source: josm/trunk/data/en.lang@ 7297

Last change on this file since 7297 was 7272, checked in by simon04, 10 years ago

I18n update

  • Property svn:mime-type set to application/octet-stream
File size: 209.4 KB
1 (at line {0}, column {1})
2 (requires: {0})
3 ({0})
4 [dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss]
5 [id: {0}]
6 as "{0}" linguistic_commu
7ty or ward # Objects\n% of east:
8% of north:''Baker Street'' in any key#''Baker'' and ''Street'' in any key''key'' with any value
9''key'' with exactly ''value''''value'' in any key%''valuefragment'' anywhere in ''key''$''valuefragment'' nowhere in ''key''%''wikipedia''=''language:page title''U''{0}'' does not specify the official mode of transportation, use ''{1}'' for example<''{0}'' is meaningless, use more specific tags, e.g. ''{1}''(# requests unknown)
10(1 request)\n(Code={0})Y(Please only use this tag if more detailed mapping using busbars and bays is impossible!)5(The text has already been copied to your clipboard.)‘(This Plugin is currently work in progress!!!) Links and syncs a georeferenced video against a GPS track, to use it for identify visible objects.\n(URL was: ,(Use international code, like +12-345-67890)(at line {0}, column {1})
11(no object)(none)'({0}/{1}) Downloading changeset {2} ...&({0}/{1}) Downloading changeset {2}...2({0}/{1}) Downloading content for changeset {2}...%({0}/{1}) Loading parents of node {2})({0}/{1}) Loading parents of relation {2}$({0}/{1}) Loading parents of way {2}*({0}/{1}): Downloading relation ''{2}''...F* One node that is used by more than one way and one of those ways, or0* One node that is used by more than one way, or* One tagged node, orJ* One way and one or more of its nodes that are used by more than one way.K* One way that has one or more nodes that are used by more than one way, or, -10%-10°'... other transportation modes possible... refers to relation
12/PATH/TO/JOSM/FOLDER/ 0,30,45,60,90,...
130,45,90,...0,90,...08:30-12:30,15:30-20:000;501 Mvar
141. Enter URL1. Enter service URL1/25 mix (mofa/moped)1/50 mix (mofa/moped)10%100 MVA10pin10°
15110000;2000011:30 12500 kVA15 MVA16.6716.718:002 W 2. Enter maximum zoom (optional)2. Select layers20cm ortho - Latvia - Coastline24/72700 kVA3 kW&3 or 7 term datum transform parameters3. Select image format3. Verify generated TMS URL30+
164. Enter name for this layer4. Verify generated WMS URL5 MW5 Mvar
175. Enter name for this layer50 MVA500 kvar50cm ortho - Latvia7 GW\r750000;2000007th Series (OS7)9pin: < after< before< bottom< top<</p><p>Close the filter dialog to see all objects.<p></html><No GPX track loaded yet>
18<anonymous>d<b>(all)indownloadedarea</b> - objects (and all its way nodes / relation members) in downloaded areaW<b>(all)inview</b> - objects (and all its way nodes / relation members) in current view4<b>-key:Bak</b> - ''Bak'' nowhere in the key ''key''9<b>Baker Street</b> - ''Baker'' and ''Street'' in any key1<b>Plugin provided by an external source:</b> {0}<b>Source</b>:3<b>"Baker Street"</b> - ''Baker Street'' in any keyi<b>areasize:</b>... - closed ways with given area in m² (<b>areasize:</b>min-max or <b>areasize:</b>max)`<b>changeset:</b>... - objects with given changeset ID (0 objects without an assigned changeset)J<b>child <i>expr</i></b> - all children of objects matching the expressionA<b>closed</b> - all closed ways (a node is not considered closed)9<b>id:</b>... - objects with given ID (0 for new objects)*<b>incomplete</b> - all incomplete objects*<b>key:</b> - key ''key'' set to any value4<b>key:Bak</b> - ''Bak'' anywhere in the key ''key''f<b>key=*</b> - key ''key'' with any value. Try also <b>*=value</b>, <b>key=</b>, <b>*=*</b>, <b>*=</b>;<b>key=value</b> - key ''key'' with value exactly ''value''K<b>key?</b> - key ''key'' with the value ''yes'', ''true'', ''1'' or ''on''%<b>modified</b> - all changed objectsˆ<b>nodes:</b>... - objects with given number of nodes (<b>nodes:</b>count, <b>nodes:</b>min-max, <b>nodes:</b>min- or <b>nodes:</b>-max)J<b>parent <i>expr</i></b> - all parents of objects matching the expression7<b>role:</b>... - objects with given role in a relation&<b>selected</b> - all selected objects‚<b>tags:</b>... - objects with given number of tags (<b>tags:</b>count, <b>tags:</b>min-max, <b>tags:</b>min- or <b>tags:</b>-max)F<b>timestamp:</b>min/max - objects with last modification within range{<b>timestamp:</b>timestamp - objects with this last modification timestamp (2009-11-12T14:51:09Z, 2009-11-12 or T14:51 ...)\<b>type:</b>... - objects with corresponding type (<b>node</b>, <b>way</b>, <b>relation</b>)&<b>untagged</b> - all untagged objects)<b>user:</b>... - objects changed by user:<b>user:anonymous</b> - objects changed by anonymous usersW<b>version:</b>... - objects with given version (0 objects without an assigned version)$<br>Error message(untranslated): {0}<colon><delete from {0} objects>
19<different><empty>\r<end-of-file><equals><h2>Filter active</h2>Â<h2>JOSM requires Java version {0}.</h2>Detected Java version: {1}.<br>You can <ul><li>update your Java (JRE) or</li><li>use an earlier (Java {2} compatible) version of JOSM.</li></ul>More Info:d<h3>When one or more ways are selected, the shape is adjusted such, that all angles are 90 or 180 degrees.</h3>You can add two nodes to the selection. Then, the direction is fixed by these two reference nodes. (Afterwards, you can undo the movement for certain nodes:<br>Select them and press the shortcut for Orthogonalize / Undo. The default is Shift-Q.)a<html>''{0}'' is not a valid OSM API URL.<br>Please check the spelling and validate again.</html>(<html><body><p class="warning-body"><strong>Warning:</strong> The password is stored in plain text in the JOSM preferences file. Furthermore, it is transferred <strong>unencrypted</strong> in every request sent to the OSM server. <strong>Do not use a valuable password.</strong></p></body></html>r<html><body>Please enter an OAuth Access Token which is authorized to access the OSM server ''{0}''.</body></html>_<html><h3>Delete the file {0} from disk?<p>The image file will be permanently lost!</h3></html>æ<html><p class="error-header">Error when retrieving help information</p><p class="error-body">The content for the help topic <strong>{0}</strong> could not be loaded. The error message is (untranslated):<br><tt>{1}</tt></p></html>Í<html><p class="warning-header">Help content for help topic missing</p><p class="warning-body">Help content for the help topic <strong>{0}</strong> is not available yet. It is missing both in your local language ({1}) and in English.<br><br>Please help to improve the JOSM help system and fill in the missing information. You can both edit the <a href="{2}">help topic in your local language ({1})</a> and the <a href="{3}">help topic in English</a>.</p></html>~<html><p> Sorry, it is impossible to paste tags from buffer. It does not contain any JOSM object or suitable text. </p></html>V<html><strong>Current download area</strong> (minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat): </html>å<html>Alternatively you may enter a <strong>tile address</strong> for a single tile in the format <i>zoomlevel/x/y</i>, i.e. <i>15/256/223</i>. Tile addresses in the format <i>zoom,x,y</i> or <i>zoom;x;y</i> are valid too.</html>O<html>An error occurred while restoring backup file.<br>Error is:<br>{0}</html>@<html>An error occurred while saving.<br>Error is:<br>{0}</html>œ<html>Authentication at the OSM server with the OAuth token ''{0}'' failed.<br>Please launch the preferences dialog and retrieve another OAuth token.</html>–<html>Authentication at the OSM server with the username ''{0}'' failed.<br>Please check the username and the password in the JOSM preferences.</html>8<html>Authorisation at the OSM server failed.<br></html>k<html>Authorisation at the OSM server failed.<br>The server reported the following error:<br>''{0}''</html>ç<html>Authorisation at the OSM server with the OAuth token ''{0}'' failed.<br>The token is not authorised to access the protected resource<br>''{1}''.<br>Please launch the preferences dialog and retrieve another OAuth token.</html>†<html>Autostart ''Download from OSM'' dialog every time JOSM is started.<br>You can open it manually from File menu or toolbar.</html>D<html>Cannot open directory ''{0}''.<br>Please select a file.</html>{<html>Cannot upload {0} objects in one request because the<br>max. changeset size {1} on server ''{2}'' is exceeded.</html>O<html>Click <strong>{0}</strong> to finish merging my and their entries.</html>N<html>Click <strong>{0}</strong> to start merging my and their entries.</html>^<html>Closing of changeset <strong>{0}</strong> failed <br>because it has already been closed.e<html>Closing of changeset <strong>{0}</strong> failed<br> because it has already been closed on {1}.U<html>Communication with the OSM server ''{0}'' timed out. Please retry later.</html>æ<html>Communication with the OSM server ''{0}''failed. The server replied<br>the following error code and the following error message:<br><strong>Error code:<strong> {1}<br><strong>Error message (untranslated)</strong>: {2}</html>B<html>Could not load layer {0} ''{1}''.<br>Error is:<br>{2}</html>z<html>Could not load plugin {0} because the plugin<br>main class ''{1}'' was not found.<br>Delete from preferences?</html>E<html>Could not load session file ''{0}''.<br>Error is:<br>{1}</html>=<html>Could not read file ''{0}''.<br>Error is:<br>{1}</html>6<html>Could not read files.<br>Error is:<br>{0}</html>E<html>Could not save session file ''{0}''.<br>Error is:<br>{1}</html>v<html>Download changesets in the current map view.<br><em>Disabled. There is currently no map view active.</em></html>8<html>Download changesets in the current map view</html>(<html>Download my open changesets</html>x<html>Download my open changesets<br><em>Disabled. Please enter your OSM user name in the preferences first.</em></html>+<html>Download the latest changesets</html>B<html>Enter a tag key, e.g. <strong><tt>fixme</tt></strong></html>L<html>Enter a tag value, e.g. <strong><tt>check members</tt></strong></html>a<html>Enter an Access Token manually if it was generated and retrieved outside<br>of JOSM.</html>é<html>Failed to access the OSM server ''{0}''<br>with the Access Token ''{1}''.<br>The server rejected the Access Token as unauthorized. You will not<br>be able to access any protected resource on this server using this token.</html>î<html>Failed to authenticate at the OSM server ''{0}''.<br>You are using OAuth to authenticate but currently there is no<br>OAuth Access Token configured.<br>Please open the Preferences Dialog and generate or enter an Access Token.</html>‡<html>Failed to build URL ''{0}'' for validating the OSM API server.<br>Please check the spelling of ''{1}'' and validate again.</html>‹<html>Failed to connect to the URL ''{0}''.<br>Please check the spelling of ''{1}'' and your Internet connection and validate again.</html>`<html>Failed to create an URL because the encoding ''{0}''<br>was missing on this system.</html>:<html>Failed to create missing cache directory: {0}</html>‹<html>Failed to download data. Its format is either unsupported, ill-formed, and/or inconsistent.<br><br>Details (untranslated): {0}</html>‹<html>Failed to initialize communication with the OSM server {0}.<br>Check the server URL in your preferences and your internet connection.d<html>Failed to initialize preferences.<br>Failed to create missing preference directory: {0}</html>a<html>Failed to initialize preferences.<br>Failed to reset preference file to default: {0}</html>b<html>Failed to initialize preferences.<br>Preference directory ''{0}'' is not a directory.</html>m<html>Failed to load the list of preset sources from<br>''{0}''.<br><br>Details (untranslated):<br>{1}</html>k<html>Failed to load the list of rule sources from<br>''{0}''.<br><br>Details (untranslated):<br>{1}</html>l<html>Failed to load the list of style sources from<br>''{0}''.<br><br>Details (untranslated):<br>{1}</html>½<html>Failed to open a connection to the remote server<br>''{0}''.<br>Host name ''{1}'' could not be resolved. <br>Please check the API URL in your preferences and your internet connection.l<html>Failed to open a connection to the remote server<br>''{0}''.<br>Please check your internet connection.Í<html>Failed to open a connection to the remote server<br>''{0}''<br>for security reasons. This is most likely because you are running<br>in an applet and because you did not load your applet from ''{1}''.Œ<html>Failed to open help page for url {0}.<br>This is most likely due to a network problem, please check<br>your internet connection</html>Õ<html>Failed to retrieve a list of changesets from the OSM API server at<br>''{1}''. The server responded with the return code {0} instead of 200.<br>Please check the spelling of ''{1}'' and validate again.</html><html>Failed to retrieve information about the current user from the OSM server ''{0}''.<br>This is probably not a problem caused by the tested Access Token, but<br>rather a problem with the server configuration. Carefully check the server<br>URL and your Internet connection.</html>}<html>Failed to sign the request for the OSM server ''{0}'' with the token ''{1}''.<br>The token ist probably invalid.</html>‘<html>Failed to upload data to or download data from<br>''{0}''<br>due to a problem with transferring data.<br>Details (untranslated): {1}</html>f<html>Failed to upload to changeset <strong>{0}</strong><br>because it has already been closed on {1}.¶<html>Here is file import summary. <br/>You can reject preferences changes by pressing "Cancel" in preferences dialog <br/>To activate some changes JOSM restart may be needed.</html>Ð<html>JOSM has successfully retrieved an Access Token. You can now accept this token. JOSM will use it in the future for authentication and authorization to the OSM server.<br><br>The access token is: </html>w<html>JOSM is about to reset the OAuth settings to default values.<br>The current custom settings are not saved.</html>¸<html>JOSM is currently running with an anonymous user. It cannot download<br>your changesets from the OSM server unless you enter your OSM user name<br>in the JOSM preferences.</html>¹<html>JOSM successfully retrieved a Request Token. JOSM is now launching an authorization page in an external browser. Please login with your OSM username and password and follow the instructions to authorize the Request Token. Then switch back to this dialog and click on <strong>{0}</strong><br><br>If launching the external browser fails you can copy the following authorize URL and paste it into the address field of your browser.</html><html>Layer ''{0}'' already has a conflict for object<br>''{1}''.<br>Please resolve this conflict first, then try again.</html>j<html>Layer ''{0}'' already has a conflict for object<br>''{1}''.<br>This conflict cannot be added.</html>¸<html>Loading of the plugin "{0}" was requested.<br>This plugin is no longer developed and very likely will produce errors.<br>It should be disabled.<br>Delete from preferences?</html>W<html>Mark <strong>locally deleted objects</strong> to be deleted on the server.</html>l<html>Mark modified objects <strong>from the current selection</strong> to be uploaded to the server.</html>’<html>Neither <strong>{0}</strong> nor <strong>{1}</strong> is enabled.<br>Please choose to either download OSM data, or GPX data, or both.</html>s<html>None of the objects in the content of changeset {0} is available in the current<br>edit layer ''{1}''.</html>b<html>Please click on <strong>{0}</strong> to retrieve an OAuth Request Token from ''{1}''.</html>a<html>Please confirm to remove <strong>1 object</strong> from <strong>1 relation</strong>.</html>d<html>Please confirm to remove <strong>1 object</strong> from <strong>{0} relations</strong>.</html>g<html>Please confirm to remove <strong>{0} objects</strong> from <strong>{1} relations</strong>.</html>c<html>Please enter valid date/time values to restrict<br>the query to a specific time range.</html>x<html>Please enter valid longitude/latitude values to restrict<br>the changeset query to a specific bounding box.</html>p<html>Please make sure all selected ways head in a similar direction<br>or orthogonalize them one by one.</html>W<html>Please select a <strong>range of OSM tiles</strong> at a given zoom level.</html>ô<html>Please select one the following <strong>standard queries</strong>.Select <strong>Download my changesets only</strong> if you only want to download changesets created by yourself.<br>Note that JOSM will download max. 100 changesets.</html>;<html>Please select the changesets you want to close</html>E<html>Please select the values to keep for the following tags.</html>‹<html>Plugin {0} requires JOSM version {1}. The current JOSM version is {2}.<br>You have to update JOSM in order to use this plugin.</html><html>Preferences file had errors.<br> Making backup of old one to <br>{0}<br> and creating a new default preference file.</html>B<html>Retrieving an OAuth Access Token from ''{0}'' failed.</html>C<html>Retrieving an OAuth Request Token from ''{0}'' failed.</html>ã<html>Run a fully automatic procedure to get an access token from the OSM website.<br>JOSM accesses the OSM website on behalf of the JOSM user and fully<br>automatically authorizes the user and retrieves an Access Token.</html>B<html>Run a semi-automatic procedure to get an access token from the OSM website.<br>JOSM submits the standards OAuth requests to get a Request Token and an<br>Access Token. It dispatches the user to the OSM website in an external browser<br>to authenticate itself and to accept the request token submitted by JOSM.</html>à<html>Select all tracks that you want to be displayed. You can drag select a range of tracks or use CTRL+Click to select specific ones. The map is updated live in the background. Open the URLs by double clicking them.</html>y<html>Select to download data into a new data layer.<br>Unselect to download into the currently active data layer.</html>`<html>Select to enable entering a tag which will be applied<br>to all modified relations.</html>v<html>Select to restrict the query to your changesets only.<br>Unselect to include all changesets in the query.</html>„<html>Select to save the Access Token in the JOSM preferences.<br>Unselect to use the Access Token in this JOSM session only.</html>™<html>Select to show changesets for the currently selected objects only.<br>Unselect to show all changesets for objects in the current data layer.</html>à<html>Select which actions to perform for this layer, if you click the leftmost button.<br/>Check "upload" to upload the changes to the OSM server.<br/>Check "Save" to save the layer to the file specified on the left.</html>½<html>Settings file asks to append preferences to <b>{0}</b>,<br/> but its default value is unknown at this moment.<br/> Please activate corresponding function manually and retry importing.6<html>Step 1/3: Retrieve an OAuth Request Token</html>=<html>Step 2/3: Authorize and retrieve an Access Token</html>=<html>Step 3/3: Successfully retrieved an Access Token</html>¤<html>Successfully used the Access Token ''{0}'' to<br>access the OSM server at ''{1}''.<br>You are accessing the OSM server as user ''{2}'' with id ''{3}''.</html>¢<html>Tagging preset source {0} can be loaded but it contains errors. Do you really want to use it?<br><br><table width=600>Error is: [{1}:{2}] {3}</table></html>˜<html>Tagging preset source {0} can be loaded but it contains errors. Do you really want to use it?<br><br><table width=600>Error is: {1}</table></html>»<html>Take a photo of your GPS receiver while it displays the time.<br>Display that photo here.<br>And then, simply capture the time you read on the photo and select a timezone<hr></html>a<html>The current value is not a valid user name.<br>Please enter an non-empty user name.</html>2<html>The Access Token ''{1}'' is known to the OSM server ''{0}''.<br>The test to retrieve the user details for this token failed, though.<br>Depending on what rights are granted to this token you may nevertheless use it<br>to upload data, upload GPS traces, and/or access other protected resources.</html>¾<html>The OSM API server at ''{0}'' did not return a valid response.<br>It is likely that ''{0}'' is not an OSM API server.<br>Please check the spelling of ''{0}'' and validate again.</html>‰<html>The OSM server<br>''{0}''<br>reported an internal server error.<br>This is most likely a temporary problem. Please try again later.<html>The automatic process for retrieving an OAuth Access Token<br>from the OSM server failed because JOSM was not able to build<br>a valid login URL from the OAuth Authorize Endpoint URL ''{0}''.<br><br>Please check your advanced setting and try again.</html>Ì<html>The automatic process for retrieving an OAuth Access Token<br>from the OSM server failed. JOSM failed to log into {0}<br>for user {1}.<br><br>Please check username and password and try again.</html>ß<html>The automatic process for retrieving an OAuth Access Token<br>from the OSM server failed.<br><br>Please try again or choose another kind of authorization process,<br>i.e. semi-automatic or manual authorization.</html>W<html>The child relation<br>{0}<br>is deleted on the server. It cannot be loaded</html>­<html>The combined ways are members in one or more relations. Please decide whether you want to <strong>keep</strong> these memberships for the combined way or whether you want to <strong>remove</strong> them.<br>The default is to <strong>keep</strong> the first way and <strong>remove</strong> the other ways that are members of the same relation: the combined way will take the place of the original way in the relation.</html><html>The current URL <tt>{0}</tt><br>is an external URL. Editing is only possible for help topics<br>on the help server <tt>{1}</tt>.</html>²<html>The data in the GPX layer ''{0}'' has been downloaded from the server.<br>Because its way points do not include a timestamp we cannot correlate them with audio data.</html>®<html>The data in the GPX layer ''{0}'' has been downloaded from the server.<br>Because its way points do not include a timestamp we cannot correlate them with images.</html>~<html>The data to be uploaded participates in unresolved conflicts of layer ''{0}''.<br>You have to resolve them first.</html>­<html>The merged nodes are members in one or more relations. Please decide whether you want to <strong>keep</strong> these memberships for the target node or whether you want to <strong>remove</strong> them.<br>The default is to <strong>keep</strong> the first node and <strong>remove</strong> the other nodes that are members of the same relation: the target node will take the place of the original node in the relation.</html>T<html>The relation has been changed.<br><br>Do you want to save your changes?</html>:<html>The server reported that it has detected a conflict.i<html>The server reported that it has detected a conflict.<br>Error message (untranslated):<br>{0}</html>ÿ<html>The server reports that an object is deleted.<br><strong>Uploading failed</strong> if you tried to update or delete this object.<br> <strong>Downloading failed</strong> if you tried to download this object.<br><br>The error message is:<br>{0}</html>ž<html>The test failed because the server responded with an internal error.<br>JOSM could not decide whether the token is valid. Please try again later.</html>ˆ<html>There are <strong>multiple changesets</strong> necessary in order to upload {0} objects. Which strategy do you want to use?</html>S<html>There are no layers the source layer<br>''{0}''<br>could be merged to.</html>Ó<html>There is at least one member in this relation referring<br>to the relation itself.<br>This creates circular dependencies and is discouraged.<br>How do you want to proceed with circular dependencies?</html>:<html>There is currently no download area selected.</html>f<html>This action will require {0} individual<br>download requests. Do you wish<br>to continue?</html>—<html>This relation already has one or more members referring to<br>the object ''{0}''<br><br>Do you really want to add another relation member?</html>·<html>This relation has been changed outside of the editor.<br>You cannot apply your changes and continue editing.<br><br>Do you want to create a conflict and close the editor?</html>Ž<html>Unable to parse tagging preset source: {0}. Do you really want to use it?<br><br><table width=400>Error is: [{1}:{2}] {3}</table></html>„<html>Unable to parse tagging preset source: {0}. Do you really want to use it?<br><br><table width=600>Error is: {1}</table></html>z<html>Upload of unprocessed GPS data as map data is considered harmful.<br>If you want to upload traces, look here:</html>
20<html>Uploading <strong>failed</strong> because the server has a newer version of one<br>of your nodes, ways, or relations.<br><br>Click <strong>{0}</strong> to synchronize the entire local dataset with the server.<br>Click <strong>{1}</strong> to abort and continue editing.<br></html>ó<html>Uploading <strong>failed</strong> because the server has a newer version of one<br>of your nodes, ways, or relations.<br>The conflict is caused by the <strong>{0}</strong> with id <strong>{1}</strong>,<br>the server has version {2}, your version is {3}.<br><br>Click <strong>{4}</strong> to synchronize the conflicting primitive only.<br>Click <strong>{5}</strong> to synchronize the entire local dataset with the server.<br>Click <strong>{6}</strong> to abort and continue editing.<br></html>½<html>Uploading <strong>failed</strong> because you have been using<br>changeset {0} which was already closed at {1}.<br>Please upload again with a new or an existing open changeset.</html>•<html>Uploading to the server <strong>failed</strong> because your current<br>dataset violates a precondition.<br>The error message is:<br>{0}</html>I<html>Use photo of an accurate clock,<br>e.g. GPS receiver display</html>B<html>Use the default OSM server URL (<strong>{0}</strong>)</html>I<html>Version <strong>{0}</strong> created on <strong>{1}</strong></html>K<html>Version <strong>{0}</strong> currently edited in layer ''{1}''</html>œ<html>You are trying to add a relation to itself.<br><br>This creates circular references and is therefore discouraged.<br>Skipping relation ''{0}''.</html>Ó<html>You are using the EPSG:4326 projection which might lead<br>to undesirable results when doing rectangular alignments.<br>Change your projection to get rid of this warning.<br>Do you want to continue?</html>S<html>You did not finish to merge the differences in this conflict.<br>Conflict resolutions will not be applied unless all differences<br>are resolved.<br>Click <strong>{0}</strong> to close anyway.<strong> Already<br>resolved differences will not be applied.</strong><br>Click <strong>{1}</strong> to return to resolving conflicts.</html>Ò<html>You have successfully retrieved an OAuth Access Token from the OSM website. Click on <strong>{0}</strong> to accept the token. JOSM will use it in subsequent requests to gain access to the OSM API.</html>¢<html>{0} relations build a cycle because they refer to each other.<br>JOSM cannot upload them. Please edit the relations and remove the cyclic dependency.</html>È<i>(Autosave stores the changed data layers in periodic intervals. The backups are saved in JOSM''s preference folder. In case of a crash, JOSM tries to recover the unsaved changes on next start.)</i>€<i>(JOSM can keep a backup file when saving data layers. It appends ''~'' to the file name and saves it in the same folder.)</i>0<i>CH1903 / LV03 (without local corrections)</i><i>missing</i><key>\r<left parent>
21<new object><not><or><question mark><right parent>Z<strong>Warning:</strong> JOSM does login <strong>once</strong> using a secure connection.
