1 | // License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
2 | /**
3 | * Compare and analyse the differences of the editor imagery index and the JOSM imagery list.
4 | * The goal is to keep both lists in sync.
5 | *
6 | * The editor imagery index project (https://github.com/osmlab/editor-imagery-index)
7 | * provides also a version in the JOSM format, but the JSON is the original source
8 | * format, so we read that.
9 | *
10 | * How to run:
11 | * -----------
12 | *
13 | * Main JOSM binary needs to be in classpath, e.g.
14 | *
15 | * $ groovy -cp ../dist/josm-custom.jar sync_editor-imagery-index.groovy
16 | *
17 | * Add option "-h" to show the available command line flags.
18 | */
19 | import javax.json.Json
20 | import javax.json.JsonArray
21 | import javax.json.JsonObject
22 | import javax.json.JsonReader
23 |
24 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.imagery.ImageryInfo
25 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.imagery.ImageryReader
26 |
27 | class SyncEditorImageryIndex {
28 |
29 | List<ImageryInfo> josmEntries;
30 | JsonArray eiiEntries;
31 |
32 | def eiiUrls = new HashMap<String, JsonObject>()
33 | def josmUrls = new HashMap<String, ImageryInfo>()
34 |
35 | static String eiiInputFile = 'imagery.json'
36 | static String josmInputFile = 'maps.xml'
37 | static FileWriter outputFile = null
38 | static BufferedWriter outputStream = null
39 | int skipCount = 0;
40 | def skipEntries = [:]
41 |
42 | static def options
43 |
44 | /**
45 | * Main method.
46 | */
47 | static main(def args) {
48 | parse_command_line_arguments(args)
49 | def script = new SyncEditorImageryIndex()
50 | script.loadSkip()
51 | script.start()
52 | script.loadJosmEntries()
53 | script.loadEIIEntries()
54 | script.checkInOneButNotTheOther()
55 | script.checkCommonEntries()
56 | script.end()
57 | if(outputStream != null) {
58 | outputStream.close();
59 | }
60 | if(outputFile != null) {
61 | outputFile.close();
62 | }
63 | }
64 |
65 | /**
66 | * Parse command line arguments.
67 | */
68 | static void parse_command_line_arguments(args) {
69 | def cli = new CliBuilder(width: 160)
70 | cli.o(longOpt:'output', args:1, argName: "output", "Output file, - prints to stdout (default: -)")
71 | cli.e(longOpt:'eii_input', args:1, argName:"eii_input", "Input file for the editor imagery index (json). Default is $eiiInputFile (current directory).")
72 | cli.j(longOpt:'josm_input', args:1, argName:"josm_input", "Input file for the JOSM imagery list (xml). Default is $josmInputFile (current directory).")
73 | cli.s(longOpt:'shorten', "shorten the output, so it is easier to read in a console window")
74 | cli.n(longOpt:'noskip', argName:"noskip", "don't skip known entries")
75 | cli.x(longOpt:'xhtmlbody', argName:"xhtmlbody", "create XHTML body for display in a web page")
76 | cli.X(longOpt:'xhtml', argName:"xhtml", "create XHTML for display in a web page")
77 | cli.m(longOpt:'nomissingeii', argName:"nomissingeii", "don't show missing editor imagery index entries")
78 | cli.h(longOpt:'help', "show this help")
79 | options = cli.parse(args)
80 |
81 | if (options.h) {
82 | cli.usage()
83 | System.exit(0)
84 | }
85 | if (options.eii_input) {
86 | eiiInputFile = options.eii_input
87 | }
88 | if (options.josm_input) {
89 | josmInputFile = options.josm_input
90 | }
91 | if (options.output && options.output != "-") {
92 | outputFile = new FileWriter(options.output)
93 | outputStream = new BufferedWriter(outputFile)
94 | }
95 | }
96 |
97 | void loadSkip() {
98 | /* TMS proxies for our wms */
