Ticket #6150: data-set.osm

File data-set.osm, 2.1 KB (added by Gubaer, 13 years ago)

Updated test data

1<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
2<osm version='0.6' generator='JOSM'>
3 <node id='-32' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.3854226164918995' lon='-2.2704871688514108'>
4 <tag k='type' v='with_parent_tag' />
5 </node>
6 <node id='-31' visible='true' lat='2.3823165684750753' lon='-2.411934765255096' />
7 <node id='-22' action='modify' timestamp='2011-03-27T18:41:15Z' visible='true' lat='2.451867053813372' lon='-2.411725772692331'>
8 <tag k='name' v='object with place=suburb' />
9 <tag k='place' v='suburb' />
10 </node>
11 <node id='-20' action='modify' timestamp='2011-03-25T15:23:54Z' visible='true' lat='2.7471932592330863' lon='-2.4150591682691407'>
12 <tag k='VALSOU' v='tag_shortcut: from VALSOU' />
13 <tag k='type' v='with_tag_shortcut' />
14 </node>
15 <node id='-18' action='modify' timestamp='2011-03-25T15:17:53Z' visible='true' lat='2.6366562260479385' lon='-2.4160708688783537'>
16 <tag k='VALSOU' v='tag: a label' />
17 <tag k='type' v='with_tag' />
18 </node>
19 <node id='-16' action='modify' timestamp='2011-03-25T15:17:53Z' visible='true' lat='2.537845043509834' lon='-2.410145341430371'>
20 <tag k='type' v='with_parent_tag' />
21 </node>
22 <node id='-14' action='modify' timestamp='2011-03-25T20:57:44Z' visible='true' lat='2.8687334177701516' lon='-2.4188380637190345'>
23 <tag k='name' v='with_auto: this is the name' />
24 <tag k='type' v='with_auto' />
25 </node>
26 <way id='-33' action='modify' visible='true'>
27 <nd ref='-31' />
28 <nd ref='-32' />
29 <tag k='my_special_tag' v='this is the value in &apos;my_special_tag&apos; of the parent way' />
30 <tag k='type' v='a_parent_way' />
31 </way>
32 <relation id='-26' action='modify' timestamp='2011-03-30T17:15:16Z' visible='true'>
33 <member type='node' ref='-16' role='' />
34 <tag k='VALSOU' v='OK: from parent relation' />
35 <tag k='type' v='a_parent_relation' />
36 </relation>
37 <relation id='-24' timestamp='2011-03-30T17:15:16Z' visible='true'>
38 <member type='node' ref='-16' role='' />
39 <tag k='VALSOU' v='OK: from parent relation' />
40 <tag k='type' v='not_a_parent_relation' />
41 </relation>