22<undefined><xor>> after> before> bottom> topA&A helper for IRS satellite adjustment.-A name is missing, even though name:* exists. A name:* translation is missing.,A primitive with ID = 0 cannot be invisible.jA relation membership was copied to all new ways.<br>You should verify this and correct it when necessary.uA role based relation membership was copied to all new ways.<br>You should verify this and correct it when
23ecessary.:A special handler for the French land registry WMS server.$A;A1;B;B1;C;C1;D;D1;BE;CE;C1E;DE;D1E
24A;A1;B;BE;CAGRI black-and-white 2.5mAPI Capabilities ViolationAPI version: {0}Abandoned RailAbort\rAbort MergingAbort file chooser dialogAbort file chooser dialog.About\rAbout JOSM...Accept Access Token)Accept all tags from {0} for this session0Accept the new plugin sites and close the dialogAccess
25Access TokenAccess Token Key:Access Token Secret:Access Token URL:\rAccess rights;Access to redacted version ''{0}'' of {1} {2} is forbidden.\rAccommodationBAccording to the information within the plugin, the author is {0}.Account or loyalty cardsAccuracyActionAction parametersActionsActions To TakeActivateActivate layerActivate the selected layer-Activating the standard map renderer instead.Active presets:\rActive rules:Active styles:AddAdd Imagery URL Add JOSM Plugin description URL.
26Add Node...Add Rectified ImageAdd Tag7Add a bookmark for the currently selected download areaAdd a new icon path'Add a new key/value pair to all objects!Add a new node to an existing way,Add a new preset by entering filename or URL*Add a new rule by entering filename or URL
27Add a new source to the list.+Add a new style by entering filename or URL\rAdd a new tag'Add a new {0} entry by entering the URLBAdd a node by entering latitude / longitude or easting / northing.EAdd all objects selected in the current dataset after the last memberNAdd all objects selected in the current dataset after the last selected memberGAdd all objects selected in the current dataset before the first memberPAdd all objects selected in the current dataset before the first selected member
28Add all tagsAdd an empty tagAdd author information$Add checked tags to selected objectsAdd conflict for ''{0}''
29Add filter.Add imagery layer {0}\nAdd layersAdd nodeAdd node into way
30Add node into way and connect
31Add node {0}
32Add or remove toolbar buttonAdd relation {0}Add selected tagsAdd selection to relation
33Add setting
34Add tags to selected objects>Add the members of all selected relations to current selection@Add the selected available presets to the list of active presets<Add the selected available rules to the list of active rules>Add the selected available styles to the list of active styles3Add the selected relations to the current selectionAdd to selectionAdd to slippymap chooser: Add toolbar button\nAdd value?Add way
35Add way {0}Added node on all intersectionsAdding {0} to ignore tagsAdding {0} to spellcheckerAdding {0} to tag checkerAddress Interpolation Addresses½Adds a tagging preset tester to the help menu, which helps you developing of tagging presets (quick preview of the dialog that will popup). You can start the jar-file as standalone as well.Adds map printing to JOSM)Adds no left turn for sets of 4 or 5 waysAditAdjust imagery offset
36Adjust opacity of the layer.)Adjust the position of this imagery layerAdjust timezone and offset"Adjustable {0} not registered yet.WAdjustable {0} not registered yet. Cannot set participation in synchronized adjustment.Administration centreAdministrativeAdministrative levelAdvanced
37Advanced Background: ChangedAdvanced Background: NonDefaultAdvanced OAuth parametersAdvanced OAuth propertiesAdvanced Preferences\rAdvanced infoAdvanced info (web)Advanced object infoMAerial imagery might be misaligned. Please check its offset using GPS tracks! AerialwayAgip
39Air QualityAirportAirport GroundAlcoholAlign Nodes in CircleAlign Nodes in LineAll All Files
40All FormatsAll files (*.*)TAll installed plugins are up to date. JOSM does not have to download newer versions.[All points and track segments will have the same color. Can be customized in Layer Manager.
41All projections are supported>All the preferences of this group are default, nothing to saveDAll values joined as ''{0}'' are going to be applied for key ''{1}''
42All vehicles\nAllotments4Allow adding markers/nodes on current gps positions.
43Allow modifications of notes)Allow to download your private GPS traces
44Allow to read your preferencesAllow to upload GPS tracesAllow to upload map dataAllow to write your preferencesAllowed traffic:NAllows JOSM to be controlled from other applications, e.g. from a web browser.MAllows opening gpx/osm files that intersect the currently visible screen areaVAllows the user to anonymize timestamps and delete parts of huge GPX tracks very fast.Allows the user to create different color schemes and to switch between them. Just change the colors and create a new scheme. Used to switch to a white background with matching colors for better visibility in bright sunlight. See dialog in display preferences.DAllows to attribute tags to all objects in any selected area at onceUAllows to edit traffic information and export it to the urban mobility simulator SUMO+Allows to filter out unnecessary GPS tracks9Allows to import various file formats into JOSM directly.?Allows to tune the track coloring for different average speeds.*Allows undeleting object from OSM database\rAlpha channel\nAlpine Hut4Already registered a conflict for primitive ''{0}''.6Also include incomplete and deleted objects in search.Also rename the fileAlternative name`Alternatively, if that does not work you can manually fill in the information below at this URL:\rAlways hidden
45Always shown
46Always update without askingAmerican FootballAmount of CablesAmount of SeatsAmount of StepsAmount of circuitsAmount of polesAmperageVAn OSM data validator that checks for common errors made by users and editor programs.An empty value deletes the tag.An error occurred in plugin {0}}An error occurred while trying to match the photos to the GPX track. You can adjust the sliders to manually match the photos.LAn unexpected exception occurred that may have come from the ''{0}'' plugin.§An unexpected exception occurred.<br>This is always a coding error. If you are running the latest<br>version of JOSM, please consider being kind and file a bug report.AnalogIAnalyse a set of GPS points to obtain its centre and direction of spread.Angle snappingAngle snapping active.\nAnnotation³Another plugin to match images to the waypoints in a GPX file. A match is made when the ''name'', ''cmt'' or ''desc'' attribute of a waypoint tag matches the filename of an image./Append preferences from file to existing valuesApply\rApply Changes
47Apply PresetApply Resolution\nApply Role
48Apply Role:GApply antialiasing to the GPX lines resulting in a smoother appearance.XApply antialiasing to the map view in wireframe mode resulting in a smoother appearance.FApply antialiasing to the map view resulting in a smoother appearance.Apply recent tag {0}Apply resolved conflicts-Apply resolved conflicts and close the dialogApply selected changes=Apply tags of contents of paste buffer to all selected items./Apply tags to the changeset data is uploaded toApply the current updatesApply the tile address&Apply the updates and close the dialog
49Apply this role to all membersApply?\nApril 2015ApronAralArcadeArchaeological SiteArchery Are you really sure to continue?Area
50Area style way is not closedAreas around placesAreas share segment
51Artist Name
52Arts CentreArtwork\nAscent (m)Ask before updatingAssemble new polygonsAssociated StreetAssume<At least one object to delete required, got empty collection Athletics'Attention: Use real keyboard keys only!\nAttraction\nAttributesAudioAudio Device UnavailableAudio SettingsAudio markers from {0} Audio synchronized at point {0}.Audio waypoint labelling\nAudio: {0}\nAudioguide
53Audioguide via mobile phone?Australian Football
54Authenticate4Authenticate with the supplied username and passworddAuthenticating at the HTTP proxy ''{0}'' failed. Please enter a valid username and a valid password.aAuthenticating at the OSM API ''{0}'' failed. Please enter a valid username and a valid password.^Authenticating at the host ''{0}'' failed. Please enter a valid username and a valid password..Authenticating the sessi
55 for user ''{0}''...AuthenticationAuthentication FailedAuthentication failedAuthorAuthor:Authorisation Failed$Authorize JOSM to access the OSM APIAuthorize URL:\rAuthorize now>Authorizing OAuth Request token ''{0}'' at the OSM website ...$Authorizing request token ''{0}''...AuthorsAuto Auto ZoomAuto load tilesAuto save enabled
56Auto save interval (seconds)Auto saved files per layerAuto zoom by default: \nAuto-GuessAutoload tiles by default: AutomatedAutomated DefibrillatorAutomated Teller MachineAutomatic downloadingAutomatic tag correctionAutomatically change resolutionpAutomatically create audio markers from trackpoints (rather than explicit waypoints) with names or descriptions.NAutomatically make a marker layer from any waypoints when opening a GPX layer.CAutomatically truncating value of tag ''{0}'' on deleted object {1} AvailableAvailable default entries:Available presets:Available rolesAvailable rules:Available styles:Avalanche ProtectorAviaBBP\nBaby HatchBackBackground Terms of Use
57Background:BackrestBackspace in Add mode
58Bad Request1Bad location in HTML document. Exception was: {0}
59Baker StreetBakeryBandwidth Limit ExceededBankBarBarrier%Barrier entrance not set on a barrierBarriersBarriers and entrancesBaseballBasicBasin\nBasketball Batteries
60Battlefield\rBavaria (2 m)BayBeachBeachvolleyballBeaconBelgian Lambert 1972Belgian Lambert 2008BenchBest zoom: {0} BeveragesBicycle
61Bicycle Road\rBicycle routeBicycles are rentedBicycles are repairedBicycles are soldBicycles are washed (for a fee)\nBiergarten
62Bike DealerBing Sat\nBio Diesel
63Blank LayerBlockBlue:\rBoard ContentBoatyardBoiling Water Reactor 1 (BWR-1)Boiling Water Reactor 2 (BWR-2)Boiling Water Reactor 3 (BWR-3)Boiling Water Reactor 4 (BWR-4)Boiling Water Reactor 5 (BWR-5)Boiling Water Reactor 6 (BWR-6)Bollard
64Bollard typeBonvillars Orthophoto 2013\nBook Store BookmakerBookmark name: BookmarksBordeaux - 2012Border ControlBotanical NameBoule\nBoundariesBoundaryBoundary StoneBoundary duplicated nodes\rBoundary type
65Bounding BoxBounding box (projected): Bounding box: BoundsBoutiqueBowlsBranch operatorBranch tower typeBrand\nBreakwaterBridgeRBring in errors from Osm Inspector and display it on the current JOSM bounding boxBritish Columbia MosaicSBroken tagging preset "{0}-{1}" - Java method given in ''values_from'' is not "{2}"VBroken tagging preset "{0}-{1}" - Java method given in ''values_from'' threw {2} ({3})iBroken tagging preset "{0}-{1}" - number of items in ''display_values'' must be the same as in ''values''mBroken tagging preset "{0}-{1}" - number of items in ''short_descriptions'' must be the same as in ''values''Brothel\nBrownfieldBuddhist Temple
66Buffer Stop
67Bug ReportsBuildingBuilding PassageBuilding duplicated nodesBuilding inside buildingBuilding main menu\rBuilding type
68Built-in Style, internal path: Built-in: Bump GateBus
69Bus Guideway
70Bus Platform
71Bus StationBus StopBus TrapBus stop (legacy)ButcherBy Code (EPSG)Bytom: Budynki (buildings)'Bytom: Ortofotomapa 2012 (aerial image)$Będzin: Ortofotomapa (aerial image)(CANada Deuterium Uranium reactor (CANDU)
72CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)"CRAIG - Auvergne 2009/2010 - 30 cmCRAIG - Le Puy 2010 - 15 cmCRAIG - Montluçon 2009 - 15 cm
73CRAIG - Moulins 2009 - 15 cmCRAIG - Vichy 2009 - 15 cm'CRIGE PACA Alpes-Maritimes 2009 - 40 cm Cable CarCable Distribution CabinetCafeCalculating Download Area*Call relation editor for selected relation+Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam bilingualCameraCamogieCamping
74Camping SiteCan not align a polygon. Abort.TCan''t activate map renderer class ''{0}'', because it isn''t a subclass of ''{1}''.YCan''t activate map renderer class ''{0}'', because it isn''t registered as map renderer.LCan''t activate map renderer class ''{0}'', because the class wasn''t found.Canadian FootballCanalCancel(Cancel and return to the previous dialogCancel authentication$Cancel auto-increment for this field
75Cancel closing of changesetsCancel conflict resolution/Cancel conflict resolution and close the dialogCancel operation'Cancel the updates and close the dialog$Cancel the upload and resume editingCancel uploadingCancel, continue editing'Cannot add a node outside of the world.%Cannot add a way with only {0} nodes.*Cannot add node {0} to incomplete way {1}.&Cannot apply undecided tag merge item.OCannot assign a changesetId > 0 to a new primitive. Value of changesetId is {0}NCannot build changeset query with time based restrictions. Input is not valid.FCannot compare primitive with ID ''{0}'' to primitive with ID ''{1}''.`Cannot create a changeset query including both the query parameters ''uid'' and ''display_name''CCannot create changeset query for open changesets of anonymous user Cannot delete node that has tags9Cannot delete node that is referenced by multiple objects*Cannot determine center of selected nodes.^Cannot download file ''{0}''. Its download link ''{1}'' is not a valid URL. Skipping download.`Cannot download plugin ''{0}''. Its download link ''{1}'' is not a valid URL. Skipping download.RCannot download plugin ''{0}''. Its download link is not known. Skipping download.ICannot load layer of type ''{0}'' because no suitable importer was found.MCannot load layer {0} because it depends on layer {1} which has been skipped.WCannot merge because either of the participating primitives is new and the other is notKCannot merge nodes: Would have to delete way {0} which is still used by {1}LCannot merge primitives with different ids. This id is {0}, the other is {1}&Cannot mix node and way for role "via")Cannot move objects outside of the world.]Cannot open URL ''{0}''<br>The following download tasks accept the URL patterns shown:<br>{1})Cannot place a node outside of the world."Cannot resolve undecided conflict.YCannot restrict changeset query to the current user because the current user is anonymousUCannot restrict the changeset query to a specific bounding box. The input is invalid.<Cannot restrict the changeset query to the user name ''{0}''8Cannot start remotecontrol https server on port {0}: {1}2Cannot start remotecontrol server on port {0}: {1}ICannot undo command ''{0}'' because layer ''{1}'' is not present any moreCanoeingCans
76Canton de Fribourg 50cm (2005)"Canton de Génève 5cm (SITG 2011)%Canton de Neuchâtel 50cm (SITN 2006)Canton du Jura 50cm (RCJU 1998)CanvecCapacityCapacity (overall)Car\nCar Dealer
77Caravan SiteCargo
78Cartoriviera - Orthophoto 2012CashCastleCatastro Spain
79Cattle GridCause: \rCave EntranceCemeteryCenter of bounding box:
80Center viewCentral meridian\nCentroid: Chain\nChair LiftChalet
81Change TagsChange directions?
82Change list of lists settingChange list of maps settingChange list settingChange node {0}Change proxy settingsChange relation'Change relation member role for {0} {1}Change relation {0}Change resolutionChange string setting'Change the folder for all user settingsChange the selectionChange the viewportChange way {0}Changed nodes of {0}-Changes preferences according to the XML file#Changeset ID > 0 expected. Got {0}.Changeset ID: Changeset Management DialogChangeset ManagerChangeset closedChangeset commentChangeset comment:\rChangeset id:Changeset infoChangeset is fullChangeset source\rChangeset {0}\nChangeset:\nChangesets%Changing keyboard shortcuts manually.Charging StationCheck for FIXMES.Check interval (minutes):Check on the serverCheck property keys.Check property values.1Checking for deleted parents in the local dataset$Checking parents for deleted objects Checking plugin preconditions...
83Checks for deprecated features>Checks for errors in addresses and associatedStreet relations.,Checks for errors in barriers and entrances.
84Checks for errors on addresses
85Checks for errors on highways*Checks for errors on power infrastructures
86Checks for errors on relations&Checks for errors on religious objectsChecks for geometry errors1Checks for missing tag or suspicious combinationsHChecks for nodes in power lines that do not have a power=tower/pole tag.Checks for unnecessary tags#Checks for ways connected to areas.1Checks for ways with identical consecutive nodes. Checks for wrong multiple valuesChecks for wrong numeric valuesChecks for wrong wikipedia tagsChecksum errors: {0}ChemistChevronChild RelationsChimney$China Pressurized Reactor (CPR-1000)ChineseChoose"Choose Tag checker rules to enableChoose a colorChoose a color for {0}Choose a predefined licenseChoose a valueChoose profile fileChoose recent tag {0}Choose tests to enableChoose the OSM object type Choose the server for searching:Choose visible tracks
87Chorzów: Budynki (buildings)AChunk size {0} exceeds max. changeset size {1} for server ''{2}''ChurchCinemaCitgoCity\nCity Limit City Wall City name\nClass TypeClearClear Undo/Redo buffer
88Clear bufferClear textarea'Clear the list of recently opened filesèClick ''<strong>{0}</strong>'' to continue uploading to additional new changesets.<br>Click ''<strong>{1}</strong>'' to return to the upload dialog.<br>Click ''<strong>{2}</strong>'' to abort uploading and return to map editing.<br>,Click <strong>{0}</strong> to ignore.</html>Click <strong>{0}</strong> to load them now.<br>If necessary JOSM will create conflicts which you can resolve in the Conflict Resolution Dialog.#Click cell to change the file path.
89Click here to choose save path
90Click here to see your inbox..Click on the way to start improving its shape.AClick test access to the OSM server with the current access token/Click the arrow at the bottom to show it again.$Click to abort and to resume editing*Click to abort launching external browsers
91Click to abort merging nodes4Click to abort resetting to the OAuth default valuesClick to abort uploadingSClick to add a new node. Release Ctrl to move existing nodes or hold Alt to delete.Click to cancel-Click to cancel and to resume editing the map%Click to cancel the current operationNClick to check whether objects in your local dataset are deleted on the serverClick to close the dialogBClick to close the dialog and remove the object from the relations;Click to close the dialog and to abort deleting the objects2Click to close the dialog and to abort downloading/Click to close this dialog and continue editing8Click to continue uploading to additional new changesets9Click to create a conflict and close this relation editorgClick to delete the highlighted node. Release Alt to move existing nodes or hold Ctrl to add new nodes."Click to delete the plugin ''{0}''€Click to delete. Shift: delete way segment. Alt: do not delete unused nodes when deleting a way. Ctrl: delete referring objects.#Click to disable the plugin ''{0}'';Click to discard the changes and close this relation editorClick to download/Click to download all referring objects for {0}-Click to download the currently selected area Click to keep the plugin ''{0}'',Click to minimize/maximize the panel contentQClick to move the highlighted node. Hold Ctrl to add new nodes, or Alt to delete.0Click to open the imagery tab in the preferences8Click to open the tagging presets tab in the preferencesDClick to redirect you to the authorization form on the JOSM web site3Click to reset the OAuth settings to default valuesClick to restart later.!Click to retrieve a Request Token!Click to retrieve an Access Token$Click to return to the Upload DialogEClick to return to the relation editor and to resume relation editing
92Click to run job in background8Click to save the changes and close this relation editor,Click to skip updating the activated plugins#Click to start searching for places5Click to step through the OAuth authorization processUClick to step through the OAuth authorization process and generate a new Access Token
93Click to test the Access Token%Click to update the activated plugins"Click to update the plugin ''{0}''Client Time OutCliffClimbingClinicClockClose
94Close anyway
95Close changeset after uploadClose changesets#Close dialog and cancel downloadingClose open changesets+Close the currently selected open changesetClose the dialog1Close the dialog and abort querying of changesets,Close the dialog and accept the Access Token)Close the dialog and cancel authorization;Close the preferences dialog and discard preference updates
96Close the selected changesets"Close the selected open changesets,Close this dialog and resume editing in JOSMIClose this panel. You can reopen it with the buttons in the left toolbar.Closed after - Closed at\nClosed on:Closer DescriptionCloser descriptionCloses open changesets#Closes the selected open changesetsClosing changesetClosing changeset {0}Closing changeset...Clothes Coastline\nCoastlinesCoinsCollection timesCollege ColonnadeColor%Color (HTML name or hexadecimal code)
97Color Name:Colors0Colors points and track segments by data limits.sColors points and track segments by dilution of position (HDOP). Your capture device needs to log that information..Colors points and track segments by direction.2Colors points and track segments by its timestamp.-Colors points and track segments by velocity.)Colors used by different objects in JOSM.Colour of backgroundColour of border/arrowColour of text5Combination of ellipsoid parameters is not supported.
98Combine WayCombine confirmation
99Combine several ways into one.Combined Foot- and CyclewayCommand\rCommand StackCommentComment:\nCommercialCommonCommon SettingsCommon name abbreviation$Communication with OSM server failedCommunity CentreCompare 2Complete node {0} with null coordinates in way {1}ComputerConditional Keys\rConfectioneryConfigure Plugin SitesConfigure advanced settings
100Configure available plugins.Configure sites...=Configure the list of sites where plugins are downloaded fromConfigure toolbar(Configure whether to create backup files'Configure whether to use a proxy serverAConfigure your identity and how to authenticate at the OSM serverConfirm Purging
101Confirm Remote Control action+Confirm all Remote Control actions manuallyConfirm empty role
102ConfirmationConflictConflict ResolutionConflict background
103Conflict background: combined
104Conflict background: decidedConflict background: drop
105Conflict background: drop tag
106Conflict background: empty rowConflict background: frozen"Conflict background: in comparison Conflict background: in oppositeConflict background: keep"Conflict background: keep all tags Conflict background: keep member!Conflict background: keep one tag Conflict background: no conflict$Conflict background: not in opposite"Conflict background: remove member.Conflict background: same position in opposite
107Conflict background: selected
108Conflict background: undecidedConflict foregroundConflict foreground: drop
109Conflict foreground: drop tag"Conflict foreground: in comparisonConflict foreground: keep"Conflict foreground: keep all tags Conflict foreground: keep member!Conflict foreground: keep one tag"Conflict foreground: remove member
110Conflict foreground: undecidedDConflict in ''visible'' attribute for object of type {0} with id {1} Conflict not resolved completely ConflictsConflicts detectedConflicts in pasted tags#Conflicts when combining primitives7Conflicts when combining ways - combined way is ''{0}''5Conflicts when merging nodes - target node is ''{0}''Conflicts: {0} unresolved
111Connect existing way to node%Connected way end node near other wayConnection Settings'Connection Settings for the OSM server.Connection to API failedFConnection to proxy ''{0}'' for URI ''{1}'' failed. Exception was: {2}
112ConstructionConstruction area\rConsumer Key:Consumer Secret:Contact (common schema)*Contact (schema with ''contact:*'' prefix)Contacting OSM Server...Contacting Server...Content ContinentContinueContinue anywayContinue as isContinue resolvingContinue uploadContinue uploading
113Continue way from last node.Continue, try anyway=Continues drawing a line that shares nodes with another line.
