source: josm/trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/mapmode/ 10308

Last change on this file since 10308 was 10308, checked in by Don-vip, 8 years ago

sonar - squid:S1854 - Dead stores should be removed

  • Property svn:eol-style set to native
File size: 50.6 KB
1// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
2package org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.mapmode;
4import static;
5import static;
6import static;
8import java.awt.BasicStroke;
9import java.awt.Color;
10import java.awt.Cursor;
11import java.awt.Graphics2D;
12import java.awt.Point;
13import java.awt.Rectangle;
14import java.awt.Stroke;
15import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
16import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
17import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
18import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
19import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
20import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
21import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException;
22import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
23import java.util.ArrayList;
24import java.util.Collection;
25import java.util.LinkedList;
26import java.util.List;
28import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem;
29import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
31import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main;
32import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.JosmAction;
33import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.MergeNodesAction;
34import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.AddCommand;
35import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.ChangeCommand;
36import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.Command;
37import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.MoveCommand;
38import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.SequenceCommand;
46import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainMenu;
47import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapFrame;
48import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView;
49import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer;
50import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.MapViewPaintable;
51import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.OsmDataLayer;
52import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.util.GuiHelper;
53import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.util.KeyPressReleaseListener;
54import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.util.ModifierListener;
60 * Makes a rectangle from a line, or modifies a rectangle.
61 */
62public class ExtrudeAction extends MapMode implements MapViewPaintable, KeyPressReleaseListener, ModifierListener {
64 enum Mode { extrude, translate, select, create_new, translate_node }
66 private Mode mode =;
68 /**
69 * If {@code true}, when extruding create new node(s) even if segments are parallel.
70 */
71 private boolean alwaysCreateNodes;
72 private boolean nodeDragWithoutCtrl;
74 private long mouseDownTime;
75 private transient WaySegment selectedSegment;
76 private transient Node selectedNode;
77 private Color mainColor;
78 private transient Stroke mainStroke;
80 /** settings value whether shared nodes should be ignored or not */
81 private boolean ignoreSharedNodes;
83 private boolean keepSegmentDirection;
85 /**
86 * drawing settings for helper lines
87 */
88 private Color helperColor;
89 private transient Stroke helperStrokeDash;
90 private transient Stroke helperStrokeRA;
92 private transient Stroke oldLineStroke;
93 private double symbolSize;
94 /**
95 * Possible directions to move to.
96 */
97 private transient List<ReferenceSegment> possibleMoveDirections;
100 /**
101 * Collection of nodes that is moved
102 */
103 private transient List<Node> movingNodeList;
105 /**
106 * The direction that is currently active.
107 */
108 private transient ReferenceSegment activeMoveDirection;
110 /**
111 * The position of the mouse cursor when the drag action was initiated.
112 */
113 private Point initialMousePos;
114 /**
115 * The time which needs to pass between click and release before something
116 * counts as a move, in milliseconds
117 */
118 private int initialMoveDelay = 200;
119 /**
120 * The minimal shift of mouse (in pixels) befire something counts as move
121 */
122 private int initialMoveThreshold = 1;
124 /**
125 * The initial EastNorths of node1 and node2
126 */
127 private EastNorth initialN1en;
128 private EastNorth initialN2en;
129 /**
130 * The new EastNorths of node1 and node2
131 */
132 private EastNorth newN1en;
133 private EastNorth newN2en;
135 /**
136 * the command that performed last move.
137 */
138 private transient MoveCommand moveCommand;
139 /**
140 * The command used for dual alignment movement.
141 * Needs to be separate, due to two nodes moving in different directions.
142 */
143 private transient MoveCommand moveCommand2;
145 /** The cursor for the 'create_new' mode. */
146 private final Cursor cursorCreateNew;
148 /** The cursor for the 'translate' mode. */
149 private final Cursor cursorTranslate;
151 /** The cursor for the 'alwaysCreateNodes' submode. */
152 private final Cursor cursorCreateNodes;
154 private static class ReferenceSegment {
155 public final EastNorth en;
156 public final EastNorth p1;
157 public final EastNorth p2;
158 public final boolean perpendicular;
160 ReferenceSegment(EastNorth en, EastNorth p1, EastNorth p2, boolean perpendicular) {
161 this.en = en;
162 this.p1 = p1;
163 this.p2 = p2;
164 this.perpendicular = perpendicular;
165 }
167 @Override
168 public String toString() {
169 return "ReferenceSegment[en=" + en + ", p1=" + p1 + ", p2=" + p2 + ", perp=" + perpendicular + ']';
170 }
171 }
173 // Dual alignment mode stuff
174 /** {@code true}, if dual alignment mode is enabled. User wants following extrude to be dual aligned. */
175 private boolean dualAlignEnabled;
176 /** {@code true}, if dual alignment is active. User is dragging the mouse, required conditions are met.
177 * Treat {@link #mode} (extrude/translate/create_new) as dual aligned. */
178 private boolean dualAlignActive;
179 /** Dual alignment reference segments */
180 private transient ReferenceSegment dualAlignSegment1, dualAlignSegment2;
181 /** {@code true}, if new segment was collapsed */
182 private boolean dualAlignSegmentCollapsed;
183 // Dual alignment UI stuff
184 private final DualAlignChangeAction dualAlignChangeAction;
185 private final JCheckBoxMenuItem dualAlignCheckboxMenuItem;
186 private final transient Shortcut dualAlignShortcut;
187 private boolean useRepeatedShortcut;
188 private boolean ignoreNextKeyRelease;
190 private class DualAlignChangeAction extends JosmAction {
191 DualAlignChangeAction() {
192 super(tr("Dual alignment"), /* ICON() */ "mapmode/extrude/dualalign",
193 tr("Switch dual alignment mode while extruding"), null, false);
194 putValue("help", ht("/Action/Extrude#DualAlign"));
195 }
197 @Override
198 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
199 toggleDualAlign();
200 }
202 @Override
203 protected void updateEnabledState() {
204 setEnabled( != null && instanceof ExtrudeAction);
205 }
206 }
208 /**
209 * Creates a new ExtrudeAction
210 * @param mapFrame The MapFrame this action belongs to.
