1 | /* {0} on a node, should be a way */
2 | node[oneway],
3 | node[bridge?],
4 | node[sidewalk],
5 | node[footway],
6 | node[aerialway=cable_car],
7 | node[aerialway=gondola],
8 | node[aerialway=chair_lift],
9 | node[aerialway=mixed_lift],
10 | node[aerialway=drag_lift],
11 | node[aerialway=t-bar],
12 | node[aerialway=j-bar],
13 | node[aerialway=platter],
14 | node[aerialway=magic_carpet],
15 | node[aerialway=rope_tow],
16 | node[aerialway=goods],
17 | node[waterway=river],
18 | node[waterway=riverbank],
19 | node[waterway=canal],
20 | node[waterway=wadi],
21 | node[waterway=stream],
22 | node[waterway=ditch],
23 | node[natural=coastline],
24 | node[natural=ridge],
25 | node[natural=tree_row] {
26 | throwWarning: tr("{0} on a node. Should be used on a way.", "{0.key}");
27 | assertMatch: "node oneway=-1";
28 | assertNoMatch: "way oneway=-1";
29 | assertMatch: "node bridge=yes";
30 | assertNoMatch: "node bridge=13";
31 | }
32 |
33 | /* {0} on a node, should be an area; see ticket #10679 */
34 | node[landuse],
35 | node[natural=scree],
36 | node[natural=scrub],
37 | node[natural=fell],
38 | node[natural=heath],
39 | node[natural=wood],
40 | node[natural=grassland],
41 | node[natural=wetland],
42 | node[natural=water],
43 | node[natural=mud],
44 | node[natural=beach],
45 | node[natural=sand],
46 | node[natural=wood],
47 | node[natural=bare_rock],
48 | node[waterway=riverbank],
49 | node[source:outline] {
50 | throwWarning: tr("{0} on a node. Should be drawn as an area.", "{0.tag}");
51 | }
52 |
53 | /* {0} on a node, should be a relation; see #10252, #10769 */
54 | node[route],
55 | node[restriction] {
56 | throwWarning: tr("{0}=* on a node. Should be used in a relation", "{0.key}");
57 | }
58 |
59 | /* {0} on a way, should be a relation; see #10252 */
60 | way[route=bus] {
61 | throwWarning: tr("{0} on a way. Should be used in a relation", "{0.tag}");
62 | }
63 |
64 | /* see ticket:#10125 */
65 | node[source:geometry] {
66 | throwWarning: tr("{0} on a node", "{0.key}");
67 | fixChangeKey: "source:geometry => source:position";
68 | }
69 |
70 | /* Building inside building (spatial test) */
71 | *[building][building!~/no|entrance/][any(tag("layer"),"0") = any(parent_tag("layer"),"0")] ∈
72 | *[building][building!~/no|entrance/] {
73 | throwWarning: tr("Building inside building");
74 | }
75 |
76 | /* Overlapping areas (spatial test) */
77 | area[natural =~ /^(water|wetland|coastline)$/], area[landuse=reservoir] {
78 | set water_area;
79 | }
80 |
81 | /* area:closed:areaStyle.water_area ⧉ area:closed:areaStyle.water_area -- does not work for now -- see ticket#10215 */
82 | area:closed:areaStyle[natural =~ /^(water|wetland|coastline)$/] ⧉ area:closed:areaStyle.water_area,
83 | area:closed:areaStyle[landuse=reservoir] ⧉ area:closed:areaStyle.water_area {
84 | throwWarning: tr("Overlapping Water Areas");
85 | }
86 |
87 | area:closed:areaStyle ⧉ area:closed:areaStyle {
88 | throwOther: tr("Overlapping Areas");
89 | }
90 |
91 | /* see ticket #9311 */
92 | node[amenity=parking]["capacity:disabled" !~ /^(yes|[0-9]+)$/] ∈ *[amenity=parking] {
93 | throwWarning: tr("{0} inside {1}", "amenity=parking", "amenity=parking");
94 | }
95 |
96 | /* see ticket #9556 */
97 | area:closed:areaStyle[tag("natural") = parent_tag("natural")] ⧉ area:closed:areaStyle[natural] {