99 | skipEntries["- [CH] Stadt Zürich Luftbild 2011 - http://mapproxy.sosm.ch:8080/tiles/zh_luftbild2011/EPSG900913/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?origin=nw"] = 1
100 | skipEntries["- [CH] Übersichtsplan Zürich - http://mapproxy.sosm.ch:8080/tiles/zh_uebersichtsplan/EPSG900913/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?origin=nw"] = 1
101 | skipEntries["- [CH] Kanton Solothurn 25cm (SOGIS 2011-2014) - http://mapproxy.osm.ch:8080/tiles/sogis2014/EPSG900913/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?origin=nw"] = 1
102 | /* URL style mismatch */
103 | skipEntries["+++ EII-URL uses {z} instead of {zoom}: http://{switch:a,b,c,d}.tile.stamen.com/terrain-background/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg"] = 1
104 | skipEntries["+++ EII-URL uses {z} instead of {zoom}: http://whoots.mapwarper.net/tms/{z}/{x}/{y}/MD_SixInchImagery/http://geodata.md.gov/imap/services/Imagery/MD_SixInchImagery/MapServer/WmsServer"] = 1
105 | skipEntries["+++ EII-URL uses {z} instead of {zoom}: http://whoots.mapwarper.net/tms/{z}/{x}/{y}/Infrared2015/http://geodata.state.nj.us/imagerywms/Infrared2015"] = 1
106 | skipEntries["+++ EII-URL uses {z} instead of {zoom}: http://whoots.mapwarper.net/tms/{z}/{x}/{y}/Natural2015/http://geodata.state.nj.us/imagerywms/Natural2015"] = 1
107 | skipEntries["+++ EII-URL uses {z} instead of {zoom}: http://cyberjapandata.gsi.go.jp/xyz/ort/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg"] = 1
108 | skipEntries["+++ EII-URL uses {z} instead of {zoom}: http://tms.cadastre.openstreetmap.fr/*/tout/{z}/{x}/{y}.png"] = 1
109 | skipEntries["+++ EII-URL uses {z} instead of {zoom}: http://mapproxy.osm.ch:8080/tiles/AGIS2014/EPSG900913/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?origin=nw"] = 1
110 | skipEntries["+++ EII-URL uses {z} instead of {zoom}: http://mapproxy.osm.ch:8080/tiles/sogis2014/EPSG900913/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?origin=nw"] = 1
111 | skipEntries["+++ EII-URL uses {z} instead of {zoom}: http://mapproxy.openmap.lt/ort10lt/g/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpeg"] = 1
112 | skipEntries["+++ EII-URL uses {z} instead of {zoom}: http://mapproxy.sosm.ch:8080/tiles/zh_luftbild2011/EPSG900913/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?origin=nw"] = 1
113 | skipEntries["+++ EII-URL uses {z} instead of {zoom}: http://mapproxy.openmap.lt/ort10lt/g/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpeg"] = 1
114 | skipEntries["+++ EII-URL uses {z} instead of {zoom}: http://mapproxy.osm.ch:8080/tiles/KTZUERICH2015/EPSG900913/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?origin=nw"] = 1
115 | skipEntries["+++ EII-URL uses {z} instead of {zoom}: http://geoservices.buergernetz.bz.it/geoserver/gwc/service/wmts/?SERVICE=WMTS&REQUEST=GetTile&VERSION=1.0.0&LAYER=P_BZ_BASEMAP_TOPO&STYLE=default&TILEMATRIXSET=GoogleMapsCompatible&TILEMATRIX=GoogleMapsCompatible%3A{z}&TILEROW={y}&TILECOL={x}&FORMAT=image%2Fjpeg"] = 1
116 |
117 | skipEntries["+++ EII-URL is not unique: http://geolittoral.application.equipement.gouv.fr/wms/metropole?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&Layers=ortholittorale&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}"] = 1
118 | skipEntries["- OpenStreetMap (German Language) - http://toolserver.org/tiles/osm-locale-de/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"] = 1
119 | skipEntries["- OpenStreetMap (Sorbian Language) - http://toolserver.org/tiles/osm-locale-hsb/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"] = 1