114ContributionConvenience Store0Convert data from Open Data portals to OSM layerConvert to GPX layerConvert to data layerConverted from: {0}
115CoordinatesCoordinates (projected): Coordinates imported: {0}
116Coordinates:\rCoordinates: CopyCopy CoordinatesCopy Key/Value\nCopy ValueCopy all Keys/Values"Copy all my elements to the target%Copy all their elements to the target0Copy coordinates of selected nodes to clipboard.ZCopy my selected elements after the first selected element in the list of merged elements.[Copy my selected elements before the first selected element in the list of merged elements.DCopy my selected elements to the end of the list of merged elements.;Copy my selected nodes to the start of the merged node list
117Copy of {0}&Copy selected objects to paste buffer.3Copy the key and value of the all tags to clipboard7Copy the key and value of the selected tag to clipboard/Copy the value of the selected tag to clipboard[Copy their selected element after the first selected element in the list of merged elementsHCopy their selected element to the start of the list of merged elements.^Copy their selected elements before the first selected element in the list of merged elements.GCopy their selected elements to the end of the list of merged elements.Copy to clipboard and closeCopy {1} of {0}Copyright (URL)Copyright yearCopyshop CorrelateCorrelate images with GPX trackCorrelate to GPX"Could not access data file(s):\n{0}RCould not combine ways<br>(They could not be merged into a single string of nodes)KCould not connect to the OSM server. Please check your internet connection.Could not export ''{0}''.Could not find element type
118Could not find warning levelCould not import ''{0}''.Could not import files.3Could not load plugin {0}. Delete from preferences?:Could not parse Latitude, Longitude or Zoom. Please check.Could not parse WMS layer list.Could not read "{0}"(Could not read tagging preset source {0})Could not read tagging preset source: {0}ACould not read tagging preset source: {0}\nDo you want to keep it?
119Could not rename file ''{0}''"Could not retrieve WMS layer list.ëCould not retrieve the list of your open changesets because<br>JOSM does not know your identity.<br>You have either chosen to work anonymously or you are not entitled<br>to know the identity of the user on whose behalf you are working.QCouldn''t match the entered link or id to the selected service. Please try again.CountCountry
120Country codeCounty\nCourthouseCoveredCovered (with roof)Covered ReservoirCrane\rCreate CircleCreate New Folder*Create a circle from three selected nodes.CCreate a copy of this relation and open it in another editor windowCreate a grid of ways.Create a new map layer.Create a new relation
121Create areasuCreate audio markers at the position on the track corresponding to the modified time of each audio WAV file imported.Create bookmarkCreate markers when reading GPXCreate multipolygonCreate new node.Create new objects$Create new relation in layer ''{0}''Created\nCreated at
122Created at:Created before -
123Created by:
124Created on:HCreating and handling address nodes and buildings within Czech Republic.Creating changeset...Creating main GUI
125Credit cardsCricket
126Cricket NetsCroquetCross by bicycleCross on horsebackCrossingCrossing attendantCrossing barriersCrossing boundariesCrossing buildings\rCrossing typeCrossing type name (UK)Crossing waterway/highwayCrossing waterways\rCrossing ways Ctrl to merge with nearest node.CuisineCultureCulvertCurrent Selection.Current changeset is null. Cannot upload data.-Current credential manager is of type ''{0}''.Current value ''{0}'' for user ID is not validCurrent value is default.Current zoom: {0}KCurrently, there is no download area selected. Please select an area first.CurtainCustomCustom ProjectionCustom WMS LinkCustomize Color&Customize the elements on the toolbar.Customize track drawingCutCuttingCycle\rCycle BarrierCycle Lane/TrackCycleway\rCycleway leftCycleway right$Cyclic dependency between relations:CyclingCycling dependencies\rCzech CUZK:KMCzech UHUL:ORTOFOTO.Częstochowa: Ortofotomapa 2011 (aerial image)\nDEBUG: {0}DEKRADamData\nData ErrorData Layer {0}\nData Set: Data Sources and Types:Data sources ({0})Data validatorData:NDatabase of imagery offsets: share and aquire imagery offsets with one button. Database offline for maintenanceDataset consistency testDateDate:Date: \nDatum name4Datum required (+datum=*, +towgs84=* or +nadgrids=*)
127Debit cards8Decide how to upload the data and which changeset to useDecimal DegreesDecision\rDecrease zoom3Decreasing house numbers in addresses interpolationDedicated BridlewayDedicated CyclewayDedicated FootwayDefaultDefault (Auto determined)@Default value currently unknown (setting has not been used yet).Default value is ''{0}''.Default value: {0}Delete
128Delete FileDelete File from disk
129Delete Mode
130Delete Tags6Delete Ways that are not part of an inner multipolygonDelete confirmationDelete duplicate relationsDelete duplicate waysDelete filter.Delete from relationDelete image file from diskDelete incomplete members?7Delete layers without saving. Unsaved changes are lost.Delete node {0}Delete nodes or ways.
131Delete now!Delete objectsDelete relation {0}Delete relation?Delete relationsDelete selected objects.$Delete the currently edited relation&Delete the selected key in all objectsDelete the selected layers.
132Delete the selected relation)Delete the selected source from the list.%Delete the selection in the tag table$Delete unnecessary nodes from a way.Delete way {0}DeletedDeleted ''{0}''Deleted State:*Deleted member {0} is used by relation {1}
133Deleted node referenced by {0}#Deleted node {0} is part of way {1}Deleted or moved objects%Deleted relation {0} contains members
134Deleted way {0} contains nodesDeli (Fine Food)
135DenominationDentistDepartment StoreDeprecated featuresDepth in meters
136Descent (m)
138Description:Description: {0}
139DestinationDestination sign*Destination written on sign (w/o distance)
140Detail GradeDetails\nDetails...Details:ZDetected deprecated ''{0}'' in ''{1}'' which will be removed shortly. Use ''{2}'' instead.
141Determine plugins to load...%Determine user id for current user...
142Detour routeDiameter (in mm)9Did not find an object with id {0} in the current datasetDiesel(Diesel (Gas To Liquid - ultimate diesel)
143Diesel for Heavy Good Vehicles\nDifficultyDigital<Dilution of Position (red = high, green = low, if available) DirectionBDirection (red = west, yellow = north, green = east, blue = south)Direction in degreesDisableDisable plugincDisallow using JOSM forever (WARNING: this plugin prevents JOSM from loading and is hard to rid of)DiscardDiscardable key: backgroundDiscardable key: foreground%Discardable key: selection Background%Discardable key: selection ForegroundDisconnect Node from Way4Disconnect nodes from a way they currently belong to\nDispensingDisplay!Display Advanced OAuth ParametersDisplay SettingsvDisplay a moving icon representing the point on the synchronized track where the audio currently playing was recorded.HDisplay advanced object information about OSM nodes, ways, or relations.IDisplay buttons in right side menus only when mouse is inside the elementDisplay coordinates asDisplay discardable keysDisplay geotagged imagesODisplay history information about OSM ways, nodes, or relations in web browser.@Display history information about OSM ways, nodes, or relations.aDisplay keys which have been deemed uninteresting to the point that they can be silently removed.Display live audio trace.NDisplay object information about OSM nodes, ways, or relations in web browser.Display the Audio menu.Display the about screen.-Display the basic properties of the changeset*Display the history of all selected items.,Display the history of the selected objects.BDisplay the objects created, updated, and deleted by the changeset!Display the tags of the changesetDisplay zoom: {0}Display:#Displays the JOSM version and exits\rDistance (km)\nDistance: Distribute Nodes>Distribute the selected nodes to equal distances along a line.Disused
144Disused RailDitchDivisionDo not apply changesYDo not ask again and remember my decision (go to Preferences->Plugins to change it later)QDo not draw arrows if they are not at least this distance away from the last one.Do not hide status barDo not hide toolbar
145Do not hide toolbar and menu8Do not require to switch modes (potlatch style workflow)$Do not show again (remembers choice)"Do not show again (this operation) Do not show again (this session)\nDo nothing)Do you really want to apply the new role?Do you want to allow this? Do you want to paste these tags?Do-it-yourself-storeDockDoctors8Does not match pattern ''restriction value @ condition''Dog Park\nDog RacingDouble conflictDownDownloadDownload All ChildrenDownload Compressed OSM
146Download Compressed OSM Change\rDownload Data
147Download GPSFDownload GPS points from Globalsat dg100 data logger directly in JOSM.Download LocationDownload Members
148Download OSMDownload OSM ChangeDownload OSM URLDownload OSM object by ID.Download Plugin/Download Rectified Images From Various ServicesDownload Selected Children
149Download URL*Download all child relations (recursively)Download all incomplete members.Download all members of the selected relations5Download and show the history of the selected objects4Download area ok, size probably acceptable to server<Download area too large; will probably be rejected by serverDownload as new layerDownload changeset contentDownload changesets,Download changesets using predefined queriesDownload content\rDownload dataDownload everything within:Download finished"Download from OSM along this trackDownload from OSM...Download incomplete members1Download incomplete members of selected relationsFDownload information about the selected changesets from the OSM server\rDownload list&Download map data from the OSM server.Download members@Download my changesets from the OSM server (max. 100 changesets)Download my changesets onlyDownload near:
150Download nowDownload objectDownload object...Download objects9Download objects referring to one of the selected objects
151Download objects to new layer!Download parent ways/relations...Download plugin list...Download plugins
152Download redirected to ''{0}''.Download referrers (parent relations and ways)%Download referrers (parent relations)
153Download referring relationsDownload relation membersDownload relations$Download selected incomplete membersDownload selected relationsDownload sessionDownload skippedDownload the bounding box$Download the bounding box as raw GPS
154Download the changeset content2Download the changeset content from the OSM serverMDownload the changeset with the specified id, including the changeset content?Download the content of the selected changesets from the server&Download the list of available plugins:Download the location at the URL (with lat=x&lon=y&zoom=z)EDownload the location at the URL (with lat=x&lon=y&zoom=z) as raw GPSDownload visible tiles/Download your GPX tracks from
155Download {0} of {1} ({2} left)Downloaded GPX DataDownloaded {0}/{1} tiles
156Downloader:"Downloading File {0}: {1} bytes...Downloading GPS dataDownloading OSM data...Downloading Plugin {0}... Downloading "Message of the day"
157Downloading changeset content
158Downloading changeset {0} ...Downloading changesets ...)Downloading content fo
159changeset {0} ...Downloading dataDownloading fileDownloading history...Downloading open changesets ...$Downloading plugin list from ''{0}'' Downloading points {0} to {1}...#Downloading referring relations ...
160Downloading referring ways ...Downloading relation {0}
161Downloads OSM data along a way Drag Lift™Drag a way segment to make a rectangle. Ctrl-drag to move a segment along its normal, Alt-drag to create a new rectangle, double click to add a new node.Drag play headqDrag play head and release near track to play audio from there; SHIFT+release to synchronize audio at that point.DrainDrawDraw Direction Arrows
162Draw a circle from HDOP value
163Draw a circle from HDOP value.DDraw a rectangle of the desired size, then release the mouse button.DDraw arrows in the direction of oneways and other directed features."Draw boundaries of downloaded data7Draw direction arrows for lines, connecting GPS points.&Draw direction hints for way segments.#Draw inactive layers in other colorDraw large GPS points$Draw larger dots for the GPS points.!Draw lines between raw GPS points"Draw lines between raw gps points.\nDraw nodesDraw oneway arrows.Draw only outlines of areas
164Draw rubber-band helper lineDraw segment order numbers3Draw the boundaries of data loaded from the server.FDraw the direction arrows using table lookups instead of complex math.3Draw the inactive data layers in a different color.8Draw the order numbers of all segments within their way.!Draw virtual nodes in select mode<Draw virtual nodes in select mode for easy way modification.Drawing width of GPX linesDrinking WaterQDrive a race car from point A to point B over aerial imagery, leave cacti behind.\rDrive throughDriving School
165Dry CleaningDual alignmentDual alignment active. DuplicateDuplicate house numbers/Duplicate nodes that are used by multiple ways.0Duplicate selection by copy and immediate paste.Duplicate this layerDuplicated nodesDuplicated relationsDuplicated way nodesDuplicated waysDynamic
166Dynamic buttons in side menus(Dynamic color range based on data limitsE-MailE10 (10% Ethanol mix)E85 (85% Ethanol mix)/EPSG:4326 and Mercator projection are supportedERROR\nERROR: {0}#EULA license URL not available: {0}%Each node must connect exactly 2 ways\nEast/NorthEasting8Easy downloading along a long set of interconnected waysEditEdit Highway Attributes:!Edit JOSM Plugin description URL. Edit Tags\rEdit also …
167Edit features for OpenSeaMap
168Edit filter.&Edit latitude and longitude of a node."Edit new relation in layer ''{0}''#Edit relation #{0} in layer ''{1}''\rEdit shortcutEdit source entry:Edit the current help page$Edit the currently selected relation7Edit the filename or URL for the selected active preset5Edit the filename or URL for the selected active rule6Edit the filename or URL for the selected active styleBEdit the relation the currently selected relation member refers toCEdit the relation the currently selected relation member refers to.Edit the selected icon pathEdit the selected source.2Edit the value of the selected key for all objects
169Edit toolbar Edit: {0}
170Edited at:
171Edited by: EducationaEither edit the path manually in the text field or click the "..." button to open a file chooser.
172Electrified\nElectronic"Electronic purses and Charge cards
173Electronics#Elements of type {0} are supported. ElevationElevator Ellipsoid ''{0}'' not supported.Ellipsoid nameEllipsoid parameters+Ellipsoid required (+ellps=* or +a=*, +b=*)\rEmail Address\nEmbankmentEmbassyEmergency Access PointEmergency PhoneEmergency vehiclesEmpty documentEmpty metadataEmpty role found\nEmpty ways
174Enable built-in icon defaults\rEnable filterEnable remote control'Enable the checkbox to accept the valueCEnable/disable automatic moving of the map view to last placed nodeEnable/disable expert mode2Enable/disable rendering the map as wireframe only$Enabled detailed debug level (trace)6Enables searching for waypoint imported from gpx file.Encourage/discourage upload
175Enforcement"Enter Lat/Lon to jump to position. Enter URLEnter URL to download:Enter a changeset id Enter a place name to search for!Enter a place name to search for::Enter a role and apply it to the selected relation members)Enter a role for all relation membershipsEnter a search expressionEnter a sourceEnter advanced OAuth properties1Enter an URL from where data should be downloadedEnter an upload comment Enter credentials for HTTP proxy
176Enter credentials for OSM APIEnter credentials for hostLEnter easting and northing (x and y) separated by space, comma or semicolon.Enter file name:Enter path or folder name:\nEnter text4Enter the ID of the object that should be downloaded
177Enter the OAuth Access TokenÁEnter the coordinates for the new node.<br/>You can separate longitude and latitude with space, comma or semicolon.<br/>Use positive numbers or N, E characters to indicate North or East cardinal direction.<br/>For South and West cardinal directions you can use either negative numbers or S, W characters.<br/>Coordinate value can be in one of three formats:<ul><li><i>degrees</i><tt>&deg;</tt></li><li><i>degrees</i><tt>&deg;</tt> <i>minutes</i><tt>&#39;</tt></li><li><i>degrees</i><tt>&deg;</tt> <i>minutes</i><tt>&#39;</tt> <i>seconds</i><tt>&quot</tt></li></ul>Symbols <tt>&deg;</tt>, <tt>&#39;</tt>, <tt>&prime;</tt>, <tt>&quot;</tt>, <tt>&Prime;</tt> are optional.<br/><br/>Some examples:<ul>{0}</ul>Enter the search expressionEntranceEntrance (barrier opening)Entrance numberAEntry ''{0}'' requires JOSM Version {1}. (Currently running: {2}) Entry {0}\nEquestrianErlangen 2011 Luftbild (5,0 cm) Erlangen 2013 Luftbild (6,25 cm)EroticErrorError Error during download9Error header "{0}" did not match with an expected patternError in filterdError in search expression on position {0} - expression must return different then current primitivehError in search expression on position {0} - left side of or(|) expression must return set of primitivesRError in search expression on position {0} - not(-) cannot be used in this contextiError in search expression on position {0} - right side of or(|) expression must return set of primitivesError in {0} value: {1}!Error initializing test {0}:\n {1}Error loading layercError occurred while parsing gpx data for layer ''{0}''. Only a part of the file will be available.YError occurred while parsing gpx file ''{0}''. Only a part of the file will be available.Error on file {0}Error parsing {0}: Error playing sound Error reading bookmark entry: %s"Error renaming file "{0}" to "{1}"
178Error while exporting {0}:\n{1}-Error while getting files from directory {0}\n0Error while parsing offset.\nExpected format: {0}5Error while parsing search expression on position {0}=Error while parsing the date.\nPlease use the requested format2Error while parsing timezone.\nExpected format: {0}Error while parsing {0}ErrorsErrors during downloadEssoEstonia Basemap (Maaamet)Estonia Multi (Maaamet)Estonia Ortho (Maaamet)"European Pressurized Reactor (EPR)\nEverythingExamplesExecuting platform startup hookExisting valuesExit Exit JOSMAExit JOSM with saving. Unsaved changes are uploaded and/or saved.3Exit JOSM without saving. Unsaved changes are lost. Exit now!Exit the application.Exit to;Expected non-empty value for parameter ''{0}'', got ''{1}''.Expected number argument for parameter ''{0}''Expected search expression3Expecting <i>min</i>/<i>max</i> after ''timestamp''
179Expert Mode
180Expert mode;Explicit waypoints with time estimated from track position.)Explicit waypoints with valid timestamps.Export GPX fileExport and SaveExport options2Export preferences keys to JOSM customization fileExport selected items
181Export the data to GPX file.Export to GPX...UExtra information about current layer objects pop ups - currently GPX trackpoint info"Extracting GPS locations from EXIFExtrudeExtrude Dual alignment
182Extrude WayExtrude: helper lineExtrude: main lineExxonFIXFIXMESFabric\nFacilities
183Fade Color: \rFade amount: KFailed to access directory ''{0}'' for security reasons. Exception was: {1} Failed to add {0} to tag checkerGFailed to authenticate user ''{0}'' with password ''***'' as OAuth user*Failed to authorize OAuth request ''{0}''(Failed to cancel running OAuth operation-Failed to create missing cache directory: {0})Failed to create plugin directory ''{0}'']Failed to create plugin directory ''{0}''. Cannot cache plugin list from plugin site ''{1}''.DFailed to create plugin information from manifest for plugin ''{0}'')Failed to delete outdated plugin ''{0}''.*Failed to download plugin information listFailed to find plugin {0}5Failed to handle zip file ''{0}''. Exception was: {1}TFailed to initialize preferences. Failed to create missing preference directory: {0}QFailed to initialize preferences. Failed to reset preference file to default: {0}RFailed to initialize preferences. Preference directory ''{0}'' is not a directory.Failed to install already downloaded plugin ''{0}''. Skipping installation. JOSM is still going to load the old plugin version.WFailed to install plugin ''{0}'' from temporary download file ''{1}''. Renaming failed.JFailed to install plugin ''{0}'' from temporary download file ''{1}''. {2}?Failed to load Mappaint styles from ''{0}''. Exception was: {1}Failed to load XML schema.CFailed to load map renderer class ''{0}''. The class wasn''t found..Failed to load resource ''{0}'', error is {1}.<Failed to load {0}, use cached file and retry next time: {1}
184Failed to locate image ''{0}''Failed to open URLTFailed to open URL. There is currently no platform set. Please set a platform first.%Failed to open connection to API {0}.gFailed to open file with extension ''{2}'' and namepart ''{3}'' in zip file ''{0}''. Exception was: {1}Failed to open help page2Failed to open help page. The target URL is empty.0Failed to open input stream for resource ''{0}''FFailed to parse Mappaint styles from ''{0}''. Error was: [{1}:{2}] {3}<Failed to parse Mappaint styles from ''{0}''. Error was: {1}/Failed to parse date ''{0}'' replied by server.‚Failed to parse field ''{1}'' in preference with key ''{0}''. Exception was: {2}. Cannot restore window geometry from preferences.YFailed to parse plugin list document from site ''{0}''. Skipping site. Exception was: {1}(Failed to persist preferences to ''{0}''IFailed to put Credential Dialog always on top. Caught security exception.?Failed to read CSS file ''help-browser.css''. Exception is: {0}'Failed to read MOTD. Exception was: {0}CFailed to read from ''{0}''. Server responded with status code {1}.!Failed to rename file {0} to {1}.=Failed to retrieve OAuth Access Token from credential manager;Failed to retrieve OSM credentials from credential manager.KFailed to retrieve user infos for the current JOSM user. Exception was: {0}5Failed to save OSM credentials to credential manager.=Failed to scan file ''{0}'' for plugin information. Skipping.NFailed to set current primitive. Current version {0} not available in history.HFailed to set reference. Reference ID {0} does not match history ID {1}.HFailed to set reference. Reference version {0} not available in history.DFailed to sign a HTTP connection with an OAuth Authentication header9Failed to store OAuth Access Token to credentials managercFailed to update primitive with id {0} because current edit layer does not include such a primitiveIFailed to update primitive with id {0} because current edit layer is null\nFair Trade False easting and false northing\nFarm StandFarmlandFarmyard Fast FoodFast drawing (looks uglier)Fast drawing ways by mouseFast forward multipliergFatal: failed to locate image ''{0}''. This is a serious configuration problem. JOSM will stop working.\nFax NumberFeeFellFenceFerry
185Ferry RouteFerry Terminal(Fetching a package of nodes from ''{0}'',Fetching a package of relations from ''{0}'''Fetching a package of ways from ''{0}''&Fetching node with id {0} from ''{1}''*Fetching relation with id {0} from ''{1}''%Fetching way with id {0} from ''{1}''Fiez Orthophoto 2013File
186File ''{0}'' does not exist.=File ''{0}'' is not writable. Please enter another file name.\nFile Name:
187File backupFile exists. Overwrite?$File name expected for layer no. {0}\nFile name:File {0} exists. Overwrite?+File {0} is loaded yet under the name "{1}" File: {0}FileChooser help.FilesFiles of Type:Files of type:5Fill up one changeset and return to the Upload DialogFilter
188Filter Hidden:{0} Disabled:{1}
189Filter mode%Filter objects and hide/disable them.Filter string:Filter:>Finds and fixes invalid street addresses in a comfortable way.Finish drawing.
190Fire Hydrant
191Fire Station FireplaceFishingFixFix deprecated tags\nFix of {0}Fix tag conflictsFix tagsFix the selected issue.Fix these when possible.Fixing ({0}/{1}): ''{2}''Fixing errors ...Flagpole
192Flat numbersFloristFlush Tile Cache<Focus Relation Editor with relation ''{0}'' in layer ''{1}''FoldersFollow
193Follow lineFollowing problems found:Food\nFood Court
194Food+DrinksFootFootballFor selected objects onlyHForce drawing of lines if the imported data contain no line information.#Force lines if no segments importedFordForest?Forget objects but do not delete them on server when uploading.Forward/back time (seconds)Found {0} matchesFountainKFr 08:00-18:00; Apr 10-15 off; Jun 07:00-20:00; Aug off; Dec 24 08:00-24:00FrameFree bicycle SkiFreeze+Freeze the current list of merged elements.Frequency in Hertz (Hz)FromFrom (initial stop)From ...\rFrom RelationFrom URLFuel
195Fuel Station
196Fuel types:Fugro (Denmark)Fullscreen viewFully automaticFunction Funicular FurnitureGK ZoneGLONASS SignalsGPS\nGPS Points
197GPS SignalsGPS track description GPX FilesGPX Files (*.gpx *.gpx.gz)!GPX Track has no time information.GPX data will be included in the session file.
