Custom Query (872 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 872)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#19333 Download (incomplete) members: No message about incomplete download after connection broke while downloading new template_report incomplete download member team defect normal
#19341 plugin scripting fails new template_report webstart java9 Gubaer defect normal
#19378 Assigning a letter key to a shortcut sometimes puts the letter in the next dialog needinfo template_report robchafer@… defect normal
#19384 GPX: additional filter for downloading OSM data along gps-tracks reopened template_report team enhancement normal
#19394 Combine way: Instead of denying, offer help working outside downloaded area new template_report combine way dowload area team enhancement normal
#19412 Empty error message shown new template_report error 503 upload-api-response ResponseCode team defect normal
#19413 incorrect route_ref warning new template_report route_ref validator Biswesh defect normal
#19452 Chinese characters cannot be sorted alphabetically by pinyin new template_report team enhancement normal
#19453 Unexpected exception: Listener Conflict (instance of org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.ConflictDialog) was already registered new template_report team defect normal
#19462 Complain about addr:housename matching addr:housenumber and differing solely by capitalization new template_report team enhancement normal
#19466 Change role dialog: Combo instead of text input and better title new template_report change role combo different team enhancement normal
#19468 Delete Tag button tool tip block click event new template_report team defect normal
#19472 Tagging preset: Column width as option for checkgroup new template_report tagging preset checkgroup column width team enhancement normal
#19484 Describe building=university multipolygon better ("university building", not "university") reopened template_report team enhancement normal
#19486 java.lang.IllegalStateException: Called endChange before beginChange new template_report Don-vip defect normal
#19499 DataIntegrityProblemException: identified sequence of equal nodes in a node list new template_report Gubaer defect normal
#19502 Missing “cancel.png” image. Plugins don’t run reopened template_report JeroenHoek defect normal
#19511 Support of complete tag in fixChange and FixRemove new template_report tag fixChange fixRemove team enhancement normal
#19518 Reproduced 19359 in Flatpak version new template_report flatpak Don-vip defect normal
#19519 property value for multiselect always produce false positive with multiple values new template_report multiselect property value team defect normal
#19528 Download Dialog: Bounding Box: Context menu partly hidden new template_report download dialog bbox context menu team defect normal
#19534 Find gaps in incomplete route relations with some members downloaded new template_report route relation gap team enhancement normal
#19538 JOSM blocked after request to upload new template_report team defect normal
#19566 In case of OSM server failure provide generic error message reopened template_report team enhancement normal
#19602 OsmTransferException while downloading GPX new template_report gpx download truncated-file team defect normal
#19614 Replace geometry: keyboard friendly conflict resolution new template_report replace geometry conflict team enhancement normal
#19615 add mofa/moped=use_sidepath to access preset new template_report access use_sidepath mofa moped team enhancement normal
#19635 Crash with Public Transport plugin new template_report roland.olbricht defect normal
#19642 Update building and building:part values and add more categorical building presets new template_report building building:part values team enhancement normal
#19648 [patch] Show warning on invalid MapCSS validator rule parsing new template_report rule validation mapcss class team enhancement normal
#19649 Specify key name in Number of lanes greater than *:lanes new template_report lanes-tagging team enhancement normal
#19651 Imagery Adjust: grabbed hand cursor modifier disappears after first move of imagery new template_report team defect normal
#19652 abandoned:building disused:building - convert to building new template_report team enhancement normal
#19653 Find more conflicting keys in lanes-tagging new template_report lanes-tagging conflicting keys team enhancement normal
#19654 Purge: Option to deselect dependent objects from list new template_report purge dependent object team enhancement normal
#19673 allow single quotes as quotes in query generator new template_report team enhancement normal
#19674 Always have "between node dragging handle that will create a new node" visible new template_report team enhancement normal
#19688 prevent or discourage download of blocked data into non-blocked layer new template_report Don-vip enhancement normal
#19690 unable to find valid certification path to requested target new template_report team defect normal
#19695 Tags/Memberships panel not updated when adding multiple tags new template_report regression team defect normal
#19703 HiDPI issues (Windows) new template_report hidpi team defect normal
#19722 Turn restriction validator warning inconsistency new template_report turn restriction team defect normal
#19748 Risky autofix: Incorrect roundabout (highway: primary instead of {trunk/motorway}) new template_report roundabout trunk motorway team defect normal
#19756 Advanced preference for plugin and image paths new template_report preference plugin image path team enhancement normal
#19764 Nice message about closing already closed note new template_report team enhancement normal
#19777 Trying to switch to angle mode for draw tool fails new template_report team defect normal
#19780 Close Open Changeset picks up wrong changeset new template_report changeset team defect normal
#19811 IAE: Parameter 'data' must not be null executing a conflation with locked layer as active one new template_report Tyndare defect normal
#19818 Editor in Preferences did not scale on Ubuntu 20.04 with HiDPI new template_report hidpi team defect normal