120 | skipEntries["- OpenStreetMap (Standard Black & White) - http://{switch:a,b,c}.www.toolserver.org/tiles/bw-mapnik/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"] = 1
121 | skipEntries["- OpenStreetMap (Standard) - http://{switch:a,b,c}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"] = 1
122 | skipEntries["- Streets NRW Geofabrik.de - http://tools.geofabrik.de/osmi/view/strassennrw/wxs?REQUEST=GetMap&SERVICE=wms&VERSION=1.1.1&FORMAT=image/png&SRS={proj}&STYLES=&LAYERS=unzugeordnete_strassen,kreisstrassen_ast,kreisstrassen,landesstrassen_ast,landesstrassen,bundesstrassen_ast,bundesstrassen,autobahnen_ast,autobahnen,endpunkte&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}"] = 1
123 | skipEntries["- [CH] Kanton Solothurn 25cm (SOGIS 2011-2014) - http://www.sogis1.so.ch/cgi-bin/sogis/sogis_orthofoto.wms?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=Orthofoto_SO&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}"] = 1
124 | skipEntries["- [CH] Kanton Solothurn Infrarot 12.5cm (SOGIS 2011) - http://www.sogis1.so.ch/cgi-bin/sogis/sogis_ortho.wms?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&Layers=Orthofoto11_CIR&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}"] = 1
125 | skipEntries["- [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm/25cm (2008) - http://map.bern.ch/arcgis/services/Orthofoto_2008/MapServer/WMSServer?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&Layers=0,1&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}"] = 1
126 | skipEntries["- [EE] Estonia Basemap (Maaamet) - http://kaart.maaamet.ee/wms/alus-geo?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&Layers=pohi_vr2&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}"] = 1
127 | skipEntries["- [EE] Estonia Forestry (Maaamet) - http://kaart.maaamet.ee/wms/alus-geo?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&Layers=cir_ngr&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}"] = 1
128 | skipEntries["- [EE] Estonia Hillshading (Maaamet) - http://kaart.maaamet.ee/wms/alus-geo?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&Layers=reljeef&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}"] = 1
129 | skipEntries["- [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) - http://kaart.maaamet.ee/wms/alus-geo?VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=of10000&SRS={proj}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}"] = 1
130 | skipEntries[" name differs: http://wms.openstreetmap.fr/tms/1.0.0/tours_2013/{zoom}/{x}/{y}"] = 3
131 | skipEntries[" name differs: http://wms.openstreetmap.fr/tms/1.0.0/tours/{zoom}/{x}/{y}"] = 3
132 | skipEntries[" name differs: https://secure.erlangen.de/arcgiser/services/Luftbilder2011/MapServer/WmsServer?FORMAT=image/bmp&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=Erlangen_ratio10_5cm_gk4.jp2&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}"] = 3
133 | skipEntries[" name differs: http://wms.openstreetmap.fr/tms/1.0.0/iomhaiti/{zoom}/{x}/{y}"] = 3
134 | skipEntries[" name differs: http://{switch:a,b,c}.layers.openstreetmap.fr/bano/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"] = 3
135 | skipEntries[" name differs: http://ooc.openstreetmap.org/os1/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg"] = 3
136 | skipEntries[" name differs: http://www.gisnet.lv/cgi-bin/osm_latvia?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&Layers=piekraste&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}"] = 3
137 | skipEntries[" name differs: http://tms.cadastre.openstreetmap.fr/*/tout/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"] = 3
