// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. package org.openstreetmap.josm.data.imagery; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.Point; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException; import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.Coordinate; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.Projected; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.Tile; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.TileRange; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.TileXY; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.interfaces.ICoordinate; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.interfaces.IProjected; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.interfaces.TemplatedTileSource; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.tilesources.AbstractTMSTileSource; import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.ProjectionBounds; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.EastNorth; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.imagery.GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.TransferMode; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.imagery.ImageryInfo.ImageryType; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.Projection; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.Projections; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.ExtendedDialog; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.NativeScaleLayer.ScaleList; import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.CachedFile; import org.openstreetmap.josm.spi.preferences.Config; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.CheckParameterUtil; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.GBC; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Logging; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Utils; /** * Tile Source handling WMTS providers * * @author Wiktor Niesiobędzki * @since 8526 */ public class WMTSTileSource extends AbstractTMSTileSource implements TemplatedTileSource { /** * WMTS namespace address */ public static final String WMTS_NS_URL = "http://www.opengis.net/wmts/1.0"; // CHECKSTYLE.OFF: SingleSpaceSeparator private static final QName QN_CONTENTS = new QName(WMTSTileSource.WMTS_NS_URL, "Contents"); private static final QName QN_DEFAULT = new QName(WMTSTileSource.WMTS_NS_URL, "Default"); private static final QName QN_DIMENSION = new QName(WMTSTileSource.WMTS_NS_URL, "Dimension"); private static final QName QN_FORMAT = new QName(WMTSTileSource.WMTS_NS_URL, "Format"); private static final QName QN_LAYER = new QName(WMTSTileSource.WMTS_NS_URL, "Layer"); private static final QName QN_MATRIX_WIDTH = new QName(WMTSTileSource.WMTS_NS_URL, "MatrixWidth"); private static final QName QN_MATRIX_HEIGHT = new QName(WMTSTileSource.WMTS_NS_URL, "MatrixHeight"); private static final QName QN_RESOURCE_URL = new QName(WMTSTileSource.WMTS_NS_URL, "ResourceURL"); private static final QName QN_SCALE_DENOMINATOR = new QName(WMTSTileSource.WMTS_NS_URL, "ScaleDenominator"); private static final QName QN_STYLE = new QName(WMTSTileSource.WMTS_NS_URL, "Style"); private static final QName QN_TILEMATRIX = new QName(WMTSTileSource.WMTS_NS_URL, "TileMatrix"); private static final QName QN_TILEMATRIXSET = new QName(WMTSTileSource.WMTS_NS_URL, "TileMatrixSet"); private static final QName QN_TILEMATRIX_SET_LINK = new QName(WMTSTileSource.WMTS_NS_URL, "TileMatrixSetLink"); private static final QName QN_TILE_WIDTH = new QName(WMTSTileSource.WMTS_NS_URL, "TileWidth"); private static final QName QN_TILE_HEIGHT = new QName(WMTSTileSource.WMTS_NS_URL, "TileHeight"); private static final QName QN_TOPLEFT_CORNER = new QName(WMTSTileSource.WMTS_NS_URL, "TopLeftCorner"); private static final QName QN_VALUE = new QName(WMTSTileSource.WMTS_NS_URL, "Value"); // CHECKSTYLE.ON: SingleSpaceSeparator private static final String PATTERN_HEADER = "\\{header\\(([^,]+),([^}]+)\\)\\}"; private static final String URL_GET_ENCODING_PARAMS = "SERVICE=WMTS&REQUEST=GetTile&VERSION=1.0.0&LAYER={layer}&STYLE={style}&" + "FORMAT={format}&tileMatrixSet={TileMatrixSet}&tileMatrix={TileMatrix}&tileRow={TileRow}&tileCol={TileCol}"; private static final String[] ALL_PATTERNS = { PATTERN_HEADER, }; private int cachedTileSize = -1; private static class TileMatrix { private String identifier; private double scaleDenominator; private EastNorth topLeftCorner; private int tileWidth; private int tileHeight; private int matrixWidth = -1; private int matrixHeight = -1; } private static class TileMatrixSetBuilder { // sorted by zoom level SortedSet tileMatrix = new TreeSet<>((o1, o2) -> -1 * Double.compare(o1.scaleDenominator, o2.scaleDenominator)); private