues(key); if (originalValues.size() == 1) { return originalValues.iterator().next(); } Set values = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Map> originalSplitValues = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (String v : originalValues) { List vs = Arrays.asList(SPLIT_VALUES_PATTERN.split(v)); originalSplitValues.put(v, vs); values.addAll(vs); } values.remove(""); // try to retain an already existing key if it contains all needed values (remove this if it causes performance problems) for (Entry> i : originalSplitValues.entrySet()) { if (i.getValue().containsAll(values)) { return i.getKey(); } } return Utils.join(";", values); } /** * Replies the sum of all numeric tag values. Ignores dupplicates. * @param key the key to look up * * @return the sum of all numeric tag values, as string. * @since 7743 */ public String getSummedValues(String key) { int result = 0; for (String value : getValues(key)) { try { result += Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Main.trace(e); } } return Integer.toString(result); } private Stream generateKeyStream() { return tags.keySet().stream().map(Tag::getKey); } /** * Get a stram for the given key. * @param key The key * @return The stream. An empty stream if key is null */ private Stream generateStreamForKey(String key) { return tags.keySet().stream().filter(e -> e.matchesKey(key)); } @Override public String toString() { return tags.toString(); } }