98 | throwWarning: tr("Overlapping Identical Natural Areas");
99 | }
100 |
101 | area:closed:areaStyle[tag("landuse") = parent_tag("landuse")] ⧉ area:closed:areaStyle[landuse] {
102 | throwWarning: tr("Overlapping Identical Landuses");
103 | }
104 |
105 | /* see ticket:#9522 */
106 | node[tag("amenity") = parent_tag("amenity")] ∈ *[amenity][amenity != parking] {
107 | throwWarning: tr("{0} inside {1}", concat("amenity=", tag("amenity")), concat("amenity=", tag("amenity")));
108 | }
109 | node[tag("leisure") = parent_tag("leisure")] ∈ *[leisure] {
110 | throwWarning: tr("{0} inside {1}", concat("leisure=", tag("leisure")), concat("leisure=", tag("leisure")));
111 | }
112 | node[tag("tourism") = parent_tag("tourism")] ∈ *[tourism] {
113 | throwWarning: tr("{0} inside {1}", concat("tourism=", tag("tourism")), concat("tourism=", tag("tourism")));
114 | }
115 | node[tag("shop") = parent_tag("shop")] ∈ *[shop] {
116 | throwWarning: tr("{0} inside {1}", concat("shop=", tag("shop")), concat("shop=", tag("shop")));
117 | }
118 | node[tag("power") = parent_tag("power")] ∈ *[power] {
119 | throwWarning: tr("{0} inside {1}", concat("power=", tag("power")), concat("power=", tag("power")));
120 | }
121 |
122 | /* isolated nodes which should be part of a way, see #10825 */
123 | node:unconnected[entrance],
124 | node:unconnected[traffic_calming],
125 | node:unconnected[highway=passing_place],
126 | node:unconnected[highway=mini_roundabout],
127 | node:unconnected[highway=motorway_junction],
128 | node:unconnected[highway=turning_loop],
129 | node:unconnected[highway=turning_circle],
130 | node:unconnected[highway=stop],
131 | node:unconnected[highway=give_way],
132 | node:unconnected[highway=traffic_signals],
133 | node:unconnected[highway=crossing],
134 | node:unconnected[crossing],
135 | node:unconnected[railway=crossing],
136 | node:unconnected[railway=level_crossing],
137 | node:unconnected[railway=buffer_stop],
138 | node:unconnected[public_transport=stop_position],
139 | node:unconnected[noexit],
140 | node:unconnected[waterway=dam],
141 | node:unconnected[waterway=weir],
142 | node:unconnected[waterway=waterfall],
143 | node:unconnected[amenity=ferry_terminal],
144 | node:unconnected[mountain_pass=yes],
145 | node:unconnected[barrier=gate],
146 | node:unconnected[barrier=lift_gate],
147 | node:unconnected[barrier=swing_gate],
148 | node:unconnected[barrier=toll_booth],
149 | node:unconnected[barrier=turnstile],
150 | node:unconnected[barrier=full-height_turnstile],
151 | node:unconnected[barrier=motorcycle_barrier],
152 | node:unconnected[barrier=rope],
153 | node:unconnected[barrier=sally_port],
154 | node:unconnected[barrier=spikes],
155 | node:unconnected[barrier=stile],
156 | node:unconnected[barrier=sump_buster],
157 | node:unconnected[barrier=kerb],
158 | node:unconnected[barrier=border_control],
159 | node:unconnected[barrier=bump_gate],
160 | node:unconnected[barrier=bus_trap],
161 | node:unconnected[barrier=cattle_grid],
162 | node:unconnected[barrier=chain],
163 | node:unconnected[barrier=cycle_barrier],
164 | node:unconnected[barrier=hampshire_gate],
165 | node:unconnected[barrier=height_restrictor],
166 | node:unconnected[barrier=debris] {
167 | throwWarning: tr("{0} must be connected to a way", "{1.tag}");
168 | }