198GPX track: GRAFCAN - Canary Islands GRAFCAN Express - Canary IslandsGRS80GTK Color ChooserGTÜ
199Gaelic GamesGalileo SignalsGaragesGarden\rGarden Centre\rGas insulated GasometerGate\nGauge (mm)\rGauß-KrügerGauß-Krüger Zone {0}General Access/Generate Imagery XML bounds from a multipolygonGenerator TypeGenus\rGeoJSON FilesGeobase Hydrography\rGeobase RoadsGeodatastyrelsen (Denmark) MaxRes\rGeoimage: {0}Geometry(Geoportal 2: Ortofotomapa (aerial image)&Geoportal: Ortofotomapa (aerial image)Geotagged ImagesGet an Access Token for ''{0}''\nGet layersGiftGive wayGlacierGlass
200Gliwice: Budynki (buildings))Gliwice: Ortofotomapa 2013 (aerial image)Go back to Upload DialogGo back to step 1/3 Go to OSM wiki for tag help (F1)
201Go to the JOSM help home pageGo to the next pageGo to the previous pageGolf
202Golf CourseGondolaGoods&Gps time (read from the above photo): Granted rightsGrass Grassland GraveyardGraz: Basiskarte (base map)Green:\nGreenfield
203GreengrocerGreenhouse Horticulture;Grid shift file ''{0}'' for option +nadgrids not supported.Grit BinGrooming–Group common Address Interpolation inputs in a single dialog, as well as an option to automatically generate individual house number nodes from a Way.Groyne
204Guadeloupe Fort-Marigot 1949Guadeloupe Ste-Anne 1948\nGuard Rail
205Guest House GuidepostGulf\rGuyane RGFG95\nGymnastics!Géobretagne - Brest 2010 - 10 cm
206Géobretagne - Morbihan 2010Géolittoral - Orthophotos 2000Géolittoral - Sentiers'Géolittoral V2 - Orthophotos 2010-2012%HDM (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team)2HEIG-VD / Orthophoto Yverdon-les-Bains 25cm (2007)
207HairdresserHamburg (40 cm)\rHamburg (DK5)HamletHampshire Gate3Handling of French EPCIs (boundary=local_authority)HangarHardware
208Has bubble?
209Has heating?*Has key ''created_by'' or ''converted_by''2Has key ''note'' or ''comment'' or ''description''Has key ''source''Has key ''watch'')Has tag containing ''fixme'' or ''FIXME''Health
210Hearing AidsHeathHeavy Goods Vehicles (hgv)HedgeHeightHeight (meters)Height in meter (m)HelipadHelp Help: {0}
211Helps vectorizing WMS images.\nHemisphereHideHide edit toolbar
212Hide filterHide or show this toggle buttonHide this button)Hide this message and never show it again\rHiding filterHifi
213High-occupancy vehicles (hov)Highlight target ways and nodes;Hightlight target nodes and ways while drawing or selectingHighwayHighway duplicated nodes3Highway link is not linked to adequate highway/linkHighway platform (legacy)
214Highway typeHighways Highways share segment with area
215Hike & BikeHiking
216Hiking route
217Hindu TempleHistoric PlacesHistorical nameHistory\rHistory (web)History for node {0}History for relation {0}History for way {0}=History not initialized yet. Failed to set current primitive.?History not initialized yet. Failed to set reference primitive.Hockey
218Hold Ctrl to toggle snappingHomeHomepageHorse
219Horse Racing
220Horse ridingHospitalHost:HostelHotel\nHouse name
221House numberHouse number ''{0}'' duplicated House number too far from streetHouse number without streetHouse number {0}House number {0} at {1} House {0}Hue:\rHunting StandHurlingHydrant PositionI am in the timezone of: IATAIBGE Mapa de Setores Rurais
222IBGE Mapa de Setores UrbanosICAOIDID > 0 expected. Got {0}.8ID of current changeset > 0 required. Current ID is {0}.ID:IDEIB - Balearic Islands INFO: {0}IO Error
223IO Exception:IOError while creating file, autosave will be skipped: {0}ITACyL - Castile and LeónIcon
224Icon paths:Icon:Ignore$Ignore the selected issue next time.!Ignore them, leave relation as is!Ignore this hint and merge anyway"Ignore this hint and upload anyway'Ignore warning and install style anywayIgnore warnings*Ignore whole group or individual elements?GIgnoring caught exception because upload is canceled. Exception is: {0}Ignoring elementsIIgnoring exception because download has been canceled. Exception was: {0}<Ignoring exception because task was canceled. Exception: {0}
225Ignoring malformed URL: "{0}""Ignoring malformed file URL: "{0}" Ignoring malformed geometry: {0}(Ignoring {0} nodes with null coordinates
226Illegal Data9Illegal boolean value for attribute ''{0}''. Got ''{1}''.Illegal changeset query URLIllegal chunk size4Illegal chunk size <= 0. Please enter an integer > 14Illegal dash pattern, at least one value must be > 0-Illegal dash pattern, values must be positivejIllegal document structure. Found node, way, or relation outside of ''create'', ''modify'', or ''delete''.
227Illegal entry in plugin list.Illegal expression ''{0}''
228Illegal latitude value ''{0}''5Illegal latitude value for parameter ''{0}'', got {1}6Illegal long value for attribute ''{0}''. Got ''{1}''.Illegal longitude value ''{0}''6Illegal longitude value for parameter ''{0}'', got {1}
229Illegal member expression: {0}9Illegal numeric value for attribute ''{0}''. Got ''{1}''.Illegal object with ID=0.3Illegal port number in preference ''{0}''. Got {1}."Illegal regular expression ''{0}''UIllegal value for attribute ''changeset'' on new object {1}. Got {0}. Resetting to 0.3Illegal value for attribute ''changeset''. Got {0}.FIllegal value for attribute ''ref'' on member in relation {0}. Got {1}LIllegal value for attribute ''type'' on member {0} in relation {1}. Got {2}.NIllegal value for attribute ''version'' on OSM primitive with ID {0}. Got {1}.@Illegal value for attribute ''{0}'' of type double. Got ''{1}''.@Illegal value for attribute ''{0}'' on XML tag ''{1}''. Got {2}.1Illegal value for attribute ''{0}''. Got ''{1}''.TIllegal value for mandatory attribute ''{0}'' of type OsmPrimitiveType. Got ''{1}''.KIllegal value for mandatory attribute ''{0}'' of type boolean. Got ''{1}''.NIllegal value for mandatory attribute ''{0}'' of type long (>=0). Got ''{1}''.HIllegal value for mandatory attribute ''{0}'' of type long. Got ''{1}''.<Illegal value of attribute ''ref'' of element <nd>. Got {0}.YIllegal value of attribute ''{0}'' of element ''{1}'' in server capabilities. Got ''{2}''Image
230Image Files Image file could not be deleted.Imagerie Drone (Haiti)&Imagerie Drone Canaan Jerusalem(Haiti)&Imagerie Drone Onaville Corail (Haiti)ImageryImagery Background: DefaultImagery Preferences
231Imagery URLImagery URL (Default)
232Imagery fadeImagery offsetImagery preferencesImagery providers
233Imagery: {0}(Images that are already tagged ({0}/{1})/Images with geo location in exif data ({0}/{1})ImperialpImplements a command line and enables to create your commands. See link for standard commands (arc, circle etc.)
234Import Audio
235Import OSM data in PBF format$Import PDF file and convert to ways.Import data from URL\rImport images\nImport logImport not possible
236Import vector graphics (SVG)"Imports issues from OpenStreetBugsZImports proprietary CSV files of the Columbus/Visiontac V-900 GPS logger into a GPX layer.Improve Way AccuracyImprove Way Accuracy mode\rIn backgroundIn changeset: In conflict with: Inclination in degreesIncline*Include GPX data in the .joz session file.*Include OSM data in the .joz session file.,Include a node into the nearest way segments,Incomplete <member> specification with ref=0Incomplete tower
237Incomplete upload and/or save+Incorrect audio waypoint label pattern: {0}
238Incorrect number of parametersIncorrect pattern2Incorrect roundabout (highway: {0} instead of {1})%Incorrect waypoint label pattern: {0}\rIncrease zoom
239IndependentIndoor\nIndustrial!Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF)Info
240InformationInformation BoardInformation OfficeInformation TerminalInformation about layer2Informational warnings, expect many false entries.
241InitializingInitializing OSM API,Initializing a session at the OSM website...Initializing map styles"Initializing nodes to download ... Initializing nodes to update ...Initializing presets$Initializing relations to update ...Initializing validatorInitializing ways to update ...Installing pluginsInstalling updated pluginsInternal PresetInternal Server ErrorGInternal style to be used as base for runtime switchable overlay stylesInternational nameInternet AccessInternet accessInternet access fee&Intersection between multipolygon ways<Intersection of three or more ways can not be solved. Abort.Invalid API URL*Invalid ID list specified\nCannot continue.!Invalid URL ''{0}'' in plugin {1}Invalid bounding boxInvalid bz2 file.Invalid coordinates: {0}Invalid dataset
242Invalid dateInvalid date/time valuesInvalid jar file ''{0}''Invalid offset0Invalid plugin description ''{0}'' in plugin {1}1Invalid plugin main version ''{0}'' in plugin {1}%Invalid projection configuration: {0}Invalid property keyInvalid search expressionInvalid service URL.
243Invalid spellcheck line: {0}"Invalid tagchecker line - {0}: {1}Invalid timezoneInvalid user IDInvalid user name+Invalid value {0} for parameter ''has_arg''#Invalid white space in property keyInvalid/unsupported syntax.Inverse filter%Ireland Bartholomew Quarter-Inch 1940*Ireland British War Office 1:25k GSGS 39065Ireland British War Office One-Inch 1941-43 GSGS 4136Ireland EEA CORINE 2006
244Ireland EEA GMES Urban AtlasIslandIsletIsolated DwellingIIt looks like JOSM crashed last time. Would you like to restore the data?OIt supports protocol version 0.6, while the server says it supports {0} to {1}.Item {0} not found in list.\nJ-bar LiftJOSM Help BrowserJOSM Plugin description URL"JOSM custom settings files (*.xml)JOSM default (MapCSS)JOSM default (XML; old version)®JOSM expected to find primitive [{0} {1}] in dataset but it is not there. Please report this at {2}. This is not a critical error, it should be safe to continue in your work.%JOSM failed to download plugin icons:$JOSM failed to download plugin list:JOSM is configured to use proxies from the system setting, but the JVM is not configured to retrieve them. Resetting preferences to ''No proxy''ãJOSM tried to access the following resources:<br>{0}but <b>failed</b> to do so, because of the following network errors:<br>{1}It may be due to a missing proxy configuration.<br>Would you like to change your proxy settings now?®JOSM tried to access the following resources:<br>{0}but <b>failed</b> to do so, because of the following proxy errors:<br>{1}Would you like to change your proxy settings now?)JOSM version {0} required for plugin {1}.ÅJOSM will always listen at <b>port {0}</b> (http) and <b>port {1}</b> (https) on localhost.<br>These ports are not configurable because they are referenced by external applications talking to JOSM.]JOSM will soon stop working with this version; we highly recommend you to update to Java {0}.(JOSM-Trac login at josm.openstreetmap.deJPEG images (*.jpg)Java OpenStreetMap EditorJava Version {0}JewelryJoin Areas FunctionJoin Node to WayJoin area confirmationJoin overlapping AreasJoined overlapping areas#Joins areas that overlap each otherJump To Position\nJump thereJump to PositionJump to next markerJump to previous markerJunction
245Kanton Aargau 25cm (AGIS 2011)Karting,Katastrálna mapa Slovenska (KaPor, 2010-04),Katastrálna mapa Slovenska (KaPor, 2011-05)%Katowice: Ortofotomapa (aerial image)Keep)Keep backup files when saving data layersKeep my coordinatesKeep my deleted state
246Keep plugin8Keep the selected key/value pairs from the local dataset9Keep the selected key/value pairs from the server datasetKeep their coordinatesKeep their deleted state/Keep this relation member for the target objectKerbKeyKey ''{0}'' invalid.Key ''{0}'' not in presets.DKey cannot be empty when tag operator is used. Sample use: key=value%Key is too long (max {0} characters):Key:Key: {0}Keyboard ShortcutsKeywords
248Kissing GateKitchenLKS-92 (Latvia TM)
249LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas)(Label audio (and image and web) markers.
250Label pointLambert 4 Zones (France)Lambert 93 (France)Lambert CC ZoneLambert CC9 Zone (France)Lambert Conformal ConicLambert Zone (Estonia)LandLand useLandfillLandsatLanduse duplicated nodes Lane tagsLanesLanguage\nLasso Mode?Lasso selection mode: select objects within a hand-drawn regionLast change at {0}
251Last check date (YYYY-MM-DD)Last check note*Last plugin update more than {0} days ago.Lat/LonLat/lon (Geodetic)Latitude\nLatitude: &Launch a file chooser to select a file]Launch browser to a Web resource about a selected object having known tags, such as Wikipedia3Launch browser with information about the changeset.Launch browser with information about the user1Launch browser with wiki help for selected objectLaunch in maximized mode)Launch the dialog for querying changesetsKLaunches FireFox to display the current visible screen as a nice SVG image.2Launches a browser with information about the userLaundry$Lausanne - Orthophoto technique 2012LayerQLayer ''{0}'' does not exist any more. Cannot remove conflict for object ''{1}''.ELayer ''{0}'' has modifications which are discouraged to be uploaded.ULayer ''{0}'' has modifications which should be saved to its associated file ''{1}''.GLayer ''{0}'' has modifications which should be uploaded to the server./Layer ''{0}'' has no modifications to be saved.2Layer ''{0}'' has no modifications to be uploaded.%Layer ''{0}'' is not backed by a file'Layer ''{0}'' must be in list of layersLayer ''{0}'' not supportedLayer Name and File Path+Layer contains unsaved data - save to file.$Layer does not contain unsaved data.Layer not in list.\nLayer: {0}LayersLead-in time (seconds)LeisureLengthLength (meters)Length in metershLength of value for tag ''{0}'' on object {1} exceeds the max. allowed length {2}. Values length is {3}.
252Length: {0}Level CrossingLibraryLicenseLicense Classes Lift Gate!Light Commercial Vehicles (goods)\nLight Rail\nLighthouseLine reference Line typeLine {0} column {1}: &Link to a GPX file on your local disk.+Link to a OSM data file on your local disk.ListBList in role {0} is currently not participating in a compare pair.6List of elements in my dataset, i.e. the local dataset:List of elements in their dataset, i.e. the server dataset\rList of lists
253List of mapshList of merged elements. They will replace the list of my elements when the merge decisions are applied.
254List of recently opened filesLit\rLiving StreetLoad All Error TilesLoad All Tiles
255Load Session Load TileLoad a session from file.Load data from API
256Load historyLoad imagery layersLoad par
257t relations
258Load profile\rLoad relation5Load the list of your open changesets from the serverLoading early plugins
259Loading history for node {0} Loading history for relation {0}Loading history for way {0}Loading imagery preferencesLoading parent relationsLoading plugin ''{0}''...Loading pluginsLoading plugins ...#Loading preset sources from ''{0}''!Loading rule sources from ''{0}''Loading session ''{0}''"Loading style sources from ''{0}''
260Loading {0}Loads data from SDS
261Local files\nLocal nameLocalityLocated inside a building?LocationLock Lock Gate
262Lodi - Italy
263Logging out session ''{0}''...+Loire-Atlantique - Orthophotos 2012 - 20 cmLombardia - Italy (CTR) Longitude
264Longitude: Look In:\rLook and FeelLook in:Look-Out TowerLooking for image files9Looks for nodes or ways with FIXME in any property value.LotteryMOT\rMSR Maps TopoMSR Maps Urban MTB Scale MTB route
265Magic Carpet&Main dataset does not include node {0}
266Make Audio Marker at Play Head
267Make parallel copies of waysMake parallel way error1Make photos movable and position them on the map.4Make sure you load some data if you use --selection.*Make terraced houses out of single blocks.]Makes a pair of selected way segments parallel by rotating one of them around a chosen pivot.'Malformed URL for the EULA licence: {0}Malformed sentences: {0}MallMan Made:Manage open changesets and select a changeset to upload toManual\rManual adjustManuallyManually configure a HTTP proxyMapMap Paint StylesMap Projection
268Map SettingsMap Style infoMap paint preferences&Map paint style file (*.mapcss, *.zip)-Map paint style file (*.xml, *.mapcss, *.zip)#Map paint style file (*.xml, *.zip)Map: {0}MapBox SatelliteMapPaint
269MapQuest OSMMapQuest Open AerialMaps4BW (LGL-BW, the selected tags as undecidedMarkers From Named PointsMarkers from {0}
270MarketplaceMartinique Fort Desaix 1952MassGIS L3 Parcels(Matches first photo with first gpx pointMatching photos to track failedMaterialMax. axleload (tonnes)Max. height (meters)3Max. height (meters, only if enforcement=maxheight)\rMax. latitudeMax. length (meters)Max. longitudeMax. speed (km/h)/Max. speed (km/h, only if enforcement=maxspeed)Max. weight (tonnes)3Max. weight (tonnes, only if enforcement=maxweight)Max. width (meters)Max. zoom level: Maximum area per request:ZMaximum length (in meters) to draw lines for local files. Set to ''-1'' to draw all lines.JMaximum length (in meters) to draw lines. Set to ''-1'' to draw all lines.Maximum length (meters)'Maximum length for local files (meters)Meadow Member Of.Member for role ''{0}'' does not match ''{1}''!Member for role {0} of wrong typeMembersXMembers from paste buffer cannot be added because they are not included in current layerMembers(resolved)Members(with conflicts)Memorial Menu NameMenu Name (Default) Menu: {0}MercatorMerge
271Merge Nodes
272Merge layer Merge nodes into the oldest one.Merge overlapping part of ways.Merge selection*Merge the current layer into another layer7Merge the currently selected objects into another layer#Merge this layer into another layerSMerged member list frozen. No pending conflicts in the member list of this relationJMerged node list frozen. No pending conflicts in the node list of this way<Merged nodes not frozen yet. Cannot build resolution command=Merged nodes not frozen yet. Cannot build resolution command.Merged versionMerging data...
273Merging deleted objects failedMerging layers-Merging layers with different upload policies7Merging too many objects with different upload policiesMessage Message of the day not availableMethodMetric
274MicrobrewerygMiddle click again to cycle through.<br>Hold CTRL to select directly from this list with the mouse.<hr>Military\rMin. latitudeMin. longitudeMin. speed (km/h)Min. zoom level: MineshaftMini-roundaboutMiniature GolfMinimum JOSM Version:Minimum distance (pixels)
275Minutes: {0}MirrorMirror selected nodes and ways.4Missing attribute ''ref'' on member in relation {0}.9Missing attribute ''type'' on member {0} in relation {1}.;Missing attribute ''version'' on OSM primitive with ID {0}.-Missing attribute ''{0}'' on XML tag ''{1}''.Missing encoding&Missing key or value attribute in tag.7Missing mandatory attribute ''{0}'' of XML element {1}.7Missing mandatory attribute ''{0}'' on <nd> of way {1}.$Missing mandatory attribute ''{0}''.„Missing mandatory attributes on element ''bounds''. Got minlon=''{0}'',minlat=''{1}'',maxlon=''{3}'',maxlat=''{4}'', origin=''{5}''.)Missing merge target for node with id {0}-Missing merge target for relation with id {0}(Missing merge target for way with id {0},Missing merge target of type {0} with id {1}Missing name:* translationMissing operator for NOTMissing parameter for ORMissing parameter for XOR'Missing pedestrian crossing information)Missing plugin main version in plugin {0}*Missing power tower/pole within power lineDMissing preference file ''{0}''. Creating a default preference file.#Missing required attribute ''{0}''.Missing user identity\nMixed LiftMixed type duplicated nodes4Mo-Fr 08:30-20:00, Tu-Su 08:00-15:00; Sa 08:00-12:00,Mo-Fr 08:30-20:00; Sa,Su 08:00-15:00; PH off,Mo-Fr 09:00-12:00,17:15; Sa 14:00; Su,PH off7Mo-Fr 15:00,17:45,19:00,23:00; Sa 15:10; Su 10:30,23:00Mo-Fr 22:00-05:00FMo-Su 08:00-18:00; Apr 10-15 off; Jun 08:00-14:00; Aug off; Dec 25 offMobil
276Mobile PhoneMode: Draw Angle snapping Mode: {0}Model Aerodrome!Modeless working (Potlatch style)Modified,Modified times (time stamps) of audio files.;Modify list of imagery layers displayed in the Imagery menuMoney ExchangeMonitoring Station
278More info...#More information about this feature
279More than one "from" way found
280More than one "to" way found
281More than one "via" node found\nMore toolsMore...MosqueMotel MotocrossMotor vehiclesMotorcar\nMotorcycleMotorcycle Dealer Motorroad\nMotorsportMotorwayMotorway Junction\rMotorway Link\rMountain PassMountainbiking\nMounted onMove Node onto Way
282Move Node...?Move a segment along its normal, then release the mouse button.
283Move dialog to the side pane Move down/Move down the selected entries by one position.\rMove elementsMove filter down.Move filter up. Move left.Move nodes so all angles are 90 or 180 degrees”Move objects by dragging; Shift to add to selection (Ctrl to toggle); Shift-Ctrl to rotate selected; Alt-Ctrl to scale selected; or change selectionMove objects {0}\nMove right Move tags from ways to relations(Move the currently selected members down&Move the currently selected members upGMove the node along one of the segments, then release the mouse button.:Move the node onto the nearest way segments and include it%Move the selected entry one row down.#Move the selected entry one row up.%Move the selected layer one row down.#Move the selected layer one row up.%Move the selected nodes in to a line.&Move the selected nodes into a circle. Move themMove up-Move up the selected entries by one position.Move {0}Moves Objects {0}MudMulti\rMultikey: {0}#Multiple associatedStreet relations*Multiple members referring to same object.!Multiple street names in relationMultiple values
284Multipolygon!Multipolygon inner way is outsideMultipolygon is not closedMuseumMusical Instrument\rMy changesets.My dataset does not include a tag with key {0}\nMy versionMy version (local dataset)My with Merged\rMy with TheirNC Latest Orthoimagery&NLS - Bartholomew Half Inch, 1897-1907"NLS - OS 1-inch 7th Series 1955-61!NLS - OS 1:25k 1st Series 1937-61 NLS - OS 6-inch Scotland 1842-82NMEA import failure!NMEA import success:NMEA-0183 Files5NRW-Atlas: Automatisierte Liegenschaftskarte (Raster)5NRW-Atlas: Automatisierte Liegenschaftskarte (Vektor)%NRW-Atlas: Digitale GrundKarte 1:5000NRW-Atlas: Luftbilder'NRW-Atlas: Topographische Karte 1:10000NTv2 grid fileNameName (optional):Name of locationName of river/sea/oceanName or offset Name: {0}Named Trackpoints from {0}Named trackpoints.%NanoLog adjustment and browsing layerNarrow Gauge RailNational\rNational name\rNational parkNatural duplicated nodesNatureNature Reserve\rNautical Mile\rNeighbourhoodNetworkNetwork errors occurredNetwork exception
285Never updateNew)New & Misaligned TIGER Roads (TIGER 2013)New Access Token\nNew Folder New Layer
286New RelationNew key\nNew offsetNew preset entry:
287New relationNew roleNew rule entry:New style entry: New valueNew way {0} has 0 nodesNewsagent''s shopNext
288Next marker
289Niger Delta Oct 2012 Landsat NightclubNo!No Exporter found! Nothing saved.8No GPX track available in layer to associate audio with.
290No ShortcutNo "from" way foundNo "to" way foundNo "via" node or way foundNo area selected yet)No bounding box was found for this layer.No changes to upload.%No changeset present for diff upload.No conflicts to resolveNo conflicts to zoom toNo current dataset found No data found for layer ''{0}''.