#19823 Advanced Preferences could not export selected items if they have default values new template_report team defect normal
#19824 Advanced Preferences could not export modified values new template_report team defect normal
#19852 IAE: Node is already deleted new template_report team defect normal
#19859 Confusing result from conflict dialog new template_report team defect normal
#19868 Plugin Conflict new template_report Rub21 defect normal
#19875 Inactive Map Paint styles cause bad performance new template_report performance memory team defect normal
#19880 If imagery or source name is too long, history dialog should show scrollbar new template_report team enhancement normal
#19901 Update of FlatLaf PLugin fails new template_report simon04 defect normal
#19908 HelpBrowser: Illegal reflective access … o field javax.swing.text.html.ImageView.image new template_report java9 reflection team defect normal
#19933 Cannot typing Chinese and Korean character normally in MacOS new template_report macos team defect normal
#19944 Preference Dialog: Add small delay before downloading additional data new template_report preference dialog team enhancement normal
#19956 [WIP Patch] Double check if error still exists before executing autofix reopened template_report GerdP defect normal
#19963 OsmTransferCanceledException: Operation canceled in retry new template_report team defect normal
#19970 AustriaAddressHelperPlugin doesn't work new template_report to0om defect normal
#19985 Circle arc: Nodes with multiple parents should still be distributed if they appear in same/reverse order in the ways' node lists new template_report circle arc distribute team defect normal
#19988 Replace Geometry: Does not warn if way direction is changed with tags depending on the direction new template_report replace geometry way direction team defect normal
#20003 JOSM frozen when upload data new template_report team defect normal
#20008 Unsharp preset icons new template_report team defect normal
#20014 Tiles constantly reloading reopened template_report team defect normal
#20020 Support vehicle and motor_vehicle access tags on highways new template_report access vehicle motor_vehicle team enhancement normal
#20024 No warning when multipolygon preset is applied to multipolygon new template_report team defect normal
#20042 Close button doesn't cancel edits & doesn't add to undo list new template_report turn close undo Rub21 defect normal
#20044 Relation editor: Exceptions with preset links in presets new template_report relation editor preset link team defect normal
#20052 Unglue Ways: Add some indication about which way won't be modified. new template_report unglue way highlight team enhancement normal
#20054 Overlapping areas: Allow areas inside areas sharing segments new template_report overlap area inside team enhancement normal
#20055 Ignore file for session new template_report ignore session team enhancement normal
#20071 Validator Preferences: Reset java tests to default settings missing new template_report preference reset java team enhancement normal
#20076 The main menu does not fit in the program window new template_report main menu team defect normal
#20081 Does not find unconnected, new waterways outside downloaded area new template_report waterway end node new team defect normal
#20084 Road on a bridge tagged with "layer = 1" is rendered as if it were running under the crossing road while it should be on top new template_report team defect normal
#20102 [WIP Patch] Add area:highway new template_report area:highway team enhancement normal
#20103 Warn about short ways new template_report short way length team enhancement normal
#20127 Fonts size too small for dialog boxes and the map new template_report hidpi team defect normal
#20139 ctrl+c not working on objects new template_report jBeata defect normal
#20140 JOSM inconsistently respects remapped macOS modifier keys assigned template_report macos Stereo defect normal
#20160 [patch] [rfe] British National Grid projection EPSG:27700 new template_report projection OSGB_1936 OSGB36 team enhancement normal
#20178 Opendata plugin uses approximate transformation on shapefile in BNG projection, even if the patch in #20160 has been applied new template_report projection EPSG:27700 Don-vip defect normal
#20189 Circle arc: New nodes only added after last middle node with several parents new template_report circle arc new node distribute team defect normal
#20190 Orthogonalize Shape: Creates command which changes nothing new template_report orthogonalize shape team defect normal
#20208 Missing sport in club=sport preset new template_report team enhancement normal
#20215 Kalmar WMS reprojection problem new template_report team defect normal
#20231 MATSim plugin error (JOSM and all plugins updated) new template_report github double-m defect normal
#20232 Relation editor: Make left toolbar user configurable new template_report relation editor toolbar team enhancement normal
#20242 Validator: False positive for first/last stop does not match first/last way with roundtrip new template_report validator roundtrip first last stop Biswesh defect normal
#20245 Simplify login panel, especially for people without expert mode enabled new template_report team enhancement normal
#20254 Ignore list: Misleading entry "Presets do not contain property key" new template_report team enhancement normal
#20256 False positives of some validator rules caused by incomplete data new template_report validator download area incomplete Biswesh defect normal
#20272 Confusing handling of native scale layer and "zoom to download" new template_report team defect normal
#20285 Icon for turn restriction with via way may hide other restriction icon new template_report turn restriction team defect normal
#20287 Characters such as "+" trigger spurious validator error in brand:wikipedia new template_report floscher defect normal
#20300 problem with Crossing railways validation new template_report team enhancement normal
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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.