// License: GPL. Copyright 2007 by Immanuel Scholz and others package org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.mapmode; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.trn; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.MergeNodesAction; import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.AddCommand; import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.ChangeCommand; import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.Command; import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.MoveCommand; import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.RotateCommand; import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.SequenceCommand; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.EastNorth; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.DataSet; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Node; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Way; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.WaySegment; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.visitor.AllNodesVisitor; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.visitor.SimplePaintVisitor; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.ExtendedDialog; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapFrame; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.SelectionManager; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.SelectionManager.SelectionEnded; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.LayerListDialog.MergeAction; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.OsmDataLayer; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.ImageProvider; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.PlatformHookOsx; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Shortcut; /** * Move is an action that can move all kind of OsmPrimitives (except keys for now). * * If an selected object is under the mouse when dragging, move all selected objects. * If an unselected object is under the mouse when dragging, it becomes selected * and will be moved. * If no object is under the mouse, move all selected objects (if any) * * @author imi */ public class SelectAction extends MapMode implements SelectionEnded { static private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SelectAction.class.getName()); /** * Replies true if we are currently running on OSX * * @return true if we are currently running on OSX */ public static boolean isPlatformOsx() { return Main.platform != null && Main.platform instanceof PlatformHookOsx; } enum Mode { move, rotate, select } private Mode mode = null; private long mouseDownTime = 0; private boolean didMove = false; private boolean cancelDrawMode = false; Node virtualNode = null; Collection virtualWays = new ArrayList(); SequenceCommand virtualCmds = null; /** * The old cursor before the user pressed the mouse button. */ private Cursor oldCursor; /** * The position of the mouse before the user moves a node. */ private Point mousePos; private SelectionManager selectionManager; /** * The time which needs to pass between click and release before something * counts as a move, in milliseconds */ private int initialMoveDelay; /** * The screen distance which needs to be travelled before something * counts as a move, in pixels */ private int initialMoveThreshold; private boolean initialMoveThresholdExceeded = false; /** * Create a new SelectAction * @param mapFrame The MapFrame this action belongs to. */ public SelectAction(MapFrame mapFrame) { super(tr("Select"), "move/move", tr("Select, move and rotate objects"), Shortcut.registerShortcut("mapmode:select", tr("Mode: {0}", tr("Select")), KeyEvent.VK_S, Shortcut.GROUP_EDIT), mapFrame, getCursor("normal", "selection", Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); putValue("help", "Action/Move/Move"); selectionManager = new SelectionManager(this, false, mapFrame.mapView); initialMoveDelay = Main.pref.getInteger("edit.initial-move-delay",200); initialMoveThreshold = Main.pref.getInteger("edit.initial-move-threshold",5); } private static Cursor getCursor(String name, String mod, int def) { try { return ImageProvider.getCursor(name, mod); } catch (Exception e) { } return Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(def); } private void setCursor(Cursor c) { if (oldCursor == null) { oldCursor = Main.map.mapView.getCursor(); Main.map.mapView.setCursor(c); } } private void restoreCursor() { if (oldCursor != null) { Main.map.mapView.setCursor(oldCursor); oldCursor = null; } } @Override public void enterMode() { super.enterMode(); Main.map.mapView.addMouseListener(this); Main.map.mapView.addMouseMotionListener(this); Main.map.mapView.setVirtualNodesEnabled( Main.pref.getInteger("mappaint.node.virtual-size", 8) != 0); } @Override public void exitMode() { super.exitMode(); selectionManager.unregister(Main.map.mapView); Main.map.mapView.removeMouseListener(this); Main.map.mapView.removeMouseMotionListener(this); Main.map.mapView.setVirtualNodesEnabled(false); } /** * If the left mouse button is pressed, move all currently selected * objects (if one of them is under the mouse) or the current one under the * mouse (which will become selected). */ @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { if(!Main.map.mapView.isActiveLayerVisible()) return; cancelDrawMode = true; if (mode == Mode.select) return; // do not count anything as a move if it lasts less than 100 milliseconds. if ((mode == Mode.move) && (System.currentTimeMillis() - mouseDownTime < initialMoveDelay)) return; if(mode != Mode.rotate) // button is pressed in rotate mode if ((e.getModifiersEx() & MouseEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK) == 0) return; if (mode == Mode.move) { setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.MOVE_CURSOR)); } if (mousePos == null) { mousePos = e.getPoint(); return; } if (!initialMoveThresholdExceeded) { int dxp = mousePos.x - e.getX(); int dyp = mousePos.y - e.getY(); int dp = (int) Math.sqrt(dxp*dxp+dyp*dyp); if (dp < initialMoveThreshold) return; initialMoveThresholdExceeded = true; } EastNorth mouseEN = Main.map.mapView.getEastNorth(e.getX(), e.getY()); EastNorth mouseStartEN = Main.map.mapView.getEastNorth(mousePos.x, mousePos.y); double dx = mouseEN.east() - mouseStartEN.east(); double dy = mouseEN.north() - mouseStartEN.north(); if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) return; if (virtualWays.size() > 0) { Collection virtualCmds = new LinkedList(); virtualCmds.add(new AddCommand(virtualNode)); for(WaySegment virtualWay : virtualWays) { Way w = virtualWay.way; Way wnew = new Way(w); wnew.addNode(virtualWay.lowerIndex+1, virtualNode); virtualCmds.add(new ChangeCommand(w, wnew)); } virtualCmds.add(new MoveCommand(virtualNode, dx, dy)); String text = trn("Add and move a virtual new node to way", "Add and move a virtual new node to {0} ways", virtualWays.size(), virtualWays.size()); Main.main.undoRedo.add(new SequenceCommand(text, virtualCmds)); selectPrims(Collections.singleton((OsmPrimitive)virtualNode), false, false, false, false); virtualWays.clear(); virtualNode = null; } else { // Currently we support moving and rotating, which do not affect relations. // So don't add them in the first place to make handling easier Collection selection = getCurrentDataSet().getSelectedNodesAndWays(); Collection affectedNodes = AllNodesVisitor.getAllNodes(selection); // when rotating, having only one node makes no sense - quit silently if (mode == Mode.rotate && affectedNodes.size() < 2) return; Command c = !Main.main.undoRedo.commands.isEmpty() ? Main.main.undoRedo.commands.getLast() : null; if (c instanceof SequenceCommand) { c = ((SequenceCommand)c).getLastCommand(); } if (mode == Mode.move) { if (c instanceof MoveCommand && affectedNodes.equals(((MoveCommand)c).getMovedNodes())) { ((MoveCommand)c).moveAgain(dx,dy); } else { Main.main.undoRedo.add( c = new MoveCommand(selection, dx, dy)); } for (Node n : affectedNodes) { if (n.getCoor().isOutSideWorld()) { // Revert move ((MoveCommand) c).moveAgain(-dx, -dy); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( Main.parent, tr("Cannot move objects outside of the world."), tr("Warning"), JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE ); restoreCursor(); return; } } } else if (mode == Mode.rotate) { if (c instanceof RotateCommand && affectedNodes.equals(((RotateCommand)c).getRotatedNodes())) { ((RotateCommand)c).rotateAgain(mouseStartEN, mouseEN); } else { Main.main.undoRedo.add(new RotateCommand(selection, mouseStartEN, mouseEN)); } } } Main.map.mapView.repaint(); mousePos = e.getPoint(); didMove = true; } @Override public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { // Mac OSX simulates with ctrl + mouse 1 the second mouse button hence no dragging events get fired. // if (isPlatformOsx() && mode == Mode.rotate) { mouseDragged(e); } } private Collection getNearestCollectionVirtual(Point p, boolean allSegements) { MapView c = Main.map.mapView; int snapDistance = Main.pref.getInteger("mappaint.node.virtual-snap-distance", 8); snapDistance *= snapDistance; OsmPrimitive osm = c.getNearestNode(p); virtualWays.clear(); virtualNode = null; Node virtualWayNode = null; if (osm == null) { Collection nearestWaySegs = allSegements ? c.getNearestWaySegments(p) : Collections.singleton(c.getNearestWaySegment(p)); for(WaySegment nearestWS : nearestWaySegs) { if (nearestWS == null) { continue; } osm = nearestWS.way; if(Main.pref.getInteger("mappaint.node.virtual-size", 8) > 0) { Way w = (Way)osm; Point p1 = c.getPoint(w.getNode(nearestWS.lowerIndex)); Point p2 = c.getPoint(w.getNode(nearestWS.lowerIndex+1)); if(SimplePaintVisitor.isLargeSegment(p1, p2, Main.pref.getInteger("mappaint.node.virtual-space", 70))) { Point pc = new Point((p1.x+p2.x)/2, (p1.y+p2.y)/2); if (p.distanceSq(pc) < snapDistance) { // Check that only segments on top of each other get added to the // virtual ways list. Otherwise ways that coincidentally have their // virtual node at the same spot will be joined which is likely unwanted if(virtualWayNode != null) { if( !w.getNode(nearestWS.lowerIndex+1).equals(virtualWayNode) && !w.getNode(nearestWS.lowerIndex).equals(virtualWayNode)) { continue; } } else { virtualWayNode = w.getNode(nearestWS.lowerIndex+1); } virtualWays.add(nearestWS); if(virtualNode == null) { virtualNode = new Node(Main.map.mapView.getLatLon(pc.x, pc.y)); } } } } } } if (osm == null) return Collections.emptySet(); return Collections.singleton(osm); } /** * Look, whether any object is selected. If not, select the nearest node. * If there are no nodes in the dataset, do nothing. * * If the user did not press the left mouse button, do nothing. * * Also remember the starting position of the movement and change the mouse * cursor to movement. */ @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { if(!Main.map.mapView.isActiveLayerVisible()) return; // request focus in order to enable the expected keyboard shortcuts // Main.map.mapView.requestFocus(); cancelDrawMode = false; if (! (Boolean)this.getValue("active")) return; if (e.getButton() != MouseEvent.BUTTON1) return; boolean ctrl = (e.getModifiers() & ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK) != 0; boolean alt = (e.getModifiers() & (ActionEvent.ALT_MASK|InputEvent.ALT_GRAPH_MASK)) != 0; boolean shift = (e.getModifiers() & ActionEvent.SHIFT_MASK) != 0; // We don't want to change to draw tool if the user tries to (de)select // stuff but accidentally clicks in an empty area when selection is empty if(shift || ctrl) { cancelDrawMode = true; } mouseDownTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); didMove = false; initialMoveThresholdExceeded = false; Collection osmColl = getNearestCollectionVirtual(e.getPoint(), alt); if (ctrl && shift) { if (getCurrentDataSet().getSelected().isEmpty()) { selectPrims(osmColl, true, false, false, false); } mode = Mode.rotate; setCursor(ImageProvider.getCursor("rotate", null)); } else if (!osmColl.isEmpty()) { // Don't replace the selection now if the user clicked on a // selected object (this would break moving of selected groups). // We'll do that later in mouseReleased if the user didn't try to // move. selectPrims(osmColl, shift || getCurrentDataSet().getSelected().containsAll(osmColl), ctrl, false, false); mode = Mode.move; } else { mode = Mode.select; oldCursor = Main.map.mapView.getCursor(); selectionManager.register(Main.map.mapView); selectionManager.mousePressed(e); } if(mode != Mode.move || shift || ctrl) { virtualNode = null; virtualWays.clear(); } updateStatusLine(); // Mode.select redraws when selectPrims