138 | skipEntries[" name differs: http://{switch:a,b,c}.tiles.mapbox.com/v4/enf.e0b8291e/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoib3BlbnN0cmVldG1hcCIsImEiOiJhNVlHd29ZIn0.ti6wATGDWOmCnCYen-Ip7Q"] = 3
139 | skipEntries[" name differs: http://geo.nls.uk/mapdata2/os/25_inch/scotland_1/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"] = 3
140 | skipEntries[" name differs: http://geo.nls.uk/mapdata3/os/6_inch_gb_1900/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"] = 3
141 | skipEntries[" name differs: http://geoserver.infobex.hu/Budapest2014/IST/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg"] = 3
142 | skipEntries[" name differs: http://mapproxy.openmap.lt/ort10lt/g/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpeg"] = 3
143 | skipEntries[" name differs: http://e.tile.openstreetmap.hu/ortofoto2000/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg"] = 3
144 | skipEntries[" name differs: http://tools.geofabrik.de/osmi/tiles/routing/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"] = 3
145 | skipEntries[" name differs: http://e.tile.openstreetmap.hu/ortofoto2005/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg"] = 3
146 | skipEntries[" name differs: http://tools.geofabrik.de/osmi/tiles/addresses/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"] = 3
147 | skipEntries[" name differs: http://{switch:a,b,c}.gps-tile.openstreetmap.org/lines/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"] = 3
148 | skipEntries[" maxzoom differs: [DE] Bavaria (2 m) - http://geodaten.bayern.de/ogc/ogc_dop200_oa.cgi?FORMAT=image/jpeg&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&Layers=adv_dop200c&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}"] = 3
149 | skipEntries[" minzoom differs: [AU] LPI NSW Administrative Boundaries County - http://maps.six.nsw.gov.au/arcgis/services/public/NSW_Administrative_Boundaries/MapServer/WMSServer?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&CRS={proj}&BBOX={bbox}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&LAYERS=County&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/png32&DPI=96&MAP_RESOLUTION=96&FORMAT_OPTIONS=dpi:96&TRANSPARENT=TRUE"] = 3
150 | skipEntries[" minzoom differs: [AU] LPI NSW Administrative Boundaries NPWS Reserve - http://maps.six.nsw.gov.au/arcgis/services/public/NSW_Administrative_Boundaries/MapServer/WMSServer?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&CRS={proj}&BBOX={bbox}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&LAYERS=NPWSReserve&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/png32&DPI=96&MAP_RESOLUTION=96&FORMAT_OPTIONS=dpi:96&TRANSPARENT=TRUE"] = 3
151 | skipEntries[" minzoom differs: [AU] LPI NSW Administrative Boundaries Parish - http://maps.six.nsw.gov.au/arcgis/services/public/NSW_Administrative_Boundaries/MapServer/WMSServer?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&CRS={proj}&BBOX={bbox}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&LAYERS=Parish&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/png32&DPI=96&MAP_RESOLUTION=96&FORMAT_OPTIONS=dpi:96&TRANSPARENT=TRUE"] = 3
152 | skipEntries[" minzoom differs: [AU] LPI NSW Administrative Boundaries Suburb - http://maps.six.nsw.gov.au/arcgis/services/public/NSW_Administrative_Boundaries/MapServer/WMSServer?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&CRS={proj}&BBOX={bbox}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&LAYERS=Suburb&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/png32&DPI=96&MAP_RESOLUTION=96&FORMAT_OPTIONS=dpi:96&TRANSPARENT=TRUE"] = 3
