// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. package org.openstreetmap.josm.actions; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.help.HelpUtil.ht; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.HelpAwareOptionPane.ButtonSpec; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainApplication; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.io.SaveLayersDialog; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.ImageProvider; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Shortcut; /** * Restarts JOSM as it was launched. Comes from "restart" plugin, originally written by Upliner. *

* Mechanisms have been improved based on #8561 discussions and * this article. * @since 5857 */ public class RestartAction extends JosmAction { // AppleScript to restart OS X package private static final String RESTART_APPLE_SCRIPT = "tell application \"System Events\"\n" + "repeat until not (exists process \"JOSM\")\n" + "delay 0.2\n" + "end repeat\n" + "end tell\n" + "tell application \"JOSM\" to activate"; /** * Constructs a new {@code RestartAction}. */ public RestartAction() { super(tr("Restart"), "restart", tr("Restart the application."), Shortcut.registerShortcut("file:restart", tr("File: {0}", tr("Restart")), KeyEvent.VK_J, Shortcut.ALT_CTRL_SHIFT), false); putValue("help", ht("/Action/Restart")); putValue("toolbar", "action/restart"); if (Main.toolbar != null) { Main.toolbar.register(this); } setEnabled(isRestartSupported()); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // If JOSM has been started with property 'josm.restart=true' this means // it is executed by a start script that can handle restart. // Request for restart is indicated by exit code 9. String scriptRestart = System.getProperty("josm.restart"); if ("true".equals(scriptRestart)) { Main.exitJosm(true, 9, SaveLayersDialog.Reason.RESTART); } try { restartJOSM(); } catch (IOException ex) { Main.error(ex); } } /** * Determines if restarting the application should be possible on this platform. * @return {@code true} if the mandatory system property {@code sun.java.command} is defined, {@code false} otherwise. * @since 5951 */ public static boolean isRestartSupported() { return System.getProperty("sun.java.command") != null; } /** * Restarts the current Java application. * @throws IOException in case of any I/O error */ public static void restartJOSM() throws IOException { if (isRestartSupported() && !Main.exitJosm(false, 0, SaveLayersDialog.Reason.RESTART)) return; final List cmd; // special handling for OSX .app package if (Main.isPlatformOsx() && System.getProperty("java.library.path").contains("/JOSM.app/Contents/MacOS")) { cmd = getAppleCommands(); } else { cmd = getCommands(); } Main.info("Restart "+cmd); if (Main.isDebugEnabled() && Main.pref.getBoolean("restart.debug.simulation")) { Main.debug("Restart cancelled to get debug info"); return; } // execute the command in a shutdown hook, to be sure that all the // resources have been disposed before restarting the application Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread("josm-restarter") { @Override public void run() { try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd.toArray(new String[cmd.size()])); } catch (IOException e) { Main.error(e); } } }); // exit System.exit(0); } private static List getAppleCommands() { final List cmd = new ArrayList<>(); cmd.add("/usr/bin/osascript"); for (String line : RESTART_APPLE_SCRIPT.split("\n")) { cmd.add("-e"); cmd.add(line); } return cmd; } private static List getCommands() throws IOException { final List cmd = new ArrayList<>(); // java binary cmd.add(getJavaRuntime()); // vm arguments addVMArguments(cmd); // Determine webstart JNLP file. Use jnlpx.origFilenameArg instead of jnlp.application.href, // because only this one is present when run from j2plauncher.exe (see #10795) final String jnlp = System.getProperty("jnlpx.origFilenameArg"); // program main and program arguments (be careful a sun property. might not be supported by all JVM) final String javaCommand = System.getProperty("sun.java.command"); String[] mainCommand = javaCommand.split(" "); if (javaCommand.endsWith(".jnlp") && jnlp == null) { // see #11751 - jnlp on Linux if (Main.isDebugEnabled()) { Main.debug("Detected jnlp without jnlpx.origFilenameArg property set"); } cmd.addAll(Arrays.asList(mainCommand)); } else { // look for a .jar in all chunks to support paths with spaces (fix #9077) StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(mainCommand[0]); for (int i = 1; i < mainCommand.length && !mainCommand[i-1].endsWith(".jar"); i++) { sb.append(' ').append(mainCommand[i]); } String jarPath = sb.toString(); // program main is a jar if (jarPath.endsWith(".jar")) { // if it's a jar, add -jar mainJar cmd.add("-jar"); cmd.add(new File(jarPath).getPath()); } else { // else it's a .class, add the classpath and mainClass cmd.add("-cp"); cmd.add('"' + System.getProperty("java.class.path") + '"'); cmd.add(mainCommand[0]); } // add JNLP file. if (jnlp != null) { cmd.add(jnlp); } } // finally add program arguments cmd.addAll(MainApplication.getCommandLineArgs()); return cmd; } private static String getJavaRuntime() throws IOException { final String java = System.getProperty("java.home") + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + (Main.isPlatformWindows() ? "java.exe" : "java"); if (!new File(java).isFile()) { throw new IOException("Unable to find suitable java runtime at "+java); } return java; } private static void addVMArguments(Collection cmd) { List arguments = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getInputArguments(); if (Main.isDebugEnabled()) { Main.debug("VM arguments: "+arguments); } for (String arg : arguments) { // When run from jp2launcher.exe, jnlpx.remove is true, while it is not when run from javaws // Always set it to false to avoid error caused by a missing jnlp file on the second restart arg = arg.replace("-Djnlpx.remove=true", "-Djnlpx.remove=false"); // if it's the agent argument : we ignore it otherwise the // address of the old application and the new one will be in conflict if (!arg.contains("-agentlib")) { cmd.add(arg); } } } /** * Returns a new {@code ButtonSpec} instance that performs this action. * @return A new {@code ButtonSpec} instance that performs this action. */ public static ButtonSpec getRestartButtonSpec() { return new ButtonSpec( tr("Restart"), ImageProvider.get("restart"), tr("Restart the application."), ht("/Action/Restart"), isRestartSupported() ); } /** * Returns a new {@code ButtonSpec} instance that do not perform this action. * @return A new {@code ButtonSpec} instance that do not perform this action. */ public static ButtonSpec getCancelButtonSpec() { return new ButtonSpec( tr("Cancel"), ImageProvider.get("cancel"), tr("Click to restart later."), null /* no specific help context */ ); } /** * Returns default {@code ButtonSpec} instances for this action (Restart/Cancel). * @return Default {@code ButtonSpec} instances for this action. * @see #getRestartButtonSpec * @see #getCancelButtonSpec */ public static ButtonSpec[] getButtonSpecs() { return new ButtonSpec[] { getRestartButtonSpec(), getCancelButtonSpec() }; } }