String crs; private String identifier; TileMatrixSet build() { return new TileMatrixSet(this); } } /** * * class representing WMTS TileMatrixSet * This connects projection and TileMatrix (how the map is divided in tiles) * */ public static class TileMatrixSet { private final List tileMatrix; private final String crs; private final String identifier; TileMatrixSet(TileMatrixSet tileMatrixSet) { if (tileMatrixSet != null) { tileMatrix = new ArrayList<>(tileMatrixSet.tileMatrix); crs = tileMatrixSet.crs; identifier = tileMatrixSet.identifier; } else { tileMatrix = Collections.emptyList(); crs = null; identifier = null; } } TileMatrixSet(TileMatrixSetBuilder builder) { tileMatrix = new ArrayList<>(builder.tileMatrix); crs = builder.crs; identifier = builder.identifier; } @Override public String toString() { return "TileMatrixSet [crs=" + crs + ", identifier=" + identifier + ']'; } /** * * @return identifier of this TileMatrixSet */ public String getIdentifier() { return identifier; } } private static class Dimension { private String identifier; private String defaultValue; private final List values = new ArrayList<>(); } /** * Class representing WMTS Layer information * */ public static class Layer { private String format; private String identifier; private String title; private TileMatrixSet tileMatrixSet; private String baseUrl; private String style; private final Collection tileMatrixSetLinks = new ArrayList<>(); private final Collection dimensions = new ArrayList<>(); Layer(Layer l) { Objects.requireNonNull(l); format = l.format; identifier = l.identifier; title = l.title; baseUrl = l.baseUrl; style = l.style; tileMatrixSet = new TileMatrixSet(l.tileMatrixSet); dimensions.addAll(l.dimensions); } Layer() { } /** * Get title of the layer for user display. * * This is either the content of the Title element (if available) or * the layer identifier (as fallback) * @return title of the layer for user display */ public String getUserTitle() { return title != null ? title : identifier; } @Override public String toString() { return "Layer [identifier=" + identifier + ", title=" + title + ", tileMatrixSet=" + tileMatrixSet + ", baseUrl=" + baseUrl + ", style=" + style + ']'; } /** * * @return identifier of this layer */ public String getIdentifier() { return identifier; } /** * * @return style of this layer */ public String getStyle() { return style; } /** * * @return */ public TileMatrixSet getTileMatrixSet() { return tileMatrixSet; } } /** * Exception thrown when praser doesn't find expected information in GetCapabilities document * */ public static class WMTSGetCapabilitiesException extends Exception { /** * @param cause description of cause */ public WMTSGetCapabilitiesException(String cause) { super(cause); } } private static final class SelectLayerDialog extends ExtendedDialog { private final transient List>> layers; private final JTable list; SelectLayerDialog(Collection layers) { super(Main.parent, tr("Select WMTS layer"), tr("Add layers"), tr("Cancel")); this.layers = groupLayersByNameAndTileMatrixSet(layers); this.list = getLayerSelectionPanel(this.layers); JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); panel.add(new JScrollPane(this.list), GBC.eol().fill()); setContent(panel); } public DefaultLayer getSelectedLayer() { int index = list.getSelectedRow(); if (index < 0) { return null; //nothing selected } Layer selectedLayer = layers.get(list.convertRowIndexToModel(index)).getValue().get(0); return new DefaultLayer(ImageryType.WMTS, selectedLayer.identifier, selectedLayer.style, selectedLayer.tileMatrixSet.identifier); } } private final Map headers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Collection layers; private Layer currentLayer; private TileMatrixSet currentTileMatrixSet; private double crsScale; private GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.TransferMode transferMode; private ScaleList nativeScaleList; private final DefaultLayer defaultLayer; private Projection tileProjection; /** * Creates a tile source based on imagery info * @param info imagery info * @throws IOException if any I/O error occurs * @throws WMTSGetCapabilitiesException * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any other error happens for the given imagery info */ public WMTSTileSource(ImageryInfo info) throws IOException, WMTSGetCapabilitiesException { super(info); CheckParameterUtil.ensureThat(info.getDefaultLayers().size() < 2, "At most 1 default layer for WMTS is supported"); this.headers.putAll(info.getCustomHttpHeaders()); this.baseUrl = GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.normalizeCapabilitiesUrl(handleTemplate(info.getUrl())); WMTSCapabilities capabilities = getCapabilities(baseUrl, headers); this.layers = capabilities.getLayers(); this.baseUrl = capabilities.getBaseUrl(); this.transferMode = capabilities.getTransferMode(); if (info.getDefaultLayers().isEmpty()) { Logging.warn(tr("No default layer selected, choosing first layer.")); if (!layers.isEmpty()) { Layer first = layers.iterator().next(); this.defaultLayer = new DefaultLayer(info.getImageryType(), first.identifier, first.style, first.tileMatrixSet.identifier); } else { this.defaultLayer = null; } } else { this.defaultLayer = info.getDefaultLayers().iterator().next(); } if (this.layers.