
Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#16214 closed enhancement (fixed)

Provide autofix to remove completely useless area=yes (useless both as a tag and as indicator of real issues) from inner multipolygons ways

Reported by: mkoniecz Owned by: team
Priority: minor Milestone: 18.05
Component: Core validator Version:
Keywords: template_report Cc:

Description (last modified by mkoniecz)

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. find/create multipolygon
  2. add inner way
  3. tag it with area=yes
  4. run validator

What is the expected result?

Validator is providing an autofix that would remove area=yes

What happens instead?

Validator is not providing an autofix

Please provide any additional information below. Attach a screenshot if possible.

There is a repeated minor tagging issue - multipolygons with area=yes at inner ways that are not tagged with other tags. Such area=yes tag is utterly useless - also as an indicator of problematic area.

Standalone ways with only area=yes are indicating unfinished edit. But in my experience (after processing hundreds cases of are=yes on inner multipolygon ways) area=yes with inner role are not useful as indicators of further problems (see note at the end), and may be safely removed automatically.

  • it would allow to split "missing tag - incomplete object: only area" warning into two categories - one requiring detailed investigation and one that may be quickly processed
  • in this case this tag is utterly useless and may be safely removed
  • some people may become confused and start to think that area=yes tag is necessary in such cases
  • people searching for ways with just area=yes (with or similar) to fix mistakes by newbies and finish their edits are spammed by useless area=yes on inners (yes - it is possible to make more complicated query filtering out area=yes on inners, but each person doing this would need to craft their own query or find it)


Such cases of area=yes may be found using

( way(r.relations:"inner")(if:count_tags() == 1)[area=yes];
out meta;

note: it seems that density of horrible mistakes and poor tagging is not higher in areas with area=yes on inner multipolygon ways than in other areas. To compae that with area=yes on standalone ways - such places frequenly have many other mapping issues.

Repository:UUID: 0c6e7542-c601-0410-84e7-c038aed88b3b
Last:Changed Date: 2018-04-17 00:51:35 +0200 (Tue, 17 Apr 2018)
Build-Date:2018-04-17 01:31:54
Relative:URL: ^/trunk

Identification: JOSM/1.5 (13646 en) Linux Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS
Memory Usage: 549 MB / 869 MB (260 MB allocated, but free)
Java version: 1.8.0_171-b11, Oracle Corporation, Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
Screen: :0.0 1920x1080
Maximum Screen Size: 1920x1080
Dataset consistency test: No problems found

+ OpeningHoursEditor (34095)
+ buildings_tools (34109)
+ continuosDownload (68)
+ imagery_offset_db (34109)
+ reverter (34109)
+ todo (30304)

Last errors/warnings:
- W: Attribution is not loaded yet
- W: Attribution is not loaded yet
- W: Attribution is not loaded yet
- W: Attribution is not loaded yet
- W: Attribution is not loaded yet
- W: Attribution is not loaded yet
- W: Attribution is not loaded yet
- W: Attribution is not loaded yet
- W: Attribution is not loaded yet
- W: Attribution is not loaded yet

Attachments (0)

Change History (6)

comment:1 by mkoniecz, 6 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by mkoniecz, 6 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:3 by mkoniecz, 6 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:4 by Klumbumbus, 6 years ago

Milestone: 18.05

comment:5 by Klumbumbus, 6 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 13787/josm:

  • fix #16214 - Provide autofix to remove completely useless area=yes from inner multipolygons ways.
  • add embankment-pattern-centered.svg to nodist folder (which was sitting around here but it is not usefull to replace the current png version)

comment:6 by mkoniecz, 6 years ago


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