153 | skipEntries[" minzoom differs: [AU] LPI NSW Imagery - http://maps.six.nsw.gov.au/arcgis/rest/services/public/NSW_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{zoom}/{y}/{x}"] = 3
154 | skipEntries[" minzoom differs: [AU] LPI NSW Topographic Map - http://maps.six.nsw.gov.au/arcgis/rest/services/public/NSW_Topo_Map/MapServer/tile/{zoom}/{y}/{x}"] = 3
155 | skipEntries[" minzoom differs: [AU] LPI NSW Administrative Boundaries State Forest - http://maps.six.nsw.gov.au/arcgis/services/public/NSW_Administrative_Boundaries/MapServer/WMSServer?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&CRS={proj}&BBOX={bbox}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&LAYERS=StateForest&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/png32&DPI=96&MAP_RESOLUTION=96&FORMAT_OPTIONS=dpi:96&TRANSPARENT=TRUE"] = 3
156 | skipEntries[" minzoom differs: [AU] LPI NSW Administrative Boundaries LGA - http://maps.six.nsw.gov.au/arcgis/services/public/NSW_Administrative_Boundaries/MapServer/WMSServer?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&CRS={proj}&BBOX={bbox}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&LAYERS=LocalGovernmentArea&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/png32&DPI=96&MAP_RESOLUTION=96&FORMAT_OPTIONS=dpi:96&TRANSPARENT=TRUE"] = 3
157 | skipEntries[" minzoom differs: [AU] LPI NSW Base Map - http://maps.six.nsw.gov.au/arcgis/rest/services/public/NSW_Base_Map/MapServer/tile/{zoom}/{y}/{x}"] = 3
158 | skipEntries[" country code differs: [EU] OSM Inspector: Boundaries (EU) - http://tools.geofabrik.de/osmi/tiles/boundaries/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"] = 3
159 | skipEntries[" country code differs: [TH] Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam bilingual - http://{switch:a,b,c,d}.tile.osm-tools.org/osm_then/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"] = 3
160 | }
161 |
162 | void myprintlnfinal(String s) {
163 | if(outputStream != null) {
164 | outputStream.write(s);
165 | outputStream.newLine();
166 | } else {
167 | println s;
168 | }
169 | }
170 |
171 | void myprintln(String s) {
172 | if(skipEntries.containsKey(s)) {
173 | skipCount = skipEntries.get(s)
174 | skipEntries.remove(s)
175 | }
176 | if(skipCount) {
177 | skipCount -= 1;
178 | if(options.xhtmlbody || options.xhtml) {
179 | s = "<pre style=\"margin:3px;color:green\">"+s.replaceAll("&","&").replaceAll("<","<").replaceAll(">",">")+"</pre>"
180 | }
181 | if (!options.noskip) {
182 | return;
183 | }
184 | } else if(options.xhtmlbody || options.xhtml) {
185 | String color = s.startsWith("***") ? "black" : (s.startsWith("+ ") ? "blue" : "red")
186 | s = "<pre style=\"margin:3px;color:"+color+"\">"+s.replaceAll("&","&").replaceAll("<","<").replaceAll(">",">")+"</pre>"
187 | }
188 | myprintlnfinal(s)
189 | }
190 |
191 | void start() {
192 | if (options.xhtml) {
193 | myprintlnfinal "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">\n"
194 | myprintlnfinal "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"/><title>JOSM - EII differences</title></head><body>\n"
195 | }
196 | }
197 |
198 | void end() {
199 | for (def s: skipEntries.keySet()) {
200 | myprintln "+++ Obsolete skip entry: " + s
201 | }
202 | if (options.xhtml) {
203 | myprintlnfinal "</body></html>\n"
204 | }
205 | }
206 |
207 | void loadEIIEntries() {
208 | FileReader fr = new FileReader(eiiInputFile)
209 | JsonReader jr = Json.createReader(fr)
210 | eiiEntries = jr.readArray()
211 | jr.close()
212 |
213 | for (def e : eiiEntries) {
