1 | # JOSM IgnoreTags
2 | ; This is used for checks "key/tag not in presets"
3 | ; K: the given tag will not produce a "tag not in presets" error, but it is
4 | ; used as dictionary entry for spell checking the given key and also
5 | ; for the key/value combination.
6 | ; E: ignore tags with this key and add the key to the spell check dictionary.
7 | ; S: ignore tag if key starts with this string.
8 | ; F: ignore tag if key ends with this string.
9 | ;
10 | ; This file includes also keys and tags which have a deprecated warning (section
11 | ; at the bottom). This avoids a duplicate warning in severity other (#19180).
12 | ;
13 | ; Ignore valid and semi-valid keys that start with...
14 | ;
15 | S:opengeodb
16 | S:openGeoDB
17 | S:name:
18 | S:note:
19 | S:description:
20 | S:ref:
21 | S:CLC:
22 | S:tiger:
23 | S:gnis:
24 | S:census:
25 | S:local_authority:
26 | S:au.gov.abs:
27 | S:qroti:
28 | S:wikipedia
29 | S:source:
30 | S:source_ref:
31 | S:historic:
32 | S:proposed:
33 | S:planned:
34 | S:construction:
35 | S:disused:
36 | S:abandoned:
37 | S:removed:
38 | S:demolished:
39 | S:TMC:
40 | S:tmc:
41 | S:parking:lane
42 | S:josm
43 | S:capacity:
44 | S:nhd:
45 | S:LandPro08:
46 | S:addr:TW:
47 | S:naptan:
48 | S:raba:
49 | S:seamark:
50 | S:taxon:
51 | ;
52 | ; Ignore valid and semi-valid keys that equal...
53 | ;
54 | E:name
55 | E:note
56 | E:description
57 | E:fixme
58 | E:Fixme
59 | E:FIXME
60 | E:loc_name
61 | E:attribution
62 | E:heritage
63 | E:old_name
64 | E:operator
65 | E:usage
66 | E:construction
67 | E:collection
68 | E:addr:state
69 | E:import_uuid
70 | E:image
71 | E:mapillary
72 | E:url
73 | E:website
74 | E:postal_code
75 | E:source:boundary
76 | E:hour_on
77 | E:hour_off
78 | E:tower:type
79 | E:icn
80 | E:ncn
81 | E:rcn
82 | E:lcn
83 | E:icn_ref
84 | E:ncn_ref
85 | E:rcn_ref
86 | E:lcn_ref
87 | E:isced:level
88 | E:cycleway
89 | E:cycleway:both
90 | E:abutters
91 | E:survey_date
92 | E:survey:date
93 | E:right:state
94 | E:left:state
95 | E:height
96 | E:opening_hours
97 | E:opening_hours:covid19
98 | E:opening_hours:kitchen
99 | E:service_times
100 | E:collection_times
101 | E:duration
102 | E:interval
103 | E:maxspeed
104 | E:maxstay
105 | E:colour
106 | E:level
107 | E:brand
108 | E:network
109 | E:incline
110 | E:wikidata
111 | E:zone:maxspeed
112 | E:zone:traffic
113 | E:osmc:symbol
114 | E:de:amtlicher_gemeindeschluessel
115 | E:de:regionalschluessel
116 | E:building:colour
117 | E:building:material
118 | E:roof:colour
119 | E:roof:material
120 | E:roof:height
121 | E:roof:orientation
122 | E:roof:shape
123 | E:area:highway
124 | E:tmc
125 | E:memorial:addr
126 | E:memorial:text
127 | E:memorial:ref
128 | E:wheelchair:description
129 | E:denotation
130 | E:traffic_sign
131 | E:building:levels
132 | E:distance
133 | E:voltage
134 | E:amperage
135 | E:generator:output:electricity
136 | E:plant:output:electricity
137 | E:capacity
138 | E:seats
139 | E:cables
140 | E:circuits
141 | E:direction
142 | E:fire_hydrant:pressure
143 | E:width
144 | E:length
145 | E:layer
146 | E:end_date
147 | E:start_date
148 | E:expressway
149 | E:border_type
150 | E:faa
151 | E:dataset
152 | E:sport
153 | E:cuisine
154 | E:ownership
155 | E:cai_scale
156 | ;
157 | ; Ignore valid and semi-valid keys that end with...