291No data found in file ''{0}''.No data found in file {0}.No data found in this area.No data loaded.No date7No existing audio markers in this layer to offset from.No exit (cul-de-sac)No exporter for this layerNo file associationNo gpx selectedNo imageNo image files found.No imagery layersNo images could be matched!+No intersection found. Nothing was changed.No match found for ''{0}''No open changesetNo open changesets
292No outer way for multipolygon
293No pending property conflicts'No pending tag conflicts to be resolvedGNo primitive with id {0} in local dataset. Cannot infer primitive type.No problems foundNo proxyNo selected GPX trackNo style for multipolygon!No style in multipolygon relationNo tagsNo target layersNo tiles at this zoom level
294No timestamp&No useful role for multipolygon memberNo valid WMS URL or idNo validation errors(No value expected for parameter ''{0}''.No, continue editing!No, discard the changes and closeNo, do not applyNode;Node ''{0}'' is already deleted. Skipping object in upload.Node {0}Node: Node: connectionNode: standard
295Node: taggedNodesNodes at same position!Nodes duplicating parent way tags(Nodes in way must be in the same datasetNodes(resolved)Nodes(with conflicts)NoiseNon-Way in multipolygonNon-branching way sequencesNone/None of these nodes are glued to anything else.5None of this way''s nodes are glued to anything else.bNormalizing value of attribute ''version'' of element {0} to {2}, API version is ''{3}''. Got {1}.NorthNorthing Not FoundNot decided yetNot decided yet."Not enough nodes in selected ways.
296Not in cacheNote†Note that changeset queries are currently always submitted to ''{0}'', regardless of the host, port and path of the URL entered below.TNote: GPL is not compatible with the OSM license. Do not upload GPL licensed tracks.¿Note: If a way is selected, this way will get fresh copies of the unglued\nnodes and the new nodes will be selected. Otherwise, all ways will get their\nown copy and all nodes will be selected.NotesNothing3Nothing added to selection by searching for ''{0}''3Nothing found in selection by searching for ''{0}''7Nothing removed from selection by searching for ''{0}''
297Nothing selected to zoom to.Nothing selected!'Nothing to export. Get some data first.Nothing to select'Nothing to upload. Get some data first.Nothing to zoom toNotification at each save3Null pointer exception, possibly some missing tags.Number$Number of conductors/wires per cable,Number of lane dependent values inconsistentBNumber of lane dependent values inconsistent in backward directionANumber of lane dependent values inconsistent in forward directionNumber of people per carNumber of people per chair
298Number of people per gondola"Number of people per gondola/chairNumber of people per hourNumber of places
299Number of {0} greater than {1}"Number of {0} roles too high ({1})!Number of {0} roles too low ({1})Numbering schemeNumeric values
300Nursing HomeOAuth authorization failedOKOK - trying again.OMVORT10LT (Lithuania)
301OS 1:25k historic (OSM-Best)OS 1:25k historic (OSM-Limited)OS New Popular Edition historicOS OpenData LocatorOS OpenData StreetView
302OS Scottish Popular historicOS Town Plans, Cupar 1854 (NLS)<OSM API URL must not be empty. Please enter the OSM API URL.OSM DataOSM Server Files!OSM Server Files bzip2 compressed OSM Server Files gzip compressedOSM Server Files zip compressedOSM Server URL:OSM US TIGER 2012 Roads Overlay.OSM data will be included in the session file.\rOSM password:\rOSM username:COSM website did not return a session cookie in response to ''{0}'',Object]Object ''{0}'' is already deleted on the server. Skipping this object and retrying to upload.=Object ''{0}'' is already deleted. Skipping object in upload.\nObject ID:ÄObject IDs can be separated by comma or space.<br/>Examples: {0}<br/>In mixed mode, specify objects like this: {1}<br/>({2} stands for <i>node</i>, {3} for <i>way</i>, and {4} for <i>relation</i>)`Object of type {0} with id {1} was marked to be deleted, but it''s missing in the source datasetObject still in use
303Object type:Object with history9Objects are uploaded to a <strong>new changeset</strong>.\Objects are uploaded to the <strong>open changeset</strong> {0} with upload comment ''{1}''.Objects to add:Objects to delete:Objects to modify:\nOctane 100 Octane 80 Octane 91 Octane 92 Octane 95 Octane 98\rOfficial name*Offset bookmark already exists. Overwrite?Offset bookmarksOffset:Offset: OkOld key@Old map of Pegau - TK25 Messtischblatt (4839; 1909; PROJ.4-rect)BOld map of Zwenkau - TK25 Messtischblatt (4739; 1906; PROJ.4-rect)Old role Old value\rOld values of On demand On uploadOn/OffOne Way\rOne node ways"One of the selected files was nullFOne of the selected ways is not closed and therefore cannot be joined.•One or more members of this new relation have been deleted while the relation editor\nwas open. They have been removed from the relation members list.LOne or more nodes involved in this action is outside of the downloaded area.OnewayOneway (bicycle)Oneway for bicycleDOnly changesets closed after and created before a specific date/time4Only changesets closed after the following date/timeOnly changesets owned by myselfVOnly changesets owned by myself (disabled. JOSM is currently run by an anonymous user)<Only changesets owned by the user with the following user ID>Only changesets owned by the user with the following user nameDOnly launching info browsers for the first {0} of {1} selected usersOnly on the head of a way.OpacityOpen
304Open JOSM customization fileOpen Location...\rOpen OSM fileOpen OsmChange file
305Open Recent=Open a file (any file type that can be opened with File/Open)
306Open a file.4Open a history browser with the history of this node*Open a list of all commands (undo buffer).!Open a list of all loaded layers.
307Open a list of all relations.6Open a list of people working on the selected objects.<Open a merge dialog of all selected items in the list above.2Open a new changeset and use it in the next upload.Open a preferences dialog for global settings.
308Open a selection list window.+Open a web page for each selected changeset
309Open an URL.0Open and use as many new changesets as necessaryOpen another GPX traceOpen another photo:Open changeset expected. Got closed changeset with id {0}.Open changesets Open fileOpen local filesOpen on left sideOpen on right sideOpen preferences for this panelOpen selected fileOpen selected file.
310Open session1Open the current help page in an external browser1Open the list of changesets in the current layer.Open the validation window.Open this dialog on startupOpen...
312OpenCycleMapOpenPT Map (overlay)OpenStreetMap (German Language)
313OpenStreetMap (German Style)$OpenStreetMap (Mapnik Black & White)OpenStreetMap (Mapnik)!OpenStreetMap (Mapnik, no labels) OpenStreetMap (Sorbian Language)OpenStreetMap GPS TracesOpenStreetMap data\rOpening HoursOpening URL: {0}Opening file ''{0}'' ...\rOpening filesOpening hours syntax8Opening link not supported on current platform (''{0}'')9Opens a dialog that allows to jump to a specific location>Opens the Changeset Manager window for the selected changesetsOperation timesOperatorOpticianOptional Attributes:
314Optional crossing attributes:'Options that affect drawing performanceOrchardOrganic
315Organic/Bio Orig. Way:Orthofoto Kanton Solothurn Infrarot (SOGIS 2011/2012/2013)5Orthofoto Kanton Solothurn RGB (SOGIS 2011/2012/2013)\rOrthogonalizeOrthogonalize / UndoOrthogonalize ShapeOrthogonalize Shape / UndomOrthogonalize Shape / Undo<br>Please select nodes that were moved by the previous Orthogonalize Shape action!OsmChange FileOtherOther Information PointOther Place of WorshipOther duplicated nodes\rOther optionsOutdated Java versionOutdoor"Output forms of energy (optional):Output forms of energy:\rOverlap tilesOverlapping Areas
316Overlapping Identical Landuses#Overlapping Identical Natural AreasOverlapping Water AreasOverlapping highwaysOverlapping railwaysOverlapping ways“Overlays the canvec tile grid on the map and prints URL''s to the .zip files. Future goals: allow auto-downloading and loading of canvec .osm filesOverride position for: \nOvertaking Overwrite Overwrite custom OAuth settings?\rOverwrite keyPCN 2006 - ItalyPCN 2008 - IT Lazio+UmbriaPCN 2012 - Italy\nPNOA Spain\rPUWG (Poland)PUWG 1992 (Poland)PUWG 2000 Zone {0} (Poland) PUWG ZonePaintPaint style {0}: {1}Palaeontological Site'Pangasinán/Bulacan (Phillipines HiRes)PaperParallelFParallelWayAction\nThe ways selected must form a simple branchless pathParameter ''{0}'' required.?Parameter "downloadgps" does not accept file names or file URLsParameter informationParameter information...;Parameter must begin with a ''+'' character (found ''{0}'')Parameter nameParameter value/Parameter {0} not in range 0..{1}. Got ''{2}''.RParameters --download, --downloadgps, and --selection are processed in this order.Parent RelationsPark\rPark and RideParking\rParking AisleParking entrance\rParking space9Parse error: invalid document structure for GPX document.Parsing OSM data...
317Parsing OSM history data ...
318Parsing changeset content ...%Parsing data for layer ''{0}'' failed
319Parsing list of changesets...%Parsing plugin list from site ''{0}''Parsing response from server... Part of: Parts
320Passageways\rPassing PlacePassing PlacesPassword Password:\nPassword: Paste Paste ...\nPaste Tags
321Paste ValuePaste contents of paste buffer.Paste tags from buffer2Paste the value of the selected tag from clipboard Paste without incomplete membersPathPath:\nPawnbrokerPeak\nPedestrianPedestrian CrossingPedestrian crossing type
322PedestriansPelota5Pending conflicts in the member list of this relation.Pending conflicts in the node list of this way)Pending property conflicts to be resolvedPerform actions before deleting
323Perform actions before exiting%Performs semantic checks on highways.
324Performs the data validation#Periodically check for new messagesPermitted actions:
326Phone Number
327Phone numberPhoto time (from exif):&Photos do not contain time information+Physical DE - Physische Karte (Naturräume)RPhysical DE:Harz - Overlay für Bing (z.B. Deckkraft zw. 20 und 50 Prozent nutzen)0Physical DE:Harz - Physische Karte (Naturräume)
328Picnic SitePierPioneerPipeline
329Piste route\nPiste typePitchPixel scale: {0}Place of WorshipPlaces\rPlant NurseryPlatform
330Platter LiftPlay/pause audio.hPlayback starts this number of seconds before (or after, if negative) the audio track position requested\nPlayground Please abort if you are not surecPlease click on <strong>Download list</strong> to download and display a list of available plugins.nPlease decide what changeset the data is uploaded to and whether to close the changeset after the next upload.dPlease decide whether JOSM shall automatically update active plugins after a certain period of time.oPlease decide whether JOSM shall automatically update active plugins at startup after an update of JOSM itself."Please decide which values to keep#Please enter a Easting and Northing
331Please enter a GPS coordinates|Please enter a date in the usual format for your locale.<br>Example: {0}<br>Example: {1}<br>Example: {2}<br>Example: {3}<br>5Please enter a name for the bookmarked download area."Please enter a non-empty user namePlease enter a tile addressPlease enter a tile indexMPlease enter a username and a password if your proxy requires authentication./Please enter a valid changeset query URL first.%Please enter a valid chunk size first‚Please enter a valid time in the usual format for your locale.<br>Example: {0}<br>Example: {1}<br>Example: {2}<br>Example: {3}<br>
332Please enter a valid user ID Please enter an Access Token Key#Please enter an Access Token SecretXPlease enter an OAuth Access Token which is authorized to access the OSM server ''{0}''.Please enter an integer > 1!Please enter an integer value > 0#Please enter an non-empty user name-Please enter integer number between 0 and {0}EPlease enter or paste an URL to retrieve changesets from the OSM API.
333Please enter the OSM API URL.9Please enter the number of recently added tags to displayAPlease enter the password for authenticating at your proxy server-Please enter the password of your OSM account)Please enter the password of your accountBPlease enter the user name for authenticating at your proxy server.Please enter the user name of your OSM account*Please enter the user name of your account
334Please enter your OSM passwordPlease enter your OSM user name\rPlease enter your OSM user name and password. The password will <strong>not</strong> be saved in clear text in the JOSM preferences and it will be submitted to the OSM server <strong>only once</strong>. Subsequent data upload requests don''t use your password any more.7Please restart JOSM to activate the downloaded plugins.
335Please revise upload comment$Please select a download area first.Please select a keyPlease select a value*Please select an authorization procedure: Please select an entry."Please select at least four nodes.CPlease select at least one already uploaded node, way, or relation.<Please select at least one closed way that should be joined.'Please select at least one node or way.'Please select at least one row to copy.+Please select at least one way to simplify.Please select at least one way.#Please select at least three nodes.TPlease select at least two nodes to merge or one node that is close to another node.+Please select at least two ways to combine.TPlease select exactly two or three nodes or one way with exactly two or three nodes.8Please select some preference keys not marked as default Please select something to copy. Please select the imagery layer. Please select the row to delete.
336Please select the row to edit.Please select the target layer."Please select the upload strategy:BPlease select ways with angles of approximately 90 or 180 degrees..Please select which changes you want to apply.!Please specify a changeset sourcePlugin bundled with JOSM.Plugin for importing spatial referenced imagesPlugin for reverting changesetsäPlugin for tagging of objects based on a selection of road signs. The dialog can be opened by clicking a small icon in the upper right corner of the properties window. Available country presets: Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Spain.Plugin icons download errorPlugin informationPlugin list download errorPlugin to digital sign OSM-DataPlugin update failedPlugin update policyPluginsPlugins up to date\nPoint Name
337Point NumberPolePole referencePolice Political\nPopulationPos.Position?Position {0} is out of range. Current number of members is {1}.Positive integer expectedPost Box
338Post Office Post code
339Postal Code\nPotlatch 2Power Power Bay
340Power Busbar
341Power CablePower CompensatorPower ConverterPower Generator\nPower Line
342Power PlantPower Substation
343Power SwitchPower Switchgear
344Power TowerPower TransformerPower duplicated nodes
345Power linesPower rating (MVA)Power rating (kVA/MVA)Power rating (kvar/Mvar)
346Power route
347Power supply'Precache imagery tiles along this trackPrecaching WMSPrecondition ViolationPrecondition violation\nPredefinedCPreference setting {0} has been removed since it is no longer used.\Preference with key ''{0}'' does not exist. Cannot restore window geometry from preferences.fPreference with key ''{0}'' does not include ''{1}''. Cannot restore window geometry from preferences.€Preference with key ''{0}'' does not provide an int value for ''{1}''. Got {2}. Cannot restore window geometry from preferences.
348PreferencesPreferences...Prepare OSM data...Prepare conflict resolutionPreparing data set...&Preparing layer ''{0}'' for upload ...Preparing objects to upload ...Preparing upload request... Preserved%Preset definition file (*.xml, *.zip)Preset group {0}Preset group {1} / {0}Preset preferences"Preset role element without parent!Preset sub element without parentPresets#Presets do not contain property key%Presets do n
349 contain property valuePressure (in bar)Pressurized water reactor (PWR)PreviousPrevious markerPrimary
350Primary Link Primitive#Print debugging messages to console&Printing debugging messages to consolePrisonPrivate Swimming PoolProcessing file ''{0}''Processing plugin files...(Processing plugin list from site ''{0}''%Processing plugin site cache files...*Processing plugin site cache icon files...Projected CoordinatesProjected coordinates:\nProjection?Projection ''{0}'' is not found, bookmark ''{1}'' is not usable
351Projection bounds (in degrees)Projection code"Projection configuration is valid.Projection methodProjection nameProjection parameters
352Projection required (+proj=*)EProlog of OsmChange document already written. Please write only once.AProlog of OsmChange document not written yet. Please write first.\nProperties0Properties in my dataset, i.e. the local datasetoProperties in the merged element. They will replace properties in my elements when merge decisions are applied.4Properties in their dataset, i.e. the server datasetProperties(with conflicts)#Property values contain HTML entity-Property values start or end with white space:Provide a brief comment for the changes you are uploading:ÆProvide a measurement dialog and a layer to measure length and angle of segments, area surrounded by a (simple) closed way and create measurement paths (which also can be imported from a gps layer).œProvides Java Topology Suite (JTS) library and related utilities. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins.5Provides a dialog for editing tags in a tabular grid.KProvides a straightforward GUI for adding, editing and deleting turn lanes.…
353Provides helper buttons to allow working with single button mouse (stylus). Activate by holding T and slip map with left mouse button™Provides parts of the GeoTools library for other JOSM plugins. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins.
354Provides routing capabilities.Provides the Log4j library for other JOSM plugins. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins.Proxy errors occurredProxy settingsPubPublic Building
355Public Grill
356Public Service Vehicles (psv)Public TransportPublic Transport (legacy)Public Transport (ÖPNV)Public transport routePublic transport route (legacy)PurgePurge...XPut text labels against audio (and image and web) markers as well as their button icons.PylonQ8QuarryQuery
357Query and download changesets!Query and download changesets ...%Query both open and closed changesetsQuery changesets"Query changesets from a server URL
358Query closed changesets onlyQuery open changesets only#Querying and downloading changesetsQuerying name serverQuerying name server ...QuestionRC Car RacetrackRacewayRacquet RadiationRailRailway
359Railway HaltRailway PlatformRailway SwitchRailway duplicated nodesRailway halt (legacy)
360Railway landRailway platform (legacy)\rRailway routeRailway station (legacy) Railways share segment with areaRange of changeset ids expectedRange of numbers expectedRange of primitive ids expectedRange of versions expected
361Raw GPS data5Reactor Bolshoy Moshchnosti Kanalniy 1000 (RBMK-1000)5Reactor Bolshoy Moshchnosti Kanalniy 1500 (RBMK-1500)(Read and write osmosis poly filter filesRead from fileRead photos...Read protocol versionReading changeset {0} ...Reading changesets...Reading error text failed."Reading local plugin information..Reading parents of ''{0}''Reading user info ...Reading was canceledReading {0}...Readme Real name*Really delete selection from relation {0}?Recently added tagsRecommended ActionsRecording Studio\nRecording:Recreation GroundRectified Image... RecyclingRed:RedoRedo ...
362Redo the last undone action.*Redo the selected and all earlier commandsRedo {0}"Ref of the way this is a detour to ReferenceReference (track number)Reference FGKZ (DE)Reference GNBC (CA)Reference GNIS (USA)Reference NumberReference REGINE (NO)Reference Sandre (FR)Reference number1Reference {0} is being used before it was definedReferenced by: Refers toRefreshRegion\rRegional name+Registered toolbar action without name: {0}7Registered toolbar action {0} overwritten: {1} gets {2}Reject Conflicts and SaveRel.:{0} / Ways:{1} / Nodes:{2}Relation?Relation ''{0}'' is already deleted. Skipping object in upload.
363Relation ...!Relation Editor: Download MembersRelation Editor: Move DownRelation Editor: Move UpRelation Editor: RemoveRelation Editor: SortRelation Editor: {0}5Relation and multipolygon creating and editing panel.Relation checkerRelation is deletedRelation is emptyRelation list filterRelation type is unknownYRelation with external id ''{0}'' refers to a missing primitive with external id ''{1}''.
364Relation {0}\nRelation: Relation: selected RelationsRelations with same membersRelations: {0}Relations: {0}/{1}@Release the mouse button to select the objects in the rectangle.(Release the mouse button to stop moving.*Release the mouse button to stop rotating.)Release the mouse button to stop scaling.ReligionReload;Reload all currently selected objects and refresh the list.Reload erroneous tilesReload from file
365Reload the current help page"Reload the history from the serverReloading style sources2Reloads the list of available presets from ''{0}''0Reloads the list of available rules from ''{0}''1Reloads the list of available styles from ''{0}''Remember last used tagsRemoteRemote Control3Remote Control has been asked to create a new node.2Remote Control has been asked to create a new way.DRemote Control has been asked to import data from the following URL:NRemote Control has been asked to load an imagery layer from the following URL:8Remote Control has been asked to load data from the API.SRemote Control has been asked to load objects (specified by their id) from the API.3Remote Control has been asked to open a local file.nRemote Control has been asked to report its protocol version. This enables web sites to detect a running JOSM.vRemote Control has been asked to report its supported features. This enables web sites to guess a running JOSM versionRemote imagery0RemoteControl::Accepting connections on port {0}7RemoteControl::Accepting secure connections on port {0}&RemoteControl::Server (https) stopped.
366RemoteControl::Server stopped.Remove
367Remove "{0}" for node ''{1}''!Remove "{0}" for relation ''{1}''
368Remove "{0}" for way ''{1}'';Remove all members referring to one of the selected objects
369Remove entryRemove from cacheRemove from toolbarRemove photo from layerRemove tags from inner waysBRemove the changeset in the detail view panel from the local cache'Remove the currently selected bookmarks8Remove the currently selected members from this relation3Remove the selected changesets from the local cache=Remove the selected entries from the list of merged elements.Remove the selected entry
370Remove the selected icon paths;Remove the selected presets from the list of active presets7Remove the selected rules from the list of active rules9Remove the selected styles from the list of active styles
371Remove them, clean up relation-Remove this relation member from the relation
372Removed Element from RelationsRemoved duplicate nodesBRemoved layer {0} because it is not allowed by the configured API.Removed nodes from {0}Removed obsolete tags
373Removing deprecated plugins... Removing unmaintained plugins...
374Rename FileRename file "{0}" to
375Rename layer&Rename the currently selected bookmark{Renders routes (bus, hiking trails, bicycle routes, ..). Route types must be defined in routes.xml file in plugin directory%Renders the map as simple wire frame.;Renders the map using style rules in a set of style sheets.RentalRepairReplaceReplace "{0}" by "{1}" forReplace existing valuesHReplacing existing preference file ''{0}'' with default preference file.\nReport Bug\nReport bugRepsolRequest Access TokenRequest FailedRequest Token URL:Request details: {0}Requires a fee ReservoirResetReset preferences Reset the preferences to defaultReset to default
376ResidentialResidential AreaResidential BuildingResolveResolve conflicts
377Resolve conflicts for ''{0}'''Resolve conflicts in coordinates in {0})Resolve conflicts in deleted state in {0}0Resolve conflicts in member list of relation {0})Resolve conflicts in node list of way {0}Resolve conflicts.%Resolve version conflict for node {0})Resolve version conflict for relation {0}$Resolve version conflict for way {0}Resource Rest AreaRestartRestart the application.\nRestaurantRestoreRestoring files
378RestrictionRetailRetaining WallRetirement HomeRetrieve Access TokenRetrieve Request Token*Retrieving OAuth Access Token from ''{0}'' Retrieving OAuth Access Token...+Retrieving OAuth Request Token from ''{0}''!Retrieving OAuth Request Token...DRetrieving user details with Access Token Key ''{0}'' was forbidden.CRetrieving user details with Access Token Key ''{0}'' was rejected.Retrieving user info...AReturn to the previous dialog to enter a more descriptive comment\rReunion RGR92Reverse
379Reverse WaysReverse and CombineReverse directional way.+Reverse the direction of all selected ways.)Reverse the order of the relation members
380Reverse way
381Reverse waysReversed coastline)Reversed coastline: land not on left side$Reversed land: land not on left sideReverting changesReviseRevisionRidingRight click = copy to clipboardRiver RiverbankRoad (Unknown Type)Road Restrictions\nRoad routeRole"Role for ''{0}'' should be ''{1}''Role verification problem2Role {0} is not participating in compare pair {1}.Role {0} missingRole {0} unknownRole:"Roles cannot appear more than onceRoles in relations referring toRope Tow\nRoundaboutRounders Roundtrip\rRoute Network
382Route masterARoute scheme (public_transport or legacy) is unspecified. Add {0}\nRoute typeRoutesRoutes shown for:*Ruda Ślą
383ska: Ortofotomapa (aerial image)
384Rugby League
385Rugby UnionRuins+Run the automatic authorization steps againQRunning plugin update after JOSM upgrade. Automatic update at startup is enabled.]Running plugin update after elapsed update interval. Automatic update at startup is disabled.Running test {0}Runway
386Rzeszów: Budynki (buildings)%Rzeszów: Ortofotomapa (aerial image) SAC ScaleSIGIP - Orthophoto 2012
387SIGPAC Spain SIM-cards#SWEREF99 13 30 / EPSG:3008 (Sweden) Sa 10:00+Sa 18:00; Su 10:45Sa,Su,PH 09:00Sa-Su 00:00-24:00SaddleSafety TrainingSafety inspectionSale\nSally PortSand
388Saturation:SaunaSave Save Access Token in preferencesSave As\nSave As...\rSave GPX fileSave In:\nSave Layer\rSave OSM file
389Save SessionSave Session As...\rSave WMS file8Save a copy of this Style to file and add it to the list8Save and load the current session (list of layers, etc.)