214 | def url = getUrl(e)
215 | if (url.contains("{z}")) {
216 | myprintln "+++ EII-URL uses {z} instead of {zoom}: "+url
217 | url = url.replace("{z}","{zoom}")
218 | }
219 | if (eiiUrls.containsKey(url)) {
220 | myprintln "+++ EII-URL is not unique: "+url
221 | } else {
222 | eiiUrls.put(url, e)
223 | }
224 | }
225 | myprintln "*** Loaded ${eiiEntries.size()} entries (EII). ***"
226 | }
227 |
228 | void loadJosmEntries() {
229 | def reader = new ImageryReader(josmInputFile)
230 | josmEntries = reader.parse()
231 |
232 | for (def e : josmEntries) {
233 | def url = getUrl(e)
234 | if (url.contains("{z}")) {
235 | myprintln "+++ JOSM-URL uses {z} instead of {zoom}: "+url
236 | url = url.replace("{z}","{zoom}")
237 | }
238 | if (josmUrls.containsKey(url)) {
239 | myprintln "+++ JOSM-URL is not unique: "+url
240 | } else {
241 | josmUrls.put(url, e)
242 | }
243 | for (def m : e.getMirrors()) {
244 | url = getUrl(m)
245 | if (josmUrls.containsKey(url)) {
246 | myprintln "+++ JOSM-Mirror-URL is not unique: "+url
247 | } else {
248 | josmUrls.put(url, m)
249 | }
250 | }
251 | }
252 | myprintln "*** Loaded ${josmEntries.size()} entries (JOSM). ***"
253 | }
254 |
255 | List inOneButNotTheOther(Map m1, Map m2) {
256 | def l = []
257 | for (def url : m1.keySet()) {
258 | if (!m2.containsKey(url)) {
259 | def name = getName(m1.get(url))
260 | l += " "+getDescription(m1.get(url))
261 | }
262 | }
263 | l.sort()
264 | }
265 |
266 | void checkInOneButNotTheOther() {
267 | def l1 = inOneButNotTheOther(eiiUrls, josmUrls)
268 | myprintln "*** URLs found in EII but not in JOSM (${l1.size()}): ***"
269 | if (!l1.isEmpty()) {
270 | for (def l : l1)
271 | myprintln "-"+l
272 | }
273 |
274 | if (options.nomissingeii)
275 | return
276 | def l2 = inOneButNotTheOther(josmUrls, eiiUrls)
277 | myprintln "*** URLs found in JOSM but not in EII (${l2.size()}): ***"
278 | if (!l2.isEmpty()) {
279 | for (def l : l2)
280 | myprintln "+" + l
281 | }
282 | }
283 |
284 | void checkCommonEntries() {
285 | myprintln "*** Same URL, but different name: ***"
286 | for (def url : eiiUrls.keySet()) {
287 | def e = eiiUrls.get(url)
288 | if (!josmUrls.containsKey(url)) continue
289 | def j = josmUrls.get(url)
290 | if (!getName(e).equals(getName(j))) {
291 | myprintln " name differs: $url"
292 | myprintln " (IEE): ${getName(e)}"
293 | myprintln " (JOSM): ${getName(j)}"
294 | }
295 | }
296 |
297 | myprintln "*** Same URL, but different type: ***"
298 | for (def url : eiiUrls.keySet()) {
299 | def e = eiiUrls.get(url)
300 | if (!josmUrls.containsKey(url)) continue
301 | def j = josmUrls.get(url)
302 | if (!getType(e).equals(getType(j))) {
303 | myprintln " type differs: ${getName(j)} - $url"
304 | myprintln " (IEE): ${getType(e)}"
305 | myprintln " (JOSM): ${getType(j)}"
306 | }
307 | }
308 |
309 | myprintln "*** Same URL, but different zoom bounds: ***"
310 | for (def url : eiiUrls.keySet()) {
311 | def e = eiiUrls.get(url)
312 | if (!josmUrls.containsKey(url)) continue
313 | def j = josmUrls.get(url)
314 |
315 | Integer eMinZoom = getMinZoom(e)
316 | Integer jMinZoom = getMinZoom(j)
317 | if (eMinZoom != jMinZoom && !(eMinZoom == 0 && jMinZoom == null)) {
318 | myprintln " minzoom differs: ${getDescription(j)}"
319 | myprintln " (IEE): ${eMinZoom}"
320 | myprintln " (JOSM): ${jMinZoom}"
321 | }
322 | Integer eMaxZoom = getMaxZoom(e)
323 | Integer jMaxZoom = getMaxZoom(j)
324 | if (eMaxZoom != jMaxZoom) {
325 | myprintln " maxzoom differs: ${getDescription(j)}"
326 | myprintln " (IEE): ${eMaxZoom}"
327 | myprintln " (JOSM): ${jMaxZoom}"