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(tr("No layers defined by getCapabilities document: {0}", info.getUrl())); } /** * Creates a dialog based on this tile source with all available layers and returns the name of selected layer * @return Name of selected layer */ public DefaultLayer userSelectLayer() { Map> layerById = layers.stream().collect( Collectors.groupingBy(x -> x.identifier)); if (layerById.size() == 1) { // only one layer List ls = layerById.entrySet().iterator().next().getValue() .stream().filter( u -> u.tileMatrixSet.crs.equals(Main.getProjection().toCode())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (ls.size() == 1) { // only one tile matrix set with matching projection - no point in asking Layer selectedLayer = ls.get(0); return new DefaultLayer(ImageryType.WMTS, selectedLayer.identifier, selectedLayer.style, selectedLayer.tileMatrixSet.identifier); } } final SelectLayerDialog layerSelection = new SelectLayerDialog(layers); if (layerSelection.showDialog().getValue() == 1) { return layerSelection.getSelectedLayer(); } return null; } private String handleTemplate(String url) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(PATTERN_HEADER); StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer(); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(url); while (matcher.find()) { this.headers.put(matcher.group(1), matcher.group(2)); matcher.appendReplacement(output, ""); } matcher.appendTail(output); return output.toString(); } /** * @param url of the getCapabilities document * @param headers HTTP headers to set when calling getCapabilities url * @return capabilities * @throws IOException in case of any I/O error * @throws WMTSGetCapabilitiesException * @throws IllegalArgumentException in case of any other error */ public static WMTSCapabilities getCapabilities(String url, Map headers) throws IOException, WMTSGetCapabilitiesException { try (CachedFile cf = new CachedFile(url); InputStream in = cf.setHttpHeaders(headers). setMaxAge(Config.getPref().getLong("wmts.capabilities.cache.max_age", 7 * CachedFile.DAYS)). setCachingStrategy(CachedFile.CachingStrategy.IfModifiedSince). getInputStream()) { byte[] data = Utils.readBytesFromStream(in); if (data.length == 0) { cf.clear(); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not read data from: " + url); } try { XMLStreamReader reader = GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.getReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(data)); WMTSCapabilities ret = null; Collection layers = null; for (int event = reader.getEventType(); reader.hasNext(); event = reader.next()) { if (event == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) { if (GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.QN_OWS_OPERATIONS_METADATA.equals(reader.getName())) { ret = parseOperationMetadata(reader); } if (QN_CONTENTS.equals(reader.getName())) { layers = parseContents(reader); } } } if (ret == null) { /* * see #12168 - create dummy operation metadata - not all WMTS services provide this information * * WMTS Standard: * > Resource oriented architecture style HTTP encodings SHALL not be described in the OperationsMetadata section. * * And OperationMetada is not mandatory element. So REST mode is justifiable */ ret = new WMTSCapabilities(url, TransferMode.REST); } if (layers == null) { throw new WMTSGetCapabilitiesException(tr("WMTS Capabilties document did not contain layers in url: {0}", url)); } ret.addLayers(layers); return ret; } catch (XMLStreamException e) { cf.clear(); Logging.warn(new String(data, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } } } /** * Parse Contents tag. Returns when reader reaches Contents closing tag * * @param reader StAX reader instance * @return collection of layers within contents with properly linked TileMatrixSets * @throws XMLStreamException See {@link XMLStreamReader} */ private static Collection parseContents(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException { Map matrixSetById = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); Collection layers = new ArrayList<>(); for (int event = reader.getEventType(); reader.hasNext() && !