390Save anyway\nSave as...Save in:Save selected file.
391Save session
392Save style ''{0}'' as ''{1}''$Save the current data to a new file.Save the current data.'Save the current session to a new file.)Save the preferences and close the dialogSave to preferences$Save user and password (unencrypted)Save {0} profileASave/Upload layers before deleting. Unsaved changes are not lost.Saving layer to ''{0}'' ...Scaling factor\nScanEx IRS
393ScanEx SPOTScanning directory {0}School
394Scrap MetalScreeScrubSeafoodSearch\nSearch ...Search Key/ValueSearch Key/Value/Type&Search expression is not valid: \n\n {0}Search for objects
395Search for objects by presetSearch for objects.Search in tags\rSearch presetSearch presetsSearch string:1Search with the key and value of the selected tag]Search with the key and value of the selected tag, restrict to type (i.e., node/way/relation) Search...Search:Search:
396Second Name
397Second hand
398Second-hand bicycles are sold SecondarySecondary Link
399Seconds: {0}Security exception*See the Wiki for other capacity:[types]=*.1Segment collapsed due to its direction reversing.Segment drawing options
400Segregated Foot- and CyclewaySeismic Activity%Sel.: Rel.:{0} / Ways:{1} / Nodes:{2}Select\nSelect AllSelect Setting Type:Select WMS layers1Select a sequence of non-branching connected ways1Select a way that you want to make more accurate.@Select all objects assigned to the currently selected changesetsTSelect all undeleted objects in the data layer. This selects incomplete objects too.Select an open changeset
401Select and draw mode optionsSelect and zoom,Select at least one node to be disconnected.+Select auto-increment of {0} for this fieldSelect by dateISelect changesets based on the date/time they have been created or closed>Select changesets depending on whether they are open or closed)Select changesets owned by specific usersSelect either:Select filename8Select if the data should be downloaded into a new layer@Select if the members of a relation should be downloaded as well‚Select if the referrers of the object should be downloaded as well, i.e.,parent relations and for nodes, additionally, parent ways!Select image format for WMS layerSelect imagery layerSelect in layerSelect in relation listSelect membersSelect members (add)Select next GapSelect node under cursor.&Select non-branching sequences of ways,Select objects for selected relation members(Select objects for which to change tags.%Select objects submitted by this userSelect objects to upload9Select only changesets related to a specific bounding boxSelect previous GapSelect relationSelect relation (add)!Select relation in relation list.GSelect relation members which refer to objects in the current selectionKSelect relation members which refer to {0} objects in the current selection\rSelect sport:Select target layer=Select the corresponding primitives in the current data layer
402Select the map painting styles,Select the members of all selected relations9Select the next relation member which gives rise to a gap=Select the previous relation member which gives rise to a gapPSelect the primitives in the content of this changeset in the current data layer3Select to close the changeset after the next upload<Select to download GPS traces in the selected download area.
403Select to download GPS traces.:Select to download OSM data in the selected download area.
404Select to download OSM data.SSelect to grant JOSM the right to download your private GPS traces into JOSM layers=Select to grant JOSM the right to modify notes on your behalf>Select to grant JOSM the right to read your server preferencesBSelect to grant JOSM the right to upload GPS traces on your behalf@Select to grant JOSM the right to upload map data on your behalf?Select to grant JOSM the right to write your server preferencesKSelect to use HTTP basic authentication with your OSM username and password/Select to use OAuth as authentication mechanismzSelect ways as in Select mode. Drag selected ways or a single way to create a parallel copy (Alt toggles tag preservation)
405Select with the given search&Select, move, scale and rotate objectsSelected entries: SelectionSelection empty.Selection must consist only of ways and nodes.Selection unsuitable!\nSelection:Selection: {0}MSelects the objects that take part in this command (unless currently deleted)cSelects the objects that take part in this command (unless currently deleted), then and zooms to itSelf-intersecting waysSemi-automaticSeparate Layer Separator\rSequence: {0};Server replied with response code 404 for id {0}. Skipping.[Server replied with response code 404, retrying with an individual request for each object.Service\rService Times
406Service typeService way typeServices Services:SessionSession file (*.jos)Session file (*.jos, *.joz)
407Session file (archive) (*.joz)Set WMS BookmarkSet all to default!Set number of recently added tagsSet preference key to value&Set the ''modified'' flag for node {0}*Set the ''modified'' flag for relation {0}%Set the ''modified'' flag for way {0};Set the current selection to the list of selected relationsSet the languageMSet the selected elements on the map to the selected items in the list above.Set to default
408Set track visibility for {0}
409Set {0}={1} for node ''{2}'' Set {0}={1} for relation ''{2}''Set {0}={1} for way ''{2}''$Sets a role for the selected members6Setting Preference entries directly. Use with caution!Setting defaultsSettings0Settings for the audio player and audio markers.8Settings for the map projection and data interpretation.(Settings for the remote control feature.-Several utilities that make your life easier.\nShare taxiSharing!Sharpen (requires layer re-add): ShellShelter-Shift+Enter: Add all tags to selected objects\rShinto ShrineShippingShoesShootingShoppingShopsShort Description:Shortcut
410Shortcut Background: ModifiedShortcut Background: UserShow
411Show Bounds
412Show ErrorsShow Status ReportShow Text/Icons Show Thumbnail images on the mapShow Tile InfoShow all
413Show boundsShow changeset {0}Show first ImageShow help informationShow helper geometry
414Show history Show info#Show informational level on upload.Show informational level.Show last Image&Show localized name in selection lists4Show localized name in selection lists, if availableShow next Image!Show object ID in selection lists!Show only applicable to selection7Show or hide the audio menu entry on the main menu bar.Show preset search dialogShow previous ImageShow selected only
415Show splash screen at startupGShow status report with useful information that can be attached to bugs
416Show tags with conflicts only#Show tags with multiple values only9Show the informational tests in the upload check windows.
417Show the informational tests.$Show this dialog again the next timeShow this help\rShow user {0} Show/Hide Show/hideShow/hide layer\nShown AreapShows an additional information about point on map. There is only a Czech RUIAN module available at this moment.Shows barometric pressureShows current dateShows humidityShows temperatureEShows the elevation profile and some statistical data of a GPX track.Sicily - Italy
418Side buttons3Siemianowice Ślą
419skie: Ortofotomapa (aerial image)>Silent shortcut conflict: ''{0}'' moved by ''{1}'' to ''{2}''.Similarly named waysSimple!Simple tool to tag house numbers.2Simplifies download from different read-only APIs.4Simplifies linking OSM objects to Wikipedia articles
420Simplify WaySimplify all selected ways‡Simplify area by removing nodes on very obtuse angles. This can be constrained by maximum removed area size. Also average nearby nodes.Simplify ways?¿Simulates a click when you do a small and short drag. This is useful for tablet pens, when you have problems just clicking the tablet without the mouse moving (general Java - tablet problem).Simultaneous connections:1Single Color (can be customized for named layers)Single elementsSite Site nameSize\nSkateboardSkatingSki Ski routeSkiing\rSkip Download\rSkip downloadSkip layer and continue
421Skip updateSSkipping plugin update after JOSM upgrade. Automatic update at startup is disabled.^Skipping plugin update after elapsed update interval. Automatic update at startup is disabled.\nSlippy mapSlipwaySlovakia EEA CORINE 2006
422Slovakia EEA GMES Urban AtlasSlovakia Historic MapsSmoking"Smooth GPX graphics (antialiasing)"Smooth map graphics (antialiasing)4Smooth map graphics in wireframe mode (antialiasing)Snap to node projectionsSnap to tile size\nSnowmobileSoccerSoft%Some entries have unmet dependencies::Some of the key listeners forgot to remove themselves: {0}[Some of the objects are modified.<br> Proceed, if these changes should be discarded.</html>qSome of the ways were part of relations that have been modified.<br>Please verify no errors have been introduced.^Some waypoints which were too far from the track to sensibly estimate their time were omitted.vSome waypoints with timestamps from before the start of the track or after the end were omitted or moved to the start.BSorry, shortcut "{0}" can not be enabled in Relation editor dialogESorry. Cannot handle multipolygon relations with multiple outer ways.PSorry. Cannot handle way that is both inner and outer in multipolygon relations.JSorry. Cannot handle way that is inner in multiple multipolygon relations.JSorry. Cannot handle way that is outer in multiple multipolygon relations.SortSort presets menuSort the relation members\rSound signalsSourceSouthSouth Africa CD:NGI AerialSpaces for DisabledSpaces for ParentsSpaces for WomenSpecial targetsSpecies'Specify the data source for the changes
423Speed CameraSpikes Split Way!Split a way at the selected node.Split ways into fragmentsSport
424Sport (Ball)Sport FacilitiesSports\rSports CentreSpringStadiumStadt Bern 10cm/25cm (2008) Stadt Uster Orthophoto 2008 10cm>Stadt Zürich Übersichtsplan (Strassen, Gebäude, Hausnummer)Stadtplan ZürichStandard unix geometry argumentStars
425Start Search\nStart dateStart downloadingStart downloading data
426Start new way from last node.CStart of track (will always do this if no other markers available).Starting directory scan,Starting retry {0} of {1} in {2} seconds ...Starting retry {0} of {1}.Starting to upload in chunks...%Starting to upload in one request ...5Starting to upload with one request per primitive ...StateState: Station or amenities\nStationeryStatoil\rStatus ReportStatus bar background
427Status bar background: activeStatus bar foreground
428Status bar foreground: activeStepsStevns (Denmark)StileStop Stop Area\rStop Position/Store WMS endpoint only, select layers at usageStrange toolbar value: {0}Strava cycling heatmapStrava running heatmapStreamStreet
429Street Lamp
430Street nameStreetsStreets NRW StripclubStrongStuttgart (Luftbild)'Style for inner way equals multipolygon
431Style for outer way mismatchesStyle is currently active?Styled Map RendererStyles Cache for "{0}":Su 09:30,11:00 Su 10:00+Sub area\rSubmit filter,Subtype of waterway (largest one of members)SuburbSubwaySubway EntranceSuccess!Successfully opened changeset {0}Sunoco1Superfluous turnrestriction as "to" way is oneway
432Supermarket\nSupervisedSupportHSupport live GPS input (moving dot) through a connection to gpsd server.
433Supported Rectifier Services:
434Supported projections are: {0}Supported values:€Supports downloading tiled, scanned maps from This plugin is still under early development and may be buggy.0Suppress further error dialogs for this session.SurfaceSurrey Air SurveySurveillance Camera
435Survey Point
436Suspicious characters in key:%Suspicious data found. Upload anyway?!Suspicious tag/value combinationsSwimming\nSwing GateSwiss Grid (Switzerland)Swiss Oblique Mercator(Switch angle snapping mode while drawing*Switch dual alignment mode while extrudingSymbol description SynagogueSynchronize AudioSynchronize entire datasetSynchronize node {0} only
437Synchronize relation {0} only1Synchronize time from a photo of the GPS receiverSynchronize way {0} onlySystem of measurement$System of measurement changed to {0}\nT-bar LiftT1 - hiking trailT2 - mountain hiking trail$T3 - difficult, exposed hiking trail+T4 - difficult, exposed, steep alpine trail)T5 - difficult alpine trail with climbing)T6 - hazardous alpine trail with climbing
438TMS Settings(TMS layer ({0}), downloading in zoom {1}\TMS layers do not support the projection {0}.\n{1}\nChange the projection or remove the layer.
439Table TennisTactile Paving
440Tag checkerTag checker (MapCSS based),Tag checker rule (*.validator.mapcss, *.zip)Tag checker rules\Tag collection cannot be applied to a primitive because there are keys with multiple values.;Tag collection does not include the selected value ''{0}''.Tag combinations3Tag key contains character with code less than 0x20Tag key longer than allowed
441Tag modified relations with 5Tag value contains character with code less than 0x20
442Tag value longer than allowedTagChecker sourceTagging PresetsTagsTags / MembershipsTags and MembersTags for selected objects.Tags from nodesTags from relationsTags from waysTags of Tags of changeset {0}Tags of new changesetTags with empty valuesTags/MembershipsTags:
443Tags: {0} / Memberships: {1}TailorMTalk with users editing the map nearby, be notified when someone comes close.TamoilTaxiTaxiwayTaxon TelephoneTelephone cardsTennis\rTents allowedTerminalTertiary\rTertiary LinkTest
444Test ''{0}'' completed in {1}Test Access Token
445Test failedTest the API URLTest {0}/{1}: Starting {2}Testing OAuth Access TokenTesting OSM API URL ''{0}''Tests6Tests for the correct usage of ''*:conditional'' tags.TexacopThat layer does not support any of JOSM''s projections,\nso you can not use it. This message will not show again.6The (compass) heading of the line segment being drawn.3The 2 selected objects have different style caches.3The 2 selected objects have identical style caches.The API URL is valid.HThe Access Token Key must not be empty. Please enter an Access Token KeyNThe Access Token Secret must not be empty. Please enter an Access Token Secret¤The JVM is not configured to lookup proxies from the system settings. The property '''' was missing at startup time. Will not use a proxy.•The MapDust Plug-In shows the MapDust bug reports on the map. You can create, close,invalidate, re-open and comment bug reports by using this plugin.
446The OSM server ''{0}'' does not know about an object<br>you tried to read, update, or delete. Either the respective object<br>does not exist on the server or you are using an invalid URL to access<br>it. Please carefully check the server''s address ''{0}'' for typos.2The OSM server ''{0}'' reported a bad request.<br>5The "from" and the first "via" way are not connected.4The "from" way does not start or end at a "via" node2The "to" way does not start or end at a "via" node!The "via" ways are not connected.?The amount by which the speed is multiplied for fast forwarding;The angle between the previous and the current way segment.žThe area you tried to download is too big or your request was too large.<br>Either request a smaller area or use an export file provided by the OSM community.'The bold text is the name of the layer.=The changeset is <strong>left open</strong> after this uploadFThe changeset is going to be <strong>closed</strong> after this upload4The content of this changeset is not downloaded yet.The copied data contains incomplete objects. When pasting the incomplete objects are removed. Do you want to paste the data without the incomplete objects?IThe current selection cannot be used for splitting - no node is selected.3The current selection cannot be used for unglueing.JThe current value is not a valid OSM ID. Please enter an integer value > 0$The current value is not a valid URLPThe current value is not a valid changeset ID. Please enter an integer value > 0KThe current value is not a valid user ID. Please enter an integer value > 0-The current value isn''t a valid tile addressDThe current value isn''t a valid tile index for the given zoom levelThe default preset for JOSM
447The document contains no data.ñThe following are results of automatic validation. Try fixing these, but be careful (don''t destroy valid data). When in doubt ignore them.<br>When you cancel this dialog, you can find the entries in the validator side panel to inspect them.WThe following dependent objects will be purged<br> in addition to the selected objects:7The following errors occurred during mass download: {0}qThe following objects could not be copied to the target object<br>because they are deleted in the target dataset:-The ge
448raphic latitude at the mouse pointer..The geographic longitude at the mouse pointer.)The great JGoodies Plastic Look and Feel.:The key ''{0}'' and all its values are going to be removedThe key ''{0}'' is already used2The last "via" and the "to" way are not connected.)The latitudes must be between {0} and {1}kThe layer {0} does not support the new projection {1}.\n{2}\nChange the projection again or remove the layer..The length of the new way segment being drawn.*The longitudes must be between {0} and {1}oThe maximum bbox size is 0.25, and your request was too large. Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osm6The merged dataset will not include a tag with key {0}'The minima must be less than the maxima,The name of the object at the mouse pointer..The new key is already used, overwrite values?QThe number of seconds to jump forward or back when the relevant button is pressed<The password cannot be empty. Please enter your OSM password4The plugin file ''{0}'' does not include a Manifest.]The plugin has been removed from the configuration. Please restart JOSM to unload the plugin.9The projection {0} could not be activated. Using MercatorThe proxy will not be used.=The ratio of voice recorder elapsed time to true elapsed timeAThe regex "{0}" had a parse error at offset {1}, full error:\n\n{2}3The regex "{0}" had a parse error, full error:\n\n{1}LThe requested area is too big. Please zoom in a little, or change resolution+The revision file ''/REVISION'' is missing.NThe selected GPX track does not contain timestamps. Please select another one.*The selected area is incomplete. Continue?-The selected nodes do not share the same way.4The selected photos do not contain time information.LThe selection contains {0} ways. Are you sure you want to simplify them all?*The server replied an error with code {0}.{The server replied with response code 404.<br>This usually means, the server does not know an object with the requested id.­The server reported that the current changeset was closed.<br>This is most likely because the changesets size exceeded the max. size<br>of {0} objects on the server ''{1}''./The string ''{0}'' is not a valid double value.The surveyor''s toolbox.wThe turnrestrictions plugin allows to enter maintain information about turn restrictions in the OpenStreetMap database.>The user name cannot be empty. Please enter your OSM user name]The way cannot be split at the selected nodes. (Hint: Select nodes in the middle of the way.)_The ways can not be combined in their current directions. Do you want to reverse some of them?Theatre1Their dataset does not include a tag with key {0}\rTheir version
449Their version (server dataset)Their with Merged\nTheme Park
450There are no imagery layers.
451There are no open changesets(There are no selected objects to update.iThere are unresolved conflicts. Conflicts will not be saved and handled as if you rejected all. Continue?&There is an intersection between ways.$There is no layer opened to add node#There is no layer opened to add way¶There the error information provided below should already be filled in for you. Please include information on how to reproduce the error and try to supply as much detail as possible.BThere was an error while trying to display the URL for this marker'There were {0} conflicts during import.2This can lead to nodes being deleted accidentally.#This changeset query URL is invalidiThis experimental plugin allows JOSM to store tile cache in database files, not in huge cache directories&This is after the end of the recording5This is equal to deleting the roles of these objects.(This node is not glued to anything else.˜This operation makes JOSM forget the selected objects.<br> They will be removed from the layer, but <i>not</i> deleted<br> on the server when uploading.aThis option suppresses the filling of areas, overriding anything specified in the selected style.bThis plugin allows to display any picture as a background in the editor and align it with the map.+This plugin checks for errors in relations.^This plugin directly upload GPS Traces from current active layer in JOSM to plugin simplifies the mapping and editing of public transport routes.3This test checks for errors in tag keys and values.AThis test checks for untagged nodes that are not part of any way.7This test checks for untagged, empty and one node ways.JThis test checks for ways that contain some of their nodes more than once.KThis test checks for ways with similar names that may have been misspelled.CThis test checks if a way has an endpoint very near to another way.,This test checks if multipolygons are valid..This test checks if turnrestrictions are valid{This test checks if two roads, railways, waterways or buildings crosses in the same layer, but are not connected by a node.VThis test checks that a connection between two nodes is not used by more than one way.-This test checks that coastlines are correct.CThis test checks that there are no nodes at the very same location.]This test checks that there are no relations with same tags and same members with same roles.aThis test checks that there are no ways with same node coordinates and optionally also same tags.?This test checks the correct usage of the opening hours syntax.AThis test checks the direction of water, land and coastline ways.·This test finds multilingual objects whose ''name'' attribute is not equal to some ''name:*'' attribute and not a composition of ''name:*'' attributes, e.g., Italia - Italien - Italy.7This tests if ways which should be circular are closed.TThis version is no longer supported by {0} since {1} and is not recommended for use.@This version of JOSM is incompatible with the configured server.*Those nodes are not in a circle. Aborting.Ticket Machine\nTide Level
452Tile Numbers\rTile address:Tile cache directory: Time (hh:mm, for trekking)Time Limit (minutes)Time:Timespan\nTimezone: \rTimezone: {0}Tiris: DGM (Terrain model)Tiris: DOM (Surface model)Title:ToTo (terminal stop)To ... To deleteToggle GPX LinesToggle Viewport FollowingToggle Wireframe viewToggle dialogs panel&Toggle dialogs panel, maximize mapviewToggle dynamic buttonsToggle fullscreen viewToggle snapping by {0}-Toggle visibility of Changeset Manager windowToggle visibility of layer: {0}2Toggle visible state of the marker text and icons.+Toggle visible state of the selected layer.
453Toggle: {0}#Toggles the global setting ''{0}''.DToggles the visibility of the edit toolbar (i.e., the vertical tool)Toilets
454Token allows restricted accessToll\nToll Booth:Too many redirects to the download URL detected. Aborting. Tool: {0}Toolbar Toolbar action without name: {0},Toolbar action {0} overwritten: {1} gets {2}Toolbar customization
455Toolbar: {0}Tools<Tools for do-it-yourself repair (may be a bike co-operative)
456Tools for drawing buildings.TooltipTotal
457Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2007
458Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2011
459Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2013Tourism\rTourist busesTours - Orthophotos 2008
460Tours - Orthophotos 2008-2010Tours - Orthophotos 2013Tower
461Tower designTower reference\nTower typeTown Town hallToysPTraces buildings and other shapes from a map. Needs Tracer2Server to be running.[Traces buildings from Czech cadastral map. Needs TracerServer (.NET or Mono) to be running.TrackTrack and Point Coloring\nTrack date TracktypeTrafficTraffic CalmingTraffic SignalTraffic lights@Trail well cleared. Area flat or slightly sloped, no fall hazard]Trail with continuous line and balanced ascent. Terrain partially steep, fall hazard possibleTrainTram Tram StopTram stop (legacy) TransportTransport mode restrictionsTransverse Mercator\rTravel AgencyTreeTree Row
462Triple tower\nTrolleybusTrunk\nTrunk Link Try AgainITry updating to the newest version of this plugin before reporting a bug.Tunnel
463Tunnel StartTurn restriction
464Turn selected styles on or offTurning Circle\rTurning PointTurnrestrictions Turnstile Turntable Two parallels ways found. Abort.TypeType of compensatorType of constructionType of converterType of enforcementType of shelterType of substationType of transformerTypical journey time in minutesTyresTÜVUIC name\rUIC reference\rUIC-ReferenceUNKNOWNURL
465URL / File: URL Files
466URL does not contain valid {0} URL does not contain {0}/{1}/{2}\URL from (you can paste a download URL here to specify a bounding box)OURL from (you can paste an URL here to download the area)URL:URL: USGS Large Scale Imagery
467USGS Scanned Topographic Maps\rUSSR - LatviaUTMUTM France (DOM)UTM Geodesic systemUTM Zone
468Ukraine - Orthophotomaps 2012
469UnGlue WaysIUnable to add primitive {0} to the dataset because it is already included9Unable to create directory {0}, autosave will be disabled6Unable to create file {0}, other filename will be used"Unable to create new audio marker.$Unable to delete old backup file {0}SUnable to find JOSM keystore at {0}. Remote control will not be available on HTTPS.@Unable to find translation for the locale {0}. Reverting to {1}./Unable to get canonical path for directory {0}\nUnable to load layerUnable to locate file ''{0}''.Unable to parse Lon/LatGUnable to parse value ''{1}'' of parameter ''{0}'' as coordinate value.=Unable to parse value ''{1}'' of parameter ''{0}'' as number.8Unable to parse value of parameter ''towgs84'' (''{0}'')*Unable to replace argument {0} in {1}: {2},Unable to synchronize in layer being played.
470Unclassified\rUnclosed Ways
471Unclosed wayUnconnected coastlineUnconnected highways&Unconnected natural lands and landuses'Unconnected nodes without physical tagsUnconnected power waysUnconnected railwaysUnconnected waterwaysUndecide'Undecide conflict between deleted state/Undecide conflict between different coordinates Undecided:Undefined element ''{0}'' found in input stream. Aborting.:Undefined element ''{0}'' found in input stream. Skipping.UndoUndo ... Undo move(Undo orthogonalization for certain nodesUndo the last action.(Undo the selected and all later commandsUndo {0}Undock the panelUnexpected ExceptionAUnexpected JOSM version number in revision file, value is ''{0}''(Unexpected XML element with name ''{0}''.Unexpected char on {0}. Expected {1} found {2}EUnexpected format for port number in preference ''{0}''. Got ''{1}''.‚Unexpected format of API base URL. Redirection to info or history page for OSM object will probably fail. API base URL is: ''{0}''uUnexpected format of API base URL. Redirection to user page for OSM user will probably fail. API base URL is: ''{0}'';Unexpected format of ID replied by the server. Got ''{0}''.OUnexpected format of error header for conflict in changeset update. Got ''{0}''LUnexpected format of new version of modified primitive ''{0}''. Got ''{1}''.'Unexpected id 0 for osm primitive foundDUnexpected number of arguments for parameter ''+bounds'' (must be 4)IUnexpected number of arguments for parameter ''towgs84'' (must be 3 or 7)%Unexpected parameter format (''{0}'')HUnexpected parameters for HTTP proxy. Got host ''{0}'' and port ''{1}''.IUnexpected parameters for SOCKS proxy. Got host ''{0}'' and port ''{1}''.nUnexpected response from HTTP server. Got {0} response without ''Location'' header. Can''t redirect. Aborting./Unexpected root element ''{0}'' in session file)Unexpected token (school holiday parser):&Unexpected token ({0}) on position {1} Unexpected token in month range:!Unexpected token in number range:Unexpected token in week range:"Unexpected token in weekday range:Unexpected token in year range:9Unexpected token on position {0}. Expected {1}, found {2})Unexpected token. Expected {0}, found {1}Unexpected token:Unexpected token: {0}HUnexpected value ''{0}'' for preference ''{1}''. Assuming value ''ask''.<Unexpected value for ''{0}'' in changeset query url, got {1}<Unexpected value for key ''{0}'' in preferences, got ''{1}''NUnexpected value for preference ''{0}'' found. Got ''{1}''. Will use no proxy.QUnexpected value for preference ''{0}'', got ''{1}''. Resetting to default query.5Unexpected value for preference ''{0}''. Got ''{1}''.1Unexpected value of parameter ''index''. Got {0}.Unfreeze7Unfreeze the list of merged elements and start merging.Unglue confirmation
472Unglued Node\nUniversityUnknown country code: {0}!Unknown datum identifier: ''{0}''
473Unknown hostUnknown member typeUnknown mode {0}.,Unknown or unsupported API version. Got {0}.Unknown parameter ''{0}''Unknown parameter: ''{0}''.EUnknown primitive type: {0}. Allowed values are node, way or relation&Unknown projection identifier: ''{0}''Unknown requisite: {0}
474Unknown roleUnknown sentences: {0}$Unknown source:maxspeed context: {0}Unknown type: {0}Unnamed junction
475Unnamed unclassified highway
476Unnamed waysUnnecessary tagsUnordered coastlineUnpacking {0} into {1}Unsaved changes.Unsaved changes - Save/Upload before deleting?-Unsaved changes - Save/Upload before exiting?Unsaved data and conflicts(Unsaved data and missing associated fileUnsaved data non-writable filesUnsaved osm data
477Unselect AllUnselect all objects.Unselectable now5Unsupported WMS file version; found {0}, expected {1}UUnsupported end element ''{0}'' in changeset content at position ({1},{2}). Skipping.7Unsupported parameter ''{0}'' in changeset query string*Unsupported scheme ''{0}'' in URI ''{1}''.WUnsupported start element ''{0}'' in changeset content at position ({1},{2}). Skipping.kUnsupported value in preference ''{0}'', got ''{1}''. Using authentication method ''Basic Authentication''.Unsupported version: {0}
478Untagged and unconnected nodes\rUntagged waysUntagged ways (commented)!Untagged, empty and one node waysUp
479Up One LevelUpdate
480Update JavaUpdate changesetUpdate content
481Update dataUpdate directory listing.Update interval (in days):Update modifiedUpdate multipolygonUpdate objects\rUpdate pluginUpdate pluginsUpdate selection0Update the changeset content from the OSM server(Update the changeset from the OSM serverUpdate the selected pluginsUpdatedJUpdates the currently modified objects from the server (re-downloads data)JUpdates the currently selected objects from the server (re-downloads data)=Updates the objects in the active data layer from the server.EUpdates the selected changesets with current data from the OSM serverUpdating changeset {0}...Updating changeset...\rUpdating dataUpdating ignored errors ...Updating map ...Updating pluginsUpdating user interfaceUploadUpload Changes=Upload all changes in the active data layer to the OSM server>Upload all changes in the current selection to the OSM server.
482Upload data.Upload data in chunks of objects. Chunk size: Upload data in one request5Upload data to an already existing and open changesetUpload discouragedUpload each object individually?Upload in one request not possible (too many objects to upload)Upload is discouragedUpload selectionUpload successful!
483Upload the changed primitivesUpload to ''{0}''Upload to a new changesetUpload to an existing changesetjUploading <strong>{0} objects</strong> to <strong>1 changeset</strong> using <strong>{1} requests</strong>rUploading <strong>{0} objects</strong> to <strong>multiple changesets</strong> using <strong>{1} requests</strong>(Uploading and saving modified layers ...Uploading data ... Uploading data for layer ''{0}''UsageUsage Position.Use <b>(</b> and <b>)</b> to group expressions?Use <b>"</b> to quote operators (e.g. if key contains <b>:</b>)4Use <b>|</b> or <b>OR</b> to combine with logical orUse Basic Authentication'Use English language for tag by default Use OAuthUse a SOCKS proxy
484Use a custom changeset queryÜUse arrow keys or drag the imagery layer with mouse to adjust the imagery offset.\nYou can also enter east and north offset in the {0} coordinates.\nIf you want to save the offset as bookmark, enter the bookmark name below
485Use complex property checker.
486Use defaultUse default settingsUse error layer.
487Use external scripts in JOSMUse global settingsUse ignore list.eUse left click&drag to select area, arrows or right mouse button to scroll map, wheel or +/- to zoom.Use preset ''{0}''#Use preset ''{0}'' of group ''{1}''
488Use standard system settingslUse standard system settings (disabled. Start JOSM with <tt></tt> to enable)4Use the error layer to display problematic elements.)Use the ignore list to suppress warnings.Use this tag againvUse your system''s password manager to store the API username and password. (KWallet and gnome-keyring are supported.)Used to communication dataUserUser ID: User info\nUser name:User:Username\nUsername:
489Usually this should be fixed.Vacuum CleanerValidate6Validate property values and tags using complex rules.EValidate that property keys are valid checking against list of words.AValidate that property values are valid checking against presets.\nValidating\nValidationValidation ResultsValidation errors3Validation failed. The API URL seems to be invalid.Validation resultsValue-Value ''{0}'' for key ''{1}'' not in presets.-Value ''{0}'' for option +init not supported.4Value ''{0}'' is going to be applied for key ''{1}'':Value ''{0}'' is not a number. Please enter an integer > 10Value >0 expected for parameter ''{0}'', got {1}%Value expected for parameter ''{0}''..Value for latitude in range [-90,90] required.1Value for longitude in range [-180,180] required.'Value is too long (max {0} characters):Value:Value: \rVariety StoreOVarious settings that influence the visual representation of the whole program.Vehicle accessVehicles per typeVehicles per useVejmidte (Denmark)#Velocity (red = slow, green = fast)Vending machineVending productsVerSVercors - Réserve naturelle des Hauts-Plateaux du Vercors - Orthophotos 1999 - 1 mOVersion ''{0}'' of meta data for geoimage layer is not supported. Expected: 0.1PVersion ''{0}'' of meta data for gpx track layer is not supported. Expected: 0.1NVersion ''{0}'' of meta data for imagery layer is not supported. Expected: 0.1OVersion ''{0}'' of meta data for osm data layer is not supported. Expected: 0.1?Version ''{0}'' of session file is not supported. Expected: 0.1
490Version > 0 expected. Got {0}.
491Version {0}Version: Version: \nVeterinaryVia (intermediate stops)Video$Vienna: Beschriftungen (annotations)(Vienna: Mehrzweckkarte (general purpose) Vienna: Orthofoto (aerial image)View View: {0} ViewpointViewport FollowingVillage\rVillage Green
492Village/City)Ville de Nyon - Orthophoto 2010 HD 5cm/piVineyard\nVisibilityVisibility/readabilityVisible HeadframeVisit Homepage2Visualizes routing information as a routing graph.VoGIS: DGM (Terrain model)VoGIS: DOM (Surface model)!VoGIS: Echtfarbenbild 2012 (12cm)VoGIS: Flächenwidmungsplan+Vodo-Vodyanoi Energetichesky Reactor (VVER)Voice recorder calibrationVolcano\nVolleyballVoltageVoltage in Volts (V)
493WARNING: {0}WCWGS84WGS84 Geographic WMS ErrorWMS Files (*.wms)WMS SRS (EPSG code)
494WMS SettingsWMS URL or Image ID:6WMS layer ({0}), automatically downloading in zoom {1}(WMS layer ({0}), downloading in zoom {1}*WMSPlugin-style imagery adjustment mapmodeWadiWaiting 10 seconds ... WallWarning^Warning in tagging preset "{0}-{1}": Ignoring ''{2}'' attribute as ''{3}'' elements are given.KWarning: The 2 selected objects have equal, but not identical style caches.1Warning: The password is transferred unencrypted.rWarning: depending on the authentication method the proxy server uses the password may be transferred unencrypted.DWarning: illegal format of entry in preset list ''{0}''. Got ''{1}''BWarning: illegal format of entry in rule list ''{0}''. Got ''{1}''CWarning: illegal format of entry in style list ''{0}''. Got ''{1}''WarningsWash
495Waste BasketWaste DisposalWastewater PlantWater\nWater Body\nWater Park
496Water Tower\nWater Well
497Water Works
498Water level Waterfall WatermillWaterwayWaterway duplicated nodesWave Audio files (*.wav):Way ''{0}'' is already deleted. Skipping object in upload.Way connected to AreaWay contains segment twiceWay end node near other highwayWay end node near other wayWay node near other wayWay terminates on AreaLWay with external ID ''{0}'' includes missing node with external ID ''{1}''.Way {0}eWay {0} with {1} nodes has incomplete nodes because at least one node was missing in the loaded data.Way: Waypoint labelling WaypointsWays
499Ways share segment with areaWays with same position\rWayside CrossWayside ShrineWeatherWebpage:WebsiteWeirWetlandBWhat to do with preference lists when this file is to be imported?\nWheelchair
500WheelchairsAWhen importing audio, apply it to any waypoints in the GPX layer.*When importing audio, make markers from...cWhen reversing this way, the following changes are suggested in order to maintain data consistency.)When saving, display a small notification.When saving, keep backup files ending with a ~
501Whole groupWidth (meters)'Width of drawn GPX line (0 for default) WikipediaWindmillWindowsWindsockWireframe Map RendererWireframe ViewvWith OAuth you grant JOSM the right to upload map data and GPS tracks on your behalf (<a href="{0}">more info...</a>). With shop…
502Within quoted strings the <b>"</b> and <b>\</b> characters need to be escaped by a preceding <b>\</b> (e.g. <b>\"</b> and <b>\\</b>).WoodWorks
503Would you like to restart now?
504Would you like to update now ?pWrite gps position info to the image file header. Run this feature from the right click menu of the image layer.*Writing plugin list to local cache ''{0}''&Wrong number of arguments for bookmarkWrong syntax in {0} keyWrongly Ordered WaysXML tag <user> is missing. Yahoo SatYes\rYes, apply it Yes, create a conflict and closeYes, save the changes and closeFYou already have an Access Token to access the OSM server using OAuth.ÊYou are about to clear all preferences to their default values<br />All your settings will be deleted: plugins, imagery, filters, toolbar buttons, keyboard, etc. <br />Are you sure you want to continue?You are about to delete incomplete objects.<br>This will cause problems because you don''t see the real object.<br>Do you really want to delete?¾You are about to delete nodes outside of the area you have downloaded.<br>This can cause problems because other objects (that you do not see) might use them.<br>Do you really want to delete?ÒYou are about to merge data between layers ''{0}'' and ''{1}''.<br /><br />These layers have different upload policies and should not been merged as it.<br />Merging them will result to enforce the stricter policy (upload discouraged) to ''{1}''.<br /><br /><b>This is not the recommended way of merging such data</b>.<br />You should instead check and merge each object, one by one, by using ''<i>Merge selection</i>''.<br /><br />Are you sure you want to continue?
505You are about to merge more than 1 object between layers ''{0}'' and ''{1}''.<br /><br /><b>This is not the recommended way of merging such data</b>.<br />You should instead check and merge each object, <b>one by one</b>.<br /><br />Are you sure you want to continue?You are about to unglue incomplete objects.<br>This will cause problems because you don''t see the real object.<br>Do you really want to unglue?¾You are about to unglue nodes outside of the area you have downloaded.<br>This can cause problems because other objects (that you do not see) might use them.<br>Do you really want to unglue?
506You are about to upload data from the layer ''{0}''.<br /><br />Sending data from this layer is <b>strongly discouraged</b>. If you continue,<br />it may require you subsequently have to revert your changes, or force other contributors to.<br /><br />Are you sure you want to continue?$You are running version {0} of Java.4You can also paste an URL from,You changed the key from ''{0}'' to ''{1}''.9You changed the value of ''{0}'' from ''{1}'' to ''{2}''.You did not specify a source for your changes.<br />It is technically allowed, but this information helps<br />other users to understand the origins of the data.<br /><br />If you spend a minute now to explain your change, you will make life<br />easier for many other mappers.aYou do not have an Access Token yet to access the OSM server using OAuth. Please authorize first.:You have downloaded too much data. Please try again later."You have encountered a bug in JOSM‚You have encountered an error in JOSM. Before you file a bug report make sure you have updated to the latest version of JOSM here::You have to restart JOSM for some settings to take effect.2You must make your edits public to upload new data!You must select at least one way.:You must select two or more nodes to split a circular way.pYou need to SHIFT-drag the play head onto an audio marker or onto the track point where you want to synchronize.|You need to drag the play head near to the GPX track whose associated sound track you were playing (after the first marker).RYou need to have paused audio at the point on the track where you want the marker.MYou need to pause audio at the moment when you hear your synchronization cue.`You requested too many nodes (limit is 50,000). Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osmyYou should also update your plugins. If neither of those help please file a bug report in our bugtracker using this link:
507You should select a GPX trackxYou updated your JOSM software.<br>To prevent problems the plugins should be updated as well.<br><br>Update plugins now?sYour upload comment is <i>empty</i>, or <i>very short</i>.<br /><br />This is technically allowed, but please consider that many users who are<br />watching changes in their area depend on meaningful changeset comments<br />to understand what is going on!<br /><br />If you spend a minute now to explain your change, you will make life<br />easier for many other mappers.'Your work has been saved automatically.(Zabrze: Ortofotomapa 2011 (aerial image)Zero coordinates: {0}ZoneZooZoomZoom (in metres)Zoom InZoom In (Keypad)Zoom OutZoom Out (Keypad)Zoom and move mapZoom best fit and 1:1gZoom by dragging or Ctrl+. or Ctrl+,; move with Ctrl+up, left, down, right; move zoom with right buttonZoom in
508Zoom level:Zoom outZoom the view to {0}.Zoom to
509Zoom to GapZoom to in layerZoom to native resolution
510Zoom to nodeZoom to selected element(s)Zoom to selection;Zoom to the corresponding objects in the current data layerZoom to the first selected node#Zoom to the gap in the way sequence6Zoom to the object the first selected member refers toNZoom to the objects in the content of this changeset in the current data layer+Zoom to this node in the current data layer
511Zoom to {0}=Zooming disabled because layer of this relation is not active8Zooming disabled because layer of this way is not active4Zooming disabled because there is no selected member2Zooming disabled because there is no selected node"Baker Street"\nAltitude: {0} m\nDirection {0}°\nEXIF time: {0}\nGPS time: {0}\n\nRange:{0}
512\n\n> applying {0} style "{1}"\n\n\n> skipping "{0}" (not active)
513\n\nList of generated Styles:\n \n{0} km/h_:Barrier\nDitch_:Highway\ncycleway_:Highway\npath_:Highway\nresidential_:Highway\nservice_:Highway\nunclassified_:Place type\nborough_:Place type\ncity_:Place type\ncounty_:Place type\nhamlet_:Place type\nisland_:Place type\nlocality_:Place type\nmunicipality_:Place type\nsuburb_:Place type\ntown_:Place type\nvillage _:Relation type\nassociatedStreet_:Relation type\nboundary_:Relation type\nbridge _:Relation type\ndestination_sign_:Relation type\nenforcement
514_:Relation type\nmultipolygon_:Relation type\nnetwork _:Relation type\npublic_transport_:Relation type\nrestriction_:Relation type\nroute
515_:Relation type\nroute_master_:Relation type\nsite_:Relation type\nstreet_:Relation type\ntunne
516_:Relation type\nwaterway_:aerialway\nStation_:aerialway\npitch_:aerialway\nsports_centre_:aerialway\ntrack_:airport\nGate
517_:audio\nBack_:audio\nFaster_:audio\nFaster Forward_:audio\nForward_:audio\nJump back._:audio\nJump forward_:audio\nNext Marker_:audio\nPlay next marker.
518_:audio\nPlay previous marker._:audio\nPlay/Pause_:audio\nPrevious Marker_:audio\nSlower_:audio\nSlower Forward_:building\napartments_:building\ncommercial_:building\nconstruction_:building\ndetached_:building\ndormitory_:building\nfarm_:building\ngarage_:building\ngarages_:building\ngreenhouse_:building\nhangar_:building\nhospital_:building\nhouse_:building\nhut_:building\nindustrial_:building\noffice_:building\nresidential_:building\nretail_:building\nroof_:building\nschool_:building\nshed_:building\nterrace_:building\ntransportation_:building\nuniversity_:building\nwarehouse_:building\nyes_:camera:mount\nceiling_:camera:mount\npole_:camera:mount\nwall_:camera:type\ndome_:camera:type\nfixed_:camera:type\npanning_:cargo\nbicycle
519_:cargo\nhgv_:cargo\npassengers_:cargo\npassengers;vehicle_:cargo\nvehicle_:changeset.state\nClosed_:changeset.state\nOpen _:changeset.upload-comment\nempty_:christian\nanglican_:christian\nbaptist_:christian\ncatholic_:christian\nevangelical_:christian\ngreek_catholic_:christian\ngreek_orthodox
529_:crossing:barrier\ndouble_half_:crossing:barrier\nfull_:crossing:barrier\nhalf_:crossing:barrier\nno_:crossing:barrier\nyes_:entrance\nemergency_:entrance\nexit_:entrance\nmain_:entrance\nservice_:entrance\nyes\n_:filter\nA\n_:filter\nD\n_:filter\nE\n_:filter\nF\n_:filter\nH\n_:filter\nI\n_:filter\nM\n_:filter\nR\r_:filter\nText&_:generator method\nanaerobic_digestion_:generator method\nbarrage
530_:generator method\ncombustion_:generator method\nfission_:generator method\nfusion_:generator method\ngasification_:generator method\nphotovoltaic
531_:generator method\npyrolysis#_:generator method\nrun-of-the-river_:generator method\nstream_:generator method\nthermal'_:generator method\nwater-pumped-storage _:generator method\nwater-storage_:gpx_field\nDesc(ription)_:gpx_field\nName
533_:height\nlow_:hydrant position\ngreen_:hydrant position\nlane
534_:hydrant position\nparking_lot_:hydrant position\nsidewalk_:jewish\nconservative_:jewish\northodox_:jewish\nreform_:landuse\nfarmland_:landuse\nforest_:landuse\nresidential_:layer\nOffset
535_:mounting/support\nbillboard_:mounting/support\nground_:mounting/support\npole_:mounting/support\nwall_mounted_:natural\nscrub_:osm object types\nmixed_:pipeline\noverground_:pipeline\npillar_:pipeline\npond_:pipeline\nunderground_:pipeline\nunderwater_:pipeline\nwall_:piste:difficulty\nadvanced_:piste:difficulty\neasy_:piste:difficulty\nexpert_:piste:difficulty\nfreeride_:piste:difficulty\nintermediate_:piste:difficulty\nnovice
536_:piste:grooming\nbackcountry_:piste:grooming\nclassic _:piste:grooming\nclassic;skating_:piste:grooming\nmogul_:piste:grooming\nscooter_:piste:grooming\nskating_:power\nanchor_:power\nasymmetric
551_:trail_visibility\nexcellent_:trail_visibility\ngood_:trail_visibility\nhorrible_:trail_visibility\nintermediate_:trail_visibility\nnoabbreviated street nameactiveactual add entryadd to selectionadd toolbar buttonaddress!addresses belonging to the street
552adds projections from Proj4Jadministrativeadvanced configuration aerialwayaeroway
553aeroway.dark\raeroway.light aggregate
554agriculturalairall/all children of objects matching the expressionall closed waysall incomplete objectsall modified objectsall new objects
555all objects.all parents of objects matching the expression\rall relationsall selected objectsall waysalley\nalphabeticalpineamenities type {0}amenity\ramenity.lightamenity.trafficanaloganchorsanglican
556animal_food anonymous
557anything related to the streetaqueductareaarea (more than 20m)areatextasianasphalt>attribute ''index'' ({0}) for element ''layer'' must be uniqueaudio\nbackgroundbackwardbackward halt pointbackward segmentbahaibankbaptist
558barbed_wirebarrier\nbasemap.atbasic examplesbasicsbasilicabasinbauxitebeachbicycle
559bicycle_tube2bio / coal / diesel / gas / gasoline / oil / waste7bio, coal, diesel, gas, gasoline, oil, waste combustionbiofuel&biofuel, biogas, diesel, gas, gasolinebiogas&biogas, biomass, gas, waste combustionbiomassbiomass / wastebipolebogbothboundaryboundary type {0}branchbranch waterways (no riverbank)brandbridge
562bus_guidewayby {0}canal\ncantilevercantoncase sensitive cathedralcatholiccemeterycentre\nchain_linkchapelcharcoalcheck chemicalchicanechickenchinesechoker christianchurch\ncigarettescitycivilclaynclimbing up to second grade. Often very exposed, precarious jagged rocks, glacier with danger to slip and fall clockwiseclosed#closed ways with an area of 100 m² closedwaycoal
563cobblestonecold air\ncold watercolor
564combinatorscombined_cycle\rcommunication compactedcompressed airconcretecondomsconfigure changeset configure the map painting styleconflictconifer
566contact_line container
567conveniencecoppercopy selected defaults/could not get audio input stream from input URLcountcoveredcraftcreates a channel digraph and checks a subset of channels if it is a junction or searches in a subset of channels for junctionscushion customersdata deciduous dedicateddeg° min'' (Nautical)deg° min'' sec"deleteddeleted-on-serverdelivery\ndeprecated#deprecated format for wikipedia tag\ndesignated
568destinationdieseldigitaldimension_stonedirtditchdockdoes not existdowndownhilldownloaddraindraw angle snapdraw angle snap highlightdrinks\rdrive-throughdriveway edge ways parallel to ''across''!edge ways parallel to ''through''electric
569electricityelementsemergency.access.point'entrances to the site, on the perimeter
570entry pointsestimate
571evangelicaleven evergreen;every n-th member of relation and/or every n-th node of wayexamplesexcrement_bags&expected .jos file inside .joz archivežexposed sites may be secured with ropes or chains, possible need to use hands for balance. Partly exposed sites with fall hazard, scree, pathless jagged rocks*extended options for editing opening_hours.false: the property is explicitly switched offfarmyardfenceferryfiltered/disabledfiltered/hiddenfind in selection
572fine_gravelfirst way after junctionfish_and_chipsflushfolderfoodfootforestforestry fork node for alternative routesforwardforward halt pointforward segmentfrancis_turbinefreightfrench from tilefrom way funiculargaragesgasgas combustion
573gas_turbinegasoline\ngeothermal=geothermal / solar thermal / bio, coal, oil, waste combustiongerman
574get number of unread messagesglaciergold
575golf_course\ngps marker gps pointgrade1grade2grade3grade4grade5grass
577ground_slotsh\nhalt pointhas direction keys
578has direction keys (reversed)healthheat heat_pumpheath
579helper linehigh highlighthighlight wireframehighwayhighway without a referencehighway.platform\rhighway.trackhinduhistorichistoryhorizontal_axishorsehot air hot waterhotelhousehouse (up to 5m)
580houses belonging to the street0,hygro run-of-the-river / hydro water-storage<hygro run-of-the-river / hydro water-storage / tidal barrageibadi ice_creamice_rinkicnilmeniteimagery
