source: josm/trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/imagery/ 13792

Last change on this file since 13792 was 13742, checked in by wiktorn, 6 years ago

Checkstyle fixes

File size: 10.8 KB
1// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
7import java.util.Locale;
8import java.util.function.BiFunction;
10import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
18 * Helper class for handling OGC GetCapabilities documents
19 * @since 10993
20 */
21public final class GetCapabilitiesParseHelper {
22 enum TransferMode {
23 KVP("KVP"),
24 REST("RESTful");
26 private final String typeString;
28 TransferMode(String urlString) {
29 this.typeString = urlString;
30 }
32 private String getTypeString() {
33 return typeString;
34 }
36 static TransferMode fromString(String s) {
37 for (TransferMode type : TransferMode.values()) {
38 if (type.getTypeString().equals(s)) {
39 return type;
40 }
41 }
42 return null;
43 }
44 }
46 /**
47 * OWS namespace address
48 */
49 public static final String OWS_NS_URL = "";
50 /**
51 * XML xlink namespace address
52 */
53 public static final String XLINK_NS_URL = "";
55 /**
56 * QNames in OWS namespace
57 */
58 // CHECKSTYLE.OFF: SingleSpaceSeparator
59 static final QName QN_OWS_ALLOWED_VALUES = new QName(OWS_NS_URL, "AllowedValues");
60 static final QName QN_OWS_CONSTRAINT = new QName(OWS_NS_URL, "Constraint");
61 static final QName QN_OWS_DCP = new QName(OWS_NS_URL, "DCP");
62 static final QName QN_OWS_GET = new QName(OWS_NS_URL, "Get");
63 static final QName QN_OWS_HTTP = new QName(OWS_NS_URL, "HTTP");
64 static final QName QN_OWS_IDENTIFIER = new QName(OWS_NS_URL, "Identifier");
65 static final QName QN_OWS_OPERATION = new QName(OWS_NS_URL, "Operation");
66 static final QName QN_OWS_OPERATIONS_METADATA = new QName(OWS_NS_URL, "OperationsMetadata");
67 static final QName QN_OWS_SUPPORTED_CRS = new QName(OWS_NS_URL, "SupportedCRS");
68 static final QName QN_OWS_TITLE = new QName(OWS_NS_URL, "Title");
69 static final QName QN_OWS_VALUE = new QName(OWS_NS_URL, "Value");
70 // CHECKSTYLE.ON: SingleSpaceSeparator
72 private GetCapabilitiesParseHelper() {
73 // Hide default constructor for utilities classes
74 }
76 /**
77 * @param in InputStream with pointing to GetCapabilities XML stream
78 * @return safe XMLStreamReader, that is not validating external entities, nor loads DTD's
79 * @throws XMLStreamException if any XML stream error occurs
80 */
81 public static XMLStreamReader getReader(InputStream in) throws XMLStreamException {
82 XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
83 // do not try to load external entities, nor validate the XML
84 factory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_SUPPORTING_EXTERNAL_ENTITIES, Boolean.FALSE);
85 factory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_VALIDATING, Boolean.FALSE);
86 factory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.SUPPORT_DTD, Boolean.FALSE);
87 return factory.createXMLStreamReader(in);
88 }
90 /**
91 * Moves the reader to the closing tag of current tag.
92 * @param reader XMLStreamReader which should be moved
93 * @throws XMLStreamException when parse exception occurs
94 */
95 public static void moveReaderToEndCurrentTag(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException {
96 int level = 0;
97 QName tag = reader.getName();
98 for (int event = reader.getEventType(); reader.hasNext(); event = {
99 if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == event) {
100 level += 1;
101 } else if (XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT == event) {
102 level -= 1;
103 if (level == 0 && tag.equals(reader.getName())) {
104 return;
105 }
106 }
107 if (level < 0) {
108 throw new IllegalStateException("WMTS Parser error - moveReaderToEndCurrentTag failed to find closing tag");
109 }
110 }
111 throw new IllegalStateException("WMTS Parser error - moveReaderToEndCurrentTag failed to find closing tag");
112 }
114 /**
115 * Returns whole content of the element that reader is pointing at, including other XML elements within (with their tags).
116 *
117 * @param reader XMLStreamReader that should point to start of element
118 * @return content of current tag
119 * @throws XMLStreamException if any XML stream error occurs
120 */
121 public static String getElementTextWithSubtags(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException {
122 StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
123 int level = 0;
124 QName tag = reader.getName();
125 for (int event = reader.getEventType(); reader.hasNext(); event = {
126 if (XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT == event) {
127 if (level > 0) {
128 ret.append("<" + reader.getLocalName() +">");
129 }
130 level += 1;
131 } else if (XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT == event) {
132 level -= 1;
133 if (level == 0 && tag.equals(reader.getName())) {
134 return ret.toString();
135 }
136 ret.append("</" + reader.getLocalName() +">");