(event == XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT && QN_CONTENTS.equals(reader.getName())); event = reader.next()) { if (event == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) { if (QN_LAYER.equals(reader.getName())) { Layer l = parseLayer(reader); if (l != null) { layers.add(l); } } if (QN_TILEMATRIXSET.equals(reader.getName())) { TileMatrixSet entry = parseTileMatrixSet(reader); matrixSetById.put(entry.identifier, entry); } } } Collection ret = new ArrayList<>(); // link layers to matrix sets for (Layer l: layers) { for (String tileMatrixId: l.tileMatrixSetLinks) { Layer newLayer = new Layer(l); // create a new layer object for each tile matrix set supported newLayer.tileMatrixSet = matrixSetById.get(tileMatrixId); ret.add(newLayer); } } return ret; } /** * Parse Layer tag. Returns when reader will reach Layer closing tag * * @param reader StAX reader instance * @return Layer object, with tileMatrixSetLinks and no tileMatrixSet attribute set. * @throws XMLStreamException See {@link XMLStreamReader} */ private static Layer parseLayer(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException { Layer layer = new Layer(); Stack tagStack = new Stack<>(); List supportedMimeTypes = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(ImageIO.getReaderMIMETypes())); supportedMimeTypes.add("image/jpgpng"); // used by ESRI supportedMimeTypes.add("image/png8"); // used by geoserver if (supportedMimeTypes.contains("image/jpeg")) { supportedMimeTypes.add("image/jpg"); // sometimes mispelled by Arcgis } Collection unsupportedFormats = new ArrayList<>(); for (int event = reader.getEventType(); reader.hasNext() && !(event == XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT && QN_LAYER.equals(reader.getName())); event = reader.next()) { if (event == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) { tagStack.push(reader.getName()); if (tagStack.size() == 2) { if (QN_FORMAT.equals(reader.getName())) { String format = reader.getElementText(); if (supportedMimeTypes.contains(format)) { layer.format = format; } else { unsupportedFormats.add(format); } } else if (GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.QN_OWS_IDENTIFIER.equals(reader.getName())) { layer.identifier = reader.getElementText(); } else if (GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.QN_OWS_TITLE.equals(reader.getName())) { layer.title = reader.getElementText(); } else if (QN_RESOURCE_URL.equals(reader.getName()) && "tile".equals(reader.getAttributeValue("", "resourceType"))) { layer.baseUrl = reader.getAttributeValue("", "template"); } else if (QN_STYLE.equals(reader.getName()) && "true".equals(reader.getAttributeValue("", "isDefault"))) { if (GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.moveReaderToTag(reader, GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.QN_OWS_IDENTIFIER)) { layer.style = reader.getElementText(); tagStack.push(reader.getName()); // keep tagStack in sync } } else if (QN_DIMENSION.equals(reader.getName())) { layer.dimensions.add(parseDimension(reader)); } else if (QN_TILEMATRIX_SET_LINK.equals(reader.getName())) { layer.tileMatrixSetLinks.add(parseTileMatrixSetLink(reader)); } else { GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.moveReaderToEndCurrentTag(reader); } } } // need to get event type from reader, as parsing might have change position of reader if (reader.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT) { QName start = tagStack.pop(); if (!start.equals(reader.getName())) { throw new IllegalStateException(tr("WMTS Parser error - start element {0} has different name than end element {2}", start, reader.getName())); } } } if (layer.style == null) { layer.style = ""; } if (layer.format == null) { // no format found - it's mandatory parameter - can't use this layer Logging.warn(tr("Can''t use layer {0} because no supported formats where found. Layer is available in formats: {1}", layer.getUserTitle(), String.join(", ", unsupportedFormats))); return null; } return layer; } /** * Gets Dimension value. Returns when reader is on Dimension closing tag * * @param reader StAX reader instance * @return dimension * @throws XMLStreamException See {@link XMLStreamReader} */ private static Dimension parseDimension(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException { Dimension ret = new Dimension(); for (int event = reader.getEventType(); reader.hasNext() && !