158 | ;
159 | F::nswgnb
160 | F::lanes
161 | F::forward
162 | F::backward
163 | F::both_ways
164 | F::left
165 | F::right
166 | F::conditional
167 | F::maxstay
168 | F::wikipedia
169 | F::wikidata
170 | ;
171 | ; Misc Tags
172 | ;
173 | K:boundary=health
174 | K:boundary=local_authority
175 | K:mofa=use_sidepath
176 | K:moped=use_sidepath
177 | K:bollard=unremovable
178 | K:traffic_calming=dynamic_bump
179 | K:type=is_in
180 | K:type=benchmark
181 | K:surface=earth
182 | K:waterway=rapids
183 | K:bicycle=dismount
184 | K:wall=no
185 | K:man_made=yes
186 | K:man_made=clearcut
187 | K:man_made=maypole
188 | K:railway=razed
189 | K:railway=stop
190 | K:station=subway
191 | K:office=yes
192 | K:pilgrimage=yes
193 | K:seasonal=no
194 | K:memorial:type=stolperstein
195 | K:toilets:wheelchair=yes
196 | K:toilets:wheelchair=no
197 | K:locality=townland
198 | K:place=allotments
199 | K:place=city_block
200 | K:place=plot
201 | K:building=bank
202 | K:building=chalet
203 | K:building=civic
204 | K:building=clinic
205 | K:building=government
206 | K:building=home
207 | K:building=houseboat
208 | K:building=shop
209 | K:building=static_caravan
210 | K:building=semi
211 | K:building=semidetached_house
212 | K:house=detached
213 | K:house=semi-detached
214 | K:house=terrace
215 | K:house=terraced
216 | K:building=slurry_tank
217 | K:building=tank
218 | K:building=trullo
219 | K:leisure=recreation_ground
220 | E:old_railway_operator
221 | K:maintenance=gritting
222 | K:glacier:edge=calving_line
223 | K:glacier:edge=grounding_line
224 | K:glacier:type=shelf
225 | K:glacier:type=rock
226 | K:glacier:type=mountain
227 | K:glacier:type=ice_tongue
228 | K:glacier:type=icecap
229 | K:waterway=artificial
230 | K:waterway=drystream
231 | K:allotments=plot
232 | K:land_area=administrative
233 | K:attraction=summer_toboggan
234 | K:water=pool
235 | K:golf=path
236 | K:man_made=utility_pole
237 | K:site=geodesic
238 | K:site=stop_area
239 | K:site=parking
240 | K:site=wind_farm
241 | K:site=mall
242 | K:landform=dune_system
243 | K:noaddress=yes
244 | ;
245 | ; Highway Key/Value Pairs
246 | ;
247 | K:highway=proposed
248 | E:proposed
249 | K:living_street=yes
250 | K:priority_road=designated
251 | K:priority_road=yes_unposted
252 | K:priority_road=end
253 | K:hazmat:water=no
254 | K:hazmat:water=permissive
255 | K:lanes=7
256 | K:lanes=8
257 | K:lanes=9
258 | K:traffic_signals=blinker
259 | K:traffic_signals=blink_mode
260 | K:traffic_signals=emergency
261 | K:traffic_signals=ramp_meter
262 | K:traffic_signals=signal
263 | K:traffic_signals=crossing
264 | E:designation
265 | ;
266 | ; Amenity Key/Value Pairs
267 | ;
268 | K:amenity=crematorium
269 | K:amenity=gallery
270 | K:amenity=gym
271 | K:amenity=signpost
272 | K:amenity=mobile_money_agent
273 | ;
274 | ; Historic Tags
275 | ;
276 | K:historic=building
277 | K:historic=wreck
278 | K:historic=heritage
279 | K:historic=farm
280 | ;
281 | ; Landcover Tags
282 | ;
283 | K:landcover=grass
284 | K:landcover=trees
285 | ;
286 | ; Lifecycle Tags
287 | ;
288 | K:planned=yes
289 | K:construction=yes
290 | K:abandoned=yes
291 | K:removed=yes
292 | K:demolished=yes
293 | ;
294 | ; Military Tags
295 | ;
296 | K:military=danger_area
297 | K:military=naval_base
298 | ;
299 | ; Relation Tags
300 | ;
301 | K:relation=to
302 | K:relation=from
303 | ;
304 | ; Christian Denominations
305 | ;
306 | K:denomination=apostolic
307 | K:denomination=christian_community
308 | K:denomination=christian_scientist
309 | K:denomination=coptic_orthodox
310 | K:denomination=czechoslovak_hussite
