*[access][highway=proposed], *[motor_vehicle?][vehicle!=no][access!=no][bicycle_road!=yes][highway =~ /^(motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link|primary|primary_link|secondary|secondary_link|tertiary|tertiary_link|unclassified|residential|service|living_street)$/], *[bridge=no], *[building=no], *[elevation="0"], *[layer="0"] { /* see #9365 - Useless tag layer=0 */ throwWarning: tr("{0} is unnecessary", "{0.tag}"); group: tr("unnecessary tag"); fixRemove: "{0.key}"; assertMatch: "way layer=0"; assertMatch: "way bridge=no"; assertMatch: "way highway=proposed access=no"; } area:closed[amenity ][area?][!highway], area:closed[building][area?], area:closed[landuse ][area?][!highway], area:closed[leisure ][area?][!highway], area:closed[natural ][area?], area:closed[shop ][area?] { throwWarning: tr("{0} is unnecessary for {1}", "{2.key}", "{1.key}"); group: tr("unnecessary tag"); fixRemove: "{2.key}"; } /* #14256 */ area:closed[aeroway=aerodrome][area?], area:closed[aeroway=helipad][area?] { throwWarning: tr("{0} is unnecessary for {1}", "{2.key}", "{1.tag}"); group: tr("unnecessary tag"); fixRemove: "{2.key}"; } *[emergency=permissive] { /* see #9458 - emergency=permissive makes no sense */ throwWarning: tr("{0} makes no sense", "{0.tag"); fixAdd: "emergency=yes"; assertMatch: "way emergency=permissive"; assertNoMatch: "way emergency=designated"; } /* see ticket #7639 -- Warn when a node has the same tags as its parent way. */ way >:sameTags node:tagged { throwWarning: tr("Nodes duplicating parent way tags"); } /* #15477 */ *[payment:cash][payment:coins][payment:notes] { throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1} and {2}. Remove {0}.", "{0.key}", "{1.key}", "{2.key}"); group: tr("unnecessary tag"); fixRemove: "payment:cash"; }