(event == XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT && QN_DIMENSION.equals(reader.getName())); event = reader.next()) { if (event == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) { if (GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.QN_OWS_IDENTIFIER.equals(reader.getName())) { ret.identifier = reader.getElementText(); } else if (QN_DEFAULT.equals(reader.getName())) { ret.defaultValue = reader.getElementText(); } else if (QN_VALUE.equals(reader.getName())) { ret.values.add(reader.getElementText()); } } } return ret; } /** * Gets TileMatrixSetLink value. Returns when reader is on TileMatrixSetLink closing tag * * @param reader StAX reader instance * @return TileMatrixSetLink identifier * @throws XMLStreamException See {@link XMLStreamReader} */ private static String parseTileMatrixSetLink(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException { String ret = null; for (int event = reader.getEventType(); reader.hasNext() && !(event == XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT && QN_TILEMATRIX_SET_LINK.equals(reader.getName())); event = reader.next()) { if (event == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT && QN_TILEMATRIXSET.equals(reader.getName())) { ret = reader.getElementText(); } } return ret; } /** * Parses TileMatrixSet section. Returns when reader is on TileMatrixSet closing tag * @param reader StAX reader instance * @return TileMatrixSet object * @throws XMLStreamException See {@link XMLStreamReader} */ private static TileMatrixSet parseTileMatrixSet(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException { TileMatrixSetBuilder matrixSet = new TileMatrixSetBuilder(); for (int event = reader.getEventType(); reader.hasNext() && !(event == XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT && QN_TILEMATRIXSET.equals(reader.getName())); event = reader.next()) { if (event == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) { if (GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.QN_OWS_IDENTIFIER.equals(reader.getName())) { matrixSet.identifier = reader.getElementText(); } if (GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.QN_OWS_SUPPORTED_CRS.equals(reader.getName())) { matrixSet.crs = GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.crsToCode(reader.getElementText()); } if (QN_TILEMATRIX.equals(reader.getName())) { matrixSet.tileMatrix.add(parseTileMatrix(reader, matrixSet.crs)); } } } return matrixSet.build(); } /** * Parses TileMatrix section. Returns when reader is on TileMatrix closing tag. * @param reader StAX reader instance * @param matrixCrs projection used by this matrix * @return TileMatrix object * @throws XMLStreamException See {@link XMLStreamReader} */ private static TileMatrix parseTileMatrix(XMLStreamReader reader, String matrixCrs) throws XMLStreamException { Projection matrixProj = Optional.ofNullable(Projections.getProjectionByCode(matrixCrs)) .orElseGet(Main::getProjection); // use current projection if none found. Maybe user is using custom string TileMatrix ret = new TileMatrix(); for (int event = reader.getEventType(); reader.hasNext() && !(event == XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT && QN_TILEMATRIX.equals(reader.getName())); event = reader.next()) { if (event == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) { if (GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.QN_OWS_IDENTIFIER.equals(reader.getName())) { ret.identifier = reader.getElementText(); } if (QN_SCALE_DENOMINATOR.equals(reader.getName())) { ret.scaleDenominator = Double.parseDouble(reader.getElementText()); } if (QN_TOPLEFT_CORNER.equals(reader.getName())) { String[] topLeftCorner = reader.getElementText().split(" "); if (matrixProj.switchXY()) { ret.topLeftCorner = new EastNorth(Double.parseDouble(topLeftCorner[1]), Double.parseDouble(topLeftCorner[0])); } else { ret.topLeftCorner = new EastNorth(Double.parseDouble(topLeftCorner[0]), Double.parseDouble(topLeftCorner[1])); } } if (QN_TILE_HEIGHT.equals(reader.getName())) { ret.tileHeight = Integer.parseInt(reader.getElementText()); } if (QN_TILE_WIDTH.equals(reader.getName())) { ret.tileWidth = Integer.parseInt(reader.getElementText()); } if (QN_MATRIX_HEIGHT.equals(reader.getName())) { ret.matrixHeight = Integer.parseInt(reader.getElementText()); } if (QN_MATRIX_WIDTH.equals(reader.getName())) { ret.matrixWidth = Integer.parseInt(reader.getElementText()); } } } if (ret.tileHeight != ret.tileWidth) { throw new AssertionError(tr("Only square tiles are supported. {0}x{1} returned by server for TileMatrix identifier {2}", ret.tileHeight, ret.tileWidth, ret.identifier)); } return ret; } /** * Parses OperationMetadata section. Returns when reader is on OperationsMetadata closing tag. * return WMTSCapabilities with baseUrl and transferMode * * @param reader StAX reader instance * @return WMTSCapabilities with baseUrl and transferMode set * @throws XMLStreamException See {@link XMLStreamReader} */ private static WMTSCapabilities parseOperationMetadata(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException { for (int event = reader.getEventType(); reader.hasNext() && !