137 } else if (XMLStreamReader.CHARACTERS == event) {
138 ret.append(reader.getText());
139 }
140 if (level < 0) {
141 throw new IllegalStateException("WMTS Parser error - moveReaderToEndCurrentTag failed to find closing tag");
142 }
143 }
144 throw new IllegalStateException("WMTS Parser error - moveReaderToEndCurrentTag failed to find closing tag");
145 }
148 /**
149 * Moves reader to first occurrence of the structure equivalent of Xpath tags[0]/tags[1]../tags[n]. If fails to find
150 * moves the reader to the closing tag of current tag
151 *
152 * @param tags array of tags
153 * @param reader XMLStreamReader which should be moved
154 * @return true if tag was found, false otherwise
155 * @throws XMLStreamException See {@link XMLStreamReader}
156 */
157 public static boolean moveReaderToTag(XMLStreamReader reader, QName... tags) throws XMLStreamException {
158 return moveReaderToTag(reader, QName::equals, tags);
159 }
161 /**
162 * Moves reader to first occurrence of the structure equivalent of Xpath tags[0]/tags[1]../tags[n]. If fails to find
163 * moves the reader to the closing tag of current tag
164 *
165 * @param tags array of tags
166 * @param reader XMLStreamReader which should be moved
167 * @param equalsFunc function to check equality of the tags
168 * @return true if tag was found, false otherwise
169 * @throws XMLStreamException See {@link XMLStreamReader}
170 */
171 public static boolean moveReaderToTag(XMLStreamReader reader,
172 BiFunction<QName, QName, Boolean> equalsFunc, QName... tags) throws XMLStreamException {
173 QName stopTag = reader.getName();
174 int currentLevel = 0;
175 QName searchTag = tags[currentLevel];
176 QName parentTag = null;
177 QName skipTag = null;
179 for (int event = 0; //skip current element, so we will not skip it as a whole
180 reader.hasNext() && !(event == XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT && equalsFunc.apply(stopTag, reader.getName()));
181 event = {
182 if (event == XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT && skipTag != null && equalsFunc.apply(skipTag, reader.getName())) {
183 skipTag = null;
184 }
185 if (skipTag == null) {
186 if (event == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) {
187 if (equalsFunc.apply(searchTag, reader.getName())) {
188 currentLevel += 1;
189 if (currentLevel >= tags.length) {
190 return true; // found!
191 }
192 parentTag = searchTag;
193 searchTag = tags[currentLevel];
194 } else {
195 skipTag = reader.getName();
196 }
197 }
199 if (event == XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT && parentTag != null && equalsFunc.apply(parentTag, reader.getName())) {
200 currentLevel -= 1;
201 searchTag = parentTag;
202 if (currentLevel >= 0) {
203 parentTag = tags[currentLevel];
204 } else {
205 parentTag = null;
206 }
207 }
208 }
209 }
210 return false;
211 }
213 /**
214 * Parses Operation[@name='GetTile']/DCP/HTTP/Get section. Returns when reader is on Get closing tag.
215 * @param reader StAX reader instance
216 * @return TransferMode coded in this section
217 * @throws XMLStreamException See {@link XMLStreamReader}
218 */
219 public static TransferMode getTransferMode(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException {
220 QName getQname = QN_OWS_GET;
222 Utils.ensure(getQname.equals(reader.getName()), "WMTS Parser state invalid. Expected element %s, got %s",
223 getQname, reader.getName());
224 for (int event = reader.getEventType();
225 reader.hasNext() && !(event == XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT && getQname.equals(reader.getName()));
226 event = {
227 if (event == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT && QN_OWS_CONSTRAINT.equals(reader.getName())
228 && "GetEncoding".equals(reader.getAttributeValue("", "name"))) {
229 moveReaderToTag(reader, QN_OWS_ALLOWED_VALUES, QN_OWS_VALUE);
230 return TransferMode.fromString(reader.getElementText());
231 }
232 }
233 return null;
234 }
236 /**
237 * @param url URL
238 * @return normalized URL
239 * @throws MalformedURLException in case of malformed URL
240 * @since 10993
241 */
242 public static String normalizeCapabilitiesUrl(String url) throws MalformedURLException {
243 URL inUrl = new URL(url);
244 URL ret = new URL(inUrl.getProtocol(), inUrl.getHost(), inUrl.getPort(), inUrl.getFile());
245 return ret.toExternalForm();
246 }
248 /**
249 * Convert CRS identifier to plain code
250 * @param crsIdentifier CRS identifier
251 * @return CRS Identifier as it is used within JOSM (without prefix)
252 * @see <a href="">
253 * Definition identifier URNs in OGC namespace, chapter 7.2: URNs for single objects</a>
254 */
255 public static String crsToCode(String crsIdentifier) {
256 if (crsIdentifier.startsWith("urn:ogc:def:crs:")) {
257 return crsIdentifier.replaceFirst("urn:ogc:def:crs:([^:]*)(?::.*)?:(.*)$", "$1:$2").toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
258 }
259 return crsIdentifier;
260 }
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.