211 */
212 public ExtrudeAction(MapFrame mapFrame) {
213 super(tr("Extrude"), /* ICON(mapmode/) */ "extrude/extrude", tr("Create areas"),
214 Shortcut.registerShortcut("mapmode:extrude", tr("Mode: {0}", tr("Extrude")), KeyEvent.VK_X, Shortcut.DIRECT),
215 mapFrame,
216 ImageProvider.getCursor("normal", "rectangle"));
217 putValue("help", ht("/Action/Extrude"));
218 cursorCreateNew = ImageProvider.getCursor("normal", "rectangle_plus");
219 cursorTranslate = ImageProvider.getCursor("normal", "rectangle_move");
220 cursorCreateNodes = ImageProvider.getCursor("normal", "rectangle_plussmall");
222 dualAlignEnabled = false;
223 dualAlignChangeAction = new DualAlignChangeAction();
224 dualAlignCheckboxMenuItem = addDualAlignMenuItem();
225 dualAlignCheckboxMenuItem.getAction().setEnabled(false);
226 dualAlignCheckboxMenuItem.setState(dualAlignEnabled);
227 dualAlignShortcut = Shortcut.registerShortcut("mapmode:extrudedualalign",
228 tr("Mode: {0}", tr("Extrude Dual alignment")), KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED, Shortcut.NONE);
229 readPreferences(); // to show prefernces in table before entering the mode
230 }
232 @Override
233 public void destroy() {
234 super.destroy();
235 dualAlignChangeAction.destroy();
236 }
238 private JCheckBoxMenuItem addDualAlignMenuItem() {
239 int n =;
240 for (int i = n-1; i > 0; i--) {
241 JMenuItem item =;
242 if (item != null && item.getAction() != null && item.getAction() instanceof DualAlignChangeAction) {
244 }
245 }
246 return MainMenu.addWithCheckbox(, dualAlignChangeAction, MainMenu.WINDOW_MENU_GROUP.VOLATILE);
247 }
249 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
250 // Mode methods
251 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
253 @Override
254 public String getModeHelpText() {
255 StringBuilder rv;
256 if (mode == {
257 rv = new StringBuilder(tr("Drag a way segment to make a rectangle. Ctrl-drag to move a segment along its normal, " +
258 "Alt-drag to create a new rectangle, double click to add a new node."));
259 if (dualAlignEnabled) {
260 rv.append(' ').append(tr("Dual alignment active."));
261 if (dualAlignSegmentCollapsed)
262 rv.append(' ').append(tr("Segment collapsed due to its direction reversing."));
263 }
264 } else {
265 if (mode == Mode.translate)
266 rv = new StringBuilder(tr("Move a segment along its normal, then release the mouse button."));
267 else if (mode == Mode.translate_node)
268 rv = new StringBuilder(tr("Move the node along one of the segments, then release the mouse button."));
269 else if (mode == Mode.extrude)
270 rv = new StringBuilder(tr("Draw a rectangle of the desired size, then release the mouse button."));
271 else if (mode == Mode.create_new)
272 rv = new StringBuilder(tr("Draw a rectangle of the desired size, then release the mouse button."));
273 else {
274 Main.warn("Extrude: unknown mode " + mode);
275 rv = new StringBuilder();
276 }
277 if (dualAlignActive) {
278 rv.append(' ').append(tr("Dual alignment active."));
279 if (dualAlignSegmentCollapsed) {
280 rv.append(' ').append(tr("Segment collapsed due to its direction reversing."));
281 }
282 }
283 }
284 return rv.toString();
285 }
287 @Override
288 public boolean layerIsSupported(Layer l) {
289 return l instanceof OsmDataLayer;
290 }
292 @Override
293 public void enterMode() {
294 super.enterMode();
297 ignoreNextKeyRelease = true;
300 }
302 @Override
303 protected void readPreferences() {
304 initialMoveDelay = Main.pref.getInteger("edit.initial-move-delay", 200);
305 initialMoveThreshold = Main.pref.getInteger("extrude.initial-move-threshold", 1);
306 mainColor = Main.pref.getColor(marktr("Extrude: main line"), null);
307 if (mainColor == null) mainColor = PaintColors.SELECTED.get();
308 helperColor = Main.pref.getColor(marktr("Extrude: helper line"), Color.ORANGE);
309 helperStrokeDash = GuiHelper.getCustomizedStroke(Main.pref.get("extrude.stroke.helper-line", "1 4"));
310 helperStrokeRA = new BasicStroke(1);
311 symbolSize = Main.pref.getDouble("extrude.angle-symbol-radius", 8);
312 nodeDragWithoutCtrl = Main.pref.getBoolean("extrude.drag-nodes-without-ctrl", false);
313 oldLineStroke = GuiHelper.getCustomizedStroke(Main.pref.get("extrude.ctrl.stroke.old-line", "1"));
314 mainStroke = GuiHelper.getCustomizedStroke(Main.pref.get("extrude.stroke.main", "3"));
316 ignoreSharedNodes = Main.pref.getBoolean("extrude.ignore-shared-nodes", true);
317 dualAlignCheckboxMenuItem.getAction().setEnabled(true);
318 useRepeatedShortcut = Main.pref.getBoolean("extrude.dualalign.toggleOnRepeatedX", true);
319 keepSegmentDirection = Main.pref.getBoolean("extrude.dualalign.keep-segment-direction", true);
320 }
322 @Override
323 public void exitMode() {
327 dualAlignCheckboxMenuItem.getAction().setEnabled(false);
330 super.exitMode();
331 }
333 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
334 // Event handlers
335 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
337 /**
338 * This method is called to indicate different modes via cursor when the Alt/Ctrl/Shift modifier is pressed,
339 */
340 @Override
341 public void modifiersChanged(int modifiers) {
342 if (!Main.isDisplayingMapView() || !
343 return;
344 updateKeyModifiers(modifiers);
345 if (mode == {
346 ? cursorTranslate : alt ? cursorCreateNew : shift ? cursorCreateNodes : cursor, this);
347 }
348 }
350 @Override
351 public void doKeyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
352 // Do nothing
353 }
355 @Override
356 public void doKeyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
357 if (!dualAlignShortcut.isEvent(e) && !(useRepeatedShortcut && getShortcut().isEvent(e)))
358 return;
359 if (ignoreNextKeyRelease) {
360 ignoreNextKeyRelease = false;
361 } else {
362 toggleDualAlign();
363 }
364 }
366 /**
367 * Toggles dual alignment mode.
368 */
369 private void toggleDualAlign() {
370 dualAlignEnabled = !dualAlignEnabled;
371 dualAlignCheckboxMenuItem.setState(dualAlignEnabled);
372 updateStatusLine();
373 }
375 /**
376 * If the left mouse button is pressed over a segment or a node, switches
377 * to appropriate {@link #mode}, depending on Ctrl/Alt/Shift modifiers and
378 * {@link #dualAlignEnabled}.
379 * @param e current mouse event
380 */
381 @Override
382 public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
383 if (!
384 return;
385 if (!(Boolean) this.getValue("active"))
386 return;
387 if (e.getButton() != MouseEvent.BUTTON1)
388 return;
390 requestFocusInMapView();
391 updateKeyModifiers(e);
393 selectedNode =, OsmPrimitive.isSelectablePredicate);
394 selectedSegment =, OsmPrimitive.isSelectablePredicate);
396 // If nothing gets caught, stay in select mode
397 if (selectedSegment == null && selectedNode == null) return;
399 if (selectedNode != null) {
400 if (ctrl || nodeDragWithoutCtrl) {
401 movingNodeList = new ArrayList<>();
402 movingNodeList.add(selectedNode);
403 calculatePossibleDirectionsByNode();
404 if (possibleMoveDirections.isEmpty()) {
405 // if no directions fould, do not enter dragging mode
406 return;
407 }
408 mode = Mode.translate_node;
409 dualAlignActive = false;
410 }
411 } else {
412 // Otherwise switch to another mode
413 if (dualAlignEnabled && checkDualAlignConditions()) {
414 dualAlignActive = true;
415 calculatePossibleDirectionsForDualAlign();
416 dualAlignSegmentCollapsed = false;
417 } else {
418 dualAlignActive = false;
419 calculatePossibleDirectionsBySegment();
420 }
421 if (ctrl) {
422 mode = Mode.translate;
423 movingNodeList = new ArrayList<>();
424 movingNodeList.add(selectedSegment.getFirstNode());
425 movingNodeList.add(selectedSegment.getSecondNode());
426 } else if (alt) {
427 mode = Mode.create_new;
428 // create a new segment and then select and extrude the new segment
429 getCurrentDataSet().setSelected(selectedSegment.way);
430 alwaysCreateNodes = true;
431 } else {
432 mode = Mode.extrude;
433 getCurrentDataSet().setSelected(selectedSegment.way);
434 alwaysCreateNodes = shift;
435 }
436 }
438 // Signifies that nothing has happened yet
439 newN1en = null;
440 newN2en = null;
441 moveCommand = null;
442 moveCommand2 = null;
446 updateStatusLine();
449 // Make note of time pressed
450 mouseDownTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
452 // Make note of mouse position
453 initialMousePos = e.getPoint();
454 }
456 /**
457 * Performs action depending on what {@link #mode} we're in.
458 * @param e current mouse event
459 */
460 @Override
461 public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
462 if (!
463 return;
465 // do not count anything as a drag if it lasts less than 100 milliseconds.
466 if (System.currentTimeMillis() - mouseDownTime < initialMoveDelay)
467 return;
469 if (mode == {
470 // Just sit tight and wait for mouse to be released.
471 } else {
472 //move, create new and extrude mode - move the selected segment
474 EastNorth mouseEn =, e.getPoint().y);
475 EastNorth bestMovement = calculateBestMovementAndNewNodes(mouseEn);
477, this);
479 if (dualAlignActive) {
480 if (mode == Mode.extrude || mode == Mode.create_new) {
481 // nothing here
482 } else if (mode == Mode.translate) {
483 EastNorth movement1 = newN1en.subtract(initialN1en);
484 EastNorth movement2 = newN2en.subtract(initialN2en);
485 // move nodes to new position
486 if (moveCommand == null || moveCommand2 == null) {
487 // make a new move commands
488 moveCommand = new MoveCommand(movingNodeList.get(0), movement1.getX(), movement1.getY());
489 moveCommand2 = new MoveCommand(movingNodeList.get(1), movement2.getX(), movement2.getY());
490 Command c = new SequenceCommand(tr("Extrude Way"), moveCommand, moveCommand2);
491 Main.main.undoRedo.add(c);
492 } else {
493 // reuse existing move commands
494 moveCommand.moveAgainTo(movement1.getX(), movement1.getY());
495 moveCommand2.moveAgainTo(movement2.getX(), movement2.getY());
496 }
497 }
498 } else {
499 if (mode == Mode.extrude || mode == Mode.create_new) {
500 //nothing here
501 } else if (mode == Mode.translate_node || mode == Mode.translate) {
502 //move nodes to new position
503 if (moveCommand == null) {
504 //make a new move command
505 moveCommand = new MoveCommand(new ArrayList<OsmPrimitive>(movingNodeList), bestMovement);
506 Main.main.undoRedo.add(moveCommand);
507 } else {
508 //reuse existing move command
509 moveCommand.moveAgainTo(bestMovement.getX(), bestMovement.getY());
510 }
511 }
512 }
515 }
516 }
518 /**
519 * Does anything that needs to be done, then switches back to select mode.
520 * @param e current mouse event
521 */
522 @Override
523 public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
525 if (!
526 return;
528 if (mode == {
529 // Nothing to be done
530 } else {
531 if (mode == Mode.create_new) {
532 if (e.getPoint().distance(initialMousePos) > initialMoveThreshold && newN1en != null) {
533 createNewRectangle();
534 }
535 } else if (mode == Mode.extrude) {
536 if (e.getClickCount() == 2 && e.getPoint().equals(initialMousePos)) {
537 // double click adds a new node
538 addNewNode(e);
539 } else if (e.getPoint().distance(initialMousePos) > initialMoveThreshold && newN1en != null && selectedSegment != null) {
540 // main extrusion commands
541 performExtrusion();
542 }
543 } else if (mode == Mode.translate || mode == Mode.translate_node) {
544 //Commit translate
545 //the move command is already committed in mouseDragged
546 joinNodesIfCollapsed(movingNodeList);
547 }
549 updateKeyModifiers(e);
550 // Switch back into select mode
551 ? cursorTranslate : alt ? cursorCreateNew : shift ? cursorCreateNodes : cursor, this);
553 selectedSegment = null;
554 moveCommand = null;
555 mode =;
556 dualAlignSegmentCollapsed = false;
557 updateStatusLine();
559 }
560 }
562 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
563 // Custom methods
564 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
566 /**
567 * Inserts node into nearby segment.
568 * @param e current mouse point
569 */
570 private static void addNewNode(MouseEvent e) {
571 // Should maybe do the same as in DrawAction and fetch all nearby segments?
572 WaySegment ws =, OsmPrimitive.isSelectablePredicate);
573 if (ws != null) {
574 Node n = new Node(, e.getY()));
575 EastNorth a = ws.getFirstNode().getEastNorth();
576 EastNorth b = ws.getSecondNode().getEastNorth();
577 n.setEastNorth(Geometry.closestPointToSegment(a, b, n.getEastNorth()));
578 Way wnew = new Way(ws.way);
579 wnew.addNode(ws.lowerIndex+1, n);
580 SequenceCommand cmds = new SequenceCommand(tr("Add a new node to an existing way"),
581 new AddCommand(n), new ChangeCommand(ws.way, wnew));
582 Main.main.undoRedo.add(cmds);
583 }
584 }
586 /**
587 * Creates a new way that shares segment with selected way.
588 */
589 private void createNewRectangle() {
590 if (selectedSegment == null) return;
591 // crete a new rectangle
592 Collection<Command> cmds = new LinkedList<>();
593 Node third = new Node(newN2en);
594 Node fourth = new Node(newN1en);
595 Way wnew = new Way();
596 wnew.addNode(selectedSegment.getFirstNode());
597 wnew.addNode(selectedSegment.getSecondNode());
598 wnew.addNode(third);
599 if (!dualAlignSegmentCollapsed) {
600 // rectangle can degrade to triangle for dual alignment after collapsing
601 wnew.addNode(fourth);
602 }
603 // ... and close the way
604 wnew.addNode(selectedSegment.getFirstNode());
605 // undo support
606 cmds.add(new AddCommand(third));
607 if (!dualAlignSegmentCollapsed) {
608 cmds.add(new AddCommand(fourth));
609 }
610 cmds.add(new AddCommand(wnew));
611 Command c = new SequenceCommand(tr("Extrude Way"), cmds);
612 Main.main.undoRedo.add(c);
613 getCurrentDataSet().setSelected(wnew);
614 }
616 /**
617 * Does actual extrusion of {@link #selectedSegment}.
618 * Uses {@link #initialN1en}, {@link #initialN2en} saved in calculatePossibleDirections* call
619 * Uses {@link #newN1en}, {@link #newN2en} calculated by {@link #calculateBestMovementAndNewNodes}
620 */
621 private void performExtrusion() {
622 // create extrusion
623 Collection<Command> cmds = new LinkedList<>();
624 Way wnew = new Way(selectedSegment.way);
625 boolean wayWasModified = false;
626 boolean wayWasSingleSegment = wnew.getNodesCount() == 2;
627 int insertionPoint = selectedSegment.lowerIndex + 1;
629 //find if the new points overlap existing segments (in case of 90 degree angles)
630 Node prevNode = getPreviousNode(selectedSegment.lowerIndex);
631 boolean nodeOverlapsSegment = prevNode != null && Geometry.segmentsParallel(initialN1en, prevNode.getEastNorth(), initialN1en, newN1en);
632 // segmentAngleZero marks subset of nodeOverlapsSegment.
633 // nodeOverlapsSegment is true if angle between segments is 0 or PI, segmentAngleZero only if angle is 0
634 boolean segmentAngleZero = prevNode != null && Math.abs(Geometry.getCornerAngle(prevNode.getEastNorth(), initialN1en, newN1en)) < 1e-5;
635 boolean hasOtherWays = hasNodeOtherWays(selectedSegment.getFirstNode(), selectedSegment.way);
636 List<Node> changedNodes = new ArrayList<>();
637 if (nodeOverlapsSegment && !alwaysCreateNodes && !hasOtherWays) {
638 //move existing node
639 Node n1Old = selectedSegment.getFirstNode();
640 cmds.add(new MoveCommand(n1Old, Main.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(newN1en)));
641 changedNodes.add(n1Old);
642 } else if (ignoreSharedNodes && segmentAngleZero && !alwaysCreateNodes && hasOtherWays) {
643 // replace shared node with new one
644 Node n1Old = selectedSegment.getFirstNode();
645 Node n1New = new Node(Main.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(newN1en));
646 wnew.addNode(insertionPoint, n1New);
647 wnew.removeNode(n1Old);
648 wayWasModified = true;
649 cmds.add(new AddCommand(n1New));
650 changedNodes.add(n1New);
651 } else {
652 //introduce new node
653 Node n1New = new Node(Main.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(newN1en));
654 wnew.addNode(insertionPoint, n1New);
655 wayWasModified = true;
656 insertionPoint++;
657 cmds.add(new AddCommand(n1New));
658 changedNodes.add(n1New);
659 }
661 //find if the new points overlap existing segments (in case of 90 degree angles)
662 Node nextNode = getNextNode(selectedSegment.lowerIndex + 1);
663 nodeOverlapsSegment = nextNode != null && Geometry.segmentsParallel(initialN2en, nextNode.getEastNorth(), initialN2en, newN2en);
664 segmentAngleZero = nextNode != null && Math.abs(Geometry.getCornerAngle(nextNode.getEastNorth(), initialN2en, newN2en)) < 1e-5;
665 hasOtherWays = hasNodeOtherWays(selectedSegment.getSecondNode(), selectedSegment.way);
667 if (nodeOverlapsSegment && !alwaysCreateNodes && !hasOtherWays) {
668 //move existing node
669 Node n2Old = selectedSegment.getSecondNode();
670 cmds.add(new MoveCommand(n2Old, Main.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(newN2en)));
671 changedNodes.add(n2Old);
672 } else if (ignoreSharedNodes && segmentAngleZero && !alwaysCreateNodes && hasOtherWays) {
673 // replace shared node with new one
674 Node n2Old = selectedSegment.getSecondNode();
675 Node n2New = new Node(Main.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(newN2en));
676 wnew.addNode(insertionPoint, n2New);
677 wnew.removeNode(n2Old);
678 wayWasModified = true;
679 cmds.add(new AddCommand(n2New));
680 changedNodes.add(n2New);
681 } else {
682 //introduce new node
683 Node n2New = new Node(Main.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(newN2en));
684 wnew.addNode(insertionPoint, n2New);
685 wayWasModified = true;
686 cmds.add(new AddCommand(n2New));
687 changedNodes.add(n2New);
688 }
690 //the way was a single segment, close the way
691 if (wayWasSingleSegment) {
692 wnew.addNode(selectedSegment.getFirstNode());
693 wayWasModified = true;
694 }
695 if (wayWasModified) {
696 // we only need to change the way if its node list was really modified
697 cmds.add(new ChangeCommand(selectedSegment.way, wnew));
698 }
699 Command c = new SequenceCommand(tr("Extrude Way"), cmds);
700 Main.main.undoRedo.add(c);
701 joinNodesIfCollapsed(changedNodes);
702 }
704 private void joinNodesIfCollapsed(List<Node> changedNodes) {
705 if (!dualAlignActive || newN1en == null || newN2en == null) return;
706 if (newN1en.distance(newN2en) > 1e-6) return;
707 // If the dual alignment moved two nodes to the same point, merge them
708 Node targetNode = MergeNodesAction.selectTargetNode(changedNodes);
709 Node locNode = MergeNodesAction.selectTargetLocationNode(changedNodes);
710 Command mergeCmd = MergeNodesAction.mergeNodes(Main.main.getEditLayer(), changedNodes, targetNode, locNode);
711 if (mergeCmd != null) {
712 Main.main.undoRedo.add(mergeCmd);
713 } else {
714 // undo extruding command itself
715 Main.main.undoRedo.undo();
716 }
717 }
719 /**
720 * This method tests if {@code node} has other ways apart from the given one.
721 * @param node node to test
722 * @param myWay way known to contain this node
723 * @return {@code true} if {@code node} belongs only to {@code myWay}, false if there are more ways.
724 */
725 private static boolean hasNodeOtherWays(Node node, Way myWay) {
726 for (OsmPrimitive p : node.getReferrers()) {
727 if (p instanceof Way && p.isUsable() && p != myWay)
728 return true;
729 }
730 return false;
731 }
733 /**
734 * Determines best movement from {@link #initialMousePos} to current mouse position,
735 * choosing one of the directions from {@link #possibleMoveDirections}.
736 * @param mouseEn current mouse position
737 * @return movement vector
738 */
739 private EastNorth calculateBestMovement(EastNorth mouseEn) {
741 EastNorth initialMouseEn =, initialMousePos.y);
742 EastNorth mouseMovement = mouseEn.subtract(initialMouseEn);
744 double bestDistance = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
745 EastNorth bestMovement = null;
746 activeMoveDirection = null;
748 //find the best movement direction and vector
749 for (ReferenceSegment direction : possibleMoveDirections) {
750 EastNorth movement = calculateSegmentOffset(initialN1en, initialN2en, direction.en, mouseEn);
751 if (movement == null) {
752 //if direction parallel to segment.
753 continue;
754 }
756 double distanceFromMouseMovement = movement.distance(mouseMovement);
757 if (bestDistance > distanceFromMouseMovement) {
758 bestDistance = distanceFromMouseMovement;
759 activeMoveDirection = direction;
760 bestMovement = movement;
761 }
762 }
763 return bestMovement;
764 }
766 /***
767 * This method calculates offset amount by which to move the given segment
768 * perpendicularly for it to be in line with mouse position.
769 * @param segmentP1 segment's first point
770 * @param segmentP2 segment's second point
771 * @param moveDirection direction of movement
772 * @param targetPos mouse position
773 * @return offset amount of P1 and P2.
774 */
775 private static EastNorth calculateSegmentOffset(EastNorth segmentP1, EastNorth segmentP2, EastNorth moveDirection,
776 EastNorth targetPos) {
777 EastNorth intersectionPoint;
778 if (segmentP1.distanceSq(segmentP2) > 1e-7) {
779 intersectionPoint = Geometry.getLineLineIntersection(segmentP1, segmentP2, targetPos, targetPos.add(moveDirection));
780 } else {
781 intersectionPoint = Geometry.closestPointToLine(targetPos, targetPos.add(moveDirection), segmentP1);
782 }
784 if (intersectionPoint == null)
785 return null;
786 else
787 //return distance form base to target position
788 return targetPos.subtract(intersectionPoint);
789 }
791 /**
792 * Gathers possible move directions - perpendicular to the selected segment
793 * and parallel to neighboring segments.
794 */
795 private void calculatePossibleDirectionsBySegment() {
796 // remember initial positions for segment nodes.
797 initialN1en = selectedSegment.getFirstNode().getEastNorth();
798 initialN2en = selectedSegment.getSecondNode().getEastNorth();
800 //add direction perpendicular to the selected segment
801 possibleMoveDirections = new ArrayList<>();
802 possibleMoveDirections.add(new ReferenceSegment(new EastNorth(
803 initialN1en.getY() - initialN2en.getY(),
804 initialN2en.getX() - initialN1en.getX()
805 ), initialN1en, initialN2en, true));
808 //add directions parallel to neighbor segments
809 Node prevNode = getPreviousNode(selectedSegment.lowerIndex);
810 if (prevNode != null) {
811 EastNorth en = prevNode.getEastNorth();
812 possibleMoveDirections.add(new ReferenceSegment(new EastNorth(
813 initialN1en.getX() - en.getX(),
814 initialN1en.getY() - en.getY()
815 ), initialN1en, en, false));
816 }
818 Node nextNode = getNextNode(selectedSegment.lowerIndex + 1);
819 if (nextNode != null) {
820 EastNorth en = nextNode.getEastNorth();
821 possibleMoveDirections.add(new ReferenceSegment(new EastNorth(
822 initialN2en.getX() - en.getX(),
823 initialN2en.getY() - en.getY()
824 ), initialN2en, en, false));
825 }
826 }
828 /**
829 * Gathers possible move directions - along all adjacent segments.
830 */
831 private void calculatePossibleDirectionsByNode() {
832 // remember initial positions for segment nodes.
833 initialN1en = selectedNode.getEastNorth();
834 initialN2en = initialN1en;
835 possibleMoveDirections = new ArrayList<>();
836 for (OsmPrimitive p: selectedNode.getReferrers()) {
837 if (p instanceof Way && p.isUsable()) {
838 for (Node neighbor: ((Way) p).getNeighbours(selectedNode)) {
839 EastNorth en = neighbor.getEastNorth();
840 possibleMoveDirections.add(new ReferenceSegment(new EastNorth(
841 initialN1en.getX() - en.getX(),
842 initialN1en.getY() - en.getY()
843 ), initialN1en, en, false));
844 }
845 }
846 }
847 }
849 /**
850 * Checks dual alignment conditions:
851 * 1. selected segment has both neighboring segments,
852 * 2. selected segment is not parallel with neighboring segments.
853 * @return {@code true} if dual alignment conditions are satisfied
854 */
855 private boolean checkDualAlignConditions() {
856 Node prevNode = getPreviousNode(selectedSegment.lowerIndex);
857 Node nextNode = getNextNode(selectedSegment.lowerIndex + 1);
858 if (prevNode == null || nextNode == null) {
859 return false;
860 }
862 EastNorth n1en = selectedSegment.getFirstNode().getEastNorth();
863 EastNorth n2en = selectedSegment.getSecondNode().getEastNorth();
864 if (n1en.distance(prevNode.getEastNorth()) < 1e-4 ||
865 n2en.distance(nextNode.getEastNorth()) < 1e-4) {
866 return false;
867 }
869 boolean prevSegmentParallel = Geometry.segmentsParallel(n1en, prevNode.getEastNorth(), n1en, n2en);
870 boolean nextSegmentParallel = Geometry.segmentsParallel(n2en, nextNode.getEastNorth(), n1en, n2en);
871 if (prevSegmentParallel || nextSegmentParallel) {
872 return false;
873 }
875 return true;
876 }
878 /**
879 * Gathers possible move directions - perpendicular to the selected segment only.
880 * Neighboring segments go to {@link #dualAlignSegment1} and {@link #dualAlignSegment2}.
881 */
882 private void calculatePossibleDirectionsForDualAlign() {
883 // remember initial positions for segment nodes.
884 initialN1en = selectedSegment.getFirstNode().getEastNorth();
885 initialN2en = selectedSegment.getSecondNode().getEastNorth();
887 // add direction perpendicular to the selected segment
888 possibleMoveDirections = new ArrayList<>();
889 possibleMoveDirections.add(new ReferenceSegment(new EastNorth(
890 initialN1en.getY() - initialN2en.getY(),
891 initialN2en.getX() - initialN1en.getX()
892 ), initialN1en, initialN2en, true));
894 // set neighboring segments
895 Node prevNode = getPreviousNode(selectedSegment.lowerIndex);
896 EastNorth prevNodeEn = prevNode.getEastNorth();
897 dualAlignSegment1 = new ReferenceSegment(new EastNorth(
898 initialN1en.getX() - prevNodeEn.getX(),
899 initialN1en.getY() - prevNodeEn.getY()
900 ), initialN1en, prevNodeEn, false);
902 Node nextNode = getNextNode(selectedSegment.lowerIndex + 1);
903 EastNorth nextNodeEn = nextNode.getEastNorth();
904 dualAlignSegment2 = new ReferenceSegment(new EastNorth(
905 initialN2en.getX() - nextNodeEn.getX(),
906 initialN2en.getY() - nextNodeEn.getY()
907 ), initialN2en, nextNodeEn, false);
908 }
910 /**
911 * Calculate newN1en, newN2en best suitable for given mouse coordinates
912 * For dual align, calculates positions of new nodes, aligning them to neighboring segments.
913 * Elsewhere, just adds the vetor returned by calculateBestMovement to {@link #initialN1en}, {@link #initialN2en}.
914 * @param mouseEn mouse coordinates
915 * @return best movement vector
916 */
917 private EastNorth calculateBestMovementAndNewNodes(EastNorth mouseEn) {
918 EastNorth bestMovement = calculateBestMovement(mouseEn);
919 EastNorth n1movedEn = initialN1en.add(bestMovement), n2movedEn;
921 // find out the movement distance, in metres
922 double distance = Main.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(initialN1en).greatCircleDistance(
923 Main.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(n1movedEn));
925 updateStatusLine();
927 if (dualAlignActive) {
928 // new positions of selected segment's nodes, without applying dual alignment
929 n1movedEn = initialN1en.add(bestMovement);
930 n2movedEn = initialN2en.add(bestMovement);
932 // calculate intersections of parallel shifted segment and the adjacent lines
933 newN1en = Geometry.getLineLineIntersection(n1movedEn, n2movedEn, dualAlignSegment1.p1, dualAlignSegment1.p2);
934 newN2en = Geometry.getLineLineIntersection(n1movedEn, n2movedEn, dualAlignSegment2.p1, dualAlignSegment2.p2);
935 if (newN1en == null || newN2en == null) return bestMovement;
936 if (keepSegmentDirection && isOppositeDirection(newN1en, newN2en, initialN1en, initialN2en)) {
937 EastNorth collapsedSegmentPosition = Geometry.getLineLineIntersection(dualAlignSegment1.p1, dualAlignSegment1.p2,
938 dualAlignSegment2.p1, dualAlignSegment2.p2);
939 newN1en = collapsedSegmentPosition;
940 newN2en = collapsedSegmentPosition;
941 dualAlignSegmentCollapsed = true;
942 } else {
943 dualAlignSegmentCollapsed = false;
944 }
945 } else {
946 newN1en = n1movedEn;
947 newN2en = initialN2en.add(bestMovement);
948 }
949 return bestMovement;
950 }
952 /**
953 * Gets a node index from selected way before given index.
954 * @param index index of current node
955 * @return index of previous node or <code>-1</code> if there are no nodes there.
956 */
957 private int getPreviousNodeIndex(int index) {
958 if (index > 0)
959 return index - 1;
960 else if (selectedSegment.way.isClosed())
961 return selectedSegment.way.getNodesCount() - 2;
962 else
963 return -1;
964 }
966 /**
967 * Gets a node from selected way before given index.
968 * @param index index of current node
969 * @return previous node or <code>null</code> if there are no nodes there.
970 */
971 private Node getPreviousNode(int index) {
972 int indexPrev = getPreviousNodeIndex(index);
973 if (indexPrev >= 0)
974 return selectedSegment.way.getNode(indexPrev);
975 else
976 return null;
977 }
980 /**
981 * Gets a node index from selected way after given index.
982 * @param index index of current node
983 * @return index of next node or <code>-1</code> if there are no nodes there.
984 */
985 private int getNextNodeIndex(int index) {
986 int count = selectedSegment.way.getNodesCount();
987 if (index < count - 1)
988 return index + 1;
989 else if (selectedSegment.way.isClosed())
990 return 1;
991 else
992 return -1;
993 }
995 /**
996 * Gets a node from selected way after given index.
997 * @param index index of current node
998 * @return next node or <code>null</code> if there are no nodes there.
999 */
1000 private Node getNextNode(int index) {
1001 int indexNext = getNextNodeIndex(index);
1002 if (indexNext >= 0)
1003 return selectedSegment.way.getNode(indexNext);
1004 else
1005 return null;
1006 }
1008 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1009 // paint methods
1010 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1012 @Override
1013 public void paint(Graphics2D g, MapView mv, Bounds box) {
1014 Graphics2D g2 = g;
1015 if (mode == {
1016 // Nothing to do
1017 } else {
1018 if (newN1en != null) {
1020 Point p1 = mv.getPoint(initialN1en);
1021 Point p2 = mv.getPoint(initialN2en);
1022 Point p3 = mv.getPoint(newN1en);
1023 Point p4 = mv.getPoint(newN2en);
1025 Point2D normalUnitVector = activeMoveDirection != null ? getNormalUniVector() : null;
1027 if (mode == Mode.extrude || mode == Mode.create_new) {
1028 g2.setColor(mainColor);
1029 g2.setStroke(mainStroke);
1030 // Draw rectangle around new area.
1031 GeneralPath b = new GeneralPath();
1032 b.moveTo(p1.x, p1.y);
1033 b.lineTo(p3.x, p3.y);
1034 b.lineTo(p4.x, p4.y);
1035 b.lineTo(p2.x, p2.y);
1036 b.lineTo(p1.x, p1.y);
1037 g2.draw(b);
1039 if (dualAlignActive) {
1040 // Draw reference ways
1041 drawReferenceSegment(g2, mv, dualAlignSegment1);
1042 drawReferenceSegment(g2, mv, dualAlignSegment2);
1043 } else if (activeMoveDirection != null && normalUnitVector != null) {
1044 // Draw reference way
1045 drawReferenceSegment(g2, mv, activeMoveDirection);
1047 // Draw right angle marker on first node position, only when moving at right angle
1048 if (activeMoveDirection.perpendicular) {
1049 // mirror RightAngle marker, so it is inside the extrude
1050 double headingRefWS = activeMoveDirection.p1.heading(activeMoveDirection.p2);
1051 double headingMoveDir = Math.atan2(normalUnitVector.getY(), normalUnitVector.getX());
1052 double headingDiff = headingRefWS - headingMoveDir;
1053 if (headingDiff < 0)
1054 headingDiff += 2 * Math.PI;
1055 boolean mirrorRA = Math.abs(headingDiff - Math.PI) > 1e-5;
1056 Point pr1 = mv.getPoint(activeMoveDirection.p1);
1057 drawAngleSymbol(g2, pr1, normalUnitVector, mirrorRA);
1058 }
1059 }
1060 } else if (mode == Mode.translate || mode == Mode.translate_node) {
1061 g2.setColor(mainColor);
1062 if (p1.distance(p2) < 3) {
1063 g2.setStroke(mainStroke);
1064 g2.drawOval((int) (p1.x-symbolSize/2), (int) (p1.y-symbolSize/2),
1065 (int) (symbolSize), (int) (symbolSize));
1066 } else {
1067 Line2D oldline = new Line2D.Double(p1, p2);
1068 g2.setStroke(oldLineStroke);
1069 g2.draw(oldline);
1070 }
1072 if (dualAlignActive) {
1073 // Draw reference ways
1074 drawReferenceSegment(g2, mv, dualAlignSegment1);
1075 drawReferenceSegment(g2, mv, dualAlignSegment2);
1076 } else if (activeMoveDirection != null) {
1078 g2.setColor(helperColor);
1079 g2.setStroke(helperStrokeDash);
1080 // Draw a guideline along the normal.
1081 Line2D normline;
1082 Point2D centerpoint = new Point2D.Double((p1.getX()+p2.getX())*0.5, (p1.getY()+p2.getY())*0.5);
1083 normline = createSemiInfiniteLine(centerpoint, normalUnitVector, g2);
1084 g2.draw(normline);
1085 // Draw right angle marker on initial position, only when moving at right angle
1086 if (activeMoveDirection.perpendicular) {
1087 // EastNorth units per pixel
1088 g2.setStroke(helperStrokeRA);
1089 g2.setColor(mainColor);
1090 drawAngleSymbol(g2, centerpoint, normalUnitVector, false);
1091 }
1092 }
1093 }
1094 }
1095 g2.setStroke(helperStrokeRA); // restore default stroke to prevent starnge occasional drawings
1096 }
1097 }
1099 private Point2D getNormalUniVector() {
1100 double fac = 1.0 / activeMoveDirection.en.length();
1101 // mult by factor to get unit vector.
1102 Point2D normalUnitVector = new Point2D.Double(activeMoveDirection.en.getX() * fac, activeMoveDirection.en.getY() * fac);
1104 // Check to see if our new N1 is in a positive direction with respect to the normalUnitVector.
1105 // Even if the x component is zero, we should still be able to discern using +0.0 and -0.0
1106 if (newN1en != null && ((newN1en.getX() > initialN1en.getX()) != (normalUnitVector.getX() > -0.0))) {
1107 // If not, use a sign-flipped version of the normalUnitVector.
1108 normalUnitVector = new Point2D.Double(-normalUnitVector.getX(), -normalUnitVector.getY());
1109 }
1111 //HACK: swap Y, because the target pixels are top down, but EastNorth is bottom-up.
1112 //This is normally done by MapView.getPoint, but it does not work on vectors.
1113 normalUnitVector.setLocation(normalUnitVector.getX(), -normalUnitVector.getY());
1114 return normalUnitVector;
1115 }
1117 /**
1118 * Determines if from1-to1 and from2-to2 vectors directions are opposite
1119 * @param from1 vector1 start
1120 * @param to1 vector1 end
1121 * @param from2 vector2 start
1122 * @param to2 vector2 end
1123 * @return true if from1-to1 and from2-to2 vectors directions are opposite
1124 */
1125 private static boolean isOppositeDirection(EastNorth from1, EastNorth to1, EastNorth from2, EastNorth to2) {
1126 return (from1.getX()-to1.getX())*(from2.getX()-to2.getX())
1127 +(from1.getY()-to1.getY())*(from2.getY()-to2.getY()) < 0;
1128 }
1130 /**
1131 * Draws right angle symbol at specified position.
1132 * @param g2 the Graphics2D object used to draw on
1133 * @param center center point of angle
1134 * @param normal vector of normal
1135 * @param mirror {@code true} if symbol should be mirrored by the normal
1136 */
1137 private void drawAngleSymbol(Graphics2D g2, Point2D center, Point2D normal, boolean mirror) {
1138 // EastNorth units per pixel
1139 double factor = 1.0/g2.getTransform().getScaleX();
1140 double raoffsetx = symbolSize*factor*normal.getX();
1141 double raoffsety = symbolSize*factor*normal.getY();
1143 double cx = center.getX(), cy = center.getY();
1144 double k = mirror ? -1 : 1;
1145 Point2D ra1 = new Point2D.Double(cx + raoffsetx, cy + raoffsety);
1146 Point2D ra3 = new Point2D.Double(cx - raoffsety*k, cy + raoffsetx*k);
1147 Point2D ra2 = new Point2D.Double(ra1.getX() - raoffsety*k, ra1.getY() + raoffsetx*k);
1149 GeneralPath ra = new GeneralPath();
1150 ra.moveTo((float) ra1.getX(), (float) ra1.getY());
1151 ra.lineTo((float) ra2.getX(), (float) ra2.getY());
1152 ra.lineTo((float) ra3.getX(), (float) ra3.getY());
1153 g2.setStroke(helperStrokeRA);
1154 g2.draw(ra);
1155 }
1157 /**
1158 * Draws given reference segment.
1159 * @param g2 the Graphics2D object used to draw on
1160 * @param mv map view
1161 * @param seg the reference segment
1162 */
1163 private void drawReferenceSegment(Graphics2D g2, MapView mv, ReferenceSegment seg) {
1164 Point p1 = mv.getPoint(seg.p1);
1165 Point p2 = mv.getPoint(seg.p2);
1166 GeneralPath b = new GeneralPath();
1167 b.moveTo(p1.x, p1.y);
1168 b.lineTo(p2.x, p2.y);
1169 g2.setColor(helperColor);
1170 g2.setStroke(helperStrokeDash);
1171 g2.draw(b);
1172 }
1174 /**
1175 * Creates a new Line that extends off the edge of the viewport in one direction
1176 * @param start The start point of the line
1177 * @param unitvector A unit vector denoting the direction of the line
1178 * @param g the Graphics2D object it will be used on
1179 * @return created line
1180 */
1181 private static Line2D createSemiInfiniteLine(Point2D start, Point2D unitvector, Graphics2D g) {
1182 Rectangle bounds = g.getDeviceConfiguration().getBounds();
1183 try {
1184 AffineTransform invtrans = g.getTransform().createInverse();
1185 Point2D widthpoint = invtrans.deltaTransform(new Point2D.Double(bounds.width, 0), null);
1186 Point2D heightpoint = invtrans.deltaTransform(new Point2D.Double(0, bounds.height), null);
1188 // Here we should end up with a gross overestimate of the maximum viewport diagonal in what
1189 // Graphics2D calls 'user space'. Essentially a manhattan distance of manhattan distances.
1190 // This can be used as a safe length of line to generate which will always go off-viewport.
1191 double linelength = Math.abs(widthpoint.getX()) + Math.abs(widthpoint.getY())
1192 + Math.abs(heightpoint.getX()) + Math.abs(heightpoint.getY());
1194 return new Line2D.Double(start, new Point2D.Double(start.getX() + (unitvector.getX() * linelength), start.getY()
1195 + (unitvector.getY() * linelength)));
1196 } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
1197 return new Line2D.Double(start, new Point2D.Double(start.getX() + (unitvector.getX() * 10), start.getY()
1198 + (unitvector.getY() * 10)));
1199 }
1200 }
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.