(event == XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT && GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.QN_OWS_OPERATIONS_METADATA.equals(reader.getName())); event = reader.next()) { if (event == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT && GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.QN_OWS_OPERATION.equals(reader.getName()) && "GetTile".equals(reader.getAttributeValue("", "name")) && GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.moveReaderToTag(reader, GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.QN_OWS_DCP, GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.QN_OWS_HTTP, GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.QN_OWS_GET )) { return new WMTSCapabilities( reader.getAttributeValue(GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.XLINK_NS_URL, "href"), GetCapabilitiesParseHelper.getTransferMode(reader) ); } } return null; } /** * Initializes projection for this TileSource with projection * @param proj projection to be used by this TileSource */ public void initProjection(Projection proj) { if (proj.equals(tileProjection)) return; List matchingLayers = layers.stream().filter( l -> l.identifier.equals(defaultLayer.getLayerName()) && l.tileMatrixSet.crs.equals(proj.toCode())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (matchingLayers.size() > 1) { this.currentLayer = matchingLayers.stream().filter( l -> l.tileMatrixSet.identifier.equals(defaultLayer.getTileMatrixSet())) .findFirst().orElse(matchingLayers.get(0)); this.tileProjection = proj; } else if (matchingLayers.size() == 1) { this.currentLayer = matchingLayers.get(0); this.tileProjection = proj; } else { // no tile matrix sets with current projection if (this.currentLayer == null) { this.tileProjection = null; for (Layer layer : layers) { if (!layer.identifier.equals(defaultLayer.getLayerName())) { continue; } Projection pr = Projections.getProjectionByCode(layer.tileMatrixSet.crs); if (pr != null) { this.currentLayer = layer; this.tileProjection = pr; break; } } if (this.currentLayer == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( layers.stream().map(l -> l.tileMatrixSet).collect(Collectors.toList()).toString()); } // else: keep currentLayer and tileProjection as is } if (this.currentLayer != null) { this.currentTileMatrixSet = this.currentLayer.tileMatrixSet; Collection scales = new ArrayList<>(currentTileMatrixSet.tileMatrix.size()); for (TileMatrix tileMatrix : currentTileMatrixSet.tileMatrix) { scales.add(tileMatrix.scaleDenominator * 0.28e-03); } this.nativeScaleList = new ScaleList(scales); } this.crsScale = getTileSize() * 0.28e-03 / this.tileProjection.getMetersPerUnit(); } @Override public int getTileSize() { if (cachedTileSize > 0) { return cachedTileSize; } if (currentTileMatrixSet != null) { // no support for non-square tiles (tileHeight != tileWidth) // and for different tile sizes at different zoom levels cachedTileSize = currentTileMatrixSet.tileMatrix.get(0).tileHeight; return cachedTileSize; } // Fallback to default mercator tile size. Maybe it will work Logging.warn("WMTS: Could not determine tile size. Using default tile size of: {0}", getDefaultTileSize()); return getDefaultTileSize(); } @Override public String getTileUrl(int zoom, int tilex, int tiley) { if (currentLayer == null) { return ""; } String url; if (currentLayer.baseUrl != null && transferMode == null) { url = currentLayer.baseUrl; } else { switch (transferMode) { case KVP: url = baseUrl + URL_GET_ENCODING_PARAMS; break; case REST: url = currentLayer.baseUrl; break; default: url = ""; break; } } TileMatrix tileMatrix = getTileMatrix(zoom); if (tileMatrix == null) { return ""; // no matrix, probably unsupported CRS selected. } url = url.replaceAll("\\{layer\\}", this.currentLayer.identifier) .replaceAll("\\{format\\}", this.currentLayer.format) .replaceAll("\\{TileMatrixSet\\}", this.currentTileMatrixSet.identifier) .replaceAll("\\{TileMatrix\\}", tileMatrix.identifier) .replaceAll("\\{TileRow\\}", Integer.toString(tiley)) .replaceAll("\\{TileCol\\}", Integer.toString(tilex)) .replaceAll("(?i)\\{style\\}", this.currentLayer.style); for (Dimension d : currentLayer.dimensions) { url = url.replaceAll("(?i)\\{"+d.identifier+"\\}", d.defaultValue); } return url; } /** * * @param zoom zoom level * @return TileMatrix that's working on this zoom level */ private TileMatrix getTileMatrix(int zoom) { if (zoom > getMaxZoom()) { return null; } if (zoom < 0) { return null; } return this.currentTileMatrixSet.tileMatrix.get(zoom); } @Override