/* measurement values and units warnings (ticket #8687) */ *[layer =~ /\+.*/] { throwWarning: tr("layer tag with + sign"); fixAdd: concat("layer=", replace(tag("layer"), "+", "")); assertMatch: "node layer=+1"; assertNoMatch: "node layer=1"; assertNoMatch: "node layer=-1"; } *[layer !~ /^0$|^(-|\+)?[1-5]$/] { throwWarning: tr("layer should be between -5 and 5"); assertMatch: "node layer=-50"; assertMatch: "node layer=6"; assertMatch: "node layer=+100"; assertNoMatch: "node layer=-5"; assertNoMatch: "node layer=0"; assertNoMatch: "node layer=2"; assertNoMatch: "node layer=+5"; } *[level !~ /^((([0-9]|-[1-9])|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.5)?)(;(([0-9]|-[1-9])|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.5)?)*$|^-0\.5$/] { throwWarning: tr("level should be numbers with optional .5 increments"); assertMatch: "node level=one"; assertNoMatch: "node level=0"; assertNoMatch: "node level=1"; assertNoMatch: "node level=-1"; assertNoMatch: "node level=-0.5"; assertNoMatch: "node level=1.5"; } *[height !~ /^(([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*( (m|ft))?)|([1-9][0-9]*\'((10|11|[0-9])((\.[0-9]+)?)\")?))$/] { throwWarning: tr("{0}: meters is default; period is separator; if units, put space then unit", "height"); assertMatch: "node height=medium"; assertMatch: "node height=-5"; assertNoMatch: "node height=2 m"; assertNoMatch: "node height=5"; assertNoMatch: "node height=7.8"; assertNoMatch: "node height=20 ft"; assertNoMatch: "node height=22'"; } *[maxheight !~ /^(([1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?( (m|ft))?)|([0-9]+\'(([0-9]|10|11)(\.[0-9]*)?\")?))$/] { throwWarning: tr("{0}: meters is default; period is separator; if units, put space then unit", "maxheight"); assertMatch: "node maxheight=something"; assertMatch: "node maxheight=-5"; assertMatch: "node maxheight=0"; assertNoMatch: "node maxheight=4"; assertNoMatch: "node maxheight=3.5"; assertNoMatch: "node maxheight=2 m"; assertNoMatch: "node maxheight=14 ft"; assertNoMatch: "node maxheight=10'"; assertNoMatch: "node maxheight=16'3\""; } way[width !~ /^(([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*( [a-z]+)?)|([0-9]+\'([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*\")?))$/] { throwWarning: tr("{0}: meters is default; period is separator; if units, put space then unit", "width"); assertMatch: "way width=something"; assertMatch: "way width=-5"; assertNoMatch: "way width=3"; assertNoMatch: "way width=0.5"; assertNoMatch: "way width=1 m"; assertNoMatch: "way width=10 ft"; assertNoMatch: "way width=1'"; assertNoMatch: "way width=10'5\""; } *[maxwidth !~ /^(([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*( (m|ft))?)|([0-9]+\'[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*\"))$/] { throwWarning: tr("{0}: meters is default; period is separator; if units, put space then unit", "maxwidth"); assertMatch: "way maxwidth=something"; assertMatch: "way maxwidth=-5"; assertNoMatch: "way maxwidth=2"; assertNoMatch: "way maxwidth=6'6\""; assertNoMatch: "way maxwidth=2.5"; assertNoMatch: "way maxwidth=7 ft"; } way[maxspeed !~ /^(signals|none|unposted|unknown|variable|walk|[1-9][0-9]*( [a-z]+)?|[A-Z][A-Z]:(urban|rural|living_street|motorway))$/] { throwWarning: tr("unusual {0} format", "maxspeed"); assertMatch: "way maxspeed=something"; assertMatch: "way maxspeed=-50"; assertMatch: "way maxspeed=0"; assertNoMatch: "way maxspeed=50"; assertNoMatch: "way maxspeed=30 mph"; assertNoMatch: "way maxspeed=RO:urban"; assertNoMatch: "way maxspeed=RU:rural"; assertNoMatch: "way maxspeed=RU:living_street"; assertNoMatch: "way maxspeed=DE:motorway"; assertNoMatch: "way maxspeed=signals"; assertNoMatch: "way maxspeed=none"; assertNoMatch: "way maxspeed=variable"; } way[voltage =~ /(.*[A-Za-z].*)|.*,.*|.*( ).*/] { throwWarning: tr("voltage should be in volts with no units/delimiter/spaces"); assertMatch: "way voltage=medium"; assertNoMatch: "way voltage=15000"; } /* some users are using frequency for other purposes (not electromagnetic) with the values 'perennial' and 'intermittent'; the vast majority are 0, 16.7, 50 and 60 */ way[frequency !~ /^(0|[1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?)( (kHz|MHz|GHz|THz))?$/] { throwWarning: tr("unusual {0} specification", "frequency"); assertMatch: "way frequency=something"; assertNoMatch: "way frequency=0"; /* DC */ assertNoMatch: "way frequency=16.7"; assertNoMatch: "way frequency=50"; assertNoMatch: "way frequency=680 kHz"; assertNoMatch: "way frequency=123.5 MHz"; } way[gauge !~ /^([1-9][0-9]{1,3}(;[1-9][0-9]{1,3})*|broad|standard|narrow)$/] { throwWarning: tr("unusual train track gauge; use mm with no separator"); assertMatch: "way gauge=something"; assertNoMatch: "way gauge=1435"; assertNoMatch: "way gauge=1000;1435"; assertNoMatch: "way gauge=standard"; assertNoMatch: "way gauge=narrow"; } /* the numbers for percentage and degrees include could probably be bracketed a bit more precisely */ way[incline !~ /^(up|down|-?([0-9]+?(\.[1-9]%)?|100)[%°]?)$/] { throwWarning: tr("unusual incline; use percentages/degrees or up/down"); assertMatch: "way incline=extreme"; assertNoMatch: "way incline=up"; assertNoMatch: "way incline=down"; assertNoMatch: "way incline=10%"; assertNoMatch: "way incline=-5%"; assertNoMatch: "way incline=10°"; }