311 | K:denomination=dutch_reformed
312 | K:denomination=foursquare
313 | K:denomination=kabbalah
314 | K:denomination=karaite
315 | K:denomination=living_waters_church
316 | K:denomination=maronite
317 | K:denomination=mennonite
318 | K:denomination=salvation_army
319 | K:denomination=united_reformed
320 | K:denomination=uniting
321 | ;
322 | ; Jewish Denominations
323 | ;
324 | K:denomination=alternative
325 | K:denomination=ashkenazi
326 | K:denomination=hasidic
327 | K:denomination=humanistic
328 | K:denomination=liberal
329 | K:denomination=modern_orthodox
330 | K:denomination=neo_orthodox
331 | K:denomination=progressive
332 | K:denomination=reconstructionist
333 | K:denomination=renewal
334 | K:denomination=samaritan
335 | K:denomination=ultra_orthodox
336 | ;
337 | ; Muslim Denominations
338 | ;
339 | K:denomination=alaouite
340 | K:denomination=druze
341 | K:denomination=ismaili
342 | ;
343 | ; Pastafarian Denominations
344 | ;
345 | K:denomination=EVKdFSMiD
346 | ;
347 | ; Other Denominations
348 | ;
349 | K:denomination=masonic
350 | ;
351 | ; Shop Key/Value Pairs
352 | ;
353 | K:shop=boat
354 | K:shop=ice_cream
355 | K:shop=pasta
356 | K:shop=tiles
357 | K:shop=vacant
358 | K:shop=games
359 | K:shop=trailer
360 | K:shop=outpost
361 | ;
362 | ; Craft Key/Value Pairs
363 | K:craft=tailor
364 | K:craft=printer
365 | ;
366 | ; Tourism Tags
367 | ;
368 | K:tourism=yes
369 | ;
370 | ; Type Key/Value Pairs
371 | ;
372 | K:type=tmc
373 | K:type=TMC
374 | ;
375 | ; Other tags that might produce false positives
376 | ;
377 | K:crossing=marked
378 | K:crossing=controlled
379 | K:highway=trail
380 | K:indoor=door
381 | K:natural=hill
382 | K:natural=arete
383 | K:natural=slope
384 | K:piste:grooming=classic;skating
385 | K:product=wine
386 | K:railway=derail
387 | K:railway=radio
388 | K:resource=peat
389 | K:resource=sand
390 | K:resource=talc
391 | K:sidewalk=none
392 | K:surface=hard
393 | K:landuse=highway
394 | K:healthcare:speciality=urology
395 | ;
396 | ; Keys/tags which already have an own warning e.g. in deprecated.mapcss
397 | ; to avoid a duplicate warning in severity other (#19180).
398 | ;
399 | K:barrier=wire_fence
400 | K:barrier=wood_fence
401 | K:highway=ford
402 | K:highway=stile
403 | K:highway=incline
404 | K:highway=incline_steep
405 | K:highway=unsurfaced
406 | K:landuse=wood
407 | K:natural=marsh
408 | K:highway=byway
409 | E:power_source
410 | E:power_rating
411 | K:shop=antique
412 | K:shop=bags
413 | K:shop=fashion
414 | K:shop=organic
415 | K:shop=pets
416 | K:shop=pharmacy
417 | K:bicycle_parking=sheffield
418 | K:amenity=emergency_phone
419 | K:sport=gaelic_football
420 | K:power=station
421 | K:power=sub_station
422 | K:location=rooftop
423 | E:generator:location
424 | K:generator:method=dam
425 | K:generator:method=pumped-storage
426 | K:generator:method=pumping
427 | K:fence_type=chain
428 | K:building=entrance
429 | K:board_type=board
430 | K:man_made=measurement_station
431 | K:measurement=water_level
432 | K:measurement=weather
433 | K:measurement=seismic
434 | E:monitoring:river_level
435 | E:stay
436 | K:emergency=aed
437 | K:access=designated
438 | K:access=official
439 | K:type=broad_leaved
440 | K:type=broad_leafed
441 | K:wood=coniferous
442 | K:type=coniferous
443 | K:type=conifer
444 | K:wood=mixed
445 | K:wood=evergreen
446 | K:type=evergreen
447 | K:type=deciduous
448 | K:type=deciduos
449 | K:wood=deciduous
450 | K:type=palm
451 | K:natural=land
452 | K:bridge=causeway
453 | K:bridge=swing
454 | K:bridge=suspension
455 | K:bridge=pontoon
