[[TranslatedPages]] = MapCSS Tutorial = === Example 1 === {{{#!html
    icon-image: "presets/food/restaurant.svg";
    text: auto;
}}} This draws a restaurant icon and a text label for each node that is tagged `amenity=restaurant`. The image can be specified in one of the following forms: * absolute path * URL * a path relative to the current *.mapcss file * relative path that revers to a build-in image (see Example 1). The `josm-tested.jar` file is a simple zip archive; you can extract it and use all files from the `images` folder. The declaration **`text: auto;`** tells JOSM to derive the text for the label automatically. At time of writing, the following tags are searched and the first one that is found will be used: "`name:`"+'''', "`name`", "`int_name`", "`ref`", "`operator`", "`brand`" and "`addr:housenumber`". You can also pick a specific tag e.g. **`text: "cuisine";`**. === Example 2 === {{{#!html
    width: 4;
    color: lightgray;
}}} Here we have all residential roads drawn in lightgray and with line width 4 px. Color can be given in one of the following formats: * named color as found in [http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#svg-color this] list * html style: **`#ff0000`** * **`rgb(0.0, 1.0 , 0.2)`** - rgb value with arguments from 0.0 to 1.0 === Example 3 === {{{#!html
    width: 7;
    color: #c0c0c0;
    dashes: 15,9;
    dashes-background-color: #00ff00;

    text: "name";
    text-position: line;
    text-offset: 9;
    font-size: 12;
    font-color: lightyellow;
}}} In the first part of the declarations, we define a dash pattern of gray and green. Leave out the `dashes-background-color` to display a broken line with no color in between the dashes. In the second part, the name of the street (**`text: "name";`**) will be displayed along the line (**`text-position: line;`**) with a vertical offset of 9 px. An offset of 0 would render the text on top of the line. === Example 4 === {{{#!html
    fill-color: orange;
}}} The **`area`** type selector acts on ways and multipolygon relations. The condition **`[building]`** applies to all objects that have the key `building` set to any value. Note that the outline of the building is painted as well, although we haven't specified any line properties. This is because JOSM will always draw at least one line element for each way. If no line properties are found, a default line element is generated. === Example 5 === {{{#!html
area[landuse=forest], area[natural=wood]
    fill-image: "http://trac.openstreetmap.org/export/25265/applications/rendering/mapnik/symbols/forest.png";
    fill-opacity: 0.8;

    text: auto;
    text-position: center;
}}} This shows, how you can list multiple selectors for one rule. We fill the area with a pattern, if it is tagged `landuse=forest` or `natural=wood`. The opacity is set to 0.8, where 1.0 means opaque and 0.0 is fully transparent. You can set opacity, whenever a color or an image is defined. E.g. `icon-opacity` for `icon-image` and `opacity` for `color`. A label for the object is placed in the center of the area. == See also == * the [wikitr:/Help/Styles/MapCSSImplementation JOSM implementation reference] lists the supported mapcss features in more detail. * the [wikitr:/Help/Validator/MapCSSTagChecker tagchecker] uses much of these features.