Ticket #5753: RemotePreference_String_cleanup.patch
File RemotePreference_String_cleanup.patch, 3.9 KB (added by , 14 years ago) |
21 21 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.util.GuiHelper; 22 22 import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.remotecontrol.RemoteControl; 23 23 import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.remotecontrol.handler.AddNodeHandler; 24 import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.remotecontrol.handler.ImageryHandler;25 24 import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.remotecontrol.handler.ImportHandler; 26 25 import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.remotecontrol.handler.LoadAndZoomHandler; 27 26 import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.remotecontrol.handler.RequestHandler; … … 44 43 45 44 private JCheckBox enableRemoteControl; 46 45 47 private JCheckBox permissionLoadData = new JCheckBox(tr(" load data from API"));48 private JCheckBox permissionImportData = new JCheckBox(tr(" import data from URL"));49 private JCheckBox permissionLoadImagery = new JCheckBox(tr(" load imagery layers"));50 private JCheckBox permissionCreateObjects = new JCheckBox(tr(" create new objects"));51 private JCheckBox permissionChangeSelection = new JCheckBox(tr(" change the selection"));52 private JCheckBox permissionChangeViewport = new JCheckBox(tr(" change the viewport"));53 private JCheckBox permissionReadProtocolversion = new JCheckBox(tr(" read protocol version"));54 private JCheckBox alwaysAskUserConfirm = new JCheckBox(tr(" confirm all Remote Control actions manually"));46 private JCheckBox permissionLoadData = new JCheckBox(tr("Load data from API")); 47 private JCheckBox permissionImportData = new JCheckBox(tr("Import data from URL")); 48 private JCheckBox permissionLoadImagery = new JCheckBox(tr("Load imagery layers")); 49 private JCheckBox permissionCreateObjects = new JCheckBox(tr("Create new objects")); 50 private JCheckBox permissionChangeSelection = new JCheckBox(tr("Change the selection")); 51 private JCheckBox permissionChangeViewport = new JCheckBox(tr("Change the viewport")); 52 private JCheckBox permissionReadProtocolversion = new JCheckBox(tr("Read protocol version")); 53 private JCheckBox alwaysAskUserConfirm = new JCheckBox(tr("Confirm all Remote Control actions manually")); 55 54 56 55 public void addGui(final PreferenceTabbedPane gui) 57 56 { 58 57 59 JPanel remote = gui.createPreferenceTab("remotecontrol.gif", tr("Remote Control"), tr("Settings for the Remote Control freature."));58 JPanel remote = gui.createPreferenceTab("remotecontrol.gif", tr("Remote Control"), tr("Settings for the remote control feature.")); 60 59 61 60 remote.add(enableRemoteControl = new JCheckBox(tr("Enable remote control"), RemoteControl.PROP_REMOTECONTROL_ENABLED.get()), GBC.eol()); 62 61 … … 86 85 87 86 wrapper.add(alwaysAskUserConfirm, GBC.eol().fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL)); 88 87 89 final JLabel portLabel = new JLabel("<html>"+tr("JOSM will always listen onport 8111 on localhost." +90 "Theport is not configurable because it is referenced by external applications talking to JOSM.") + "</html>");88 final JLabel portLabel = new JLabel("<html>"+tr("JOSM will always listen at port 8111 on localhost." + 89 "This port is not configurable because it is referenced by external applications talking to JOSM.") + "</html>"); 91 90 portLabel.setFont(portLabel.getFont().deriveFont(Font.PLAIN)); 92 91 93 92 wrapper.add(portLabel, GBC.eol().insets(5,5,0,10).fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL)); … … 130 129 Main.pref.put(VersionHandler.permissionKey, permissionReadProtocolversion.isSelected()); 131 130 Main.pref.put(RequestHandler.globalConfirmationKey, alwaysAskUserConfirm.isSelected()); 132 131 } 133 // FIXME confirm return value - really no restart needed?134 132 return changed; 135 133 } 136 134 }