581imagery fade improve way accuracy helper lineinactiveinclude0including immediate children of parent relations\nincomplete&increase zoom level to see more detail
582independentindianindoor\nindustrialinformalinfrastructure\rinner segment
583integrated into main programintervaliron_oreislandisolateditalianiwnjainjapanesejehovahs_witnessjewish jughandlekaplan_turbinekebabkioskladderlagoonlakelandfilllanduselanduse type {0}lanelast way before junctionlatitudelatticelayer/layer is currently hidden (click to show layer)0layer is currently visible (click to hide layer) layer should be between -5 and 5layer tag with + signlcnleadleaflessleftleisureleisure type {0}3level should be numbers with optional .5 increments
584light.water limestonelimitedline
585link segment\rliving_street
586livingdashed$loading plugin ''{0}'' (version {1})loading style ''{0}''...\nlocal file
587location of enforcement devicelock scrollinglockers3logical and (both expressions have to be satisfied)
588logical not8logical or (at least one expression has to be satisfied) longitudelowlow_water_crossinglutheranlwnmahayanamainmake parallel helper linemangrovemanmade map stylemapcssmarinamarshmatches if ''key'' existsEmatches if ''key'' is greater than ''value'' (analogously, less than)max latmax lon maxheightmaxspeed maxweightmediummembermembers of sitemetadatametal methodistmetromexicanmilitaryminmin latmin lon
590missing layer with index {0};missing mandatory attribute ''index'' for element ''layer'':missing mandatory attribute ''name'' for element ''layer'':missing mandatory attribute ''type'' for element ''layer''missing objects:mixedmodifiedmonopolemonorailmormonmosque motorroadmotorway\rmotorway_linkmovablemsmud
592multipolygonmuralmuslim/n-th member of relation and/or n-th node of waynationalnaturalnatural type {0}$natural water used for swimming poolnaturencn
594news_papersnextnickelnono description availableno error message available
595no importerno longer requiredFno wikipedia-language given, use ''wikipedia''=''language:page title''
596no_left_turn\rno_right_turnno_straight_on no_u_turnnode of the intersection$node on way where enforcement startsnonenordic
597not deletednot in data set
598not present©note: For some tasks, JOSM needs a lot of memory. It can be necessary to add the following\n Java option to specify the maximum size of allocated memory in megabytesnoticenuclearnuclear fissionnuclear fusion\rnumerical keynwnobject without useful tagsobjectsBobjects (and all its way nodes / relation members) in current viewEobjects (and all its way nodes / relation members) in downloaded areaobjects changed by userobjects having 5 to 10 tagsobjects in current viewobjects in downloaded area
599objects with at least 20 nodesobjects with given IDobjects with given changeset ID%objects with given role in a relationobjects with given version5objects with last modification timestamp within range
600observationobtain from current layersoddofficeofficialoiloldrailoldtimeronlyonly_left_turnonly_right_turnonly_straight_onopen%opening_hours value can be prettifiedopposite\ropposite_laneopposite_trackoptions*options provided as Java system propertiesorthodoxosmfrosmotic otherrailoutdoor\router segmentoutside downloaded area\novergroundpalmpampasparking\rparking_aisleparking_ticketsHpartial: different selected objects have different values, do not changepaved\rpaving_stonespeak
602pentecostalperimeter of the site\npermissivephotospierpipelinepiste.advanced\npiste.easy
604piste.novicepitch\npitlatrinepizzaplaceplantsplasticplatformplatform (entry only)platform (exit only)pole politicalpondposition of sign potentialpowerprairie
606primary_linkprivateproblem\nproperties\nprotestantpublicpublic transportpublic_transport_planspublic_transport_ticketspuffinpusztaquakerquarryracewayrackrail\nraildashedraillandrailoverrailway
607railwaypointrailyardrapidsrcnreciprocating_enginereedbedregionregionalregular expressionrelated objectsrelation without type
608religion without denominationreload defaults reload selected styles from file removableremove from selectionreplace selectionreplaced by new {0} pluginreserved reservoir
609residentialrestaurant without nameretailrightrisingriver riverbankrolerooftop\nroundaboutroute\rroute segment$route variant/direction (at least 2)
610rumble_striprutilerwnssalt saltmarshsandsandwichsavannascaleschemescrub sculptureseasonalseated\rseated;urinal secondaryselected selectionsemi_deciduoussemi_evergreen separatedserviceservicessettsewageshaivismshaktism
612shared_laneshedshiashintoshop\rshop type {0}shortcutshortcut segmentshould be savedshould be uploadedsidingsikhsilvertsingle plainly climbing up to second grade. Exposed, demanding terrain, jagged rocks, few dangerous glacier and snowsiteskitourskobblerskobbler heatmapsmartism snow_parksolarsolar photovoltaic\rsolar thermalsolar_photovoltaic_panelsolar_thermal_collectorsolid ‡sometimes need for hand use to get ahead. Terrain quite exposed, precarious grassy acclivities, jagged rocks, facile snow-free glaciers
613spiritualist\nsplit_railsportsport type {0}
614sport without physical feature\rsports_centrespring of waterwayspursquatsqueezerstadiumstampsstandsstatestatuesteamsteam_generator\rsteam_turbinesteel
615stellaratorstepoversteppestone\rstop positionstop position (entry only)stop position (exit only)streamstreetstreet (up to 20m)street name contains sssubwaysuctionsundialsunnisunrise-sunsetsunset,sunrisesurfacesushi\nsuspensionswampsweets\rswimming_poolswing synagoguetabletamponstaoisttelephone_voucherstempletemporary highway typeterminaltertiarytextthaithe main Potlatch 2 style theravada6this layer is not currently active (click to activate)
616this layer is the active layertidaltidal steam / wind tidalflattiger\ntiger.datatinœto quote operators.<br>Within quoted strings the <b>"</b> and <b>\</b> characters need to be escaped by a preceding <b>\</b> (e.g. <b>\"</b> and <b>\\</b>).to waytokamaktoolbartopo toposcopetoucantourismtourism type {0}towntoystracktrack and waypoints\ntrack onlytraffic'traffic light or barrier that stops Szlaki (paths)traintramtrestle\ntrolleybus,true: the property is explicitly switched ontrunk\ntrunk_linktubularturkish
619underground\nunderwater>unexpected format of attribute ''index'' for element ''layer'' unitarianunknown
620unknown christian denominationunknown jewish denomination(unknown language prefix in wikipedia tagunknown muslim denominationunmarked\nunorthodoxunpavedunset7unset: do not set this property on the selected objectsunspecified reasonuntagged
621untagged way3unusual incline; use percentages/degrees or up/down3unusual train track gauge; use mm with no separatorunusual {0} formatunusual {0} specificationup\nup to tileurinalusage$use parenthesis to group expressionsvacuum
622vaishnavism vajrayanavalidation errorvalidation othervalidation warningvariant segmentveld
623version {0}\rvertical_axisvia node or waysviaductvideoview6view meta information, error log and source definitionvolcano9voltage should be in volts with no units/delimiter/spacesvoucherswall\nwall_loopswastewater\nwater_parkwaterwaywaterway type {0}waterways (no riverbank)wave!way forming the outline footprintway is connected(way is connected to next relation member,way is connected to previous relation member8way is not connected to previous or next relation memberwaypoints onlyways being part of streetways passing through the tunnel
624ways passing under the bridge(ways supported by (on top of) the bridge6week 1-53/2 Fr 09:00-12:00; week 2-52/2 We 09:00-12:00where enforcement endswhere to place the labelwildlifewindwindingwirewiredwlanwoodwoodareawrong crossing tag on a waywrong highway tag on a nodexmlyardyeszebrazinczirconzoomzoom in to load any tileszoom in to load more tiles
625zoroastrian\r{0} (Corsica){0} ({1} to {2} degrees) {0} ({1}){0} - {1} ({2})
626{0} Nodes: {0} [incomplete]{0} completed in {1}{0} consists of:{0} inside {1}{0} is deprecatedB{0} is not a valid TMS argument. Please check this server URL:\n{1}${0} is not a valid restriction value+{0} is replaced by X-coordinate of the tile+{0} is replaced by Y-coordinate of the tileS{0} is replaced by a random selection from the given comma separated list, e.g. {1}x{0} is replaced by tile zoom level, also supported:<br>offsets to the zoom level: {1} or {2}<br>reversed zoom level: {3}P{0} is replaced by {1} (OSGeo Tile Map Service Specification style Y coordinate)1{0} is replaced by {1} (Yahoo style Y coordinate){0} is unnecessary{0} is unnecessary for {1}\n{0} meters
627{0} more...{0} must be a numeric value@{0} nodes in way {1} exceed the max. allowed number of nodes {2}È{0} objects exceed the max. allowed {1} objects in a changeset on the server ''{2}''. Please <a href="urn:advanced-configuration">configure</a> how to proceed with <strong>multiple changesets</strong>\r{0} on a node{0} on suspicious object
628{0} relation without {0} tag {0} sq km{0} used with {1}{0} with multiple values{0} without {1}{0} without {1} or {2}{0} without {1}, {2} or {3}:{0}% ({1}/{2}), {3} left. Uploading node ''{4}'' (id: {5})>{0}% ({1}/{2}), {3} left. Uploading relation ''{4}'' (id: {5})9{0}% ({1}/{2}), {3} left. Uploading way ''{4}'' (id: {5}){0}+{1}{0}, use {1} instead{0}... [please type its number]{0}:{0}:
629{0}: Version {1} (local: {2}){0}: illegal option -- {1}{0}: invalid option -- {1}J{0}: meters is default; period is separator; if units, put space then unit0{0}: option ''--{1}'' does not allow an argument {0}: option ''{1}'' is ambiguous({0}: option ''{1}'' requires an argument1{0}: option ''{1}{2}'' does not allow an argument'{0}: option requires an argument -- {1}"{0}: unrecognized option ''--{1}''#{0}: unrecognized option ''{1}{2}''{0}={1}{0}={1} is deprecatedj{0}={1} is unspecific. Instead of ''{1}'' please give more information about what exactly should be fixed.{0}={1} makes no sense$Łódź: Ortofotomapa (aerial image)3Świętochłowice: Ortofotomapa 2009 (aerial image)ÿÿ
630(Time difference of {0} day)Time difference of {0} days\r({0} request)({0} requests)!({0}/{1}) Uploading {2} object..."({0}/{1}) Uploading {2} objects...<b>{0}</b> object disabled<b>{0}</b> objects disabledk<html>An upload and/or save operation of one layer with modifications<br>was canceled or has failed.</html>l<html>Upload and/or save operations of {0} layers with modifications<br>were canceled or have failed.</html>A<html>Matched <b>{0}</b> of <b>{1}</b> photo to GPX track.</html>B<html>Matched <b>{0}</b> of <b>{1}</b> photos to GPX track.</html>Y<html>The following changeset tag contains an empty key/value:<br>{0}<br>Continue?</html>Y<html>The following changeset tags contain an empty key/value:<br>{0}<br>Continue?</html>W<html>The selected object is not available in the current<br>edit layer ''{0}''.</html>\<html>None of the selected objects is available in the current<br>edit layer ''{0}''.</html>Ñ<html>You are going to reverse the way ''{0}'',<br/> whose semantic meaning of its tag ''{1}'' is defined by its direction.<br/>Do you really want to change the way direction, thus its semantic meaning?</html>Ð<html>You are going to reverse the way ''{0}'',<br/> whose semantic meaning of these tags are defined by its direction:<br/>{1}Do you really want to change the way direction, thus its semantic meaning?</html>„<html>{0} layer has unresolved conflicts.<br>Either resolve them first or discard the modifications.<br>Layer with conflicts:</html>‡<html>{0} layers have unresolved conflicts.<br>Either resolve them first or discard the modifications.<br>Layers with conflicts:</html>Â<html>{0} layer needs saving but has an associated file<br>which cannot be written.<br>Either select another file for this layer or discard the changes.<br>Layer with a non-writable file:</html>Ã<html>{0} layers need saving but have associated files<br>which cannot be written.<br>Either select another file for each of them or discard the changes.<br>Layers with non-writable files:</html>—<html>{0} layer needs saving but has no associated file.<br>Either select a file for this layer or discard the changes.<br>Layer without a file:</html>›<html>{0} layers need saving but have no associated file.<br>Either select a file for each of them or discard the changes.<br>Layers without a file:</html><p><b>{0}</b> object hidden
631<p><b>{0}</b> objects hidden®<strong>Failed</strong> to delete <strong>node {0}</strong>. It is still referred to by node {1}.<br>Please load the node, remove the reference to the node, and upload again.°<strong>Failed</strong> to delete <strong>node {0}</strong>. It is still referred to by nodes {1}.<br>Please load the nodes, remove the reference to the node, and upload again.¶<strong>Failed</strong> to delete <strong>node {0}</strong>. It is still referred to by relation {1}.<br>Please load the relation, remove the reference to the node, and upload again.¸<strong>Failed</strong> to delete <strong>node {0}</strong>. It is still referred to by relations {1}.<br>Please load the relations, remove the reference to the node, and upload again.¬<strong>Failed</strong> to delete <strong>node {0}</strong>. It is still referred to by way {1}.<br>Please load the way, remove the reference to the node, and upload again.®<strong>Failed</strong> to delete <strong>node {0}</strong>. It is still referred to by ways {1}.<br>Please load the ways, remove the reference to the node, and upload again.¶<strong>Failed</strong> to delete <strong>relation {0}</strong>. It is still referred to by node {1}.<br>Please load the node, remove the reference to the relation, and upload again.¸<strong>Failed</strong> to delete <strong>relation {0}</strong>. It is still referred to by nodes {1}.<br>Please load the nodes, remove the reference to the relation, and upload again.¾<strong>Failed</strong> to delete <strong>relation {0}</strong>. It is still referred to by relation {1}.<br>Please load the relation, remove the reference to the relation, and upload again.À<strong>Failed</strong> to delete <strong>relation {0}</strong>. It is still referred to by relations {1}.<br>Please load the relations, remove the reference to the relation, and upload again.´<strong>Failed</strong> to delete <strong>relation {0}</strong>. It is still referred to by way {1}.<br>Please load the way, remove the reference to the relation, and upload again.¶<strong>Failed</strong> to delete <strong>relation {0}</strong>. It is still referred to by ways {1}.<br>Please load the ways, remove the reference to the relation, and upload again.¬<strong>Failed</strong> to delete <strong>way {0}</strong>. It is still referred to by node {1}.<br>Please load the node, remove the reference to the way, and upload again.®<strong>Failed</strong> to delete <strong>way {0}</strong>. It is still referred to by nodes {1}.<br>Please load the nodes, remove the reference to the way, and upload again.´<strong>Failed</strong> to delete <strong>way {0}</strong>. It is still referred to by relation {1}.<br>Please load the relation, remove the reference to the way, and upload again.¶<strong>Failed</strong> to delete <strong>way {0}</strong>. It is still referred to by relations {1}.<br>Please load the relations, remove the reference to the way, and upload again.ª<strong>Failed</strong> to delete <strong>way {0}</strong>. It is still referred to by way {1}.<br>Please load the way, remove the reference to the way, and upload again.¬<strong>Failed</strong> to delete <strong>way {0}</strong>. It is still referred to by ways {1}.
632r>Please load the ways, remove the reference to the way, and upload again.Add a new node to wayAdd a new node to {0} ways&Add and move a virtual new node to way+Add and move a virtual new node to {0} ways
633Add selection to {0} relation
634Add selection to {0} relationsAdded {0} objectAdded {0} objects[Cannot open {0} file because file does not exist or no suitable file importer is available.[Cannot open {0} files because files do not exist or no suitable file importer is available.4Cannot open {0} file with the file importer ''{1}''.5Cannot open {0} files with the file importer ''{1}''.%Change properties of up to {0} object&Change properties of up to {0} objects\rChange value?Change values?Change {0} objectChange {0} objectsKClick <strong>{0}</strong> to check the state of this object on the server.MClick <strong>{0}</strong> to check the state of these objects on the server.)Click to continue and to open {0} browser*Click to continue and to open {0} browsersCombine {0} wayCombine {0} waysConflict during downloadConflicts during downloadConflict in dataConflicts in dataDelete {0} nodeDelete {0} nodesDelete {0} objectDelete {0} objectsDelete {0} relationDelete {0} relationsDelete {0} wayDelete {0} waysDeleted {0} tags for {1} object Deleted {0} tags for {1} objectsDeleting {0} objectDeleting {0} objects=Downloading the following plugin has <strong>failed</strong>:BDownloading the following {0} plugins has <strong>failed</strong>:
635Downloading {0} changeset ...
636Downloading {0} changesets ...4Downloading {0} incomplete child of relation ''{1}''7Downloading {0} incomplete children of relation ''{1}''8Downloading {0} incomplete child of {1} parent relations;Downloading {0} incomplete children of {1} parent relations!Downloading {0} incomplete object"Downloading {0} incomplete objects#Downloading {0} object from ''{1}''$Downloading {0} objects from ''{1}''Dupe into {0} nodeDupe into {0} nodes
637Dupe {0} node into {1} nodes
638Dupe {0} nodes into {1} nodesInsert new node into way.
639Insert new node into {0} ways.;JOSM could not find information about the following plugin:<JOSM could not find information about the following plugins:'JOSM found {0} unsaved osm data layer. (JOSM found {0} unsaved osm data layers. Merge {0} nodeMerge {0} nodesMerged version ({0} entry)
640Merged version ({0} entries)\rMove {0} nodeMove {0} nodesMy version ({0} entry)My version ({0} entries)
641Object could not be downloaded$Some objects could not be downloadedObject deletedObjects deleted!One downloaded object is deleted.#{0} downloaded objects are deleted.'One object could not be downloaded.<br>({0} objects could not be downloaded.<br>Opening {0} file...Opening {0} files...Pasting {0} tagPasting {0} tagsWPlease open the Preference Dialog after JOSM has started and try to update it manually.YPlease open the Preference Dialog after JOSM has started and try to update them manually.,Plugin {0} is still required by this plugin:2Plugin {0} is still required by these {1} plugins:HPlugin {0} requires a plugin which was not found. The missing plugin is:NPlugin {0} requires {1} plugins which were not found. The missing plugins are:Purged {0} objectPurged {0} objectsRemove "{0}" for {1} object
642Remove "{0}" for {1} objects%Remove old keys from up to {0} object&Remove old keys from up to {0} objects$Resolve {0} tag conflict in node {1}%Resolve {0} tag conflicts in node {1}(Resolve {0} tag conflict in relation {1})Resolve {0} tag conflicts in relation {1}#Resolve {0} tag conflict in way {1}$Resolve {0} tag conflicts in way {1}Rotate {0} nodeRotate {0} nodesScale {0} nodeScale {0} nodes3Selected node cannot be disconnected from anything.4Selected nodes cannot be disconnected from anything.Selected {0} objectSelected {0} objectsSet {0} tags for {1} object
643Set {0} tags for {1} objectsSet {0}={1} for {2} objectSet {0}={1} for {2} objects
644Simplify Way (remove {0} node)Simplify Way (remove {0} nodes)Simplify {0} waySimplify {0} waysSplit way {0} into {1} part
645Split way {0} into {1} partsTags({0} conflict)Tags({0} conflicts)GThe affected way would disappear after disconnecting the selected node.HThe affected way would disappear after disconnecting the selected nodes.GThe following plugin has been downloaded <strong>successfully</strong>:MThe following {0} plugins have been downloaded <strong>successfully</strong>:EThe following plugin is no longer necessary and has been deactivated:HThe following plugins are no longer necessary and have been deactivated:%The plugin is not going to be loaded.'The plugins are not going to be loaded.2The selected node is not in the middle of any way.4The selected nodes are not in the middle of any way.AThe selected way has nodes outside of the downloaded data region.CThe selected ways have nodes outside of the downloaded data region.Their version ({0} entry)Their version ({0} entries)SThere is more than one way using the node you selected. Please select the way also.TThere is more than one way using the nodes you selected. Please select the way also.§There is {0} object in your local dataset which might be deleted on the server.<br>If you later try to delete or update this the server is likely to report a conflict.©There are {0} objects in your local dataset which might be deleted on the server.<br>If you later try to delete or update them the server is likely to report a conflict.#There is {0} object left to upload.%There are {0} objects left to upload.bThere was an error when loading this style. Select ''Info'' from the right click menu for details.eThere were {0} errors when loading this style. Select ''Info'' from the right click menu for details. There was {0} conflict detected."There were {0} conflicts detected.%There was {0} conflict during import.'There were {0} conflicts during import.8There was {0} tag found in the buffer, it is suspicious!:There were {0} tags found in the buffer, it is suspicious!"This will change up to {0} object.#This will change up to {0} objects.
646This will change {0} object.#This will change up to {0} objects.Transform {0} nodeTransform {0} nodes)Updating the following plugin has failed:*Updating the following plugins has failed:EUploading <strong>{0} object</strong> to <strong>1 changeset</strong>FUploading <strong>{0} objects</strong> to <strong>1 changeset</strong>fUploading <strong>{0} object</strong> to <strong>1 changeset</strong> using <strong>1 request</strong>gUploading <strong>{0} objects</strong> to <strong>1 changeset</strong> using <strong>1 request</strong>Uploading {0} object...Uploading {0} objects...You are about to combine {0} objects, but the following tags are used conflictingly:<br/>{1}If these objects are combined, the resulting object may have unwanted tags.<br/>If you want to continue, you are shown a dialog to fix the conflicting tags.<br/><br/>Do you want to continue?You are about to combine {0} objects, but the following tags are used conflictingly:<br/>{1}If these objects are combined, the resulting object may have unwanted tags.<br/>If you want to continue, you are shown a dialog to fix the conflicting tags.<br/><br/>Do you want to continue?'You are about to combine {1} object, which is part of {0} relation:<br/>{2}Combining these objects may break this relation. If you are unsure, please cancel this operation.<br/>If you want to continue, you are shown a dialog to decide how to adapt the relation.<br/><br/>Do you want to continue?-You are about to combine {1} objects, which are part of {0} relations:<br/>{2}Combining these objects may break these relations. If you are unsure, please cancel this operation.<br/>If you want to continue, you are shown a dialog to decide how to adapt the relations.<br/><br/>Do you want to continue?­You are about to delete {0} relation: {1}<br/>This step is rarely necessary and cannot be undone easily after being uploaded to the server.<br/>Do you really want to delete?®You are about to delete {0} relations: {1}<br/>This step is rarely necessary and cannot be undone easily after being uploaded to the server.<br/>Do you really want to delete?†You are about to launch {0} browser window.<br>This may both clutter your screen with browser windows<br>and take some time to finish.‡You are about to launch {0} browser windows.<br>This may both clutter your screen with browser windows<br>and take some time to finish.gYou are about to open <b>{0}</b> different relation editor simultaneously.<br/>Do you want to continue?hYou are about to open <b>{0}</b> different relation editors simultaneously.<br/>Do you want to continue?,You are setting an empty role on {0} object.-You are setting an empty role on {0} objects.
647You have {0} unread message.
648You have {0} unread messages.gYou moved more than {0} element. Moving a large number of elements is often an error.\nReally move them?hYou moved more than {0} elements. Moving a large number of elements is often an error.\nReally move them?daydaysmarkermarkersnodenodesobjectobjectsrelation relations\rto {0} objectto {0} objectswayways\n{0} Author
649{0} Authors
650{0} Member: \r{0} Members: {0} consists of {1} marker{0} consists of {1} markers
651{0} deleted
652{0} deleted{0} image loaded.{0} images loaded.\n{0} member
653{0} members{0} node {0} nodes{0} object to add:{0} objects to add:{0} object to delete:{0} objects to delete:{0} object to modify:{0} objects to modify:'{0} pending tag conflict to be resolved({0} pending tag conflicts to be resolved
654{0} relation\r{0} relations
655{0} route,
656{0} routes, {0} tag{0} tags {0} track\n{0} tracks
657{0} track,
658{0} tracks, {0} was found to be GPS tagged. {0} were found to be GPS tagged.{0} way{0} ways
659{0} waypoint\r{0} waypoints
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.