Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Ticket #10808

2016-03-17T00:51:51+01:00 (8 years ago)

Still happening with the latest tested (r9979). :(

I've simplified the way to reproduce this, and it's pretty similar to #12347, except this has a 'way' instead of a 'node'. Pretty much, almost all 'No-U-Turn' relations use a 'way' because of the roads being a dual carriageway are the type that have 'No-U-Turn' restrictions posted in the field.


  • Ticket #10808

    • Property Cc simon04 added
    • Property Priority normalmajor
    • Property Summary JOSM can break some "No U-Turn restriction" relations when they aren't fully downloadedJOSM breaks "No U-Turn restriction" relations when 'via' is a 'way', and relation isn't fully downloaded
  • Ticket #10808 – Description

    v2 v3  
    11Steps to reproduce:
    3 1. Download the following bounding box:
    4 2. Open up the 'Relations' panel on the right.
    5 3. Notice there is 1 'no_u_turn' relation that is partially downloaded.  It has 3 members, with the 'via' being a way instead of a node.
    6 4. Now, select any node along way 57,375,488.
    7 5. Now, split the way using the selected node.
     31. Download the following way [osmwww:way/57375488], and make sure you download the "parent relations" as well
     42. Split the way.
    96What happens:
    10 The way is split, however, the 'no_u_turn' relations now have 4 members because JOSM didn't realize that only one of the newly split ways should have been added.  Because of this, either relation now has 2 ways in the 'to' or 2 in the 'from' role foe each of the relations depending on which type of way was split.
     7The way is split, however, the 'no_u_turn' relation ([osmwww:relation/4247812]) now has 4 members because JOSM didn't realize that only one of the newly split ways should have been added.  Because of this, the relation now has 2 ways in the 'to' or 2 in the 'from' role depending on which type of way was split.
    129What should happen: