// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. package org.openstreetmap.josm.actions; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.help.HelpUtil.ht; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.upload.ApiPreconditionCheckerHook; import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.upload.DiscardTagsHook; import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.upload.FixDataHook; import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.upload.RelationUploadOrderHook; import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.upload.UploadHook; import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.upload.ValidateUploadHook; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.APIDataSet; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.conflict.ConflictCollection; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Changeset; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.HelpAwareOptionPane; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainApplication; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.io.AsynchronousUploadPrimitivesTask; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.io.UploadDialog; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.io.UploadPrimitivesTask; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.AbstractModifiableLayer; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.OsmDataLayer; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.util.GuiHelper; import org.openstreetmap.josm.spi.preferences.Config; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.ImageProvider; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Shortcut; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Utils; /** * Action that opens a connection to the osm server and uploads all changes. * * An dialog is displayed asking the user to specify a rectangle to grab. * The url and account settings from the preferences are used. * * If the upload fails this action offers various options to resolve conflicts. * * @author imi */ public class UploadAction extends JosmAction { /** * The list of upload hooks. These hooks will be called one after the other * when the user wants to upload data. Plugins can insert their own hooks here * if they want to be able to veto an upload. * * Be default, the standard upload dialog is the only element in the list. * Plugins should normally insert their code before that, so that the upload * dialog is the last thing shown before upload really starts; on occasion * however, a plugin might also want to insert something after that. */ private static final List UPLOAD_HOOKS = new LinkedList<>(); private static final List LATE_UPLOAD_HOOKS = new LinkedList<>(); private static final String IS_ASYNC_UPLOAD_ENABLED = "asynchronous.upload"; static { /** * Calls validator before upload. */ UPLOAD_HOOKS.add(new ValidateUploadHook()); /** * Fixes database errors */ UPLOAD_HOOKS.add(new FixDataHook()); /** * Checks server capabilities before upload. */ UPLOAD_HOOKS.add(new ApiPreconditionCheckerHook()); /** * Adjusts the upload order of new relations */ UPLOAD_HOOKS.add(new RelationUploadOrderHook()); /** * Removes discardable tags like created_by on modified objects */ LATE_UPLOAD_HOOKS.add(new DiscardTagsHook()); } /** * Registers an upload hook. Adds the hook at the first position of the upload hooks. * * @param hook the upload hook. Ignored if null. */ public static void registerUploadHook(UploadHook hook) { registerUploadHook(hook, false); } /** * Registers an upload hook. Adds the hook at the first position of the upload hooks. * * @param hook the upload hook. Ignored if null. * @param late true, if the hook should be executed after the upload dialog * has been confirmed. Late upload hooks should in general succeed and not * abort the upload. */ public static void registerUploadHook(UploadHook hook, boolean late) { if (hook == null) return; if (late) { if (!LATE_UPLOAD_HOOKS.contains(hook)) { LATE_UPLOAD_HOOKS.add(0, hook); } } else { if (!UPLOAD_HOOKS.contains(hook)) { UPLOAD_HOOKS.add(0, hook); } } } /** * Unregisters an upload hook. Removes the hook from the list of upload hooks. * * @param hook the upload hook. Ignored if null. */ public static void unregisterUploadHook(UploadHook hook) { if (hook == null) return; if (UPLOAD_HOOKS.contains(hook)) { UPLOAD_HOOKS.remove(hook); } if (LATE_UPLOAD_HOOKS.contains(hook)) { LATE_UPLOAD_HOOKS.remove(hook); } } /** * Constructs a new {@code UploadAction}. */ public UploadAction() { super(tr("Upload data"), "upload", tr("Upload all changes in the active data layer to the OSM server"), Shortcut.registerShortcut("file:upload", tr("File: {0}", tr("Upload data")), KeyEvent.VK_UP, Shortcut.CTRL_SHIFT), true); putValue("help", ht("/Action/Upload")); } @Override protected void updateEnabledState() { OsmDataLayer editLayer = getLayerManager().getEditLayer(); setEnabled(editLayer != null && editLayer.isUploadable()); } /** * Check whether the preconditions are met to upload data from a given layer, if applicable. * @param layer layer to check * @return {@code true} if the preconditions are met, or not applicable * @see #checkPreUploadConditions(AbstractModifiableLayer, APIDataSet) */ public static boolean checkPreUploadConditions(AbstractModifiableLayer layer) { return checkPreUploadConditions(layer, layer instanceof OsmDataLayer ? new APIDataSet(((OsmDataLayer) layer).getDataSet()) : null); } protected static void alertUnresolvedConflicts(OsmDataLayer layer) { HelpAwareOptionPane.showOptionDialog( Main.parent, tr("The data to be uploaded participates in unresolved conflicts of layer ''{0}''.
" + "You have to resolve them first.", Utils.escapeReservedCharactersHTML(layer.getName()) ), tr("Warning"), JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, ht("/Action/Upload#PrimitivesParticipateInConflicts") ); } /** * Warn user about discouraged upload, propose to cancel operation. * @param layer incriminated layer * @return true if the user wants to cancel, false if they want to continue */ public static boolean warnUploadDiscouraged(AbstractModifiableLayer layer) { return GuiHelper.warnUser(tr("Upload discouraged"), "" + tr("You are about to upload data from the layer ''{0}''.

"+ "Sending data from this layer is strongly discouraged. If you continue,
"+ "it may require you subsequently have to revert your changes, or force other contributors to.

"+ "Are you sure you want to continue?", Utils.escapeReservedCharactersHTML(layer.getName()))+ "", ImageProvider.get("upload"), tr("Ignore this hint and upload anyway")); } /** * Check whether the preconditions are met to upload data in apiData. * Makes sure upload is allowed, primitives in apiData don't participate in conflicts and * runs the installed {@link UploadHook}s. * * @param layer the source layer of the data to be uploaded * @param apiData the data to be uploaded * @return true, if the preconditions are met; false, otherwise */ public static boolean checkPreUploadConditions(AbstractModifiableLayer layer, APIDataSet apiData) { if (layer.isUploadDiscouraged() && warnUploadDiscouraged(layer)) { return false; } if (layer instanceof OsmDataLayer) { OsmDataLayer osmLayer = (OsmDataLayer) layer; ConflictCollection conflicts = osmLayer.getConflicts(); if (apiData.participatesInConflict(conflicts)) { alertUnresolvedConflicts(osmLayer); return false; } } // Call all upload hooks in sequence. // FIXME: this should become an asynchronous task // if (apiData != null) { for (UploadHook hook : UPLOAD_HOOKS) { if (!hook.checkUpload(apiData)) return false; } } return true; } /** * Uploads data to the OSM API. * * @param layer the source layer for the data to upload * @param apiData the primitives to be added, updated, or deleted */ public void uploadData(final OsmDataLayer layer, APIDataSet apiData) { if (apiData.isEmpty()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( Main.parent, tr("No changes to upload."), tr("Warning"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE ); return; } if (!checkPreUploadConditions(layer, apiData)) return; final UploadDialog dialog = UploadDialog.getUploadDialog(); dialog.setChangesetTags(layer.getDataSet()); dialog.setUploadedPrimitives(apiData); dialog.setVisible(true); dialog.rememberUserInput(); if (dialog.isCanceled()) return; for (UploadHook hook : LATE_UPLOAD_HOOKS) { if (!hook.checkUpload(apiData)) return; } // Any hooks want to change the changeset tags? Changeset cs = UploadDialog.getUploadDialog().getChangeset(); Map changesetTags = cs.getKeys(); for (UploadHook hook : UPLOAD_HOOKS) { hook.modifyChangesetTags(changesetTags); } for (UploadHook hook : LATE_UPLOAD_HOOKS) { hook.modifyChangesetTags(changesetTags); } if (Config.getPref().getBoolean(IS_ASYNC_UPLOAD_ENABLED, true)) { Optional asyncUploadTask = AsynchronousUploadPrimitivesTask.createAsynchronousUploadTask( UploadDialog.getUploadDialog().getUploadStrategySpecification(), layer, apiData, cs); if (asyncUploadTask.isPresent()) { MainApplication.worker.execute(asyncUploadTask.get()); } } else { MainApplication.worker.execute( new UploadPrimitivesTask( UploadDialog.getUploadDialog().getUploadStrategySpecification(), layer, apiData, cs)); } } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!isEnabled()) return; if (MainApplication.getMap() == null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( Main.parent, tr("Nothing to upload. Get some data first."), tr("Warning"), JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE ); return; } APIDataSet apiData = new APIDataSet(getLayerManager().getEditDataSet()); uploadData(getLayerManager().getEditLayer(), apiData); } }