1 | /*
2 | OpenRailwayMap Style File for JOSM
3 | OpenRailwayMap - Copyright (C) 2023 user: mikeho
4 | This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
5 | This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
6 | See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenRailwayMap for details.
7 |
8 | Format details: https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Help/Styles/MapCSSImplementation
9 | https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/MapCSS/0.2
10 | */
11 |
12 | meta {
13 | title: "JOSM - test for function parent_way_angle - 02.03.2023 - Version 1.0";
14 | version: "1.0";
15 | description: "Style to display the result of function parent_way_angle.";
16 | author: "mikeho";
17 | watch-modified: true;
18 | }
19 |
20 | node|z18-::layer_speed_for1 {
21 | z-index: 400;
22 | text-offset-x: 0;
23 | text-offset-y: 26;
24 | font-size: 18;
25 | text: concat("angle: ", parent_way_angle(), " << length: ", length( concat( parent_way_angle() ) ), " <<" );
26 |
27 | text-position: line;
28 | text-color: #F44; text-halo-opacity: 1;
29 | text-halo-color: #202020; text-halo-radius: 4;
30 | text-allow-overlap: true;
31 | }
32 | node|z18-::layer_speed_for2 {
33 | z-index: 402;
34 | text-offset-x: 0;
35 | text-offset-y: 6;
36 | font-size: 18;
37 | text: concat("angle: ", eval( parent_way_angle() + 0.001 ), " <<" );
38 |
39 | text-position: line;
40 | text-color: #F44; text-halo-opacity: 1;
41 | text-halo-color: #202020; text-halo-radius: 4;
42 | text-allow-overlap: true;
43 | }