// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. /** * Compare and analyse the differences of the editor imagery index and the JOSM imagery list. * The goal is to keep both lists in sync. * * The editor imagery index project (https://github.com/osmlab/editor-imagery-index) * provides also a version in the JOSM format, but the JSON is the original source * format, so we read that. * * How to run: * ----------- * * Main JOSM binary needs to be in classpath, e.g. * * $ groovy -cp ../dist/josm-custom.jar sync_editor-imagery-index.groovy * * Add option "-h" to show the available command line flags. */ import java.io.FileReader import java.util.List import javax.json.Json import javax.json.JsonArray import javax.json.JsonObject import javax.json.JsonReader import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.imagery.ImageryReader import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.imagery.ImageryInfo import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Utils class sync_editor_imagery_index { List josmEntries; JsonArray eiiEntries; final static def EII_KNOWN_DUPLICATES = ["http://geolittoral.application.equipement.gouv.fr/wms/metropole?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&Layers=ortholittorale&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}"] final static def JOSM_KNOWN_DUPLICATES = ["http://geolittoral.application.equipement.gouv.fr/wms/metropole?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&Layers=ortholittorale&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}"] def eiiUrls = new HashMap() def josmUrls = new HashMap() static String eiiInputFile = 'imagery.json' static String josmInputFile = 'maps.xml' static def options /** * Main method. */ static main(def args) { parse_command_line_arguments(args) def script = new sync_editor_imagery_index() script.loadJosmEntries() println "*** Loaded ${script.josmEntries.size()} entries (JOSM). ***" script.loadEIIEntries() println "*** Loaded ${script.eiiEntries.size()} entries (EII). ***" script.checkInOneButNotTheOther() script.checkCommonEntries() } /** * Parse command line arguments. */ static void parse_command_line_arguments(args) { def cli = new CliBuilder() cli._(longOpt:'eii_input', args:1, argName:"eii_input", "Input file for the editor imagery index (json). Default is $eiiInputFile (current directory).") cli._(longOpt:'josm_input', args:1, argName:"josm_input", "Input file for the JOSM imagery list (xml). Default is $josmInputFile (current directory).") cli.s(longOpt:'shorten', "shorten the output, so it is easier to read in a console window") cli.h(longOpt:'help', "show this help") options = cli.parse(args) if (options.h) { cli.usage() System.exit(0) } if (options.eii_input) { eiiInputFile = options.eii_input } if (options.josm_input) { josmInputFile = options.josm_input } } void loadEIIEntries() { FileReader fr = new FileReader(eiiInputFile) JsonReader jr = Json.createReader(fr) eiiEntries = jr.readArray() jr.close() for (def e : eiiEntries) { def url = getUrl(e) if (eiiUrls.containsKey(url) && !EII_KNOWN_DUPLICATES.contains(url)) throw new Exception("URL is not unique: "+url) eiiUrls.put(url, e) } } void loadJosmEntries() { def reader = new ImageryReader(josmInputFile) josmEntries = reader.parse() for (def e : josmEntries) { def url = getUrl(e) if (josmUrls.containsKey(url) && !JOSM_KNOWN_DUPLICATES.contains(url)) { throw new Exception("URL is not unique: "+url) } josmUrls.put(url, e) } } List inOneButNotTheOther(Map m1, Map m2) { def l = [] for (def url : m1.keySet()) { if (!m2.containsKey(url)) { def name = getName(m1.get(url)) l += " "+getDescription(m1.get(url)) } } l.sort() } void checkInOneButNotTheOther() { def l1 = inOneButNotTheOther(eiiUrls, josmUrls) println "*** URLs found in EII but not in JOSM (${l1.size()}): ***" if (l1.isEmpty()) { println " -" } else { println Utils.join("\n", l1) } def l2 = inOneButNotTheOther(josmUrls, eiiUrls) println "*** URLs found in JOSM but not in EII (${l2.size()}): ***" if (l2.isEmpty()) { println " -" } else { println Utils.join("\n", l2) } } void checkCommonEntries() { println "*** Same URL, but different name: ***" for (def url : eiiUrls.keySet()) { def e = eiiUrls.get(url) if (!josmUrls.containsKey(url)) continue def j = josmUrls.get(url) if (!getName(e).equals(getName(j))) { println " name differs: $url" println " (IEE): ${getName(e)}" println " (JOSM): ${getName(j)}" } } println "*** Same URL, but different type: ***" for (def url : eiiUrls.keySet()) { def e = eiiUrls.get(url) if (!josmUrls.containsKey(url)) continue def j = josmUrls.get(url) if (!getType(e).equals(getType(j))) { println " type differs: ${getName(j)} - $url" println " (IEE): ${getType(e)}" println " (JOSM): ${getType(j)}" } } println "*** Same URL, but different zoom bounds: ***" for (def url : eiiUrls.keySet()) { def e = eiiUrls.get(url) if (!josmUrls.containsKey(url)) continue def j = josmUrls.get(url) Integer eMinZoom = getMinZoom(e) Integer jMinZoom = getMinZoom(j) if (eMinZoom != jMinZoom) { println " minzoom differs: ${getDescription(j)}" println " (IEE): ${eMinZoom}" println " (JOSM): ${jMinZoom}" } Integer eMaxZoom = getMaxZoom(e) Integer jMaxZoom = getMaxZoom(j) if (eMaxZoom != jMaxZoom) { println " maxzoom differs: ${getDescription(j)}" println " (IEE): ${eMaxZoom}" println " (JOSM): ${jMaxZoom}" } } println "*** Same URL, but different country code: ***" for (def url : eiiUrls.keySet()) { def e = eiiUrls.get(url) if (!josmUrls.containsKey(url)) continue def j = josmUrls.get(url) if (!getCountryCode(e).equals(getCountryCode(j))) { println " country code differs: ${getDescription(j)}" println " (IEE): ${getCountryCode(e)}" println " (JOSM): ${getCountryCode(j)}" } } } /** * Utility functions that allow uniform access for both ImageryInfo and JsonObject. */ static String getUrl(Object e) { if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) return e.url return e.getString("url") } static String getName(Object e) { if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) return e.name return e.getString("name") } static String getType(Object e) { if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) return e.getImageryType().getTypeString() return e.getString("type") } static Integer getMinZoom(Object e) { if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) { int mz = e.getMinZoom() return mz == 0 ? null : mz } else { def ext = e.getJsonObject("extent") if (ext == null) return null def num = ext.getJsonNumber("min_zoom") if (num == null) return null return num.intValue() } } static Integer getMaxZoom(Object e) { if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) { int mz = e.getMaxZoom() return mz == 0 ? null : mz } else { def ext = e.getJsonObject("extent") if (ext == null) return null def num = ext.getJsonNumber("max_zoom") if (num == null) return null return num.intValue() } } static String getCountryCode(Object e) { if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) return "".equals(e.getCountryCode()) ? null : e.getCountryCode() return e.getString("country_code", null) } String getDescription(Object o) { def url = getUrl(o) def cc = getCountryCode(o) if (cc == null) { def j = josmUrls.get(url) if (j != null) cc = getCountryCode(j) if (cc == null) { def e = eiiUrls.get(url) if (e != null) cc = getCountryCode(e) } } if (cc == null) { cc = '' } else { cc = "[$cc] " } def d = cc + getName(o) + " - " + getUrl(o) if (options.shorten) { def MAXLEN = 140 if (d.length() > MAXLEN) d = d.substring(0, MAXLEN-1) + "..." } return d } }