Changes between Version 42 and Version 43 of Styles/Coloured_Streets

2014-04-14T19:05:06+02:00 (10 years ago)



  • Styles/Coloured_Streets

    v42 v43  
    5454* The text gets a bit bigger at high zoom levels
    5555This all results in better readability on higher zoom levels and a better overview on lower zoom levels. This was inspired by the style [LessObtrusiveNodes Less Obtrusive Nodes]. So you no longer need to activate both, but just Colured Streets and you get a nice view on all zoom levels.
    56 ==== Version 3.0.xx to 3.01.xx ====
     56==== Version 3.00.xx to 3.01.xx ====
    5757* The warning massage on streets "no name!" changed to "name?". All messages do now follow the same schema (all messages where something is missing with "?" and all messages where something is wrong with "!").
    5858* The following colours slightly changed for better distinction with other colors:
    6060 * !#32cd32 changed to !#54d954
    6161 * !#81621a changed to !#7d5a07
    62 ==== Version 2.0.xx to 3.0.xx ====
     62==== Version 2.00.xx to 3.00.xx ====
    6363* Instead of analyzing the first letter of the street name for colour choice, now a crc32-hashcode is generated and based on this the colours are choosen. This results in the following listed advantages. Special thanks at this point to the development team of JOSM, which special for this mappaint style implemented a new function. Without this new function the following improvements wouldn't be possible.
    6464 * Different streets with the same first letter, which are near to each other are now displayed in different colours.
    8888* Some code optimizations
    90 ==== Version 1.011 to 2.0.xx ====
     90==== Version 1.011 to 2.00.xx ====
    9191* The housenumbers are bigger, have a coloured background and are thereby more visible.
    9292* Support of associatedStreet relations