328 | }
329 | }
330 |
331 | myprintln "*** Same URL, but different country code: ***"
332 | for (def url : eiiUrls.keySet()) {
333 | def e = eiiUrls.get(url)
334 | if (!josmUrls.containsKey(url)) continue
335 | def j = josmUrls.get(url)
336 | if (!getCountryCode(e).equals(getCountryCode(j))) {
337 | myprintln " country code differs: ${getDescription(j)}"
338 | myprintln " (IEE): ${getCountryCode(e)}"
339 | myprintln " (JOSM): ${getCountryCode(j)}"
340 | }
341 | }
342 | /*myprintln "*** Same URL, but different quality: ***"
343 | for (def url : eiiUrls.keySet()) {
344 | def e = eiiUrls.get(url)
345 | if (!josmUrls.containsKey(url)) {
346 | def q = getQuality(e)
347 | if("best".equals(q)) {
348 | myprintln " quality best entry not in JOSM for ${getDescription(e)}"
349 | }
350 | continue
351 | }
352 | def j = josmUrls.get(url)
353 | if (!getQuality(e).equals(getQuality(j))) {
354 | myprintln " quality differs: ${getDescription(j)}"
355 | myprintln " (IEE): ${getQuality(e)}"
356 | myprintln " (JOSM): ${getQuality(j)}"
357 | }
358 | }*/
359 | }
360 |
361 | /**
362 | * Utility functions that allow uniform access for both ImageryInfo and JsonObject.
363 | */
364 | static String getUrl(Object e) {
365 | if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) return e.url
366 | return e.getString("url")
367 | }
368 | static String getName(Object e) {
369 | if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) return e.name
370 | return e.getString("name")
371 | }
372 | static String getType(Object e) {
373 | if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) return e.getImageryType().getTypeString()
374 | return e.getString("type")
375 | }
376 | static Integer getMinZoom(Object e) {
377 | if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) {
378 | int mz = e.getMinZoom()
379 | return mz == 0 ? null : mz
380 | } else {
381 | def ext = e.getJsonObject("extent")
382 | if (ext == null) return null
383 | def num = ext.getJsonNumber("min_zoom")
384 | if (num == null) return null
385 | return num.intValue()
386 | }
387 | }
388 | static Integer getMaxZoom(Object e) {
389 | if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) {
390 | int mz = e.getMaxZoom()
391 | return mz == 0 ? null : mz
392 | } else {
393 | def ext = e.getJsonObject("extent")
394 | if (ext == null) return null
395 | def num = ext.getJsonNumber("max_zoom")
396 | if (num == null) return null
397 | return num.intValue()
398 | }
399 | }
400 | static String getCountryCode(Object e) {
401 | if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) return "".equals(e.getCountryCode()) ? null : e.getCountryCode()
402 | return e.getString("country_code", null)
403 | }
404 | static String getQuality(Object e) {
405 | //if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) return "".equals(e.getQuality()) ? null : e.getQuality()
406 | if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) return null
407 | return e.get("best") ? "best" : null
408 | }
409 | String getDescription(Object o) {
410 | def url = getUrl(o)
411 | def cc = getCountryCode(o)
412 | if (cc == null) {
413 | def j = josmUrls.get(url)
414 | if (j != null) cc = getCountryCode(j)
415 | if (cc == null) {
416 | def e = eiiUrls.get(url)
417 | if (e != null) cc = getCountryCode(e)
418 | }
419 | }
420 | if (cc == null) {
421 | cc = ''
422 | } else {
423 | cc = "[$cc] "
424 | }
425 | def d = cc + getName(o) + " - " + getUrl(o)
426 | if (options.shorten) {
427 | def MAXLEN = 140
428 | if (d.length() > MAXLEN) d = d.substring(0, MAXLEN-1) + "..."
429 | }
430 | return d
431 | }
432 | }