456 | K:fee=interval
457 | K:lit=interval
458 | K:supervised=interval
459 | K:sport=diving
460 | K:parking=park_and_ride
461 | K:playground=yes
462 | K:manhole=plain
463 | K:manhole=unknown
464 | K:manhole=yes
465 | K:traffic_calming=yes
466 | K:access=restricted
467 | K:barrier=yes
468 | K:amenity=yes
469 | K:leisure=yes
470 | K:landuse=yes
471 | K:shop=*
472 | K:craft=yes
473 | K:service=yes
474 | K:place=yes
475 | E:place_name
476 | K:sidewalk=yes
477 | K:waterway=water_point
478 | K:waterway=waste_disposal
479 | K:waterway=mooring
480 | E:protected_class
481 | K:kerb=unknown
482 | K:lock=unknown
483 | K:hide=unknown
484 | K:shelter=unknown
485 | K:access=unknown
486 | K:capacity:parent=unknown
487 | K:capacity:women=unknown
488 | K:capacity:disabled=unknown
489 | K:crossing=unknown
490 | K:foot=unknown
491 | K:sport=skiing
492 | K:waterway=wadi
493 | K:oneway=1
494 | K:oneway=-1
495 | E:drinkable
496 | E:color
497 | E:building:color
498 | E:roof:color
499 | S:color:
500 | F::color
501 | K:sport=hockey
502 | K:sport=billard
503 | K:sport=billards
504 | K:sport=billiard
505 | K:payment:credit_cards=yes
506 | K:payment:debit_cards=yes
507 | K:payment:electronic_purses=yes
508 | K:payment:cryptocurrencies=yes
509 | E:payment:ep_quick
510 | E:payment:ep_cash
511 | E:payment:ep_proton
512 | E:payment:ep_chipknip
513 | E:postcode
514 | K:water=intermittent
515 | K:landuse=farm
516 | K:seamark=buoy
517 | K:landuse=conservation
518 | K:amenity=kiosk
519 | K:amenity=shop
520 | K:shop=fishmonger
521 | K:shop=fish
522 | K:shop=betting
523 | K:shop=perfume
524 | K:amenity=exercise_point
525 | K:shop=auto_parts
526 | K:amenity=car_repair
527 | K:power=cable_distribution_cabinet
528 | K:man_made=well
529 | K:amenity=dog_bin
530 | K:amenity=dog_waste_bin
531 | K:amenity=artwork
532 | K:amenity=community_center
533 | K:man_made=cut_line
534 | K:amenity=park
535 | K:amenity=hotel
536 | K:shop=window
537 | K:shop=windows
538 | K:amenity=education
539 | K:shop=gallery
540 | K:shop=gambling
541 | K:leisure=gambling
542 | K:office=real_estate
543 | K:office=real_estate_agent
544 | K:shop=glass
545 | K:amenity=proposed
546 | K:amenity=disused
547 | K:shop=disused
548 | K:highway=abandoned
549 | K:historic=abandoned
550 | K:amenity=swimming_pool
551 | K:amenity=sauna
552 | K:sport=skating
553 | K:amenity=public_building
554 | K:office=administrative
555 | K:vending=news_papers
556 | K:service=drive_through
557 | K:pole=air_to_ground
558 | K:pole=transition
559 | K:tower=air_to_ground
560 | K:tower=transition
561 | K:landuse=pond
562 | K:shop=souvenir
563 | K:shop=souvenirs
564 | K:shop=souveniers
565 | K:vending=animal_food
566 | K:vending=photos
567 | K:vending=photo
568 | E:tracktype
569 | E:area
570 | K:amenity=advertising
571 | K:direction=up
572 | K:direction=down
573 | K:building=true
574 | K:building=*
575 | K:building=Y
576 | K:building=y
577 | K:building=1
578 | K:building=abandoned
579 | K:building=address
580 | K:building=bing
581 | K:building=collapsed
582 | K:building=damaged
583 | K:building=demolished
584 | K:building=disused
585 | K:building=fixme
586 | K:building=occupied
587 | K:building=razed
588 | K:building=other
589 | K:building=unclassified
590 | K:building=undefined
591 | K:building=unknown
592 | K:building=unidentified
593 | K:tourism=picnic_table
594 | K:amenity=picnic_table
595 | K:leisure=picnic
596 | K:leisure=picnic_site
597 | K:water=salt
598 | K:water=salt_pool
599 | K:water=salt_panne
600 | K:water=salt_pond
601 | K:water=tidal
602 | K:amenity=toilet
603 | K:power=busbar
604 | K:man_made=MDF
605 | K:man_made=telephone_exchange
606 | K:building=central_office
607 | K:telecom=central_office
608 | K:communication=outdoor_dslam
609 | K:man_made=outdoor_dslam
610 | K:street_cabinet=outdoor_dslam
611 | K:telecom=dslam
612 | K:telecom=outdoor_dslam
613 | K:amenity=fire_hydrant
614 | K:fire_hydrant:type=pond
615 | E:fire_hydrant:flow_capacity
616 | E:fire_hydrant:water_source
617 | K:natural=waterfall
618 | K:religion=unitarian
619 | K:hop=shopping_centre
620 | E:is_in
621 | S:is_in:
622 | K:sport=football
623 | K:leisure=common
624 | K:cuisine=vegan
625 | K:cuisine=vegetarian
626 | E:kitchen_hours
627 | K:shop=money_transfer
628 | E:contact:google_plus
629 | K:amenity=garages
630 | K:amenity=garage
631 | K:shop=winery
632 | K:amenity=winery
633 | K:amenity=youth_centre
634 | E:building:type
635 | E:escalator
636 | E:fenced
637 | E:historic_name
638 | K:landuse=field
639 | K:leisure=beach
640 | K:leisure=club
641 | K:leisure=video_arcade
642 | K:man_made=jetty
643 | K:man_made=village_pump
644 | K:man_made=water_tank
645 | K:natural=moor
646 | K:noexit=no
647 | K:shop=dive
648 | K:shop=furnace
649 | K:sport=paragliding
650 | K:tourism=bed_and_breakfast
651 | K:diaper=yes
652 | K:diaper=no
653 | K:diaper=room
654 | K:diaper:male=yes
655 | K:diaper:female=yes
656 | K:diaper:unisex=yes
657 | K:diaper:wheelchair=yes
658 | K:diaper:wheelchair=no
659 | K:diaper:fee=yes
660 | K:diaper:fee=no
661 | E:changing_table
662 | K:roof:shape=half_hipped
663 | E:bridge_name
664 | K:access=public
665 | K:crossing=island
666 | E:recycling:metal
667 | K:shop=dog_grooming
668 | K:man_made=pipeline_marker
669 | K:pipeline=marker
670 | K:power=marker
671 | K:cable=marker
672 | K:barrier=embankment
673 | K:landuse=churchyard
674 | E:sloped_curb
675 | K:unnamed=yes
676 | E:segregated
677 | E:bicycle:oneway
678 | E:building:height
679 | E:building:min_height
680 | K:navigationaid=approach_light
681 | K:navigationaid=ALS (Approach lighting system)
682 | E:exit_to
683 | K:water=riverbank
684 | K:stream=intermittent
685 | K:shop=lamps
686 | K:access=customer
687 | K:addr:inclusion=estimated
688 | K:building=apartment
689 | K:lamp_mount=bent mast
690 | K:lamp_mount=straight mast
691 | K:lamp_type=electrical
692 | K:lanes=-1
693 | K:lanes=-2
694 | K:lanes=-3
695 | K:lanes=-4
696 | K:generator:type=solar_photovoltaic_panels
697 | K:building=part
698 | K:natural=sink_hole
699 | E:climbing:grade:UIAA:min
700 | E:climbing:grade:UIAA:max
701 | E:climbing:grade:UIAA:mean
702 | E:climbing:grade:UIAA
703 | K:cuisine=bbq
704 | K:cuisine=BBQ
705 | E:pole:type
706 | E:kp
707 | E:pk
708 | K:amenity=embassy
709 | K:shoulder=none
710 | E:service:bicycle:chaintool
711 | E:building:roof:shape
712 | K:landuse=school
713 | E:role
714 | E:levels
715 | K:man_made=pumping_rig
716 | E:pump:type
717 | K:substance=heat
718 | ;
719 | ; Tags not yet decided (to remove from this section when added or moved up when deprecated)
720 | ; see josm tickets: 17770 15309 15774 16315 16658 16793 19982
721 | ;
722 | K:service=irrigation
723 | K:man_made=tunnel
724 | K:amenity=childcare
725 | K:landuse=logging
726 | K:indoor=wall
727 | K:indoor=room
728 | K:indoor=corridor
729 | K:highway=corridor
730 | K:crossing=zebra
731 | K:healthcare=dentist
732 | K:healthcare=doctor
733 | K:healthcare=hospital
734 | K:healthcare=pharmacy
735 | K:healthcare=clinic
736 | K:healthcare=centre
737 | K:healthcare=physiotherapist
738 | K:healthcare=yes
739 | K:golf=cartpath
740 | K:man_made=water_tap
741 | K:railway=tram_crossing
742 | K:railway=tram_level_crossing