is called // Mode.move redraws when mouseDragged is called // Mode.rotate redraws here if(mode == Mode.rotate) { Main.map.mapView.repaint(); } mousePos = e.getPoint(); } /** * Restore the old mouse cursor. */ @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { if(!Main.map.mapView.isActiveLayerVisible()) return; if (mode == Mode.select) { selectionManager.unregister(Main.map.mapView); // Select Draw Tool if no selection has been made if(getCurrentDataSet().getSelected().size() == 0 && !cancelDrawMode) { Main.map.selectDrawTool(true); return; } } restoreCursor(); if (mode == Mode.move) { boolean ctrl = (e.getModifiers() & ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK) != 0; boolean shift = (e.getModifiers() & ActionEvent.SHIFT_MASK) != 0; if (!didMove) { selectPrims( Main.map.mapView.getNearestCollection(e.getPoint()), shift, ctrl, true, false); // If the user double-clicked a node, change to draw mode List sel = new ArrayList(getCurrentDataSet().getSelected()); if(e.getClickCount() >=2 && sel.size() == 1 && sel.get(0) instanceof Node) { // We need to do it like this as otherwise drawAction will see a double // click and switch back to SelectMode Main.worker.execute(new Runnable(){ public void run() { Main.map.selectDrawTool(true); } }); return; } } else { Collection selection = getCurrentDataSet().getSelected(); Collection s = new TreeSet(); int max = Main.pref.getInteger("warn.move.maxelements", 20); for (OsmPrimitive osm : selection) { if(osm instanceof Node) { s.add(osm); } else if(osm instanceof Way) { s.add(osm); s.addAll(((Way)osm).getNodes()); } if(s.size() > max) { ExtendedDialog ed = new ExtendedDialog( Main.parent, tr("Move elements"), new String[] {tr("Move them"), tr("Undo move")}); ed.setButtonIcons(new String[] {"reorder.png", "cancel.png"}); ed.setContent(tr("You moved more than {0} elements. " + "Moving a large number of elements is often an error.\n" + "Really move them?", max)); ed.toggleEnable("movedManyElements"); ed.setToggleCheckboxText(tr("Always move and don't show dialog again")); ed.showDialog(); if(ed.getValue() != 1 && ed.getValue() != ExtendedDialog.DialogNotShown) { Main.main.undoRedo.undo(); } break; } } if (ctrl) { Collection affectedNodes = AllNodesVisitor.getAllNodes(selection); Collection nn = Main.map.mapView.getNearestNodes(e.getPoint(), affectedNodes); if (nn != null) { Node n = nn.iterator().next(); Set selectedNodes = OsmPrimitive.getFilteredSet(selection, Node.class); if (!selectedNodes.isEmpty()) { selectedNodes.add(n); Node targetNode = MergeNodesAction.selectTargetNode(selectedNodes); Command cmd = MergeNodesAction.mergeNodes(Main.main.getEditLayer(),selectedNodes, targetNode); Main.main.undoRedo.add(cmd); } } } DataSet.fireSelectionChanged(selection); } } // I don't see why we need this. //updateStatusLine(); mode = null; updateStatusLine(); } public void selectionEnded(Rectangle r, boolean alt, boolean shift, boolean ctrl) { selectPrims(selectionManager.getObjectsInRectangle(r, alt), shift, ctrl, true, true); } public void selectPrims(Collection selectionList, boolean shift, boolean ctrl, boolean released, boolean area) { if ((shift && ctrl) || (ctrl && !released)) return; // not allowed together Collection curSel; if (!ctrl && !shift) { curSel = new LinkedList(); // new selection will replace the old. } else { curSel = getCurrentDataSet().getSelected(); } for (OsmPrimitive osm : selectionList) { if (ctrl) { if(curSel.contains(osm)) { curSel.remove(osm); } else if(!area) { curSel.add(osm); } } else { curSel.add(osm); } } getCurrentDataSet().setSelected(curSel); Main.map.mapView.repaint(); } @Override public String getModeHelpText() { if (mode == Mode.select) return tr("Release the mouse button to select the objects in the rectangle."); else if (mode == Mode.move) return tr("Release the mouse button to stop moving. Ctrl to merge with nearest node."); else if (mode == Mode.rotate) return tr("Release the mouse button to stop rotating."); else return tr("Move objects by dragging; Shift to add to selection (Ctrl to toggle); Shift-Ctrl to rotate selected; or change selection"); } @Override public boolean layerIsSupported(Layer l) { return l instanceof OsmDataLayer; } }