public double getDistance(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } @Override public ICoordinate tileXYToLatLon(Tile tile) { return tileXYToLatLon(tile.getXtile(), tile.getYtile(), tile.getZoom()); } @Override public ICoordinate tileXYToLatLon(TileXY xy, int zoom) { return tileXYToLatLon(xy.getXIndex(), xy.getYIndex(), zoom); } @Override public ICoordinate tileXYToLatLon(int x, int y, int zoom) { TileMatrix matrix = getTileMatrix(zoom); if (matrix == null) { return CoordinateConversion.llToCoor(tileProjection.getWorldBoundsLatLon().getCenter()); } double scale = matrix.scaleDenominator * this.crsScale; EastNorth ret = new EastNorth(matrix.topLeftCorner.east() + x * scale, matrix.topLeftCorner.north() - y * scale); return CoordinateConversion.llToCoor(tileProjection.eastNorth2latlon(ret)); } @Override public TileXY latLonToTileXY(double lat, double lon, int zoom) { TileMatrix matrix = getTileMatrix(zoom); if (matrix == null) { return new TileXY(0, 0); } EastNorth enPoint = tileProjection.latlon2eastNorth(new LatLon(lat, lon)); double scale = matrix.scaleDenominator * this.crsScale; return new TileXY( (enPoint.east() - matrix.topLeftCorner.east()) / scale, (matrix.topLeftCorner.north() - enPoint.north()) / scale ); } @Override public TileXY latLonToTileXY(ICoordinate point, int zoom) { return latLonToTileXY(point.getLat(), point.getLon(), zoom); } @Override public int getTileXMax(int zoom) { return getTileXMax(zoom, tileProjection); } @Override public int getTileYMax(int zoom) { return getTileYMax(zoom, tileProjection); } @Override public Point latLonToXY(double lat, double lon, int zoom) { TileMatrix matrix = getTileMatrix(zoom); if (matrix == null) { return new Point(0, 0); } double scale = matrix.scaleDenominator * this.crsScale; EastNorth point = tileProjection.latlon2eastNorth(new LatLon(lat, lon)); return new Point( (int) Math.round((point.east() - matrix.topLeftCorner.east()) / scale), (int) Math.round((matrix.topLeftCorner.north() - point.north()) / scale) ); } @Override public Point latLonToXY(ICoordinate point, int zoom) { return latLonToXY(point.getLat(), point.getLon(), zoom); } @Override public Coordinate xyToLatLon(Point point, int zoom) { return xyToLatLon(point.x, point.y, zoom); } @Override public Coordinate xyToLatLon(int x, int y, int zoom) { TileMatrix matrix = getTileMatrix(zoom); if (matrix == null) { return new Coordinate(0, 0); } double scale = matrix.scaleDenominator * this.crsScale; EastNorth ret = new EastNorth( matrix.topLeftCorner.east() + x * scale, matrix.topLeftCorner.north() - y * scale ); LatLon ll = tileProjection.eastNorth2latlon(ret); return new Coordinate(ll.lat(), ll.lon()); } @Override public Map getHeaders() { return headers; } @Override public int getMaxZoom() { if (this.currentTileMatrixSet != null) { return this.currentTileMatrixSet.tileMatrix.size()-1; } return 0; } @Override public String getTileId(int zoom, int tilex, int tiley) { return getTileUrl(zoom, tilex, tiley); } /** * Checks if url is acceptable by this Tile Source * @param url URL to check */ public static void checkUrl(String url) { CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(url, "url"); Matcher m = Pattern.compile("\\{[^}]*\\}").matcher(url); while (m.find()) { boolean isSupportedPattern = false; for (String pattern : ALL_PATTERNS) { if (m.group().matches(pattern)) { isSupportedPattern = true; break; } } if (!isSupportedPattern) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( tr("{0} is not a valid WMS argument. Please check this server URL:\n{1}", m.group(), url)); } } } public static JTable getLayerSelectionPanel(List>> layers) { JTable list = new JTable( new AbstractTableModel() { @Override public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { switch (columnIndex) { case 0: return layers.get(rowIndex).getValue() .stream() .map(Layer::getUserTitle) .collect(Collectors.joining(", ")); //this should be only one case 1: return layers.get(rowIndex).getValue() .stream() .map(x -> x.tileMatrixSet.crs) .collect(Collectors.joining(", ")); case 2: return layers.get(rowIndex).getValue() .stream() .map(x -> x.tileMatrixSet.identifier) .collect(Collectors.joining(", ")); //this should be only one default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } @Override public int getRowCount() { return layers.size(); } @Override public int getColumnCount() { return 3; } @Override public String getColumnName(int column) { switch (column) { case 0: return tr("Layer name"); case 1: return tr("Projection"); case 2: return tr("Matrix set identifier"); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } }); list.