name: Java CI Test env: junit_platform_version: '1.7.2' # ANT_HOME is also our ant version ANT_HOME: 'apache-ant-1.10.11' on: - push - pull_request defaults: run: shell: bash jobs: test: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} env: LANG: en_US.UTF-8 strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: # test against latest update of each major Java version, as well as specific updates of LTS versions: java: [8, 11, 16, 17-ea, 18-ea] os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest] exclude: - java: 8 os: macos-latest - java: 11 os: macos-latest name: Java ${{ }} on ${{ matrix.os }} steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 256 - name: Cache uses: actions/cache@v2.0.0 with: path: | ~/.ivy2/cache/ ~/work/josm/josm/tools/ key: ${{ runner.os }}-ivy2-${{ hashFiles('build.xml', 'ivy.xml', 'tools/ivy.xml') }} - name: Setup Java ${{ }} uses: actions/setup-java@v2 with: distribution: 'zulu' java-version: ${{ }} - name: Install Ant ${{ env.ANT_HOME }} run: | if [ ! -f tools/${{ env.ANT_HOME }}-bin.tar.gz ]; then curl -o tools/${{ env.ANT_HOME }}-bin.tar.gz${{ env.ANT_HOME }}-bin.tar.gz fi tar zxf tools/${{ env.ANT_HOME }}-bin.tar.gz - name: Ant diagnostics run: ${{ env.ANT_HOME }}/bin/ant -diagnostics - name: Test with Ant run: | ANT="${{ env.ANT_HOME }}/bin/ant -DnoJavaFX=true test-unit-hardfail" $ANT -Dtest.headless=true - name: Dump errors if failed if: ${{ failure() }} run: "grep -L ', Failures: 0, Skipped: ' test/report/*.txt | xargs cat" - name: Upload Ant reports if: ${{ always() }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: Ant reports for JOSM ${{ needs.createrelease.outputs.josm_revision }} on java ${{ }} on ${{ matrix.os }} path: | test/report/*.txt test/report/TEST*.xml publish-test-results: name: "Publish Unit Tests Results" needs: test runs-on: ubuntu-latest # the test job might be skipped, we don't need to run this job then if: success() || failure() steps: - name: Download Artifacts uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: path: artifacts - name: Publish Test Report with junit-report-annotations-action uses: ashley-taylor/junit-report-annotations-action@1.3 if: ${{ always() }} with: path: 'artifacts/**/*.xml' access-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - name: Publish Test Report with action-junit-report if: ${{ always() }} uses: mikepenz/action-junit-report@v2 with: report_paths: 'artifacts/**/*.xml' token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - name: Publish Test Report with publish-unit-test-result-action uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action@v1 with: files: 'artifacts/**/*.xml'