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); list.setAutoCreateRowSorter(true); list.setRowSelectionAllowed(true); list.setColumnSelectionAllowed(false); return list; } public static List>> groupLayersByNameAndTileMatrixSet(Collection layers) { Map> layerByName = layers.stream().collect( Collectors.groupingBy(x -> x.identifier + '\u001c' + x.tileMatrixSet.identifier)); return layerByName.entrySet().stream().sorted(Map.Entry.comparingByKey()).collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * @return set of projection codes that this TileSource supports */ public Collection getSupportedProjections() { Collection ret = new LinkedHashSet<>(); if (currentLayer == null) { for (Layer layer: this.layers) { ret.add(layer.tileMatrixSet.crs); } } else { for (Layer layer: this.layers) { if (currentLayer.identifier.equals(layer.identifier)) { ret.add(layer.tileMatrixSet.crs); } } } return ret; } private int getTileYMax(int zoom, Projection proj) { TileMatrix matrix = getTileMatrix(zoom); if (matrix == null) { return 0; } if (matrix.matrixHeight != -1) { return matrix.matrixHeight; } double scale = matrix.scaleDenominator * this.crsScale; EastNorth min = matrix.topLeftCorner; EastNorth max = proj.latlon2eastNorth(proj.getWorldBoundsLatLon().getMax()); return (int) Math.ceil(Math.abs(max.north() - min.north()) / scale); } private int getTileXMax(int zoom, Projection proj) { TileMatrix matrix = getTileMatrix(zoom); if (matrix == null) { return 0; } if (matrix.matrixWidth != -1) { return matrix.matrixWidth; } double scale = matrix.scaleDenominator * this.crsScale; EastNorth min = matrix.topLeftCorner; EastNorth max = proj.latlon2eastNorth(proj.getWorldBoundsLatLon().getMax()); return (int) Math.ceil(Math.abs(max.east() - min.east()) / scale); } /** * Get native scales of tile source. * @return {@link ScaleList} of native scales */ public ScaleList getNativeScales() { return nativeScaleList; } /** * Returns the tile projection. * @return the tile projection */ public Projection getTileProjection() { return tileProjection; } @Override public IProjected tileXYtoProjected(int x, int y, int zoom) { TileMatrix matrix = getTileMatrix(zoom); if (matrix == null) { return new Projected(0, 0); } double scale = matrix.scaleDenominator * this.crsScale; return new Projected( matrix.topLeftCorner.east() + x * scale, matrix.topLeftCorner.north() - y * scale); } @Override public TileXY projectedToTileXY(IProjected projected, int zoom) { TileMatrix matrix = getTileMatrix(zoom); if (matrix == null) { return new TileXY(0, 0); } double scale = matrix.scaleDenominator * this.crsScale; return new TileXY( (projected.getEast() - matrix.topLeftCorner.east()) / scale, -(projected.getNorth() - matrix.topLeftCorner.north()) / scale); } private EastNorth tileToEastNorth(int x, int y, int z) { return CoordinateConversion.projToEn(this.tileXYtoProjected(x, y, z)); } private ProjectionBounds getTileProjectionBounds(Tile tile) { ProjectionBounds pb = new ProjectionBounds(tileToEastNorth(tile.getXtile(), tile.getYtile(), tile.getZoom())); pb.extend(tileToEastNorth(tile.getXtile() + 1, tile.getYtile() + 1, tile.getZoom())); return pb; } @Override public boolean isInside(Tile inner, Tile outer) { ProjectionBounds pbInner = getTileProjectionBounds(inner); ProjectionBounds pbOuter = getTileProjectionBounds(outer); // a little tolerance, for when inner tile touches the border of the outer tile double epsilon = 1e-7 * (pbOuter.maxEast - pbOuter.minEast); return pbOuter.minEast <= pbInner.minEast + epsilon && pbOuter.minNorth <= pbInner.minNorth + epsilon && pbOuter.maxEast >= pbInner.maxEast - epsilon && pbOuter.maxNorth >= pbInner.maxNorth - epsilon; } @Override public TileRange getCoveringTileRange(Tile tile, int newZoom) { TileMatrix matrixNew = getTileMatrix(newZoom); if (matrixNew == null) { return new TileRange(new TileXY(0, 0), new TileXY(0, 0), newZoom); } IProjected p0 = tileXYtoProjected(tile.getXtile(), tile.getYtile(), tile.getZoom()); IProjected p1 = tileXYtoProjected(tile.getXtile() + 1, tile.getYtile() + 1, tile.getZoom()); TileXY tMin = projectedToTileXY(p0, newZoom); TileXY tMax = projectedToTileXY(p1, newZoom); // shrink the target tile a little, so we don't get neighboring tiles, that // share an edge, but don't actually cover the target tile double epsilon = 1e-7 * (tMax.getX() - tMin.getX()); int minX = (int) Math.floor(tMin.getX() + epsilon); int minY = (int) Math.floor(tMin.getY() + epsilon); int maxX = (int) Math.ceil(tMax.getX() - epsilon) - 1; int maxY = (int) Math.ceil(tMax.getY() - epsilon) - 1; return new TileRange(new TileXY(minX, minY), new TileXY(maxX, maxY), newZoom); } @Override public String getServerCRS() { return tileProjection != null ? tileProjection.toCode() : null; } }